four | always.
𝐿ilah wanted to die in her comfortable bed.
Her dad came to tell her that they will be having company over in a few hours and that she needed to get up and start getting ready.
She did not want to do that.
She was hungover, sweating her tits off, and her legs were sore which she was confused why that was but her brain hurt too bad to think. Her dad's unpleasant voice woke her up as she laid on her stomach with her head pounding. She sat in silence reeling in what he said about guests plus he mentioned work.
Ward Cameron doesn't make his kids get jobs especially his daughters so when Lilah came up to him, asking him if he could hook her up with a job, he was confused. But when she explained why, he couldn't have been more proud of the girl he raised.
Lilah knew that turning into Rafe was not an option for her, she wouldn't let it. Living in her dad's house and wasting her life away. She already had a college fund for when it was needed, therefore, she didn't need to save up for that but she liked the thought of earning her own money. She didn't want to be a Kook that didn't know how to work.
Even though her plan was to marry rich.
So, Ward got her a job at the golf course which was easy. He told her that she got to pick her working position there as the owners love him. She picked to serve drinks and food at the counter. That was her job as long as she didn't serve alcohol to anyone considering that it was illegal since she was only sixteen years old. On that note, she was actually excited to start working tomorrow.
But, right now? She was dreading it more than anything.
"Rise and shine!" Her twin sister sang as she strolled in the room with her hands full. Sarah heard her sister grumble into the pillow and couldn't help but giggle. "I knew you would be hungover so I got your favorite hangover food and some advil." Lilah peeked out to see that her sister was telling the truth. The girl held a brown paper bag and her other hand had two orange pills in her palm.
"You're my guardian angel."
"I know." She smirked and sat on the girls bed and plopped the bag. "Did you ride your bike to get this?" Lilah asked as she reached her hand inside to grab the french fries. Sarah scoffed, "No. Postmates, duh. Who do you think I am?" which made Lilah laugh before swallowing the pills.
" you remember anything from last night?"
Lilah looked at her with the french fries in her mouth, "I remember Topper jumping John B, I remember the gun which I'm assuming that's why my legs are so sore from running. Speaking of, we need to get out more. Anyways, I remember pretty much everything." Sarah nodded slowly but she wasn't gonna stop there, "You know you could tell me anything, right? I am on your side forever like no matter what."
"I know this...what's wrong with you? Are you having an aneurysm or something?" Lilah furrowed her eyesbrows at her sister's face, trying to read it but she couldn't. " also know I wouldn't judge you, right? I mean, I've done my fair share of shitty things in the past." Lilah rolled her eyes, "Okay. Jesus, Sarah just spit it out."
"Did you cheat on Julian last night?"
Lilah's eyes widened and she looked at her sister in disbelief, "WHAT?! Of course not. What the fuck?!" She screeched as Sarah sighed. "I don't mean it in a bad way! But I mean you were barely with us the entire night and I soon find out that you were with JJ Maybank? Something is not adding up."
The oldest twin shook her head, "No, I didn't cheat on Julian, I would never do that. Maybank was just being a pain in my ass."
"He called you pretty girl." She pointed out and Lilah froze for a second, letting the comment rush the memory back into her head. She inhaled quietly before making a shoo movement with her hand, "Just him being an asshole. I think he gets off from annoying me."
"Oh, I'm sure he gets off to you somehow."
Lilah whipped her head to the side and pushed her sister's shoulder which caused the younger twin to giggle. Sarah shrugged her shoulders before speaking, "Okay. If you say that, then I believe you." she nodded which made Lilah smile, "Thank you."
"Alright. Can you believe he pulled a gun on Topper though?" Sarah looked at her sister who was eating her fast food in enjoyment. "Oh. Yeah, I mean crazy but I get it." Lilah shrugged, not noticing Sarah's look of disbelief, "You're kidding, right?"
"No? I mean it was reckless but he was just saving John B." The oldest twin took a sip of her Dr. Pepper that was on her bedside table. Sarah couldn't believe what her sister was saying, "So what? Topper deserved to get shot in the head?"
"Okay, no...never said that. Besides, I think it was just to scare Topper away so he would stop drowning his best friend." Lilah finally looked at her sister to see her face, "You think Topper should of drowned John B or something?"
"Well, of course not-"
"Okay then just let it go." Lilah shrugged before popping a few fries in her mouth at once. Sarah bit her lip, "Actually, I need your advice on something." She looked at her sister who nodded and turned her full attention towards her.
"Okay so I fell asleep in 'My Druthers' last night because of the air conditioning, obviously-" Sarah started but Lilah cut her off, "And you didn't tell me this because?" She drew out her sentence only because she was sweating in her sleep last night and would of loved to be in AC.
