✦ beach ╔ fluff ╗
// based off of some true events, they decide to go to the beach and some problems happen //
it was currently 9am and leorio, kurapika, killua, and gon were all in the car, driving to the beach.
it was summer and they finally decided to all go out on a trip together!
killua and gon were just in the back seat playing roblox on their tablets, kurapika in the front seat reading some book, and leorio in the driver seat singing the songs that were on the radio.
"AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUU" "shut up old man my ears are about to bleed!" killua said to the older man's obnoxious singing while rolling his eyes.
leorio looked in the car mirror and noticed the eye rolling, he just looked at him, "if you keep up this attitude young man then you will get no ice cream!" killua just looked shocked but didn't reply.
after a few hours later, they finally got to the beach. "ok, so we're going to need a plan on what we will be doing today!" kurapika said, he always liked to keep things organized.
leorio smiled at him and started to reply, "ok how about we first go to the ocean, then we go to lunch, then we play in the ocean again, then we go to the shops!"
kurapika smiled wide as leorio was actually being a good boy today, "wow old man how boring! let's just do what we want" the white haired boy said as gon, his faithful sidekick, giggled.
kurapika just eyerolled at the two, they just didn't understand.
"well we're going to do it my way, so everyone get out the car because we're here!" after the blonde said those words, everyone hopped out the car and onto the warm sunny sand, the ocean breeze was lovely and cold. leorio took out the towels and sand toys and made a little area for all of them.
kurapika told them they could go off by themselves just don't go to far, he brought out some sodas and snacks.
killua and gon started to walk along on the beach while leorio and kurapika were just laying down on the towel, but as they were walking along the ocean they realized so many little red bugs crawling before getting washed up by the shore.
"what the hell, is this lady bug grove or something?" killua said, while tears welled up in gons eyes, "oh my gosh! just look at them trying to run, they probably can't fly cause the water!" "look! they go all the way down the ocean side!" killua pointed out as they walked more down, gons eyes just widened in fear.
"this is worse then a saw trap!" killua raised his eyebrow at what gon said, "gon how did you ever watch saw?" now gon looked embarrassed, "don't tell kurapika but i snuck some glances when he and kurapika were watching it ehe!" killua just shook his head.
some time passed of just them on the shore watching out in the distance, the cold air blowing through their hairs.
"um killua, i kinda wanna go to lunch now, i feel bad for all the ladybugs, i also think i stepped on some" gon said as killua nodded, "alright let's get going and tell kurapika and leorio we wanna eat now."
so they walked back to where kurapika and leorio were.
"KURAPIKA!!" gon said running to him, hugging him, "you can't believe it! there's ladybugs everywhere!" kurapika just gave the boy a hug back, "ok maybe we can go to the other side of the beach later, where there is more people so maybe there won't be any bug," everyone just nodded and hopped into the car.
"now where shall we go to eat, hmm" kurapika pondered, hoping for someone to suggest something but nothing. "i guess we can go to that cool restaurant on the side of the beach!" gon said happily as kurapika nodded. "now this is why you're my favorite gon!" "HEY!" killua said as he eyerolled.
a while later they reach the restaurant, "ugh it's so cold!" leorio cried out, "put your damn sweater on then you whiney baby!" killua replied as the other two just got out the car, kurapika holding gons hand as killua held gons hand. "alright let's go get some good food!" leorio said as they got inside and sat at a rather large table.
they got their menus, and ordered their drinks, killua and gon got a hot chocolate, kurapika got a sprite, and leorio got a coffee.
"hm now what do i want to eat," gon said as he wondered, looking around as if it'll help him figure out what he wants. "hey kurapika can i have some of your sprite!" the boy said as kurapika handed him the soda, but unfortunately gon dropped the soda and it fell all over the table.
"oh gosh i'm so so so sorry!" kurapika and killua both tried to comfort the boy as leorio cleaned up the mess. "it's ok gon! don't worry it was just a mistake!" kurapika said as the waiter bisky came, "is everything alright over here?" said young looking girl as she had a towel to clean it up better, "yeah he just had an accident" leorio replied.
then bisky took their order, gon getting a mac and cheese, killua getting a burger, kurapika getting some pasta, and leorio got a big fat steak.
"well that was interesting," killua said with a little cat face as gon was frowning, they ended up all talking about things, mainly gon who would talk about fishing and life with aunt mito.
gon loved living with kurapika and leorio, especially killua, but gon didn't think of killua as a brother and he was actually beggining to grow romantic feelings with him. he also knew that aunt mito was doing well, but he had to explore off the island at some point.
eventually their food came, they all ate and then paid for the food and left. "so should we go to the beach now? or go do some shopping, i mean all i really need is some candy," kurapika paused before speaking again, "well i was thinking about getting ice cream for us too."
but before ktaouoa spoke again, killua interrupted him. "well me and leorio were thinking about going surfing!" kurapika just signed at this.
they ended up going surfboarding as kurapika and gon went shopping, getting candies. "hey look kurapika it's a miku figure!" gon happily pointed out. "no my dear, that's a fake, how pathetic of them." kurapika said holding the little boys hand walking out to meet the other two.
"ok we are back! AND WE WANT ICE CREAM NOW!" killua hissed out, everyone jumping back and gon spraying water at him. they walked down the street of the pier to get to the ice cream shop.
"ok now what flavor do you guys want?" kurapika said, the two younger boys were easier to order for since they both got chocolate, kurapika ended up getting mint and leorio got coffee flavor.
they all walked around for a while, eating the ice cream and enjoying how the sun was setting. "um maybe we should go now kurapika? it's getting a bit late" leorio said, "year you're right, OK BOYS GET OVER HERE WE'RE GOING HOME!"
now they all went in the car and started the drive back home, "wow i had a lot of fun today! let's go to the beach more often!" gon said cheerfully as everyone else just sighed.
they enjoyed the beach but it was a long day, which is why the sighed at the over joyful boy.
a few hours passed of driving back home and they finally arrived. all of them took showers and got ready for bed, expect they didn't go to bed, they were in the living room.
kurapika laying his head on leorios shoulder while gon and killua sat below the couch, all of them having warm blankets. they were watching a movie, as they all ended up falling asleep happily.
sighing happily after the long but good day.
also some of the things were inspired from when i went to the beach with my cousins!
hope it was good, probably to fast paced because i have that issue
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