In Greenwood
Legolas was angry. No, he was furious. That horrible man had taken his mother away and locked her in some dungeon. Not only that, but Legolas was locked in a bedroom and he couldn't get anyone to open the door. He'd pounded on it for half an hour to no avail. So now he was just sitting on his bed brooding and glaring out of the window. The trees were green and swaying contentedly in the breeze. Squirrels and birds flitted about and played in the sunshine. Legolas was jealous of them. He wasn't even tall enough to reach the window.
Curse my small body. Curse that man who calls himself my father. I hate him. I hate him...
Meran stared at the wall of her cell. This wasn't fair. She hadn't harmed Legolas. He was a perfectly healthy young elfling. There was no reason for King Thranduil to be upset. Maybe she could have said something earlier, but could she really be blamed? Legolas was like her own child. Why would she be willing to give him up so easily?
It wasn't until she heard someone clearing their throat that Meran realized she'd said it all out loud.
Meran turned around and saw Unilmand by the bars of her cell. She glared at him, "What do you want?"
He glared right back and tossed a small pack through the bars. Meran cautiously picked it up and found some food inside. And not week-old food that she would expect to be given to prisoners. It was fresh and well-kept. She glanced sheepishly up at Unilmand, embarrassed at her behavior towards him.
"I am sorry. I am in no place to show you rudeness, especially when you are kind enough to bring this to me," Meran apologized, averting her eyes.
Unilmand's hard expression softened, "It is alright. I suppose you aren't going to want to be kind to those whom you can't make see reason." Meran's head snapped up. "There is a lot of sense in what you just said. You are just being a mother. But the King is highly suspicious of any outsiders. I suspect you would have spent some time down here even if he had believed you at all."
"Eat and rest. you will have much to worry about soon enough."
"I will. Thank you."
Unilmand nodded and smiled softly before disappearing soundlessly.
Meran ate the bread and fruit she had been given before she drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep.
Weeks passed and Legolas was being incredibly stubborn. He refused to eat what he was given and he would not leave his chambers. He would run and hide when Thranduil would come to see him. Legolas hated the older Elf. The Elvenking had taken Legolas' mother from him, and he would not forgive that. He was brooding on his bed when his door opened. He didn't care who it was; he wouldn't speak to them anyway. He only turned when he felt the bed dip with the weight of another person. His cheeks became red with anger when he saw that it was his "father". Legolas turned back around and stubbornly crossed his arms over his little chest. He heard Thranduil sigh.
"Legolas, will you please stop acting like this? It is very unbecoming of a prince," Thranduil tried.
"No! I am not a prince!" Legolas spat back.
"You are my son, and I am a King. That makes you a prince."
"You are not my father!"
"I am every bit you father!"
Legolas spun around. "I hate you!"
Thranduil was taken aback. Legolas' face was red and there were tears in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and hold his child. But as soon as he raised his hand, the child before him screamed and ran into his washroom. Thranduil watched the door slam and felt his heart break a little as it did. He'd crossed a line. He'd taken from Legolas the only thing the boy really wanted. Legolas needed a mother, and his mother was locked in one of Thranduil's dungeons.
Thranduil walked through his halls. Perhaps he was being unreasonable? But wasn't this a normal reaction? Protectiveness? But perhaps sending Meran to the dungeons was a little extreme. But what if she decided to try and leave again with Legolas. No, that was impossible. The guards would catch them. That, or they would lose their way in the woods. but Thranduil didn't want to have to deal with it either way. Besides, from their argument, Thranduil could tell that Meran was a sensible woman. She wouldn't try to escape. Not with Legolas, at least.
Perhaps they could stay together...
Meran sat in her cell contemplating her situation. She was glad that Unilmand agreed with her. But Legolas did belong in the Woodland Realm. He was the Prince! He needed to stay. But Meran knew that she didn't belong there. Maybe she could stay just long enough for Legolas to get settled. It would give him time to get used to life in Greenwood and she could have time to say goodbye.
Meran suddenly head someone clear their throat. Why did all the Elves have to be so quiet when they walked? She turned and was surprised to see the Elvenking Thranduil at the door of her cell, keys in his hands.
"Come with me."
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