Jungkook doesn't like avoiding his best friend, but recently he doesn't know what else to do.
It had been just over a week since Taehyung cried in his bedroom and Jungkook stupidly confessed to him. Ever since, Jungkook stayed mostly at his house, sent very few messages and gave little attention to his best friend.
Taehyung had tried messaging him, asking him whether everything was ok, or if Jungkook wanted to talk. Hell, he tried every conversation starter possible. (However some messages that he typed were quickly deleted after he couldn't find the courage to send them.)
No matter how much Taehyung texted, there was little response from Jungkook.
He still doesn't want to talk much. It was like he's hoping the world could just move on, forget the embarrassment, forget the confession, and live the way they were before.
He knows Taehyung just wants to talk about it, but Jungkook is so petrified of expressing more feelings, foolishly spilling out everything he had kept secret. Where would that leave Taehyung? The older won't know to act around him, it'll feel weird and awkward— even if they stay bestfriends, they might not be as close as before.
It makes Jungkook more guilty when he realises Taehyungs only trying to be a good friend.
Since the beginning, Jungkook had made it his personal mission to stick by his best friends side and make sure he was happy right up until the grow old and die. (He couldn't imagine a life where he and Taehyung didn't grow old together, even if was just as best friends). After he accepted Taehyung clearly couldn't reciprocate the feelings—he noticed this especially when Taehyung started dating other people—Jungkook didn't mind all that much as long as they were in each other's life. As long as he was there to cheer Taehyung up when he was heartbroken, life wasn't all so bad.
Of course, it hurt sometimes. Like when Jungkook stabbed at his food in the lunch hall while he listened to Taehyung blabber on about a guy in another class at school. Or when Taehyung invited him along to one of his dates, just so he could sit opposite the two and watch his bestfriend flirt with someone else.
That hurt.
Maybe there wasn't such a thing as One True Love. In those stories the pairing are destined to be together. Their story doesn't work out the same. Now Jungkook hates fairytales.
But some may say that's the price he had to pay—As long as Taehyung remained his best friend.
Jungkook wishes he could stop being so over dramatic, he has already spent far too many hours in bed, hiding from his problems.
For once he's dressed today, albeit the most dull and dirty clothes he has, but dressed nonetheless. It's around 11 am, he never really checked properly, and the light seeped through Jungkooks closed curtains. The plant on his windowsill had died.
Sprawled our on his messy bed sheets, he lays silently staring at the ceiling with his earphones shoved into his ears, playing Gotta Broken Heart Again by Prince on high volume.
A banging at his door makes him yank out the earbuds and sit up on his bed. The music continues to play.
"What?" Jungkook answers, slight irritation in his voice.
"Go answer the door, someone's here for you!" His mother shouts as she walks away from the door.
"I'm busy!"
"You've been busy for a week straight! Coming out that damn room for a second won't do you any harm! And I hope you've opened those curtains. Wonder if you've cleaned that room of yours while you've been locked in there." She mutters the last two sentences to herself from her own bedroom, but it's not hard for Jungkook to hear.
Already irritated, he shoves his slippers onto his feet, pulls his hood over his head and gets up, making his way down the stairs. As he's half way down, he notices there's already someone standing in front of the door waiting to be greeted. His mother must have already let them in.
Jungkook didn't think twice who it might be, so when he gets to the third step and sees Taehyung's dazzling eyes staring back at him, his breath hitches while he reaches for the banister for balance.
The older boys holds a shopping bag in one hand, and a small bouquet of flowers. In fact, Jungkook isn't sure if you'd call it a bouquet, really there are only six or seven flowers tied with string. However they're beautiful tall flowers, a few a pink, a few yellow, two soft colours that work perfectly together to make a perfect gift. Jungkook has no idea what type of flower they are, the only thing he knows is that they smell wonderful.
"Ta dang!~" Taehyung cheered cutely, pulling Jungkook out of his daze. The boy was dressed in black jeans, a simple white top and a light blue denim jacket. He looked gorgeous. Especially with the flowers in hand, they certainly accompanied Taehyung's angel like features very well.
It was only now that Jungkook realised how much he had deprived himself from seeing Taehyung. Maybe that's why his energy was so low, because he needs Taehyung to charge up his batteries.
Jungkook simply blinks, mouth hanging open slightly. The younger isn't dressed as nice as him, not at all. He wears a tracksuit joggers and a large hoody for comfort and his hair has not been brushed at all since he got out of bed.
"Your mum let me in" Taehyung explains, even though he never asked. "I was hoping you answered, I wasn't sure if your parents were in"
Jungkook doesn't really know what to say, so he continues to stand there in silent, eyes falling down to the floor. Taehyung gives a smile anyway, despite whether the younger saw or not. Then he pushes his shoes off from the heels and heads into the living room.
Jungkook panics and rushes into the living room after him. "What are you doing?What are you doing here?" He asks stumbling a bit on the first word.
"I'm your best friend, am I not allowed in your house now?" He jokes but Jungkook doesn't find it very funny. "I brought some stuff, thought we could spend some time together."
