fifteen | therapy session
Lilah was on the deck of the boat, laying out in the sun with a red bikini top on and denim jean shorts as JJ and John B pretend to fix to boat to reel Kiara in. When she saw Pope and Kiara in view with their boat she whistled, signaling to the boys that they were here. Kiara jumped into the bigger boat and saw Lilah laying out, "What are you doing out here?" She asked inquisitively as the Kook laughed.
"JJ said I'm no help because I quote on quote pay for people to fix my boats. He's lucky I didn't body slam him into the water."
The brunette just huffed and walked into the helm of the boat, "What happened?"
As Kiara and the boys started talking, Lilah got up as quietly as she could and walked to the side of the boat to get into Pope's boat. When he noticed her place her foot on the side, he grabbed her hand to help her in and once she was fully in he started driving the boat away from the others.
A minute later, John B and JJ came running and crashing into the water to swim to Pope and Lilah. The two cheered them on as Kiara unlatched the door that held Sarah beneath it. The two girls glared at each other and immediately ran to the bow of the boat.
"Get your asses back here!"
"Not until you figure it out!"
"I will kill every single one of you!"
The girls continued protesting and Lilah helped John B up on the boat. "There's food in the cabin and JJ rolled a blunt!" Pope yelled back with a thumbs up and the blonde boy smiled, "Hydroponic!"
"Lilah, I will murder you! I'm serious get back here!"
"I love you too! You'll be fine!"
Their boat road off faster, leaving the two girls behind.
Lilah and the boys were on the The Chateau's porch, making jokes and drinking beer. This wasn't usually something Lilah would do for fun but maybe that was different now. She felt free in a way. To just be calm and laughing, not worrying what other people think.
JJ and Lilah still weren't talking though and it was driving Pope and John B crazy. Everytime one of them would talk the other would either roll their eyes or just glare.
One moment when JJ was talking, Lilah mouthed his words and moved her hand in a talking motion, mocking him which made him throw a tiny pebble at her.
John B was prepared for this to happen.
He looked at Pope as the two nodded their heads at each other, knowing it was time. Lilah was in the bathroom when JJ said he was going to get another beer and John B was quick to pipe up, "Oh, since you're going inside could you go into my room and grab my guitar?"
"Cause I wanna play? Why else?"
"Oh, okay, where is it?"
"Somewhere in my room, just look for it."
JJ shrugged as he walked into the kitchen to get two beers from the fridge as Lilah walked out of the bathroom. She walked out the front door but was immediately stopped by John B, "Oh, Lilah, sorry I meant to say this before you went to the bathroom but Sarah left her bag in my room, do you mind grabbing it so you could bring it home?"
"Oh, sure." She nodded but before she walked back inside, she looked at him, "Could you show me where your room is?" She scratched the back of her neck and John B immediately got up from the couch, "Oh shit, yeah. Follow me."
He assumed he would have to just follow her but this worked out better. He pointed to his bedroom door that was slightly open. She mumbled a quiet thanks before she slipped through the door. She saw JJ holding a red guitar in his hands and she sighed before looking around the room for a bag that would resemble Sarah's.
Though, that thought left her mind when she heard a click and a lock behind her.
She swung her head around as JJ's eyes widened at the noise, letting her know he heard it to. "John B!" The two yelled in sync and John B laughed from the outside, "We're sick of the arguing. Talk it out." He demanded as Pope now stood next to him on the other side of the door.
"There is nothing to talk out! We always argue, it's our thing!" JJ reasoned and Lilah scoffed at his words which made him glare at her. Suddenly, the two heard Pope's voice boom through the door, "Dude, you literally told me you guys argued at Midsummers."
Lilah looked at JJ in disbelief, "You just can't keep your mouth shut, can you?" but he ignored her.
"We didn't even argue! She's just sensitive."
"I am not!"
"Alright, talk it out between each other. We are not your therapists. We'll be on the porch!" John B interrupted and the blondes heard their footsteps become farther and farther away. They stood in silence for a couple of seconds until Lilah broke it,
"What kind of doorknob locks from the outside?"
"I don't know, it's something Big John installed when we were kids. Something about him being superstitious, you gotta like lock it with a key."
"Well, that's stupid."
"Who are you telling? It sucks even more when I have a girl over and John B just walks in because I can't lock the door."
"That's disgusting and I don't wanna hear about that." She put her hand in his face and walked to John B's bed to sit on it. He scoffed in anger and leaned against the door, "Why are you such a bitch?" Lilah's mouth dropped in disbelief, "Me? I'm a bitch?"
"Yeah. You are. You act all high and mighty and treat everybody like crap."
"You're just making shit up. I've been so nice until YOU treated me like shit at Midsummers. It's called matching your energy."
JJ ran his hand through his hair while shaking his head, "What I said wasn't even bad, Lilah. It was just the facts, okay? You're not a Pogue, you're a Kook. Not only a Kook but a Cameron. Why should I trust you with anything?"
