three | a kegger to remember
𝐿ilah was getting ready for the kegger that was being held in the middle of the island. She was estatic to finally live a summer life. Not one cooped up in the house while hurricanes swept through the air, "destroying" her home. She was excited to drink beer out of a solo cup and for once, not feel like everybody was watching her.
Julian sat on her bed with his phone in his hand. He laid in her bed with only his boxers on as he came over two hours ago with flowers and a Tiffany & Co. necklace, asking for forgiveness and Lilah obviously forgave him. The forgiveness led to them making bed.
"Can you get off your ass and start getting ready?" She didn't look at him as she was putting on her jewelry as most of her makeup was already done. "It takes me five seconds to put my clothes back on. You, however, take five hours." He pointed out as she scoffed with a slight laugh in her voice, "I do not!"
"I think you look hot no matter how many hours you take." He smirked which made his girlfriend slightly blush.
"Well, I'm almost done now so you can start putting your clothes on." She finished off her lip liner then proceeded to put on her pinkish-red lip tint to match the liner. She quickly got up from her vanity to find an outfit for the kegger. She reminded herself that it was gonna be at the beach so she shouldn't wear anything too crazy (for her).
She decided on a mini jean skirt paired with a halter top that had a low v cut. She slipped on her air forces and grabbed her jean jacket, knowing it was gonna be a little chilly, (that didn't stop her from wearing a skirt though). She was finally ready and glad to see her boyfriend was ready as well. "Alright, let's go. Sarah and Top are waiting for us." Julian opened the bedroom door as Lilah groaned.
"Do we have to go with Topper? Why can't we just take my car and meet him there." Lilah proposed as Julian shook his head with a laugh, "He letting me drive his car. Can I drive your car?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
"Hell no. Touch her and you'll die." She crossed her arms over her chest. When she turned sixteen, her dad got her a white Jeep Wrangler. She was the only Cameron kid who had a car but for the simple reason that Sarah didn't have her license and Ward didn't trust Rafe with a car — which pissed the older boy off extremely.
"Then let's get a move on, babe." Julian smirk grew watching his girlfriend roll her eyes and stomp out of her bedroom.
The group got situated in Topper's car with Julian driving, Topper in the front seat, and the Cameron twins in the back. The girls were on their phones, giggling as they music played through the car. "So, you guys excited for tonight?" Topper asked the car which Julian responded with a nod, focusing on the road considering it wasn't his car.
"Yeah, it should be fun unless somebody causes problems tonight." Lilah twirled the Juul in her fingers while looking out the window. Sarah softly slapped her shoulder, trying to tell her to be nice but Topper didn't take it in the way she thought, "Yeah. Those Pogues better stay away." He said with venom laced in his tone and Lilah held back a groan.
"I was talking about you, Topper. Don't start unecessary fights 'cause I promise I won't be on your side." She spat out with a glare at the blonde boy who just looked at her and slowly nodded.
The car was back filled with silence, only the music being heard as they near the beach.
The first thing Lilah did when she got to the beach was to go find the keg. She wanted a drink and to get it, she had to go over to the Pogues. She inhaled sharply before strutting over there with her head held up high. She walked over to John B, who looked up with a shocked look on his face, like he was shocked she was over there.
"So what can a girl do to get a beer around here?" She asked, with a slight smile on her face which made John B drop the shocked expression and replace it with a smirk, "You came to the right place, Queen Kook." Lilah made a face of disgust with her nose scrunched up, "Is that really what you call me?"
"Amongst other things."
She scoffed when she heard the voice, "Hey Maybank." She gritted out of her teeth as John B watched the two with amusement, filling up a red solo cup with beer. "Well, hello Cameron," He replied, drunkenly, raising his cup to her slightly. She rolled her eyes, "Didn't this thing start an hour ago? How are you drunk already?" She smirked at his drunk red eyes which squinted when he laughed out loud.
"Sue a guy for having some fun around here. You should try it sometime. You know, since you always got that stick up your ass." She scoffed, once again at his response as he took a step closer to her. "You're pathetic. Just because I don't stand around all day, not doing anything with my life, doesn't mean I have a stick up my ass."
