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Many nights have passed since the small event at the marketplace, and as a new night arrived as the sun sets. It's become a routine for her new servant to come to her lady's chamber.
However, just as the servant pushed through the large double doors - getting a peek at the room and bed - she was unable to find her ladyship. 'Had I arrived too early?' she guesses before she timidly entered but not before closing and securing the doors. It would be shameful on her part to allow prying eyes to get a glimpse into her master's, and her lover's chamber. Until she pondered;
'I wonder... Where is she?'
In a safe house, a good distance away from the Cornelius palatium, a man groans in pain as a Latros inspected the injuries the man has sustained from an apparent sabotage. The old man was bruised, beaten, and battered to an extent that would be impossible to recover from. With a clenched fist, a woman along with another looked for the doctor's evaluation.
"Doctor, will my father be alright?" Estelle asked with constraint anger in her voice, while her dear mother only weep furthermore.
With a resigned look and a deep sigh, the latros began, "Your father will make a recovery, but he will be crippled for life. I am sorry, young Cornelius." and with that said, her mother - Justina - broke out into a hysteria as her husband's case just became worst. "My sweet husband..." she approached him slowly and carefully sobbed by his side. He took her arms that wrapped around his head as the pain still coursed throughout his body.
"I... I am fine my love... Please... Don't cry...."
As the couple comforted each other and suffered together through the unfortunate case that has befallen them. It by a knock on the door that broke their moment. A person they are glad to see, but not in such circumstances.
"Sister?" The man asked before he looked at his mother and then his bedridden father. His eyes darkened, and his lips turned into a scowl. "Was it Cistro?!"
A rivaling party, and family - the Pompeius - who held a strong grudge against the Caesars, and so targets ones that were branches of the main clan. "I would have his tongue from his mouth!" In a rage, the man yelled in a loud and booming voice. "You will not, brother." Estelle intervened, as she pushes her anger down to think clearly. Though it seemed her brother mistook her lack of anger or the visibility of it as uncaring, and so continued nonetheless. "Him and his subjects! We just need the other family's support!"
"Have I not spoken?!" Estelle commanded, her voice not louder than her brother's but enough to stop his rabble.
"Justice can wait. We have more pressing matters now, Damian." She explained, as her voice softens as did those dark brown colored eyes. "Assaulting our father isn't enough to sate their thirst to ruin us. No, they want all of us - our family - to be snared by their trap. Executed by 'suicide'."
None spoke, and so she continued.
"The Senate has recently been interested in reclaiming the Aquila that had been lost over the Hadrian's Wall. It would seem they are planning to assign our father to be legatus once more and lead his legions to the task. But.. Instead opted to kill all of us than just our father. By dishonoring him, they can crush our reputation and status, then outcast us through all means until we're lower than cattle. An ingenious plan."
The silence allowed the words to carry the weight until Damian eventually spoke up. "Then I will take charge of the Legion over the Hadrian's Wall in our father's stead."
In any other case, that would have been the right choice but it was impossible. "Damian, you are already assigned, you simply can't change legions. Even then, those people in the senate - within Cistro's pocket - will decline. It is also impossible for you to rise the ranks immediately to Legatus."
Their father, Marcus, spoke slowly as the pain was still unbearable. But he can't just lay in bed as his family was in trouble. However, what he was about to say next would have to be the most difficult thing he had to do in this life; to save his family.
"Estelle. Lead my Legions."
Asking his only daughter, to be the head of a legion that would face headfirst the horrors of the battlefields.
With a firm face and with unwavering words, Estelle could trust her father to take on the responsibility he has and bestowed on her. As she matched her father's demeanor, she responds with dedication to the cause as she's responsible for their family's lives. "Of course, father. I should go ahead and meet with your second - your Tribunus - to gather the Praefectus and plan our move."
Marcus - a proud father - became shameful of what he had just asked his daughter, but he did not let it get a hold of him. He must stand firm, for his daughter that looked to match him in every aspect - in bravery and in anything else. Then, with only a nod, as his body tripled in excruciating pain he laid back down.
