To The Extreme!
It was that time of the month for the superstars of WWE to take their talents to the absolute extreme... Extreme Rules was right around the corner and with the event in Miami, Florida and so our favorite couple of the Boss and Limit-Breaker were on a flight to the Sunshine State along with fellow superstars like the Revival, The Riott Squad, among others. Mercedes looked out of the airplane window to see the sky view of downtown Miami. She then turned to see her husband listening to his music and she lightly kissed him on the cheek to get his attention and she succeeded as he took his earphones out.
Trevion: What's up Mercedes-Benz?
Mercedes: Nothing we just entered Miami, take a look.
Trevion looked out down the window to see the bustling nightlife that Miami had been notoriously known for. He saw the sun beginning to set over the Atlantic Ocean and looked at some of the signature places of Miami; Biscayne Boulevard and The American Airlines Arena, the mansion of the late, great fashion designer Gianni Versace and all the various nightclubs the bustling town had to offer.
Trevion: You know I always wanted to go clubbing in Miami and nightfall hasn't really settled in yet... wanna go clubbing with a few friends?
Mercedes: Sure why not; I could get Fergal and Pamela along with some others and throw you an early birthday party!
Trevion: I'm absolutely down; ever since WWE switched up Money in The Bank and Extreme Rules; I now get at least a few days to be ready, plan my gear in advance and hit the gym with my super sexy wife.
Mercedes: You're so corny Trevion it's absolutely adorable. Remind me just how lucky I am.
Trevion pulled her into a heated kiss, while she unbuckled her seatbelt and slithered into his lap. His hand found his way towards the inside of her shirt and Mercedes teasingly batted his hand down.
Mercedes: As much as I want to turn this into an R-rated scene, we've got to grab our bags and get to the hotel. You did say you wanted to go clubbing didn't you?
Trevion: Oh don't worry there'll be plenty of time to get kinky; come on to the hotel we go and then exploring Miami!
Mercedes and Trevion grabbed their bags from baggage claim including their WWE and SmackDown Women's Championships from the contents of their suitcases. As soon as they exited the airport, fans were lined up waiting for the arrival of the superstars. This was more or less the case with Trevion and Mercedes who waded their way through the ravenous sea of people, taking pictures, signing shirts and posters before making their way through the crowd en route to the rental car field. After checking in with people they were handed the keys to a rental 2017 Ford Focus. After making it to the hotel, they switched into some more suitable clothing for the nightlife scene. They had texted some other couples they've come to know in WWE. They entered a swanky and upbeat club where it was very lively. People were grabbing drinks, there had been a different variation of music from genres of pop, hip-hop, and country music... Mercedes and Trevion entered hand in hand when Alexis and Matt flagged them down.
Matt: There they are the most powerful couple in all of WWE!
Mercedes: I wouldn't say that Matt but thanks it really feels good to be back on top of the world.
Trevion: By the way congrats on finally making it to Raw; Alexis is exponentially happier since you're both on the same show.
Matt: Thanks mate, 205 Live was alright but I was always traveling with the SmackDown crew and it really put a strain on everything Lex and I have been working towards. Now the next thing is not doing anything stupid and getting buried before the main roster run even begins.
Trevion: That shouldn't be too hard; I mean Vince is no longer running things on any of the shows and Hunter and Stephanie have done a pretty good job running things. I mean when's the last time Brock has stepped into a ring? Since that part-timer has been gone, superstars like Braun, Drew, and Fergal have been able to flourish like the true superstars they really are.
Mercedes: So you guys on the show?
Alexis: I am; challenging for the Raw Women's Championship in a falls count anywhere match; Matt hasn't been cleared from concussion so he's still out for now. What about you guys?
Trevion: Fatal Four Way Extreme Rules for the both of us... Guess that's the risk you run when you're a fighting champion.
Mercedes: Enough about tomorrow we can worry about that when the time comes. We came here to celebrate Trevion's early birthday. Hey bartender, Jim Beams all around!
After a few beers between the foursome, Matt and Alexis were dancing while Mercedes had been seductively twerking on him.
Trevion: Someone must be looking for a little good-luck sex aren't they.
Mercedes: And what if I am? You'll be able to appease me right?
Mercedes then slinked one of her arms around his neck and kissed up his chest right to his lips, turning him on even. Trevion then tapped Matt on his shoulder.
Matt: What's up mate?
Trevion: Mercedes wants the Vitamin D so she and I are gonna take off and get ready. You and Lexi need a ride?
Matt: No but thanks man, go ahead and cater to your lady.
Trevion then fist-bumped the Best Kept Secret, hugged the Goddess and left with his Legit Boss going back to the hotel room. By the time she swiped in, Mercedes pulled her husband into the room making sure she locked the main hotel room door and threw him on the bed showing she wanted sex badly.
Trevion: Someone's want to be stretched.
Mercedes stripped out of her dress, bra and panties, revealing her slim-thick figure.
Mercedes: Clothes off. Now.
