cookies ╔ smut ╗
// leorio wants to bake kurapika some cookies because of how much he loves him but things get weird //
"leorio i actually cant believe you cooked something decent for dinner today" kurapika said in shock. they had just gotten done eating dinner that the doctor had prepared. it was a simple mac and cheese with some juice and water, but it was very good compared to the other meals he had made.
the previous dinner he cooked was very sticky and tasted like rubber, compared to todays mac and cheese, it was delicous.
kurapika laid back in the chair with a relaxed face, sighing out happily, "hey i'm planning on making dessert too!" leorio said, "uh and what will it be exactly?" "cookies!" kurapika just closed his eyes for a minute before replying again.
"oh how intresting, well bring them in our room after they're finished, i'm so tired today so i'm going to lay down in bed." leorio just nodded happily and gave him a quick thumbs up, quickly after kurapika was in their room, leorio got to work.
he went and got the cookie mix from the cupboard and looked at the ingredients he will need. "milk, wow i didnt milk were in cookies but ok, and eggs! is that really all i'll need, wow this'll be easy!" leorio said with a smile as he pre heated the oven and got out a large mixing bowl.
he put the cookie mix inside the bowl, cracked the eggs, and then got out the milk until he realized there was no milk! he had used all the rest of the milk for the mac and cheese. he then covered his face with his hands as he used the small amount of milk there was left.
there was only about one cap full of milk in the jar, seriously why did he even put that back in the refrigerator when there was that much left?
"ughh this isn't enough! i'm going to need a little bit more, maybe i should just... no i cant give up! kurapika needs a treat for working so hard with his new job as a teacher." leorio said to himself and sighed loudly, having a personal debate about wether he should bake them or give up.
he thought and thought until a silly little idea popped into his head, what's like milk? wet... and white, leorio smirked and undone his pants.
"ok let me think," he started to think of something to turn him on, to make this situation easier and faster before the oven is done preheating, he had about 7 minutes.
his thoughts trailed to kurapika, his nice and soft body, the way he smelt, the way he whined and moaned our leorios name, "ugh this is so cringe."
leorio said quietly as he saw himself get hard from his thoughts.
he got his hand wet with some dish soap and started to rub his member.
he started to let out little moans as his hand sped up, thinking of kurapikas face leaning down to give him a big wet kiss, his hand started to go to a very quick pace as he felt himself loosing his marbles.
his moans have gotten a bit louder as he bit down on his other hand, not wanting to disturb kurapika who was waiting for the cookies. thinking of the blonde eating his cookies full of his cum made him reach the edge as he grabbed the bowl and released into it. he let out a loud moan as he watched it mix in with the other ingredients.
"whew, that was a little to much energy i just used,"he wiped his forehead as he pulled up his pants and underwear, he then started to mix all the ingredients with a large smile.
the sound of the bell reminded him the pre heating was all done.
as the over went off, leorio turned his head, putting the cookie dough on the tray and placing it inside the oven. leorio went onto the couch to wait for the special cookies to be done.
he took out a magazine about modern day medicine and began to educate himself more, since he was a doctor.
now, 30 minutes passed so leorio got up to check on the cookies! he saw they were done so he pulled them out of the oven.
leorio put them on a plate and relaized they came out looking a little weird, leorio just brushed it off and went into the his and the blondes room.
speaking of kurapika, he was in bed, wearing his pajamas and reading a book.
"the dessert is here sunshine!" leorio got in bed next to his fiancé and placed the cookies in between them.
"uh," he took a glance at them, noticing they look weird.
"what the, why do they look soggy?" kurapika said as he touched one with the top of his finger, making a face full of disgust. "please taste one kurapika i worked sooo hard!" he begged
kurapika just rolled his eyes and grabbed one, smelling it and gagging, "ew what the hell did you put in this! it smells so weird!" even though kurapila complained he took a bite anyways, it was not everyday leorio even had the time to cook for him, so he didn't want to hurt his feelings.
kurapika then swallowed the bite he took and placed the rest on the plate.
"how did you like it!" leorio said, his voice full of excitement? "um, what did you put in those? they taste salty, i don't know! god leorio please never cook again!" kurapika said as he got up and put the cookies down the toilet.
leorio just frowned, guess he wasn't made to be a cook
kurapika came back and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "next time just let me cook alright, maybe you just missed a step, what did you add?"
leorio remembers the original things he needed to add, the milk and eggs, he didn't want to mention the fact he used his own bodily fluids.
"well it called for a cup of milk and two eggs!" kurapikas eye twitched, "cookie mix doesn't use milk! it used eggs and butter!"
leorios eyes widened, how could he be so stupid?
"though i don't know why they tasted they way they did, i guess they were just soggy from to much liquids." kurapika said to himself, wondering what went through the doctors head,
he just shook his head and went back to lay down.
anyways hoped you enjoy! it was so fun and good to write this chapter! there will also be a second chapter to this in the near future.
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