A month has passed and things changed drastically, even with four pack members now they were able to extend the place a lot. There was more huts as they call them fully modernised and ready to be used if needed. As well as that they had located a lake and secured it after claiming the territory, they used black flags to mark the territory end so they can be sure that it was secure and seable.
Seonghwa took on the role of the cook and informant for the facility he was in so KQ can shut it down and save all the Wolves.
Mingi became a second son to him and now rarely called him anything other than mom or seonghwa hyung.
Hongjoong took the role of the 'father' he disciplines the pups when they misbehave and also teaches them as they didn't get education.
Besides that he was usually away with business with KQ as he was the pack leader.
These past weeks were uneventful and peaceful, however, peace never lasts. While in the kitchen eating everyone heard a gun shot and a painful whine. The only poepl who had guns were the humans so they knew something had happened.
Abandoning, their food the small pack ran towards the noise seeing the human pointing her gun at the collapsed wolf. They were too panicked to find out the rank but soon enough they attacked.
Mingi and hongjoong shifted before running at the human chasing her away while seonghwa checked over the collapsed pup. He could sense noye that the pup was an omega just like him. The poor child was wearing a bloody red jumper and jeans.
Seonghwa calmed the crying omega down before shifting to look at the wound. He winced at the sight and pressed down on the wound, eliciting a painful yelp from the pup but he had to do this to stop the bleeding as he had seen the doctors do regularly for him after a beating.
Withing second mingi and hongjoong returned and the omega was picked up by mingi before they rushed into their home. The collapsed male was now passed out and hongjoong rushed to grab the med box before attending to the pups wound.
It took an hour until the smaller omega was healed as best as seonghwa could.
They just had to make sure he woke up. Mingi carried the male to a spare room and layed him on the bed. Seonghwa rushed in with clean clothes and started to wash the omega from all the dirt before changing his clothes and planning to fix them and wash them.
Seonghwa constantly checked on the omega to make sure he's not running a fever even while he made dinner for the others and himself. He put away the rest for when wooyoung woke up hoping it was sometime today.
And gladly enough it was, around 11pm the omega stirred and woke up. Seonghwa greeted him I th a smile and a bowl of soup as well as the rest of dinner before helping the omega sit up. Once he was upright seonghwa started to feed the poor pup the soup and the meal.
After it was all gone he smiled at the omega and asked a few questions.
"hey what's your name pup?"
"wooyoung" the omega said fidgeting with his hands and wincing in pain as he moved to quickly.
"how old are you?" he asked
"16" wooyoung shortly replied seonghwas eyes widened and cooed bringing the omega into a hug causing him to tense before relaxing.
"how did you get chased?" seonghwa asked all though he knew the reason.
"my parents set her on me after I presented earlier today" wooyoung said before tears started to spill down his eyes.
Seonghwa smiled sadly before hugging the me tightly. They stayed like that until wooyoung fell asleep.
Seonghwa layed the male down and tucked him in before grabbing everything and left the room. He cleaned everything before heading to his room and snuggling with Yeosang and falling asleep himself.
A week passed since wooyoung arrived and he was fully healed he was still shy but always joined the pack meals and played with Yeosang when he feels confident.
Today however was going to have a surprise, Yeosang had started his heat and so mingi left the hut to go to the human city for some groceries and a day out. Yeosangs heat was going to be a strong one. When an omega turns 18 their heat comes whenever they feel the comfiest and today just so happened to be that day.
Seonghwa and woououng attended to Yeosang although the younger didn't know what to do. He himself had just turned 17. He wasn't aware he wouljfd go through this as he hasn't been taught about heats so seonghwa brought it upon himself to teach the young omega.
"wooyoung, tap this on his forehead to while the sweat while I massage his back" seonghwa said wooyoung nodded and did as told until he was told to stop.
"now we must leave because he needs to ease himself to help with the hormones." seonghwa said before the too left. Seonghwa had placed a small bag on the side that held a toy that Yeosang can use, seonghwa had gotten three for each omega until they have mates.
As soon as they started to walk away they could hear Yeosang but ignored it and headed to get something to eat.
Seonghwa made a quick snack before they watched some TV.
Three hours late Yeosang came limping in with a bright red face.
"thank you for helping me mom" he whispered making seonghwa smile.
"it's fine, you were never taught about your anatomy. I was glad I could help." seonghwa replied and Yeosang nodded. He grabbed something to eat before joining them on the couch.
Hongjoong walked in 10 minutes later and joined them.
Mingi arrived an hour later after all the pheromones had calmed down and put away everything he bought. He tossed snacks towards the group on the couch before jumping into a reclining chair besides the couch.
After the movie ended they all sat in the quiet.
Mingi facepalmed and jumped up as he remembered something else he bought.
He ran to the kitchen and spotted what else he bought on the side.
There was three new phones ready for their owners, so he grabbed them ran back in and handed them to the three omegas.
"here all our numbers are already in the phones so if you ever need us you can call, this can also help you when you visit the human city seoul." mingi said and everyone nodded.
Hongjoong said goodnight before he headed upstairs to his office to finish some paper work.
The rest continued to play until dinner time when seonghwa cooked and then took a plate up to hongjoong.
He arrived at the door and just so happened to overhear his conversation.
"sir I appreciate what you have done but at this time we don't have enough space for a group as large as that." he comained and seonghwa couldnt hear the other line but hoongjoongs reply gave him an idea of what was said.
"very well sir, send them over in a week we'll expand more." and then the conversation went dead, so seonghwa took this opportunity to knock on and open the door.
He smiled at his pack leader and placed the plate and hot drink on the office desk after hongjoong cleaned a little for it.
" thank you seonghwa "hongjoong said with a sweet smile.
" your welcome hongjoong, please get some rest once your done " seonghwa said before patting hoongjoongs shoulder and leaving the room.
He headed back downstairs to clean the living room from the mess it was in as the boys were playing. Then he heard wooyoung laugh in the first time in a while.
Mingi had let the omegas attack him and Wooyoung managed to tackle him to the floor and mingi being how he is was acting over dramatic and thankfully helped wooyoung finally was able to become happy.
After cleaning seonghwa watched his pups play together and felt a hole in his heart heal. All those pupa he lost accummed to 7 including Yeosang, he was glad he had some form of comfort for it, he was happy he could gain what he lost even if not by blood.
He was happy with his life now, and He wouldn't ask for anything more. At least now he had a family to replace his trauma of loosing his pups.
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