The first chapter seemed to drawl on about some perfect little family with two cute little boys and a husband and wife who loved each other to the ends of the earth and all that. Leo could feel his attention slipping as he read, but he forced himself to go on. He had almost nodded off when he had to double back. What did that last sentence say? That the mom had burned alive on the ceiling?!
Interested now, Leo read on. Dang, those boys were tough! And cool. They were ultra cool. Like cooler-than-penguins-in-tuxedos cool. His favorite was the older one, Ross. Yes, he liked Tom too, but he felt like he could see where Ross was coming from, always wanting to protect his younger brother. Their dad was a jerk though, always leaving them like that.
And what was this about Tom's psycho nightmares? Was there something wrong with him? AND OH MY GODS DID ROSS JUST GET HIMSELF ELECTROCUTED WAS HE GOING TO DIE oh wait he's fine. Then the boys decided to split up, the idiots. Since when did Ross agree to that? Oh, and who was this Carrie girl Ross liked? Leo hoped she didn't stay long. Good, she didn't. Oh great, now Tom had Sally. Wait, she's gone too. And hey! It's their dad! Leo still thought he was a jerk though. And OH SHOOT DEMONS. THEIR DAD'S POSSESSED okay the demon's gone now. Aww, such a sweet family moment in the car then WHAT IN HADES THEY GOT IN A CAR CRASH ARE THEY OKAY PLEASE BE OKAY.
Leo turned the page, praying to all the gods that Ross, Tom and their dad were okay. Well, more of just Ross and Tom. But there was no next page.
There. Was. No. Next. Page.
Leo jumped up, furious. This was an outrage! He demanded to know what happened next! He ran out of the engine room and pounded on Annabeth's door.
"Annabeth!" He shouted between knocks. "Annabeth! What happens to the Remingtons?! They got in the car crash and the book just ended!" He wailed. "Are they okay? Did Ross and Tom survive? I mean I don't really care that much about their father 'cause he's a jerk but I need to know if Tom and Ross are safe! 'Cause Ross was pretty banged up because that demon was doing his whole demon-y stuff to him and even Tom said he lost a lot of blood—"
"Leo?" Annabeth asked, rounding the corner of the hall to find him banging on her door. "What are you doing?"
"Annabeth! Thank the gods, do you have the next book?" Leo pleaded, jumping straight to the point.
"What? Oh, yes, sure, but—"
"Good! Please, I need it!" He said, grabbing her arm and dragging her toward her door.
Annabeth shook him off and crossed her arms, smirking. "So I'm guessing you enjoyed the book?"
"Enjoyed it?!" Leo gasped. "Such a masterpiece should not be lowered to the standard of just being simply enjoyed!"
"I'll take that as a yes," Annabeth laughed. "Do you want the next one?"
"Yes! That what I've been trying to tell you!" Leo whined, hopping up and down.
"I know right," Annabeth agreed, getting excited. "That last chapter was such a cliffhanger. When I first read it, I was so angry that even Percy couldn't calm me down."
"I know!" Leo said, dramatically plopping down onto the floor. "Because Ross and Tom just want to be happy and they deserve to be happy and then they thought that everything was gonna be okay because they had their dad but then the stupid semi crashed into them and, and,—" The noise he made was somewhere between a sob and a battle cry.
"Right!" Annabeth said, waving both her hands up and down in front of her face, not unlike what Hazel did she was embarrassed. "I know this sounds a little crazy, but I really hoped that the car was okay, 'cause Ross loves his car and he calls it his Baby and and if his Baby was gone he'd be a wreck!"
"No, no it's not crazy!" Leo agreed. "His Baby is a part of his life and if he looses it then he's incomplete and—"
Leo stopped mid-rant.
"Are you okay?" Jason stood on the other side of the hall, his eyebrows raised in confusion and a little bit of fear for his life. When both Leo and Annabeth are emotionally unstable, at the same time, in the same vicinity, you take that as your cue to stay far away.
"No, Jason, I am not okay!" Leo said, squeezing his eyes shut and waving his fists up and down. "Because FEELINGS!"
"Oh, well,..." Jason said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "We were just gonna eat. Annabeth was supposed to get you, but then she didn't come back for a while and I just wanted to see if everything was okay..." He stopped when he saw Leo's murderous glare. "Okay. I'm just gonna go now,..." He rushed away.
"We'll be there in a minute, go ahead and start without us," Annabeth called, having composed herself enough to talk about something other than the amazing book.
Leo pouted at her. "We will?"
Annabeth took a deep breath. "Yes, unfortunately. We have to eat Leo."
Leo jumped up and stomped around. "But eating doesn't matter! The only thing that matters is Ross and Tom!"
"I know, I know, and I hate to do this, but I promise I'll give you the next book after we've finished dinner." Annabeth looked imploringly at Leo. "Deal?" She held out her hand.
Reluctantly, Leo shook it. Then he sprinted off in the direction of the dining hall. "I'll beat you!" He called over his shoulder.
As the doors came into view, Leo grinned, sensing victory. But just as he was about to burst through the doors, Annabeth flew past him with a burst of speed. She also shoved him to the side as she passed.
Leo landed on his butt with a loud, "Ow! What was that for?!"
The rest of the Seven were giggling as Leo came in rubbing his backside. "Thanks," he mumbled to Annabeth.
"You challenged Annabeth," Percy said, shrugging. "That's what you get."
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