"Doesn't it?" He lowered his head towards her as she smirked, "Careful, Maybank. If people see you this close they might think you still want me."
It was JJ's turn to scoff, "Me? Want you? Please. You're lucky you're cute cause I would of kicked your Kook group out by now." He bit back at her and the girl laughed, "Glad you think I'm cute. You're not too bad yourself." She teased and looked at John B to see that her beer was done — had been for about a minute or so already.
She grabbed the beer and started walking back to her friends, "Tell Pope I said hi!" She looked back at them quickly with a little finger wave then turned her head right back around.
JJ bit his tongue in anger as John B laughed beside him. "Dude, shut up." JJ gritted out which just made his best friend laugh harder.
The sun had set now and Lilah was pretty drunk. Not falling over drunk but a more than just tipsy and she was angry. She lost her friends as Julian started hanging out with Kelce and the others while Sarah was clutched to Topper's side the entire night which pissed her off because Topper is the worst drunk she knows.
She sat on a wood log with her red solo cup in one and her Juul in the other as she watched the waves crash into each other. The log was surrounded by trees that barely survived the hurricane but still, no one could really see her. She waited until somebody would come looking for her but nobody did.
She was mesmerized by the ocean until she heard a voice from beside the tree. "Fancy seeing you here." And this time, Lilah groaned loudly. "You would think we were best friends with how many times you've came up to me tonight."
"You wish you were friends with us." He slurred out and Lilah bit her lip because he wasn't wrong. She loved being a Kook. She got everything she wanted except friends she could call family. She actually hated her friends. There wasn't one friend of hers that she genuinely liked to the point where she could be by them every second of the day, minus Sarah but that's her sister.
"Hell no. I'd rather slit my own throat." She decided on responding and took another sip of her beer.
"Well, that's a little morbid, ain't it?" JJ sat down next to her with a smile but it wasn't a genuine smile, it was more of a teasing smile. "Well, that's what makes it fun, ain't it?" She mocked him which made him let out a laugh. "Oh my god, JJ Maybank laughed at a Kook's joke?! What would the Pogue God say?" She sarcastically slurred out the words which just made JJ shake his head.
"He would hang me for even sitting next to her Royal Bitchiness." He used a bad british accent for the name and the Kook giggled, "That was bad." He looked at her with mock betrayal, "I thought it was one of my best!" She shook her head at the blonde boy, "Definitely not."
After a moment of comfortable silence, she looked at him as he watched the waves in front of them. For once in her life, decided to be nice. She didn't know if it was the beer talking or just her, not caring about anyone else at the moment. She held out her Juul to him and his eyes go cross eyed looking at the object right in front of his face.
The Pogue looked at her with slight confusion with a mix of amusement. She knows he has is own, she didn't know why he was confused. "Don't make me take it back, man." She raised her eyebrows and his response was just a nod and he took the vape in between her fingers. He put it up to his mouth and let the nicotine cloud his lungs as he puffed the air back out.
He handed it back to her to which she copied his actions, "That was hot." He whispered next to her.
"You're disgusting." She sneered out but not in the bitchy way she usually did. The two continued to look out to the water without talking but that was interrupted by none other than JJ himself.
"Does this make us friends now?"
"Not a chance in hell." She made sure her beer and her Juul were in her hand before getting up to go find Sarah and the other Kooks.
Topper and Lilah were pretty drunk while Sarah and Julian were sober. Julian went to get the car as the group parked farther away and he didn't want to make Lilah walk that far. The rest of the group was on their way out when JJ Maybank stopped them but he wasn't stopping Lilah like she thought he was going to.
He stopped Sarah Cameron.
"Hey, hey. Hey, Sarah! Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" He smirked at the younger Cameron twin who held her smile and started shaking her head, "No, thanks." He furrowed his eyebrows, "Cmon, is it not fancy enough for you?" He asked and she shook her head, "No. I just personally don't want a beer right now."
Sarah looked at her sister who was staring at the boy with her drunk eyes, "But I'm sure Lilah would love one for the road." She teased a smile looking at the two.
