Chapter 28: Get a room!
"You are too good for me Jude Parker."
Jude pulls open the near rotting door of the reception cabin, with the most unconvincing welcome sign adorned over the top of it, with Milo trailing a few inches behind. The small space consisted of magnolia walls, with a small table to the left, housing a plant, a couple of chairs and what looked like information leaflets of things to do within the local area.
Right in front of Jude and Milo is a high reception desk, of deep red mahogany. Some jazz piano music was coming from a speaker, high up in the corner of the space, with the smell of cigarette smoke and varnished wood overpowering Jude's nostrils.
There is no one around, but there is a tiny bell at the counter, with the words 'ring for attention' on a stuck down piece of paper next to it.
Jude taps the bell a couple of times, turning his nose up at the tacky feel the bell has left on his fingers. It doesn't take too long for a short middle aged woman with curly hair, tied at the top of her head, wearing a floral dress and a cream knitted cardigan to appear before the pair.
"Welcome to the halfway hotel, what can I do for you pet?" She says in an almost scripted tone.
"A room. We would like a room please." Jude requests, the woman now looking a little more closely at Jude and Milo, just stood a few inches behind.
"Double?" She says, with a half smirk presenting at the corner of her lips.
Jude looks at Milo with shock. Did he actually just ask for a room with a double bed?
"Well, what is it? Yes or No?" She asks again, her once customer friendly banter diminishing.
"No, we want two single beds please." Jude says, looking back at the lady, forcing a smile.
"So you want a twin room." She says sighing, obviously not really giving a damn about what room they have as long as they take one.
Jude nods and watches as the lady turns her back to them, staring at the wall of hooks with just a few keys remaining.
"Well it looks like your friend gets his wish...we only have doubles remaining."
"That's fine." Milo interrupts, getting another look from Jude, with Milo just nonchalantly shrugging in response.
A key with a yellow tag is placed on the counter, along with a sheet with carbon paper sandwiched between. "Ok the room is 50 a night, pay on departure, breakages must be paid for. Write your names here and sign." The woman points randomly to areas on the paper, where Jude is now hastily scribbling his details with a pen, chained to the counter.
She looks over the pair again, clocking they are without bags. "You need the essentials pack?"
"The what?" Jude questions.
"The essentials pack know, toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel...should I go on?" She says sarcastically.
"How much." Milo pipes up.
"Five." She replies. Milo retrieves his wallet, pulling the relevant note out and slamming it on the counter.
She momentarily heads out back to return with a brown paper bag, which she places on the table and pushes across with the key for Jude to take, pointing back outside to the buildings. "You're the second floor, room 3."
"Thanks." Jude nods, forcing a smile in response, leaving the small space, with Milo trailing behind.
"Hey, psst." The lady manages to get just Milo's attention. Milo turns to look at the woman. "There's a little something extra in the bag for ya pet...he's a find."
Milo finds himself just nodding as a thankyou, a little confused. He hurries his pace to catch up with Jude.
The key turns and the door is pushed open to reveal an average sized room. The dated decor just made the place feel seedy without anything going on, with its red patterned carpet and purple and cream stripey wallpaper. "Lovely!" Milo says with an air of sarcasm. As he walks past Jude into the space, taking in the double bed, the old box like tv and opening the door to the left, to reveal a small shower room and toilet.
He notices Jude staring at the double bed, biting on his lower lip. "Look, I'll sleep on the chair if it bothers you." Milo offers, gesturing to the less than comfortable looking mustard coloured armchair by the window.
Jude shakes his head, putting the paper bag on the bed and walking over to Milo, taking his hands in his. "I would love nothing more than to lay next to you and hold you in my arms all night, but we're not here for that. We're here to find answers, we're here for Hester." Jude steps a little closer, looking Milo in the eyes. "I don't want you to think I have an ulterior motive, that's all."
Milo leans in and kisses Jude tenderly on the lips. "You are too good for me Jude Parker. I would never think that." He wraps his arms around him, with Jude returning the gesture. Milo holds Jude close, talking softly into his head of hair. "When we find Hessy, I'll make him see sense, I promise."
Jude's body instantly tenses in Milo's hold. The mention of Hester this way, a clear indication that Milo still had the belief he would be found. He pulls away gently from Milo's embrace.
Milo looks at Jude, his sudden tense body language not going unnoticed. "Hey what's up?"
Jude looks down a little subdued, now sitting on the edge of the bed. He is silent for a brief moment before looking back up and again taking Milo's hand, pulling him to sit by his side. He turns to face him a little more head on. "Milo..."
"Yes?" Milo looks at Jude, now feeling as apprehensive about what was going to be said.
"...Have you ever thought that maybe....maybe Hester won't be found?" Jude instantly feels his heart rate increase. He didn't know how Milo was going to take the question.
Milo however just laughs it off. "Jude! He can't be far. I know I'll see him again soon and when I do, I'm gonna show him what an amazing person you are and that he is just being a selfish grump."
Jude forces a smile, but his heart was breaking just that little bit. He places a hand on Milo's cheek. "Just know...I will always be here for you." He says.
Milo places his hand on top of Jude's. "I know."
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