eight | pogue sympathizer
The trio were in Lilah's Jeep, on their way to pick up Kiara. Kiara forced the boys to go to the OBX movie night as well and now Lilah had to take the Pogues to her side of the island. The blonde was very nervous.
JJ and Pope wouldn't let her leave their sight which was for her but mostly for them. They thought that maybe if Lilah was there, she could calm Rafe and/or Topper down so they didn't get beaten up. They also wanted to make sure she was safe.
Well, Pope did. JJ tried to convince him to just let her go over there and she could distract them but Pope shut that down quick. He wasn't gonna make his new friend face the wolves alone.
Now, Lilah hoped and prayed that her former friend wouldn't yell and strangle her out when she saw her. Pope texted Kiara that they were outside and immediately, Kiara was really confused. The curly haired brunette got into the back seat and slide next to Pope, who was there to mediate if Kiara or Lilah tried anything.
"Why the hell is she driving us?"
"Because she's our friend, Kie."
"Uh, not my friend. I still don't like her."
"Shut up, JJ." Pope and Lilah looked at the blonde at the same time and he threw his hands up in surrender. "Look, she's gonna hang out with us tonight whether you like it or not so please just be civil, okay?" Kiara looked at the Cameron who was already flashing her blue eyes at her, "Alright, get out. Meaning you two." She shooed away Pope and JJ who looked confused.
"Just let me talk to her for a minute, alone." Kiara snapped and the two boys who hurried out the Jeep. Lilah watched as they walked a bit further away from the car before hearing Kiara speak up, "Why'd you do it? Tell people that I called the cops."
Lilah immediately knew what the girl was talking about, "I didn't? Sarah told me you did, I thought it was like confirmed." The Cameron girl shrugged while she watched Kiara's face screwed up in confusion, "Well, why didn't you invite me to the party? You two invited everybody except me. That hurt like a lot." Kiara frowned but Lilah was now confused.
"I thought you were invited?"
"I mean Sarah was mostly in charge of the invites. Me and her have the same inner circle and she's way more social than I am where as most people are a bit...scared of me, I guess. So she invited everyone, she told me you couldn't come." Lilah's head started playing back the memories of the birthday party and what happened before.
"Why would I have said no to coming?"
"I mean, I guess I didn't think about it? Sarah told me you said no because you promised your parents you would work. Said someone called out and you cancelled last minute. A day or two after the party, she told me you guys weren't friends anymore and that I probably shouldn't talk to you again."
Sarah and Kiara were always closer but Lilah would always come along to their hangouts and Kiara and Lilah did like each other. Kiara was intimated by her at first which was strange for her because she wasn't intimated by anyone but Lilah wasn't as scary or bitchy as everyone said.
But, if Sarah dropped someone then Lilah had to as well because everyone knew they were a packaged deal. Lilah didn't mind that. She liked having someone always in her corner and on her side, no matter what. But this was different, Sarah had lied to her and Lilah had no idea why.
"I'm really sorry, Kie. I swear to you, whatever happened between you and Sarah, I had no part in it." Lilah's face flashed with genuineness and Kiara saw it, she knew it. The Carrera girl was nervous to let her back in but knowing what she knew now, she supposed she could be civil. From the conversation, Kiara really only took that she should be angry at one of the Cameron twins and it wasn't Lilah.
"Okay, I believe you. I'll be civil for tonight. For whatever reason you're here." Kiara shrugged with a small smile and Lilah just nodded, with a faint smile on her face. Kiara rolled down the window, "Alright, get in here!" she yelled at the boys who quickly got back in the car, in their seats.
"So, you guys good?" Pope asked with hope filled in his tone and the two girls nodded, "Yup, we are good and we will be civil." Lilah plugged in her phone into her AUX cord. She handed her phone to Kiara, "You get the cord, Carrera. Play me some good shit."
Kiara grinned as she took the phone to play some Bob Marley.
"But— I'm the one in the front! I should get AUX!" JJ furrowed his eyebrows at the Kook who just shrugged her shoulders, "I don't want to hear your shitty music, Maybank." She started the drive to the park where the movie night was taking place. "Okay, you've officially crossed it. My music is not bad-!"
JJ and Lilah argued the entire way there.
Pope let Kie out on the plan to hid that Lilah was in fact with them, leaving out many key details. He just told her that a Kook hanging out with them would look very weird and Rafe would get annoying which Kiara quickly agreed, knowing how Rafe acted at times.
The group tried their best to rush and find a spot for them to put their chairs on, as well as trying to make sure it was away from Kooks. Lilah's blonde hair covered the side of her face while she wore JJ's worn out hat to cover the front part of her face. She declined to wear his hat multiple times considering it was mostly red and she was wearing blue and white.
JJ continuously rolled his eyes as she ranted about color clashing.
"It looks like the American flag threw up on me." She whispered to JJ as they followed Pope and Kiara to wherever the girl wanted them to sit. "It's not my fault you decided to dress extra Kooky today. Besides, my hat isn't even that red. " He spat at her, not harshly but nonetheless, she still glared at him. The two continued walking as they heard an older lady who was sitting with her family speak as they passed by her blanket.
