2. just like me
The walk back to the inn was quiet. Erza and Lucy quickly slipped into a recap of the day's events, but Natsu was edgy and distracted, still trying his hardest to figure out what had felt wrong about the two boys.
"You're gonna hurt yourself if you think too hard." Gray appeared beside Natsu and bumped his shoulder, knocking him out of step.
"Hilarious." Natsu nudged him back, but it lacked the usual enthusiasm of their bickering.
"I try." Gray shoved his hands into his pockets, staying next to Natsu as they made their way through the dark streets. He didn't say anything, which wasn't unusual for him, but Natsu felt like there was a weight behind the lack of words.
"It doesn't feel right," Natsu finally said once they had arrived at the inn and the girls had headed in to sleep. He leaned against the wall next to Gray and stared up at the sky. The sun had set, and the sky was a dark tapestry littered with pinpricks of stars. "I dunno why it's bugging me so much. We weren't much older when we joined Fairy Tail."
Gray nodded, absently patting his pocket where he used to keep his cigarettes. Natsu batted his hand away, trying to ignore the warm spark when their fingers touched.
It doesn't mean anything, Natsu thought as he pulled his hand back and shoved it in his pocket. He's your best friend.
Gray didn't answer for a while. The silence that settled between them was easy and familiar, and Natsu felt himself unconsciously leaning closer to Gray. Everyone always teased Natsu about how much he talked, but when he was alone with Gray, it didn't feel necessary. The urgent need to fill the air with cheerful words was replaced by a deep, quiet sense of familiarity that felt like home.
"I think," Gray said after a while, keeping his gaze on the sky, "it feels wrong because they're alone. I mean, not alone, but there aren't any other kids in their guild." He kicked at a rock, watching it bounce across the street and clatter down into the gutter. "They're so young. And nobody's looking out for them."
"Yukino is," Natsu pointed out, and Gray nodded. "But she seems..."
"Mm. She doesn't really fit with them either." Natsu sighed, prodding at a bruise that was still forming on his ribs. It was courtesy of a vicious kick from Orga during their fight that morning – one that Natsu and Gray had nearly lost to Sabertooth's ruthless tactics.
Silence fell between them again. The soft chill that normally radiated from Gray was tempered by Natsu's heat, keeping them both comfortably warm in the cool spring air. Natsu absently held out his hand and summoned a small flame, running it back and forth across his knuckles. Gray blew a stream of frosty air at it, and it froze for a second, glinting orange and gold in the dim light of the streetlamp.
"I think Sting's trans," Gray said as the flame went out.
Natsu raised an eyebrow, tipping his head to look at the soft expression on Gray's face. Natsu still remembered the day he'd come out, even though it was years ago. They'd been nine or ten, sparring as usual, and Droy had told Natsu that he shouldn't hit girls. Gray had yelled that he wasn't a girl, said some words that he'd probably picked up from Gildarts, then punched Droy and stormed away from the guild. Natsu had followed him down to the river and they'd spent the afternoon together, carefully holding hands and watching the water sparkle in the afternoon sun.
Nothing had changed. Gray was still Gray, and Natsu had still loved him just as fiercely.
"How do you know?"
Gray shrugged. "I dunno, something..." He trailed off, gesturing vaguely. Natsu nodded. He'd known right away that Rogue wasn't a boy or a girl, just like Freed, but he couldn't quite explain how.
"I wish they could come with us," Natsu said. "There's something off – not just about Sabertooth, about them. I can't figure it out and it's driving me crazy."
"You could try to talk to Yukino," Gray suggested. "Not to take them or anything, just to maybe, I dunno, offer to help them. Train them, I mean. With the dragon slayer stuff. Jiemma might go for that if that's what he's... keeping them for."
"That's... actually a good idea."
"I happen to have those sometimes."
"Only when you're inspired by my brilliance."
Gray laughed – a rare, quiet sound that made Natsu's cheeks warm and his stomach twist in a gentle, familiar way.
"C'mon," Gray said, pushing himself off the wall and nudging Natsu's arm. "It's late, let's go to bed."