"You were drunk. You ran upstairs and knocked the fuck out as soon as we got home." Sarah said in her "duh" tone which just made Lilah pop her mouth, awkwardly before nodding her head, signaling her to continue.
"And I wake up to John B in the boat returning scuba gear." Sarah whispered to her then looked towards Lilah's bedroom door making sure no one heard. Lilah looked at her sister with a confused expression, "And...what? Did he pull a gun on you? Shove a scuba mask in your face then tried to pull you underwater?" She started listing off but her sister stopped her.
"What?! No?" It was Sarah's turn to give her a confused look and to that, Lilah's expression was replaced with a smirk, "Oh my god! You two totally did it! You did, didn't you? Sarah Cameron, you slut!" Lilah giggled as Sarah's mouth dropped and covered her twin's mouth with her own hand.
"No, oh my god, ew!"
Lilah removed Sarah's hand, "Ew? John B is hot. Oh...was he not good?" She whispered the last part before gasping, "Could he not get it up?" She whispered even lower to her sister who just rolled her eyes.
"No, I'm sure he could but we didn't have sex, Li. Oh my god!"
"Oh. Okay, then what's the problem?" She urged Sarah to continue on with the story. "He told me not to tell anyone meaning he wasn't supposed to be doing that." Sarah twisted her mouth to the side watching her sister nod, "Okay, well don't. Only tell me. We'll keep it a secret."
"You're sure we shouldn't tell dad?" Sarah asked which made Lilah automatically start shaking her head, "Absolutely not. He would fire John B and I'm assuming he needs the money, you know, with this dad gone and everything." The older twin frowned at the thought.
She couldn't imagine losing her dad. He was her lifeline, he helped her through everything. She did infact feel sorry for John B.
"Yeah, you're right." Sarah nodded, understanding what her sister was saying. "Alright, time for me to get dressed and try not to choke myself while I'm at it."
A couple hours later, The Cameron Family's company was finally over which meant everybody was in the backyard. Lilah and Sarah were together — as usual — while their boyfriends watched from afar talking about what happened last night.
Julian was pissed that he wasn't there. He would of stepped in and helped Topper beat the shit out of the Pogue. He couldn't believe he was defending the group the other day, he was definitely regretting it now.
Lilah looked over at him to see him talking with Topper, Kelce, and Rafe. He wasn't looking towards her though, too focused on the conversation in front of him. She laughed to herself how serious he looked talking to Topper with his eyebrows furrowed, jaw clenched, and towering over the rest of his friends.
She felt a small presence next to her which made her jump softly. She tried her best not to make a face but it didn't matter, the little girl was focused on her twin sister. Sarah talked to her softly, letting her maternal instincts show as the girl left her stuffed animal in the boat.
Sarah started climbing her way into the boat as the girl warned her about electricity. Lilah peeked into the boat to see the wires unplugged and exhaled, knowing her sister would be safe. She looked down at the kid who was biting her lip out of nervousness. Lilah shifted awkwardly next to the child.
"Hey, there's 14,000 volts in those wires!" One of Rose's friends yelled from the porch and Lilah tried not to laugh. "Hey, Sarah, be careful!" Topper yelled from the side which made Lilah scoff-laugh, "Yeah, Sar. Be careful." She faked a tone which made Sarah giggle at her attitude.
"Sarah, get down now!" Rose walked on the grass to yell out to the girl who just rolled her eyes, "Rose, calm down. I'm an athlete. I got this." Sarah walked across the plank as her sister's face tightened.
"In what world are you an athlete? You get winded after walking down a flight of stairs."
"Shut up!"
"You're gonna get electrocuted! Get down!" Rose screamed out again but Sarah did not listen to her. Instead, the girl started shimmying her shoulders which made Lilah giggle, "Dork."
"Sarah, that's not funny. Lilah, do something." Topper pointed out to her and the girl just responded with an innocent shrug. "When I tell your dad about this, Sarah..." Rose started before shaking her head. Lilah grimaced at the thought of her father finding out.
Ward Camerom was very protective over his daughters. He did not want them included in any life or death situations even something as small as what Sarah was doing.
"I see her." Sarah called over her shoulder to the younger girl who was grinning as Lilah mumbled a, "Finally." She was over everybody's complaints but she definitely only felt that way because she knew the wires weren't connected.
Losing her sister to anything made her feel sick to her stomach. Therefore, she would probably be freaking out even more if she didn't know what she knew.
Sarah let out a scream before falling deeper into the boat. Lilah covered her mouth with her hand to try not to laugh at her sister's dramatics as the girl faced her head towards her and winked. Topper started running over to her, with his friends shortly behind him, "Sarah! Sarah! Sarah!"