"Oh my, is it Fourth of July already?"
Lilah stopped walking and huffed at the comment while JJ started laughing, "Shut up! It's not funny. This is totally your fault!" She slapped his chest with no ill meaning for once but he continued laughing as they finally started catching up to the other two.
"I'm so glad that they're still doing this. Keep calm, Carry on. Back to the OBX life. You know? Aren't you glad I made you two come?" Kiara smiled at the boys, knowing Lilah was already planning on coming no matter what they were doing. "Estatic." Pope deadpanned as he watched Lilah put her beach blanket down before putting his own beach chair on top of it.
"My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest." JJ cleared his throat, doing what Pope just did with his own chair and Lilah quickly sat down in front of the chairs, with the hat still on her head. "We're in the green zone, man." She heard Pope whisper, assuming it was to JJ.
"Dude, tranquilo, okay?" JJ whispered back and Lilah whipped her heard around, "You know what that means?" The blonde boy looked at her, slightly offended, "Yeah, I know what it means, Lilah. I'm not that stupid."
"Guys! We are in the middle of Kooklandia. This is the last place I wanted to be." Pope interrupted the two and JJ clenched his jaw, "Shut up, Pope. And you, lay down." He softly pushed Lilah down on the blanket, ripping his hat off her head and placing it over her face.
"Okay. I should of just stayed home. Is this really what we are doing?" She rolled her eyes under the hat as her voice muffled through. JJ and Pope sat down in the chairs, "Just until it's dark."
She huffed as she heard the two boys talk to each other about random things, "This is a new low." She mumbled to herself, knowing they couldn't hear her.
She heard footsteps come closer, "Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, 'Tell your boy that we know what he did.' What is that? Also, I know we are hiding Lilah but is this not excessive." Kiara waved her hand frantically over the Kook's body who looked practically dead.
Lilah sat up quickly, making the hat drop onto the blanket but JJ was quick to push her back down, not so softly this time but not roughy either, just quick. "Jesus, it's like you're asking to get caught." He whispered-yelled as he put his hat back over her face and watched her arms flail into her thighs in frustration.
"Now, where is he?" JJ swallowed his saliva as Kiara looked behind the group, "Right there."
JJ and Pope whipped their heads around to see Rafe, Topper, Julian, and Kelce all drinking from paper cups, "Great, the whole death squad!" Pope squeaked out before JJ forced Pope's head around and the two looked at their feet in fear.
"Just warning you, bro. If they corner me, I'm coming out swinging, okay? Slicin' and dicin'. I'm on edge right now. If that doesn't work, I got this right here." JJ held up his backpack and Lilah assumed he brought the gun and the trip heard her groan from under the hat. "We gotta stay in the group, you too, Li." Pope whispered to her and she just held a thumbs up towards her new friend.
Kiara took Lilah's words out of her mouth, "I'm sorry, JJ. Please tell me that you did not bring a gun here, JJ, there are kids." Lilah held her hand out to Kiara, "That's exactly what I said!" JJ started shaking his head, "No! Kie, I didn't bring the gun. Everything's fine, okay?"
"Oh, wow, thank you. That's really convincing. I love that JJ." Kiara snarked back watching the boys' faces fill with guilt, "Founding principle, you guys. No secrets amongst Pogues. What is Rafe talking about?" She asked the guys who just sat in silence before Pope spoke up.
"Kie, it might go down tonight."
"What does that mean? 'It might go down tonight.' What did y'all do?"
As promised, JJ let Lilah sit up and actually watch the movie once it was dark and nobody could really see her. So now, Lilah sat up with the hat still on her head and her back pressed against JJ's knee which at first, she felt awkward about it but after a good ten minutes, the awkwardness went away, mostly because she was the only one feeling it.
After all, JJ was the one who did it. She sat up completely straight at first but the boy leaned her back into his knee, knowing who stood behind him. He didn't want her to be seen.
An hour into the movie, Pope tapped his best friend's shoulder, "JJ?" Lilah kept her eyes on the movie as JJ answered him, "What?" She heard Pope sigh, "I gotta take a piss."
Lilah slowly turned towards him with disbelief and JJ held the same expression. "You're kidding, right?" Lilah whispered as JJ gritted out, "Hold it." His jaw was clenched as Pope shook his head, "I can't hold it. I drank too much soda."
When Lilah sat up earlier, Kiara handed her a can of Dr. Pepper which immediately made the Cameron girl soften at the fact that the girl remembered her favorite soda. As for the boys, they had multiple cans of Pepsi.
"It's too exposed. They'll totally see us."
"I gotta go." Pope whispered before turning to see that the boys they were afraid of were in front of the bathrooms. "They're blocking the bathrooms."
"That can't smell right." Lilah shuddered just thinking about standing next to public bathroom. JJ looked around the park, "Alright, come here. I know where to go." He tapped their shoulders and the blonde girl immediately shook her head. "Hell no. I know this revenge thing has made us three very close, but not that close. I'm staying here."