"Have I made you feel like you couldn't trust me? I've proven to you multiple times that you can trust me like sinking Topper's boat, punching my brother when he was beating you up, letting you stay at my house, and...oh, yeah, I WENT TO JAIL!"
"CAN YOU GUYS STOP SHOUTING?" John B hollowly yelled out from the porch and the two blondes just rolled their eyes at him and each other.
"Look, I don't have to tell you my whole life story just because you're hanging out with us now." He crossed his arms around his chest and Lilah groaned, "That's not what I'm saying at all. Tell me that whenever you're ready, I don't give a shit. My point was that you thought if you did tell me, I would go around telling every Kook in Figure Eight."
"Well, I don't think that."
"That's literally what you said."
"I know but-" JJ sighed and walked over to sit next to her on the bed, "Look, I didn't mean it. When I get into clawtourphobic situations-"
"Do you mean claustrophobic?"
"Yeah, that. When I get into those situations I go into flight or fight and that night I chose fight. I guess that I'm sorry for insinuating that you were just a Kook who we couldn't trust." JJ's stare burned into the ground as he refused to look at the Cameron girl who was smirking at the fact that he apologized first.
"And I'm sorry I kept pushing on your personal life. It's your deal, you can tell me when you want to." She wanted to add on, 'even though I have a feeling what it is already', but she didn't. She kept her mouth shut with a tight lipped smile.
"Besides, you're pretty cool for a Kook, I guess."
"I'm liking this. Keep going."
"Shut up." He scoffed, playfully this time, but she just laughed, "I'm serious. Maybe John B is right, we should just, let it all out like we're in therapy." She joked and he rolled his eyes at her words, "Pogues don't go to therapy, too expensive."
"Neither do Kooks. Probably because most of them will be sent to the psych ward and it will ruin their picture perfect reputation." She shrugged and the Pogue just laughed at her words. She smirked, "So why not do it here for free? I'll go first." She paused for a moment, thinking what to say and she knew if she wanted a genuine response from JJ, she would have to give one too.
"I used to envy you guys. You, Kiara, Pope, and John B. Still do a bit."
JJ's head snapped towards her, "What?"
"You guys are like the perfect group of friends. I've never had that. I've always had Sarah, you know that, but all the other Kooks, I only hung out with them because Sarah did. I hated them, still do. But you four, you do everything together and you trust each other, you guys are great."
"That's crazy. We'd all kill for the Kook life. Well, I mean not Kie but me, John B, and Pope? We'd do anything."
"Be careful what you wish for."
He raised his eyebrows at her tone. She went from giggly to shakey in such a short amount of time. For the first time, JJ actually felt sort of bad for her. The two sat in silence once again but this time, JJ was the first to speak up,
"Well, I envy the relationship you have with your dad."
Lilah wasn't expecting him to say something like that, "Uh, why?" She asked, softly which made him sigh, "That morning that we ate breakfast at your house, you were telling me that you are your dad's favorite kid and that he supported you in everything you do. That's something I've never gotten."
She slowly nodded, coming to terms with his words, "Yeah...I got lucky."
"You did. Real lucky." He gritted out, looking back at the floor again and Lilah didn't know what to say. "I know you have the Chateau but if you ever need somewhere to stay, my house is open. My dad told Pope that if you or him ever needed anything to let us know. Surprisingly, my dad likes you."
If JJ was drinking water, he would have spit it out right there. He looked at her again, in shock, "He does? Even after Midsummers?"
Lilah threw her head back laughing, "Yeah, he said you guys made his night. My dad's chill when it comes to me so seriously, if you need anything, just let me know."
JJ didn't want to accept help from a Kook. That wasn't his style, he did things himself and in the rare moments he couldn't do it himself, he asked John B or Pope. But never a Kook.
The girl he was looking at now wasn't a Kook though. She wasn't a Pogue but she certainly wasn't a Kook either. Right now, she was just Lilah Cameron. So he nodded his head, telling her okay.
She smiled at him before clapping her hands, "Okay, therapy session over. JOHN B!! POPE!!" She yelled loudly that JJ moved back to cover his ears. "WHAT?!" The two boys yelled from outside and JJ scoffed at how stupid this was. "CAN YOU COME UNLOCK THE DOOR? WE ARE FINE NOW!" She yelled once again and the Pogue threw his head into his hands.
A couple seconds later, the two heard the door unlock and they both jumped up to go to the door. John B and Pope smiled as they opened the door, "Great! You guys best friends now?"
"Don't push it." They both responded in unison as John B and Pope smiled knowing that the two wouldn't be arguing anymore.
i told yall fast chapters 🤗
john b and sarah 🤝 rooting for jilah even when they hate each other
next chapter is quite literally my favorite obx scene i think EVER which is the crane house and OMG im so excited
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