A/N: this was requested by t0urmAI1ne I hope you like this little oneshot and I hope that more of it starts to pop up! they had asked for a reader with a short temper and that is something I can relate to a lot as I've got a short temper, little things can tick me off and make me bubble over with anger so I'm really happy to do this oneshot! it can get very frustrating having a short temper as sometimes it can be just the littlest thing that throws off your whole day and makes it hard for friends to understand that you kinda just need to blow off some steam for a bit!
Art Credit:
this is the video i was watching that gave me some inspiration for this fic! enjoy!
Reader: short-tempered reader, gender-neutral pronouns, reader has wind powers because I said so.
Plot: a soft moment of Nezha comforting their partner who's been pushed to angry tears.
-Your POV-
you grumble to yourself as you walk (stomp) through the halls of the lotus palace dripping wet and fuming, today had not been your day, first the instructor that was supposed to help train your wind powers had run off then when you went to visit some friends they had ditched you and gone off on their own without you, at that point you had already started to lose a hold on your temper so went to go home to try and calm and cool off only to get dragged into a battle by MK and his friends, Red Son making some comments on your powers and how sloppy they seemed which really annoyed and peeved you, so at that point you decided that you were done with the day and just wanted to go relax at home only for someone to dump water on you by accident while they did gardening, so now here you are stomping through the halls of your shared home towards your shared room to get yourself a nice comforting bath and rest.
you open the door to your shared room only to see the bedsheets stripped, you forgot about laundry day, with a huff and your anger so close to braking point you head out of the room only to run into one of the servers of the palace, that was it, that was absolutely it, you broke and began to yell at this poor server as they stood there with a look of worry and fear, once you had finished yelling you began to tear up, still mad and feeling a tad guilty you ran off to the garden to hide away.
you sat near one of the many lotus ponds in the garden with tears beginning to brim as you continue to mumble and hiss about the day and let streams of angry words tumble from your lips when you felt a hand pat down softly onto your shoulder "Y/N? what happened?" Nezha your loving boyfriend asks as he kneels next to you "i..I... Ugh today.. just" you mumble and fumble on your own words as the anger that was previously calming down re-bubbled to the surface "today was so, ARGH, instructor dipped, friends bailed, MK and Red Son being MK and Red Son, gardener splashing me with water, forgot about laundry day and then i trip over one of the servers! i just UGH" you vent as Nezha rubs at your back as tears well up and spill down your cheeks "that sounds frustrating, would there be anything i could do to make things better?" Nezha asks a calm and soft tone to his voice, you look up into Nezha's eyes, not a trace of pity or amusement at your predicament only understanding and care "could we have some tea and cuddle?" you mumble out softly "we can" Nezha gives you a soft smile as you give one back, the two of you head back into the palace to have tea, also to say sorry to the server that you yelled at.
hello! I'm not fully back yet but i got a little inspiration and decided to write this short little fic! hope you all enjoy! things have been tough lately so it's nice to come back to visit! thought i have been working on something as on one of my tumbler blogs i've been a busy little bee! i'll leave a link in my Bio for the blog if any of you happen to be a FNAF fan and want to check out my FNAF SB Blog!
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