Let Him Go
DH: Well this is...
OW: Kind of weird...
DH: It's based off Let Her Go by Passenger.
OW: We own nothing!
Malik looked through the window of the restaurant. He could see Yugi sitting with some guy who looked like Yugi's brother Atem with pale skin, laughing at something that the other had said.
It was dark. Malik's skin crawled but he couldn't bring himself to care.
Tears burned his eyes and he walked away.
He was better without him. He kicked a trashcan.
He was better without him. He kicked a rock and it hit a car.
He was better without him, dammit! He picked up a rock and threw it. He heard a crash as it broke something but he didn't look to check what it was.
He stormed into his apartment. He swept all of the photographs of him and Yugi off the shelf by the door.
He had done what they said to.
He had let Yugi go, and Yugi chose not to come back.
If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they're yours. If they don't, they never were.
He squeezed his eyes shut. He didn't turn on the lights. He strode into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of something.
He didn't usually drink, but now he needed to.
Five years. Five fucking years.
Tears burned his eyes and the alcohol burned his throat. With each bottle, he broke more pictures.
On his seventh, he picked up the last one. It had been a birthday present from Yugi.
It was of them on their first date to an amusement park. They had been taking a selfies. Malik had leaned over and kissed Yugi just as he had taken the picture.
Malik raised it to throw down and smash. Then he placed it back on the table.
He sobbed. Tears streamed down his cheeks.
All of the bad feelings, the bad memories that Yugi had helped him to get over crashed over him.
He staggered to the bathroom. He still hadn't turned on the lights.
He closed the door. Yugi was better without him.
He was better without him.
He was better without him.
Tears burned Yugi's eyes and he fell to his knees sobbing. He hugged himself, trying to calm himself down.
He couldn't bring himself to open the bathroom door.
He couldn't do it. He heard the thud when he came in. He could see the rope through the keyhole.
He couldn't do it.
Glass pierced his legs. Why.
Malik had said it was fine if he went out with a friend now and again.
He had said he would be okay.
He promised, dammit!
Yugi needed him. He shakily stood up. All of the pictures had been broken. He stumbled into the kitchen.
There was one on the table.
The one he had gotten him for his birthday.
Yugi's eyes trailed to where he had left the note. It was still there. Unopened.
Yugi opened the note again with trembling hands.
My cousin Yami's in town. Going to dinner with him to catch up. Love you.
He swallowed. He didn't read it.
He stumbled back to the bathroom and shakily opened the door. Malik was on the ground, his back facing him.
Yugi was glad. He didn't think he could bare seeing Malik's glassy eyes.
He looked at the rope and frowned. It had been cut.
He looked around and saw a knife by Malik's hand. He looked at Malik again and saw his shoulders moving slightly.
His eyes widened. He was breathing.
He was alive.
DH: For once, we decided not to give them a bad ending.
OW: Maybe because we weren't in the happiest space when we wrote it and needed to feel like happiness could happen.
DH: Please vote and review.
OW: See you next time, Killer Queens.
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