Chapter Six
Third person POV
Paul: Hey look! We're back!
Carl: I know! Isn't it great?
P: Seeing as we're filler characters, I didn't think we'd have any more parts.
C: But we do! It's great!
P: Have you noticed Cale, Alan, and Flint are all gone?
C: Yeah, I did notice that. Maybe they're the main characters of whatever story we're in, seeing as their the only ones gone. Well, Quinn's gone too.... Hey! That'd actually make a pretty interesting cast of characters if Quinn's there too.
P: Indeed it would. Everyone else thinks they're at camp but we don't because the weird pill things Quinn gave us don't work on us.
C: Yup, we're immune.
P: Kiera and Tara are gone too.
C: Well, Tara wasn't here before anyway.
P: Also, did anyone else find it odd that when Tara disappeared, when Cale left, his dad didn't say anything about it?
C: I sure did! Also, despite the fact that the house basically exploded, it seemed perfectly fine the next day.
P: Yeah, what's up with that?
C: Maybe the dad fixed it some how. Or maybe it was Quinn. Maybe he has super building powers or something. And we can think that because we don't know his power is sensing.
P: Or maybe the story is set in the future where buildings are fixed instantly.
C: This story is not set in the future. But maybe the town has really good rebuilding services.
P: Or maybe the house they were in was an illusion.
C: Or maybe the house was repaired by Faeries.
*the entire Earth becomes silent*
*sirens start blaring*
*earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, thunder storms, and stuff come out of nowhere and start destroying everything*
*the planet explodes*
*somebody pushes a restart button*
*time goes back to that exact moment*
P: Carl! You can't hint about know about all the magical stuff!
C: Sorry, I forgot.
P: Don't do it again.
C: I won't.
P: Good. Anyway, seeing as we have a while chapter to ourselves, we've decided we're going to interview the parent of the five that have left.
C: We're starting with Joseph Raines, Cale's dad.
P: So how're you doing, Mr. Raines.
JR: I'm doing well, thank you.
C: So where is it that you think your son is?
JR: At a camp.
P: So where is Tara then?
JR: Oh, Tara went with him.
C: Ah, that makes sense.
P: Mine if I ask, but how did your house get fixed so quickly?
JR: Oh, no idea, but however it happened, it helped me out, so I won't complain.
P: Thank you Mr. Raines.
C: That'll be all.
JR: Come see me again if you need anything.
P: Will do.
C: Bye.
P: Next we're going to Kiera's aunt, Lisa Gonzalez.
C: Nice to meet you Miss Gonzalez.
LG: Can we hurry up? I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day.
P: Yes, of course. Mine if I ask where you think Kiera is?
LG: Yes, it's some school activity. Trip out of state maybe?
C: I see. And just out of curiosity, what do you do for a living?
LG: I am a lawyer. And I have a client waiting for me. So if you don't mind, can we end this little interview?
P: That's fine. Thank you very much.
LG: Goodbye boys.
C: Now we're going to talk to Alan's dads, Jeff Jones and Michael Jones.
P: Hello Mr. Jones. And Mr. Jones.
MJ: Hello! What brings you fine folk here?
C: We would like to ask you some questions.
JJ: Ok then....
MJ: Don't mind him, we'd love to answer your questions.
P: Where do you believe Alan to be?
JJ: He's going on a trip with a friend.
MJ: I hope he's ok.
JJ: I'm sure he's fine.
MJ: But what if he's not?! He never really talks to us?! What if something's wrong?! WHAT IF SOMETHING'S WRONG?!?!
*MJ shakes JJ's shoulders*
C: He may just not talk to you because he's a quiet kid......
MJ: Maybe you're right.
JJ: Of course he's right. You're just over reacting. Like always.
MJ: Ok, ok. I'm better now.
JJ: Good. Thank you guys for coming over.
P: You're welcome.
C: We went to Flint's house but no one was home. So now we're going to visit Quinn's uncle, Ace Dusty.
AD: Well hello there. You kids looking for anything?
P: We'd actually like to ask you some questions.
AD: Well sure, fire away.
C: Where do you think Quinn is?
AD: What do you mean by where I THINK he is?
P: He's asking what the weird pill things made you think.
AD: Oh, I never ate it.
C: Ah, I see.
AD: Also, how did you know about them? And why are you asking me? And why is the dialogue like this?
P: This is a filler chapter and we decided to use our filler chapter to interview the parents of the main characters. And the fillers are allowed to break the fourth wall to know things they wouldn't otherwise know.
C: We're allowed to break the fourth wall but not talk about Faeries.
*sirens start going off*
P: Caaaaaaaaaaaaarl!! Not again!!!!
*AD pushes a red button on the help desk*
*the sirens stop*
C: How'd you do that?
AD: Oh, I have a "Prevent Doomsday" button. Comes in handy sometimes.
P: Thanks. We appreciate you stopping the doomsday for us.
AD: Speaking of which, stop ending the world!
C: We will.
P: You have no room to speak. You've ended the world twice in less than 1000 words!
C: Yeah, yeah.
AD: Is that all you have for me?
P: I think so.
C: Wait, can you tell us where Quinn went off to in the middle of the night?
P: Carl, no!! That will spoil it!!
AD: It doesn't matter, I don't know, nor would I tell you if I did.
C: Then that's all.
P: In conclusion..... I got nothing. What did we accomplish?
C: I have no idea.
P: Oh well. It was fun.
C: See you guys later.
P: Bye.
C: Bye.
Well, did you enjoy? I just felt like writing something different. There's really not much to say. No guide for this chapter.
Thanks for reading,
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