Natsu swallowed back the disappointment that washed over him – he wanted to stay here, shoulders touching, talking quietly in the night. He liked having Gray to himself. It happened so rarely now that they were adults, and Natsu missed the afternoons they used to spend by the river. He missed holding hands. He missed falling asleep together under the afternoon sun and waking up with his head on Gray's shoulder.
"I'll be right in," he said, forcing himself to smile.
Gray frowned. "You okay?"
"Yeah," Natsu said quickly. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"You shouldn't drink so much of that; you're going to have a heart attack."
Gray glared half-heartedly at Lucy over his fourth cup of coffee. Even with that much caffeine flowing through him, he was still exhausted. Sleep had evaded him for most of the night. At first, he'd spent his time waiting for Natsu to come inside, wishing he'd stayed out with him. Then, once Natsu had finally crawled into the bed across from Gray and was snoring softly, the nightmares had started.
Gray hadn't dreamed about his mom in a long time. He'd woken up in the early hours of the morning, skin and sheets covered in a thick layer of frost, and had been surprised to find tears frozen to his cheeks.
"'m fine," he mumbled. "Stupid beds are uncomfortable."
Lucy nodded sympathetically as she sat down at the table across from him. The inn had its own small kitchen, and Gray was grateful for the option to eat here, mostly alone, instead of heading to the market to find food with everyone else. He still felt unsettled and wasn't quite ready to face the world.
"Are you okay?" Lucy's gentle question made the fragile barrier around Gray's heart splinter a little and he sighed, dropping his head into his hands. Somehow, she was always able to see past his bullshit.
"Just bad dreams."
"Is it because of the kids?"
Gray peeked up at her. "You're freakishly perceptive, you know that, right?"
Lucy laughed, poking at her pancakes. "So that's a yes, then."
"I guess." Gray rubbed his face. "I dunno. They're little and alone." The words stuck in his throat and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself together. "It just..."
"Reminds you of yourself?"
"Would you stop that?"
Gray groaned. "Yes, okay? And I know a lot of us had shitty childhoods, but it made me think about my mom, and how it sucks they don't have their parents. That's all."
Lucy reached across the table and took Gray's hand, squeezing it gently. "It's okay to miss your mom," she said gently. "I miss mine, too. And I know that Natsu's thinking about his dad. You're not alone, Gray."
He let out a noisy breath and tipped his head back to stare at the ceiling. "Yeah, I know." He squeezed her hand, giving her a small half-smile before letting go and grabbing his coffee again. The taste was bitter as he downed it in one gulp, then stood up and pushed his chair away from the table.
"You'd better get going," Lucy said, gesturing at the clock on the wall behind him. "I'm pretty sure you're up first this morning."
"Mm." Gray stretched, then leaned across the table and quickly kissed the top of Lucy's head. He pulled away before she could say anything, turning toward the door so she couldn't see the redness in his cheeks. "See you later?" For some reason it came out as a question, almost seeking reassurance.
Of course, Lucy provided it. "I'll be cheering for you," she said. "Good luck!"
The fight was exhausting. Gray was matched one-on-one against someone named Renne from a guild he couldn't even remember, and the lack of sleep caught up to him halfway through the fight. Something hit him hard in the forehead and he stumbled backward, blinking when blood dripped into his eyes.
C'mon, Princess. Natsu's voice filled Gray's mind and for a moment, he thought it was his imagination. Then he glanced up into the stands and realized that Natsu was staring down at him with Max by his side, borrowing his telepathic magic. You've got this.
Gray shook his head to clear his blurred vision, launching a barrage of ice blades from his hands as Renne teleported behind him. Another hit landed on his jaw and he grunted in pain, stumbling forward and cursing under his breath. Frustration and embarrassment washed over him as blood filled his mouth.
The kids are watching. Natsu's voice appeared again. Look up.
Gray spun around, gaze moving from Natsu's grinning face to the enormous screen that panned across the crowd. Right now, it was focused on Sabertooth, and there, leaning against the railing, were Sting and Rogue. Sting had a wild grin on his face and was bouncing up and down in excitement, turning to talk to Yukino as he pointed at Gray. Rogue was standing behind him, looking much more subdued, but when Gray realized they were still holding the snake he'd made, something warm flooded through him.