"Oh, sure. I'll take it." She shrugged but Topper beat it to the punch, "Hey, you know what? I'll take it. Thank you, man. I appreciate it." Topper reached to grab the cup and Lilah crossed her arms over her chest, "The drink is mine, Top." She spat out at him but her sister's boyfriend wasn't listening.
"That's nice, but the pretty girl asked for it first. If you said pretty please, maybe but you didn't." He smiled at Lilah as they were both drunk enough to not care what was being said at that moment. Sarah tried her best to hold back a smirk as she knew she had to ask her sister what happened tonight that led them to not rip each other's hair out.
"Oh, pretty please. Pretty please?" Topper challenged but JJ just nodded, "Yeah, so Lilah, here you go." He brought the cup in front of her and as she was about to take it, it got slapped out of JJ's hand and the beer went onto him and a little bit on Lilah, "Topper, what the hell?!"
JJ grabbed Topper by his collar and pushed him back but John B pushed him away before a fight would break out. Sarah ran beside Topper, begging him to let it go and to just go home. Topper wanted the last word though. "Dirty Pogues!" He spat out which made John B turn around and shove him.
"John B, we're supposed to be incognito, remember?" Pope said now beside Lilah which made her turn around and drunkenly smile at the boy, "Oh my god! Hi, Pope!" He looked at her confused but nonetheless, said hi back to the drunk Kook.
Lilah felt herself slowly sober up when she saw Topper punch John B in the face, "Topper, this is stupid. Just leave it alone!" She called out but the fight still continued and Pope held JJ back as Sarah was telling the boys to chill.
"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, alright?"
Lilah softly gasped as she heard Topper's words. She wasn't known as the nicest person — quite the opposite actually but she would never say that, it was too far. "Topper, don't be a dick!" Lilah held back an "as usual" as Topper started walking back to the twins so they could leave. John B wasn't having it.
He tackled Topper into the water which actually made Lilah smile. Lilah stood next to Sarah and Kelce, who looked like he wanted to step in and help but knew Lilah would be pissed so he stood back and watched. Pope, Kiara, and Sarah were telling John B and Topper to stop but it was like the two boys couldn't hear. JJ and Lilah were both rooting for John B, one more loudly and the other more quietly.
Topper body slammed John B into the ocean and started holding his body down, "Topper, you're drowning him!" Lilah yelled at the boy but it seemed like that was Topper's motive. She looked over at the group of Pogues and walked over to JJ, "Can you do something? Like anything at all?" She pleaded with him.
He didn't know if she was trying to save John B from dying or save Topper's ass but he did know that she wasn't wrong. He needed to do something. He nodded, "Just stay here." He ordered which caused her to make a confused face but she listened to him. He reached in his backpack to grab something, Lilah couldn't make out what it was.
It was a gun.
It was clear it was a gun when he brought it up to the back of Topper's head, "Yeah, you know what that is. Your move, broski." JJ gritted out as Lilah mouth dropped, "Okay, JJ...that's not what I meant!" She bit her lip as her sister ran up next to her, leaving Kelce. Everyone yelled at JJ to stop and to put the gun down except Lilah.
It was clear to her that he just wanted to save John B. Was it impulsive and reckless? Yes. But when was JJ not? Plus she didn't think he would actually shoot Topper, it was just to scare the Kook.
"Put the gun down." Sarah yelled but JJ didn't, "Did you say somethin', princess?"
Topper started to release his hold on the Routledge boy, "Kie! Can you check your psycho friend, please?" Sarah yelled and Lilah slapped her sister's shoulder hard. "What?!" Sarah whispered-yelled to the girl next to her. "I can't believe I'm saying this to you but maybe you should be nice to the man with a gun!" Lilah looked at the girl with crazy eyes as she kept the same tone as her.
"Okay, everyone, listen up! Get the hell off out side of the island!" Two shots rung out in the air and Lilah grabbed her sister's hand as the two girls started running to the car with Topper behind them. Lilah looked back to see John B falling into the water and she actually wanted to help the boy but she couldn't.
Because, that wasn't her job as a Kook. Her job was to look away and keep running. And she hated it.
jj & lilah only "nice" to each other when they're drunk is my favorite thing ever 🫶🫶
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