When The Elves Come From Mirkwood
Legolas paced his room. It was happening again. Elves from Mirkwood had come to his small village on the edge shore of the Anduin a few miles from the Old Forest Road. Each time this happened, Legolas' mother - Meran - had him stay in the house. She told him that she didn't want him to see the unruly Silvan Elves that would influence him in negative ways. Legolas knew that he was an Elf and that his mother was mortal; it had always been that way. He also knew that she had him stay home because she didn't want him to run away with other Elves. But Legolas could never abandon her. He loved her.
Nevertheless, he didn't like being cooped up in the house. He had books, parchment, coal, ink, quills, and other means of occupying himself. But he always reduced his activities to pacing the last two days or so. The Elves would leave the next day and Legolas would be allowed to go to town again. He longed to see his friends and the new goods from the Mirkwood Elves. But for now he paced his room and was content to know that Meran was trying to protect him. He loved her.
Legolas heard the door open and close. He waited to see who it was in case it wasn't his mother.
"Legolas! I'm home" called a voice Legolas recognized as his mother's.
The young Elf sprang from his room and jumped into his mother's waiting arms. He was twelve years old, but looked like a six-year-old due to Elven aging. He even acted like it sometimes. Mostly around his friends.
"Mum! You are home!" Legolas cried.
"Yes, Legolas. I am home," Meran laughed.
They then went into the kitchen and Meran began to make their supper. She cooked some rabbit meat and vegetables. Legolas sat patiently at the kitchen table and watched Mother float about the kitchen. She moved with practiced ease and Legolas never tired of watching her cook. But it was over too soon and Meran set a plate in front of her son. They ate in pleasant silence for a while before Legolas began to ask questions.
"Did you see the Elves today, Mum?" Legolas asked.
Meran smiled, "Yes, Legolas. I did."
"What did they bring?"
"Many things."
"What kind of things?"
"Interesting things."
Meran laughed and smoothed her son's hair down, "I am sorry, 'Las. They brought new weapons and silk for the weavers."
Legolas' eyes grew wide, "Can we go look at the weapons?"
"When they have gone."
Legolas smiled and continued eating his supper. Meran smiled to herself and ate the rest of her supper as well. They cleaned up their plates and then sat in the commons room together. Legolas snuggled on Meran's lap and she was content just to hold him. They sat for a while, just in companionable silence. Then Meran broke the silence.
"You know, Legolas, the Elves brought weapons and silk. But there was also a kind Elf in the square who was making animal carvings and giving them to the children."
Legolas was sad that he couldn't have been there, "Oh."
"I told him that I had a son that was unable to come to town today."
Legolas' interest was piqued, "Okay."
"So he gave me this."
Meran pulled a small elk from her pocket and handed it to her child. Legolas squealed and turned around to hug her around her neck.
"Thank you, thank you, Mum!"
Meran laughed, "You are very welcome, 'Las." She kissed his forehead.
They sat up for a while more and Meran read out loud to Legolas the tales of ancient Elves like Earendil and Gil-Galad. Legolas loved hearing these stories. Although most of them ended sadly, they were part of him and he liked hearing them. He went to bed that night and dreamed about a golden-haired Elf fighting a Balrog.
Meran woke Legolas the next morning and helped him get ready to go to town. They dressed and ate and then stepped outside. The Elves had left very early that morning, so Meran deemed it safe to take Legolas out. They walked down the paths to the square. There were many carts set up with the different kinds of new weapons and silks the Elves had brought. Meran took Legolas to see the weapons first.
They started off looking at the knives and swords. Legolas admired the shiny blades and jeweled hilts. The cart owners loved seeing the wonder in the small Elf's eyes. But there was some regret in their hearts that the boy had not gotten to see the Elves demonstrate the weapons. Legolas then looked over the axes that the Elves had made. Elves did not often use axes, but Men and Dwarves did and so they made a good profit. They were beautiful as well and Legolas loved looking at all the patterns on the grip, haft, and blade. It was all so wonderfully intricate and beautiful.
But Legolas' favorite weapons to look at were the bows and arrows that the Elves made. The bows were made with such care. Their designs were simple. But they were beautiful to Legolas' eyes. He especially loved how beautiful the simple arrowheads looked. Meran had not let him get a bow and arrows yet, but he wanted to learn when he was older.
Meran loved watching Legolas ogle the weapons. Meran herself was looking over the silks, knowing that the merchants would watch Legolas. Not only had she taken him in, but the whole town had adopted him as well. Meran looked through some green and brown silks. Legolas deserved to be dressed in the colors and fabrics of his people, even if it was not the same Elvish style. Meran browsed for a while before Legolas' friends came to ask if he could play. Meran gave her permission and the boys headed off. Meran was not worried. Legolas was responsible and would be home in time for lunch.
Now, the dark green or the lighter brown...?
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