Her tone brooked no argument as Trevion shrugged removing all the articles of clothing he had been wearing. Mercedes went to work sucking his cock. Slurping, gagging, choking on it, Mercedes showed her freaky streak doing the whole nine yards on his third leg. Trevion not to be out done, began eating her pussy and fingering her ass. After moaning and groaning their asses off Mercedes finally had enough of sucking his meat-stick, guided herself onto him and began riding him nice and fast. Trevion held her waist, eventually his hands making their way up to her breasts which had grown a little despite her not being pregnant. Soon he matched her speed punishing her with his full length going fast and hard.
Trevion: Goddamn this pussy is so wet!
Mercedes: Only for you daddy fuck this pussy harder and better than you ever have Trevion!
Mercedes kept bouncing on his hard on as she felt the sensation of getting raw-dogged. Then the sensation of relief washed over her.
Instead of squirting this time around however she simply creamed all over. After about another hour of fucking, Mercedes felt Trevion bust a huge load in her and she felt good. However she quickly came to realize she wasn't on the pill and she told him to stop using protection. But on the flip-side she was happy because in the event she lost her championship. Only being the age of 26, Mercedes felt despite being champion her curse of poor booking and short title reigns would seemingly continue so at least she would have something to look forward to.
The very next morning after the steamy session they had endured, Mercedes finally woke up and saw her husband's massive wrapped around her protectively. She smiled warmly and kissed him on the lips. Trevion then opened his eyes immediately and saw his purple-haired queen.
Trevion: Well this is a welcome sight, hello Mercedes.
Mercedes: Morning dear husband of mine; are you ready to put your body through unimaginable hell tonight?
Trevion: After the sex we had last night I wouldn't be surprised if my legs are still a tad wobbly.
Mercedes: But it was still bomb as fuck right?
Trevion: Oh without a doubt; especially when you were spinning around on my dick like a tornado.
Mercedes giggled.
Mercedes: What can I say when I'm having sex, I bring everything I can to spice things up but last night.... you came in me.
Trevion: Yeah and?
Mercedes: .... I wasn't on my birth control.
Trevion: Oh my....
Mercedes: Hey look at me Trevion; there's a reason I decided to stop my birth control. After talking to my mom about potentially having kids and on the account we're not getting any younger. I'm 26 and you're about to turn 23 soon. And with the strong possibility that I lose my championship tonight and with the whole mandatory title rematch clause out the window, I've decided to give my body a break from WWE and finally start my fashion line. You know how I always wanted to start something for people and not just myself?
Trevion: Yeah and you're absolutely right; you're one of the hardest workers in WWE but everyone needs a break from putting their body through. It's a good thing I'm losing my title as well I've needed a break as well. Gotta get started for the high school year as the new school's head football coach and physical Ed substitute teacher.
Mercedes: Well it's better to start planning for this stuff in advance than we actually decide to retire.
Trevion smiled and she smiled back; they then finally decided to get dressed and head to the arena for the Extreme Rules pay-per-view they were co-main eventing. After dilly-dallying and sharing a make out session for about twenty minutes, Trevion along with Michael, Nuufolau and Adeel started the match and not even thirty something minutes later the match was won by a bloodied and bruised Samoa Joe after putting Adeel to sleep and throwing a battling Michael and Trevion off a ladder into two tables set up by the Top One Percent. Trevion was being treated for potential broken ribs and a possible concussion after being super kicked while holding a steel chair. Mercedes was with him the entire time.
Trainer: Well good news Mercedes, it appears Trevion didn't break anything but he has displayed possible signs of a minor concussion but a concussion nonetheless; he'll need to go through the concussion protocol but given how quickly he heals from any injury it'll be a sitch.
Mercedes: Thanks Gary I don't know what WWE would do without you.
Trainer: Anytime and good luck on your title defense.
He left to go get Trevion's head scans and right as day Trevion woke up after passing out.
Trevion: Goddamn what happened?
Mercedes: You wouldn't get up after you and Michael went through those tables. Doctor said you suffered a concussion.
Trevion: Well that's not how I wanted to start my break my from WWE... trapped in what did Rebecca call it "Medical Prison?"
Mercedes laughed and then kissed him.
Mercedes: Maybe just tone the death defying stunts if you're trying to have a kid with me.
Trevion mock-saluted her and kissed her.
Trevion: Aye-Aye Captain; now go steal the show with the ladies like y'all always do?
Mercedes: A Legit Boss always does sweetheart.
She left the trainers room and tore the house down. As many superstars had to endure, it was no different than what Mercedes, Ashley, Shayna and Macey(Lacey Evans) had endured. Kendo sticks were broken, chairs were bent over bodies at an unholy angle. The match would meet its end when each superstar hit a finisher, Mercedes hitting the Bank Statement last before meeting the Woman's Right from Lacey. Mercedes sold it perfectly showing the illusion that she may have lost a tooth resulting in Mercedes losing the SmackDown Women's Championship to the Classiest Lady. For once, Mercedes was actually thankful she wasn't champion as it could free her up to do so many other things in her life. Of course she would make a return to wrestling but for now her body needed and deserved the break it was about to receive.
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