Fuck this, he thought, spitting blood onto the ground and turning back to Renne. I'm not gonna lose. Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
As soon as he thought about it, the devil slayer magic he'd been ignoring for so long started to thrum under his skin. An anticipation grew along with the power, layered with an irritated almost-whisper of, why did you wait so long, let me out, let me free, let me destroy.
Gray gritted his teeth, pushing back against the destructive desires of the magic. It itched and stung, just like every time he called on it, pushing at him like it didn't quite fit in his body. The black marks raced across his skin like ink on parchment, twisting in patterns that Gray still didn't understand. He didn't use the magic often – even after a year, the new powers still unsettled him.
He exhaled, letting the tension and fatigue flow out of his body, then looked up at Renne again. Everything about her was sharper. Gray could see her magic now; a purplish-blue aura that darted around her, quick and nimble. It tasted bitter, overpowering the coppery tang of blood that clung to the inside of his mouth.
A look of surprise appeared on her face that was quickly replaced by disgust, and she cursed as she charged at him. Her magic flowed just ahead of her, and Gray watched the movements carefully, stepping out of the way of her attack. She stumbled uncertainly, then glared at him as she disappeared in a burst of light.
Gray closed his eyes, letting the magic flow out of him like a sixth sense, feeling through the air until it found a heartbeat. He whipped around as the magic snapped back to him, crystallizing along his arms until sharp blades spread from his fingers to elbows. Renne appeared exactly where he'd expected, and her nasty grin was quickly replaced by a look of surprise when he caught her blow one-handed and tossed her to the ground.
A hungry sensation raced through Gray at the expression on her face, but he pushed it back, refusing to give in to the vicious desires of his magic. The commentators shouted something, and a cheer spread through the crowd, but it all turned to a dull roar as Gray pushed the magic out again, letting it crystallize into a group of wicked-looking ice shards that hung around Renne.
"What the hell kind of magic is this?" she hissed, pushing herself to her feet. The shards moved closer to her, bathing her in the bruised purple light of the devil slayer's ice.
"Mine," Gray said simply. Then he closed his fist and detonated the ice. It exploded into thousands of tiny fragments that whipped around Rennee, sharp and deadly. She swore as one of them nicked her arm, then scowled at Gray and teleported away.
He closed his eyes again, following the magic as it moved. It darted back and forth around him and through the air, leaving behind a sour, acidic smell, then stopped on near the edge of the stadium. Gray quickly dropped to one knee, pressing his hands to the ground and sending out a shockwave that culminated in a mass of razor-sharp ice spikes exploding underneath where Rennee reappeared.
She disappeared again and Gray could feel her anger and resentment, a dark blue color seething through the lines of her magic. It made her even easier to track. He kept his eyes closed, shifting to follow each teleport and block it with the hungry magic that flowed through him.
A few attempts later, he caught her. She materialized into a prison of dark purple ice that raced across her skin until it covered her torso and pinned her arms to her chest. She stumbled forward, landing on her knees and not standing again.
The commentator's voices were fuzzy as a cheer raced through the stadium and the Fairy Tail logo filled the screen. Gray exhaled in relief as he released the magic around Renne, pulling it back to him and letting it dissolve. The marks quickly disappeared into his skin, leaving him worn out and oddly cold.
"Freak," Renne hissed as she stumbled to her feet. "That magic is evil. What the hell is wrong with you?"
Gray didn't have an answer for her, and he dropped his gaze to the ground as she turned on her heel and walked away.
I knew you could do it. Natsu's voice appeared in Gray's head again and he looked up to see the stupid, brilliant smile that always made his heart ache. You looked pretty badass, too. Gray was glad he was far enough away from Natsu that he couldn't see the embarrassed flush that crept into his cheeks. I think you've got a new fan, Natsu added, nodding to the screen again.
The camera had panned to the left, but the edge of the screen still caught the Sabertooth viewing area. Sting had been cut out of the picture, but Rogue was still there, clutching the snake to their chest and gazing down at Gray with a wide-eyed look of adoration. The warm feeling from earlier swelled in Gray's chest again – for some reason, that look was worth more than all the cheers from the rest of the stadium.
The dizzy, uncomfortable feeling that always appeared after using the devil slayer magic plagued Gray for the rest of the day. He tried his best to shake it off and cheer for his team, but the feeling dug its claws into him and wouldn't let go.