"I'm kinda busy"
"Busy with what?" Taehyung sets down the shopping bag and flowers on the coffee table. Jungkook watches him do so, looking carefully at what he pulls out the bag.
The older boy laughs. "Kook we both know you don't study" he pulls out two milkshakes.
"Well I was about to go out" he insists. Very badly at that. He's trying his best at pulling any lie possible out the bag, hoping that Taehyung might spare him and leave.
"Looking like that?" He pulls out various snacks.
Jungkook brushes his hair down on instinct but stops himself. "I was just about to change— can you please-please stop pulling things out the bag?"
Taehyung obeys, and even with items still in his hands he turns to Jungkook with a more serious look this time. Jungkook knows what's coming.
"Kookie, I—"
"Stop." He interrupts, eyes turning away. "Please, I Don't wanna talk about it"
Footsteps are heard as Jungkooks mum makes her way downstairs and into the kitchen, shouting "don't forget to get something to drink if you're staying Taehyung-ah! There's fruit on the counter and plenty more to eat!"
The younger boy can feel his heart sink as he remembers how Taehyung frequently came over (and sometimes stays over night), his mother was so used to him being here that she treated him like a second son. Taehyung smiles weakly, he knows that even if he wants to stay, Jungkook would feel differently.
"I'm sorry" is all Jungkook mutters as he turns around and heads upstairs. Even he isn't sure what he meant by that— I'm sorry, you can't stay? I'm sorry for being rude? I'm sorry for not telling you everything?
"Jungko–" Surprised at the boys sudden exit, for a minute he doesn't know what to do with himself. After coming to his senses, Taehyung puts the items in his hand down with the rest and grabs the flowers with the decision to follow him upstairs.
Taehyung sees the boy's bedroom door is already closed. He walks up and knocks twice before pushing it open, knowing Jungkook wouldn't answer anyway.
Jungkook is, as expected, sitting on the edge of his bed when he walks in. They make brief eye contact before Jungkook quickly looks down at Taehyungs hands where he held the flowers. It's dark and gloomy in his room, as Taehyung enters its the only bit of light he's had all week. The older glances around the whole room, by the looks of it nothing has changed for a week. The bed is still unmade and the curtains are still closed, a small pile of clothes at the foot of his bed, a messy desk and Jungkook sits in the middle of it all, unable to meet eyes.
"Jungkook-ah, I came over because I want to cheer you up. You've always been here for me, let me be there for you too." He sounds sincere and for some reason this makes Jungkook want to cry more.
"I'm fine, really" Jungkook mumbles, but even he knows that's such an obvious lie.
"You've been avoiding me for a week Jungkook I know you're not fine" Taehyung raises his tone for a split moment but let's out a deep breath and starts again. With Jungkooks mother still at home, he doesn't want to cause a big scene. "Kook, lets just go downstairs and enjoy the food I brought and watch some naruto and have fun, okay? You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to. Hell, you don't have to talk at all— I'll do all the talking. Let's just enjoy each other's presence, it's been so long"
Taehyung relaxes after he doesn't see Jungkook oppose the idea. The corner of his lips turn up ever so slightly as extends the bouquet to the younger boy.
"I picked these out for you, ambrosias—if you were wondering. Probably not. I liked their meaning and I thought they'd look good on your desk." He glances towards the dying plant on Jungkooks windowsill and chuckles "Please don't let them die like those, though."
Jungkook feels tears well up in the corner of his eyes, unable to hold it any longer. Taehyung hears him sniffle and his smile immediately drops, placing the flowers on the boys desk and rushing to his side. He sat next to him on the bed and wrapped an arm around him— tightly but not the tightness that hurts, a comforting hold.
If he was holding back before, he sure as hell can't now. With Taehyung by his side, rubbing his hand up and down his shoulder, quietly saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's ok".
When tears begin to flow faster down his face, Taehyung wraps his other arm around the boy until he's hugging him completely, leaning his forehead against Jungkooks temple. Taehyung shut his eyes tightly, it was hard for him not to get emotional, he was trying to be the strong one for once.
"Jungkook-Ah I don't hate you, you've not ruined anything, I—" his breath hitches, his heart hurts. "Tell me—tell me what you want me to say, I'll say it. Please, I want you to be happy again Jungkook-ah. I want you."
The aching in Jungkook's heart becomes uncontrollable, he misses Taehyung so much, he misses his touch, his scent, his voice, his everything.
Behind them, amongst their breaths, they can hear music coming from the earphones lying across the bedsheets.
feel for you, baby
(How much I need) well I need your touch
(How much I live) I live for your loving
Taehyung softly chuckles, despite everything going on.
Jungkook feels it against his skin and he likes it a little too much.
With very few tears left, Jungkook turns his head and through his dark wet eyelashes he looks at the boy next to him for the longest time today. Although he moved back an inch, Taehyung remains closer than ever, so painfully, but so wonderfully, close. Unknowingly, Taehyung wets his lips.
"Hyung" His throat sounds dry.
"Yes?" There wasn't even a seconds delay in response. Taehyung was ready, ready for anything Jungkook says, ready to close the gap if he didn't speak faster.
"Please stay with me"
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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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