Silence hung in the air, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Ambrosia quietly listens as Klaus laughs, "I'm sorry, you've missed so much. Ah.. trouble in paradise." "One more word about Elena and this dinner's over." Stefan growled, surprising the eldest Salvatore.
'Bloody hell.. what have you dragged me into Damon?' the ravenette internally groaned, rolling her eyes as the male Hybrid mockingly put a finger to his lips whilst smiling.
"It's probably best to keep this Elena girl in the 'do not discuss' pile, yes?" Ambrosia mused, raising a brow at the men, her voice taking a sisterly tone that Damon immediately recognized. "You're probably right." Klaus smirked, Damon nodding, "Yeah." the second eldest Salvatore silently prayed that the Mikaelson's would do as she said.
Yet those prayers fell upon deaf ears.
"It's just.. the allure of the Petrova Doppelganger, still so strong." Klaus' smirk grinned as he turned to his elder brother, "What do you say brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?"
Elijah sipped his wine, "Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?"
"Well.. given their shared affections for both Elena and Katerina, I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova Line." Klaus retorted, Ambrosia lent forwards, placing her chin on her folded hands, elbows rested on the table.
"Well, love, we're not going anywhere and I do enjoy a good story." she mused sweetly, "Please.. do tell, I'd simply adore to hear what my dear brothers have gotten themselves into."
Slight shivers crawled at the spines of all four men, unnerved at the female hybrid's tone. It was sickly sweet, laced with curiosity, yet held an authoritative edge to it. The noble Mikaelson nodded, "As you wish."
"When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia. She was an exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor, even though she'd had a child by another man. And none loved her more than Niklaus."
"I'd say there was one who loved her at least as much." said man spoke, staring at the woman beside him, holding her gaze. Damon frowned at the looks the Mikaelson's gave his sister, who seemed oblivious about it.
Stefan chuckled scornfully, "Wait a minute." Ambrosia turned her attention to the youngest Salvatore, "So you both loved the same girl?"
"Stefan." the woman said, a warning tone lacing her delicate voice, "It's rude to interrupt."
The story had long since finished, Ambrosia was mindlessly playing with her long silky locks, halfheartedly listening to the negotiations between her family and the Mikaelson's.
She'd picked up bits and pieces, which did anything but sustain her lack of knowledge in the predicament. Not that she cared, as far as she knew, she was only really here to support her brothers.
Her attention was drawn to Klaus as he stood and began to pace. "Let's say I do leave her here, under your protection, what then?" he mused, pausing as his gaze met striking baby blue hues, shrugging off her curious stare, he continued.
"How long until one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse, how long before she dies caught between your feuding?" he questioned harshly, staring down the Salvatore brothers, "You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her, and that is simply a delusion."
Ambrosia's brows furrowed, "Gentlemen, the worst thing for Elena Gilbert.. is the two of you." she felt her heart break at Damon's weak smile, "I'm gonna get some air." he said, standing and walking out. Elijah soon following.
She stood to join them, but she didn't get far before a rough hand gripped her thin wrist harshly. "I'm quite curious about you, Ambrosia Salvatore." Klaus stated, staring down at the rather small woman.
Stefan pulled his older sister away from his former friend, "Keep your hands off her." he spat, making the male hybrid raise his hands in 'innocence'.
The youngest Salvatore kept the eldest close to him, glaring at the hybrid as he mockingly spoke, "All this talk has made me thirsty." he looks to one of the compelled servants, who instantly walks over to him, "What do you say Stefan, Sweet Ambrosia?" Ambrosia rolled her eyes.
"Can I interest you in a little after-dinner drink?"
Once Damon and Elijah returned, Ambrosia left to get some air herself. She was growing irritated with the cocky hybrid already.
As if on cue, her phone buzzed, making the female hybrid sigh softly. She knelt down, digging her phone out of her boot and looking at the ID. A small smile tugged at her lips at simple white letters that flashed on the screen above a picture of her and Derek.
"Hello, my love." she spoke softly, feeling her heart swell, "Hello to you too, babes. How's everything going with your brothers?" her boyfriend of six years mused, she leaned against the Mansion, playing with the sleeves of the flannel she stole from him. "Better than expected to be honest, there hasn't been any death threats yet."
Derek laughed, it sounded like music to her ears. "How is everything in Beacon Hills?" she hummed, "Peachy.." he grunted, now it was her turn to laugh.
"Shit.. I've gotta go, cops are lurking." he sighed, she giggled, "Okay. I should check on the boys anyways, things are too quiet." "Bye, babes. I love you." Derek spoke softly, making her smile, "I love you too, Sour wolf."
The call ended, the woman smiled softly down at her lock screen. It was a picture of Derek she took when he'd been reading.
Her brother's screams drew her back to reality, literal seconds later and she'd returned to the dining room to find Klaus holding Stefan in a fire whilst Elijah kept Damon back.
Bright blue eyes widened at the sight, "Don't just stand there!" Damon yelled at her, "Use your pixie dust and help our fucking brother!" her shock was washed over by irritation. She cocked her hips, glaring darkly at her brother with glowing eyes.
"I'm fae you uncultured little shit." she hissed, "Pixies are daft cunts."
The Original hybrid chuckled at the little argument, but instantly shut up when her blood curdling scowl turned to him. She went to attack him, but Elijah had other plans.
Before she knew it, everything had gone black.
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