The echo of Renne's voice drifted around in his mind, next to the headache and the unsettling feeling of his skin not fitting quite right.
"You okay?" Natsu asked once they'd left the stadium for the day. The evening sky was a soft pink and cast gentle shadows across the cobblestone street. The market was closed for the evening and the quiet was a calm reprieve from the shouts and excitement of the games.
"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Gray grumbled. "I'm fine."
"Liar." Natsu gave him a sideways look but Gray refused to return it. "You look like shit."
Gray snorted. "Thanks."
"It's what I'm here for." Gray caught Natsu's grin out of the corner of his eye. "Seriously, though. You used the magic."
Gray's stomach twisted. "Of course I used magic," he said quickly. "It's called the Grand Magic Games."
"That's not what I meant, idiot, and you know it."
Gray sighed, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets. He missed being able to hold Natsu's hand. They'd done it for years, and the gentle warmth of Natsu's palm against his had always been enough to make Gray feel safe. Then they'd grown up and it had started to feel like something else, and it hurt Gray too much to keep touching Natsu and knowing he couldn't have him like that.
"I just—"
Gray's words were interrupted by a yell, and a familiar voice shouting, "Stop it!"
"Sting?" Gray frowned at Natsu, looking around the empty market for the little boy. It took a second and another shout for him to see the head of curly blond hair on the other side of the fountain in the center of the square.
"Are they out here again by themselves?" Natsu asked, sighing in exasperation as they both quickened their pace and headed toward Sting. "I swear, I'm gonna—"
"Leave them alone!"
Sting yelled again, and they arrived at the fountain just in time to see someone shove him. It was a boy who looked to be a couple years older than Sting and Rogue, and an ugly look crossed his face as Sting stumbled backward.
"He's stupid and you are too," the boy said, hands clenching into fists. A terrified-looking Rogue stood just behind Sting, and a spark of protective anger flared in Gray's chest. Sting's cheeks were red, and he looked like he was about to cry, but he didn't back down. His hands shook as the boy took a step toward him.
"Hey!" Natsu's shout caught the boy's attention as he stepped forward, and he whipped around to face them. His eyes widened when he realized who Natsu was. "What do you think you're—"
Before Gray could grab him, the boy was gone, darting out of the market and into the maze of alleys that wound through the city.
There was a moment of silence, and then Sting burst into tears.
"Hey bud." Natsu's voice was gentle as he crouched down next to Sting. "Are you okay?" Sting shook his head, and Natsu made a sad sound, pulling the little boy into a hug. "It's okay," Natsu said softly as Sting pressed his face into his shoulder. "You're safe."
Gray turned to Rogue, who was staring uncertainly at Sting and Natsu. Gray hesitated, not quite sure if he should step in or let Natsu handle it. Kids weren't his forte – even with Asuka he sometimes felt awkward and out of place, unsure of how to respond to her exuberance and desire to play.
Then Rogue rubbed their face and Gray realized they were about to cry as well.
"Hey, c'mere," Gray said gently, holding out his hand. Rogue stared at Sting for a few more seconds, then cautiously took Gray's hand and followed him over to the fountain. Gray sat down on the edge and lifted Rogue up to sit beside him, surprised by how light they were. Rogue quickly curled up against him as they sniffled and tried to hide their tears.
"Is Sting in trouble?"
"Of course not," Gray reassured them, wrapping his arm around them as they snuggled closer to him. The easy trust that Rogue seemed to have in him made Gray feel warm and important. "That kid was a jerk," he said. "Neither of you did anything wrong. Did he hurt you?"
Rogue shook their head, sniffing and wiping their face with their sleeve. "He said my eyes was weird," they said quietly. Anger flared up in Gray's chest again and he contemplated chasing the kid down. "Sting telled him to go away but he didn't listen. Why he was mean?"
"I don't know," Gray said honestly. "Sometimes people aren't very nice and there isn't a good reason for it."
Rogue didn't answer, just rested their head against Gray's shoulder and played with the frayed edge of their sleeve. Gray looked back at Natsu, who was still crouched next to Sting with a hand on his arm. Sting had stopped crying and his face was set in a stubborn frown, and Gray almost laughed when he realized it was the same look Natsu had always worn at that age.