"My sweet daughter, please be careful. Please come back alive."
Her mother embraced her into a warm hug as she wept, truly like father and child, Estelle hated to see their lady in tears. A loving wife and a caring mother, she was the home that which they all found comfort. "I should leave now, mother. Farewell."
Then towards her brother, she embraced him before she spoke to his ears.
"Brother. While you are here, keep an eye on our family. Double the guards and check everything, especially our ledger, and beware of spies among our servants. Keep our family safe, Damian."
With that, she was gone to meet the legion that she would be leading.
'I am my father's daughter, a child of a Roman Legatus and a child of Julius.'
Estelle recited as she steels her nerves, despite having agreed and voluntarily, for her father - for her family - it's for them in the end. 'Such is life.' she affirmed her decision, although the situation was entirely out of her field. 'A Female Legatus?' she would have scoffed at the idea, but how could she when she was about to make the idea; a reality.
A Roman elite, a woman, who only oversaw domestic affairs and the maintenance of the household. To manage financials, slaves, and servants. Estelle Julia Cornelius.
Was then appointed to manage and lead a Legion. A Roman Military army.
'I am my father's daughter, a child of a Roman Legatus and a child of Julius.' she recited once again.
She collects herself as she approached a large tent, preferably away from prying eyes as it was somewhere in the woods. As she entered, a group of men in legionnaire uniforms without their armor stood surrounding a rectangular table - filled with maps, mini statues, and flags on them - as they all turned to look towards the person's entry.
The commander's child - the daughter - of Marcus Julius Cornelius.
"My ladyship, I am pleased to make your acquaintance."
The first to speak was a man with a freshly trimmed beard and hair, and a muscular feat, along with a few visible cuts and scars that spoke the man's history in combat. "Likewise, Sir."
Immediately, the man picked up the hint and followed by introducing himself. "I am Numerius. The Tribunus - second in command - of the Legion. Your ladyship." Then on cue, the others followed suit as the others went to introduce themselves. There weren't many that were let into the secret - not out of fear of being sold out by other legionaries within the legion - but the few that knew the better.
The introduction lasted not long when it only consisted of ten Centurion and the Tribunus - only the high-rank officers - involved in this endeavor. With the introductions made, Estelle took a step forward before she spoke to clarify their positions.
"I would like to make things clear - for our sake - that I would only assume the title 'Legatus' and its authority. However, it is you men that would make the decision regarding the military strategies and approach on the field in which I am not at all familiar with. At your discretion, I leave my father's legion in your responsibility."
It was a good sentiment, on both Estelle and the captains of the legions, to cover each other's weaknesses only it is then they can thrive in this endeavor. To let the professionals and the experience take the lead, however, that was easier said than done, as Numerius spoke in a grateful tone but became a matter of fact.
"I appreciate the sentiment and your cooperation, my lady. But as the commander of the legion, it is required to be present in war talks, and battle discussions and be the person to ultimately decide. Otherwise, the men will catch wind of what's going on behind the scenes. Then the risk increases."
Numerius explained in a logical point of view, making Estelle hum as she took it into consideration while she is also in awe of the man's intellect. 'I should reconsider my refusal of marrying a soldier. Perhaps my father does see something I can't in a man.'
"I understand, Tribunus." she accepted before a rather important, yet simple thing that has eluded her thus far.
"What about my voice?" Estelle worried, before a Centurion - named Magnus - that it would be difficult to hear and decipher it to be a woman's voice. Especially in combat, or even out of combat. Since the men will hardly be able to suspect that their commander would be a woman. Furthermore, Estelle had the Centurion and Tribunus in on her secret. Estelle can relax about having people that could back her up.
"With all things considered, I believe that we are all briefed about the situation. But we should remain cautious, and vigilant on how we approach this said-situation. Everyone should just go on as usual, and my lady?"
Numerius turned to have all the attention on Estelle, as well as grab her attention, "Welcome to the Seventh Legion of Gemini, Legatus."
Author's Announcement
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