Chapter 9
Horror and Error heaved a relieved sigh at the sight of Ink's house as they finally exited the woods. The gaster dragon with the green eyelights sat in Ink's lap where Horror was carrying them the other dragon was trailing behind them, studying Horror and Error as they walked. Ink was still despondent and hardly even reacted to being picked up; he felt so drained and tired.
When the group reached the door Error was relieved to find the door unlocked and opened it to allow everyone in. Horror sat Ink temporarily onto the couch as he searched the living room for any pillows and blankets.
Error, meanwhile, took to finding Ink's kitchen to hopefully be of some help by getting a glass of water. He meandered through out the house passively looking at the wallpaper and furniture as he went. After several minutes of looking around he found what must have once been a dinning room, now turned art studio. His curiosity won over in the end and he walked into the canvas filled room to get a closer look. Most of the pieces were either painted in a monochromatic yellow, or in dark blacks and grays. Error would never admit it out loud -especially if Ink were in ear shot of him- but he found the art to be beautiful. The different shades and tones of yellow stood out against the muted colors of black and gray rather pleasantly. He'd never thought Ink to be an artist, but he supposed he was learning a lot of things about Ink as of late, so he probably shouldn't be surprised.
Error left the "art studio" and returned to his search for the kitchen. He didn't have to go far as the kitchen was across from the dinning room. He opened and closed cabinets until he found a short wide glass, filled it with cool water and walked back to the living room.
When Error got to the living room Ink was laying on the couch, with his back propped up by pillows, and covered in a blanket, with the two dragons laying with him, either on his lap or curled up between his legs. He seemed more aware of his surroundings, and was trying to reassure Horror he was alright.
"I'm fine. I can take care of myself." Ink insisted with a scratchy throat as Horror was flipping through TV stations, hoping to find something the other could watch while he was on bed rest.
Error made his presence known when he walked over to a stand by the couch and sat the glass on a coaster.
"Finally, Error can you please tell your friend here to stop worrying." Ink croaked.
"I think I'm with Horror on this one Ink. You couldn't breath for asgores sake!" Error lectured. Sighing, Error asked Horror for his phone, which the taller gave him, before turning his attention back to Ink. "Do you have anyone who we can call to take care of you?"
"No don't bother anyone, as I said I'm fine now." Ink said stubbornly. Error would strangle the skeleton if he could. Of course even after all this drama Ink would continue to be a pain, he doesn't know what he was expecting. "Besides, a friend is coming over later today anyway, when he gets off work today he'll help me." Ink finished sounding remorseful. Were Error's nonexistent ears deceiving him or did Ink sound like he felt guilty for something?
"I suppose that'll be fine, you sure you don't want anything before we leave?" Horror asked grabbing his phone from Error's offering hands.
"I guess I'll take the order that you both brought now after all. Not that I actually ordered it in the first place anyway." Ink snapped in his hoarse voice. There's the Ink he knew, perhaps his ears really were deceiving him.
Error grabbed the order from where it had landed on the floor. By some sheer luck everything seemed to be intact except for a small sliver of paper laying next to the packaging. Curious, Error picked it up and inspected it.
'Order # 45
Order Name: Ink Comyet
Address: 254 Furbow Street, Zacatary
1 Medium Fresh Lemonade
1 Medium Fresh Cranberry Juice
10 Small Lemon Tarts
5 Medium Chocolate Pies
*Notes: This order is free of charge, hope you feel better Ink!
Did Blue know Ink? That must have been why he never banned Ink! Error just thought that since Ink was such a regular customer Blue didn't want to lose his business with him.
Error sighed before he grabbed the order and the paper and sat it on the stand in front of the couch within reach of Ink. "Well it seems you don't have to worry about paying."
"Oh?" Ink said confused, petting the small gaster dragon in his lap.
"Yup, it's free."
"Awh, Error that's so sweet of you." Ink said with what Error thought was a smirk, but with how tired he looked it was a rather sad attempt at one.
"Wait, what?" Error questioned, before realizing what Ink must have been thinking that Error was the one giving Ink a free meal. "No. No, no. No! Blue just made us deliver you this free of charge, not me." Error countered quickly. He didn't need Ink to think he was being nice to him; he hated the idiot, there were no doubts in Error's mind about that.
"Sure Error if pinning this on Blue saves your pride, then be my guest." Ink said grinning evilly, which was, again, a sad attempt of one in Error's opinion.
"Believe what you want, you idiot," Error said with a roll of his eyelights. He turned to look at Horror who had yet another blanket. "We should get going Horror. I want to spend the rest of my negotiated day off far away from this headache." Error's only reply was a quick nod.
Horror walked over to ink then adjusted the blanket in his hands as he carefully draped the fabric onto the two dragons, he made sure to not cover their faces and was careful not to startle the protective older gaster dragon. However, unexpectedly, when Horror was tentatively adjusting the blanket around the larger dragons head, the blaster brought its snout near the skeletons hand. Horror momentarily froze, expecting the protective dragon to react in some way. Would it bite his hand or would it be merciful and growl a warning? However, instead the small beast pressed its snout against the side of his hand with its sockets shut in a way that conveyed the dragon's trust. After Horror realized the dragon wasn't going to bite him he rubbed his thumb soothingly against the dragon's boney snout.
A sudden sharp inhale forced Horror to pull his hand away and look where it had came from. Horror was filled with immediate worry when he saw Ink's teary-eyed face, but before he could ask if anything was wrong Ink sniffled and spoke in a wet yet hoarse voice.
"You- Le-Lemon." Ink said stuttering seemingly at a loss for words. Error came to Ink's side trying and failing to act like he was annoyed at their delay. He grabbed the glass he had gotten earlier and handed it to Ink who quickly took a swig before handing it back to Error. "Lemon's never done that, they dislike every monster or human they meet," Ink said clutching his scratchy throat. Ink's eye sockets filled with small happy tears that Ink refused to let fall. "I- I'm just happy that Lemon's able to trust others."
"Lemon? Is that their name?" Horror asked rhetorically. "I don't know why he's friendly with me, but I'm glad he might learn to trust." Horror said before standing from the side of the couch. He made eye contact with the dragon and after a second smiled a small smile. It felt nice to be accepted and trusted, even if that trust and acceptance was coming from a pet. Maybe that was somehow better? Horror wasn't sure, but he appreciated it anyway. "I'll grab you some tissues, after that I think we'll have to go. Anything you need before we go?" Horror asked looking back to Ink with a small tilt of his head.
"No. You've done enough." Ink said looking at Horror with a grateful smile.
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