"You're nice," Rogue said, pulling Gray's attention back to them. "I like you."
Gray stilled, not quite sure why the words made his cheeks burn. "I like you too," he said carefully. He looked back at Natsu, who had managed to get Sting to smile, then back down at Rogue. He felt wildly out of his element and he had no idea how to make Rogue feel better. Then he thought of the way Rogue's face had lit up at the snake sculpture he'd made the day before.
"Hey, you wanna see something cool?"
Rogue looked up at him, half of their face hidden behind a curtain of dark hair. "See what?"
Gray held out both hands, summoning his magic as slowly as he could. Snowflakes drifted up and around his palms as they started to glow with a faint blue light. Rogue's face immediately brightened with excitement and they leaned forward, staring at the magic.
"You can make a snake again?" they asked as they gazed at the soft blue light.
"Sure," Gray said, relaxing as Rogue's tearful expression transformed into a small, shy smile. "I can make anything you want."
"Anything?" Rogue's eyes widened further.
"Yep." Gray moved his fingers and the ice twisted into a snake again, then into a thin, delicate snowflake, then into a small cat. Rogue watched the whole time, head tilted to the side, entranced by the movements.
"You can do it black?" they asked, looking down at their own hands.
Gray frowned. "Black?" Rogue touched Gray's forearm and his eyes widened as he realized they meant the devil slayer marks.
"That's sort of—"
"Like mine." Rogue held his palm out next to Gray's and a tiny, black wisp appeared. "See?" Gray watched as it flickered and twisted, then dropped back down onto Rogue's hand. A bit of it spread out under their skin for a moment, just like the marks on Gray's arms. "It's only little cause I did a big one and it scareded Yukino but it was an accident. I didn't mean to."
The uncertainty and shame in Rogue's voice made Gray's heart ache.
"I'm sure she was just surprised," he reassured Rogue. Then he pushed away his exhaustion and slowly pulled at the devil slayer magic until a pattern of dark marks swirled across his arms. The soft blue glow in his palms darkened as he focused the magic, keeping it from overwhelming him. He jumped when he felt something on his wrist, but it was just Rogue's fingertips, tracing the pattern of the marks.
"Show me yours again," Gray said, nudging Rogue's hands. They hesitated, then held up their palm next to Gray's, summoning another wisp of shadow that danced along their fingers. "You can make it bigger," Gray said. Rogue gave him a dubious look. "It's okay, I promise."
"'kay." Rogue squirmed forward, bringing their other hand up as the shadow grew, spiraling and flickering until it was nearly the size of a house cat. Gray nudged it with his own magic, drawing the shadow into the cloud of dark snowflakes.
"See?" He smiled at the delighted expression on Rogue's face. "It's not scary. It's pretty." The marks on his arms shifted again and he felt the magic trying to stretch. "What should we make?" he asked, trying to ignore the sensation.
"A frog?" Rogue asked. "I like frogs."
Gray laughed, shifting his magic alongside Rogue's and molding it into the shape of a small frog that fit in the palm of their hand. Instead of the bright, clear blue from the other day, this one was deep purple, with wisps of shadow twisted inside the ice. It was beautiful, in a strange way.
"Thank you." Rogue tipped their head onto Gray's shoulder, letting out a happy sigh and snuggling close as they ran their fingers over the frog. He exhaled, letting the magic sink back into his skin as he wrapped his arm around Rogue again.
They sat in silence for a while as Gray watched Natsu and Sting. Natsu had moved to sit cross-legged on the ground and Sting was in his lap, still red-eyed but no longer crying. The soft, fond feelings that Gray tried so hard to keep to himself surfaced easily as he watched the two of them. Natsu's smile was genuine and his hands were gentle, and he was beautiful in the shadows of the setting sun.
"All right, you two," Natsu said eventually, standing and scooping Sting into his arms. "Oof, you're heavy."
"I'm five," Sting said, managing to look indignant even while wrapping his arms around Natsu's neck. "That's big."
"That is big," Natsu agreed, giving Gray a soft smile as he stood as well, holding a sleepy Rogue in his arms. "Now, let's go find Yukino."
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