"No, you're not. Now, c'mon." He whispered but she continued to shake her head, "Please do not make me do this. This could ruin our friendship."
"We don't have a friendship. We can't stand each other so this works perfectly."
"I'm talking about Pope, man!"
"Guys! Please just hurry up." Pope gritted out and Lilah shook her head but the boys wouldn't take no for an answer. "Lilah, please before I piss on ur blanket." Pope whispered yelled at the Kook who scrunched up her face.
She took a second, looking at their pleading faces and groaned, "Fine! I'm not even kidding, you two owe me for life, damn it!" JJ grabbed her hands to help her up and she stomped her way as she followed the boys to a tree stump.
"Can I at least like...go over there?"
"Duh. I don't need you hearing us piss."
"Then why did you bring me over here?!"
JJ shooed her to another tree, "Just yell if anyone is coming, okay?" The Kook rolled her eyes and walked to the tree stump. "I can't believe I'm taking orders from him, this shit is so stupid." She mumbled to herself but knew deep down, the reason was because she understood their nervousness but her reason was different.
Rafe was usually not a snitch but he was if their dad was mad at him. If Ward was yelling at him, he'd do anything to tell on Lilah or Sarah so she knew if Rafe saw her with these Pogues, her dad would find out sooner or later.
The thing was, Lilah truly didn't know how her dad would react. Her dad didn't really care about Pogues or the feud considering he used to be a Pogue himself but he did care about his reputation and if his angel daughter was seen hanging around a Maybank...he could possibly be irritated at that.
The Cameron girl was picking at her french tips when she heard footsteps. Assuming it was the boys, done with their business, she looked up but was disappointed to see Julian standing in front of her. She groaned out loud, "Why are you here?"
"Why wouldn't I be here?"
"I meant here as in front of me, dumbass."
She watched as he took a sharp breath in, "You're still mad?" He asked cautiously and Lilah scoffed, "Obviously. What do you want?" She looked at him, eyeing him carefully to see his next move.
"I want you, Lilah."
"Well, I don't want you so you can leave."
She wanted to start walking towards the screen again but he grabbed her waist before she could even move, "Please. We can get through this." She tried to push him away but his grip tightened, "No, we can't. God, you're so desperate." Julian rolled his eyes, "So what? You're gonna throw away a year and a half over some Pogue? Over Maybank?" He gritted out and Lilah finally pushed him away.
"I'm throwing it away cause your a piece of shit. It has nothing to do with them."
Lilah finally looked at the screen that Julian's body was blocking to see Topper, Rafe, and Kelce jumping Pope and JJ. She looked to see Kiara walked up at the same time and she watched as Kie started hitting Topper with JJ's backpack so he would let Pope go. Lilah scoffed when she pushed Julian harshly, "And you wonder why I think you're a dick."
The Cameron looked towards Rafe who was repeatedly punching JJ in the face while Kelce held him up and she quickly jumped into fight or flight mode.
She chose fight.
"Get off him, Rafe!" She jumped on her brother's back and tried to stop him from knocking JJ out and after a second or two, it worked. Rafe looked at his sister after she pulled him away in disbelief, "Get the hell out of here, Lilah." but before he could turn back around to continue beating up JJ, the side of his face seethed in pain.
Lilah had punched him, hard. Well, as hard as she could.
As the punch sent his head back, he looked at her again with more shock on his face, "You're a bitch. When the hell did you become a Pogue sympathizer?" He spat out and Lilah didn't know what to say because truth was, it was a hard pill to swallow.
She was "Queen Kook" as John B called her and here she was...sticking up for Pogues.
She looked at JJ, who was now in a headlock by Kelce, seeing that he wanted to fight back but physically couldn't. She knew Pope was getting hurt behind her and she prayed that Kiara was handling it well. The choking noises both the boys were making made her head spin. She looked back at the brother she didn't quite know anymore.
"I'm sticking up for them because they didn't do anything wrong!"
Before Rafe could respond, he saw the movie screen catch on fire. He didn't have time to argue with his sister right now so he just walked past her as their shoulders clashed together before gathering up his best friends to run.
Lilah watched as the people she used to consider her friend group run away, laughing maniacally at what they had just did. She closed her fists in anger before landing her eyes on Kiara who was looking at Pope for any major injuries. She caught eyes with the girl and showed Lilah the lighter in her hand and the Cameron girl laughed out loud and gave her a short nod.
Lilah felt a presence stand up next to her and knew it was JJ, "You good?"
"No, I'm not good. I just got choked the fuck out."
"You're welcome for saving your life, by the way."
She watched as he slightly smirked, with blood leaking from his cut lip. "I gotta go before my parents think I had any part in this." She heard Kiara say and then Pope agree with her.
"Alright, I'll drop you guys off."
next chapter is gonna be so tea 🤫🤫
also i removed garrett bc lol he is irrelevant in s1 bc i didnt even make him a storyline BUT HES GONNA HAVE A A SMALL PLOTLINE IN S2 WHEN HE'S INTRODUCED AGAIN SOOO 😊😊😊
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