Sarah looked at the group of boys with her hair in her face, waving the unplugged wire around. She kept a smile on her face, "It's disconnected." Lilah finally let out the laugh she had been holding and started walking towards her sister. She grabbed the girl's hands to pull her up from the boat, "That was really funny, good job." Lilah praised her sister for the deviance.
"Why thank you! As for you, you absolute sucker!" She pointed at Topper than grabbed the girl's stuffed animal. "Topper, you should of seen your face." She giggled as Lilah let out another's loud laugh, "Loser."
"Okay, yeah, I'm sorry that I care. All right, guilty." Topper held up his hands in surrender.
"Pussy." Lilah snorted but Sarah hit her shoulder and pointed her head towards the little girl that stood a couple feet away from them. "Oh, who cares?" She scoffed and the two girls started walking back to the girl. "Here you go." Sarah smiled at the kid who just grinned back, "Thanks, Sarah." She excitedly waved to the twin sisters before running away.
Lilah waved awkwardly to the girl which made Sarah laugh, "I forgot you hate kids."
"I don't hate them. They're just so...bleh. I'll be like the cool aunt, you know? I'll like your kid. Hopefully that doesn't happen for awhile though." Lilah looked down at her sister's stomach as Sarah scoffed-laughed and pushed her sister away from her before ultimately pulling the girl in for a hug.
Lilah and Julian were on her bed, making out. The two jumped apart when her bedroom door slammed opened, revealing Sarah. "Get out, Julian. I need my sister right now." She crossed her arms, waiting for him to get up. Julian looked at Lilah, telling her to tell her sister "not right now" but he knew better.
"You heard her. See you later." She sat up straight on her bed as her boyfriend groaned and slowly retreated out of her room. A few seconds after the door shut, Sarah looked at her, "Did you tell Topper about John B?"
"I don't tell Topper anything. Actually, I try to avoid him as much as I can."
"Thought so." Sarah whined and jumped into bed to lay her head on her sister's lap. "He just yelled at me for talking to John B. How did he even find out?" She scoffed, ranting, as Lilah tickled her arm like she used to when they were kids. "I don't know. Maybe Wheezie. Love her to death but you know she likes to snitch."
"Ugh. I wouldn't be surprised." Sarah groaned playing with her own undone nails, getting goosebumps as her sister's long nails swiped back and forth on her arm.
"Why is he so jealous? It's just John B." Sarah shrugged against her sister's legs as Lilah hummed, "I don't know. Maybe because John B is cooler than him." Lilah shrugged back at her sister who just shook her head, "No, he's not."
"He totally is but okay."
"He is really nice, though." Sarah whispered, more to herself as her sister held a smirk to herself. "Too bad Agatha ruined shit. We could totally use a swim right now." Lilah scoffed feeling Sarah's nod her head. "Hey, thanks for always being here when I need you." Sarah spoke up, remembering how fast Lilah sent Julian out earlier to help her.
Lilah and Sarah walked the dock, on their way to their boat to sit in air conditioning after some ranting and painting each other's nails. The twins saw John B stomping past them, looking pissed as ever. "Hey, John B." Sarah smiled at the boy while he passed by, not even glancing at them.
Lilah made a "yikes" face as Sarah stopped, "I'm sorry, that's it? Not a, 'Hey, how you doin'?' or 'kiss my ass'?"
Lilah leaned back on the wall, not wanting any part of the two's arguement. "'Your secret's safe with me?' He glared at her which made her face twist up, "What secret are — Oh, that secret." She smirked at him, trying to tease him but John B wasn't having it. "I just got fired because of you. And I know you both can't imagine that, but some people need jobs so that they can eat."
"Wait, fired?" Lilah piped up in the corner, wondering how on earth her dad found out. John B glanced at her then looked at Sarah with rage before hitting her bag of 'Skinny Pop' to the disgusting dock wood.
"What the fuck?!" Sarah yelled out at him and it made him turn right back around, "You're exactly who I thought you were, Sarah Cameron." He spat at her with his finger to her face before finally turning away and not looking back.
"What an asshole." She scoffed as Lilah bite the corner of her french tips. "I can't believe dad fired him." She frowned slightly but Sarah rolled her eyes, "Who cares? He is a dick." Lilah shrugged, "But he isn't wrong. He doesn't have anyone, Sar. He has to pay for stuff somehow." Sarah bit her lip before reluctantly nodding.
"I can't believe Wheezie told dad." Sarah sighed but Lilah shook her head, "Actually, I don't think it was Wheezie." She hooked her arm around her sister's arm as the two made their way to the boat to read their fashion magazines in the air conditioning.
i love writing lilah and sarah so much like those are literally sisters for life 😣🫶
lilah liking john b better than topper already...letting my truth show #oops 😇
check out my tiktok @skiestheiimit.wp !!!
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