Chapter Fourteen
Flomandakiria was in a city large cave. We stood at the edge of the tunnel, overlooking the city. Providing light, there were glass orbs of lava (or was it magma? We were technically inside the volcano) that were scattered around Flomandakiria in various sizes. The buildings of stone were ranging from a ruby red to an obsidian black. There were even trees with red and orange leaves. "Wow," several of us gasped. I wasn't paying enough attention to figure out who. I had never guessed that such a civilization could be hidden in a volcano. Another thing I noticed, it was really hot. But that was probably because we were in a volcano. There was a staircase build into the walls of the city that led down. "Come on," Flint told us, excited. We followed him into the city. There were a lot of people. "I didn't know there were this many Flamen," Zia stated. "The tribe doesn't associate with outsiders much," Flint stated. "Where are we going?" I asked, as we walked through the empty streets, "And shouldn't there be more... people?" Flint laughed. "We all gather at bonfires for meals. There are many around the city. We're heading to the central one so we can tell the High Khan about our quest," he announced. "High Khan?" I asked. "Yeah, the leader of the city is the High Khan. The city is divided into districts, each governed by a Khan." "So Khans are like the governors and the High Khan is like the president," I concluded. "Kinda, but the Khans are more of a combo between governors and Congress. The High Khan gets approval from the Khans on decisions. The High Khan gets the final say but if he's a good leader, he'll take the Khans' opinions into consideration as well," Flint explained. "Awesome," I said. Flint led us through the city. We soon reached the bonfire. A man walked up to us. "And who do we have with us today?" he asked. "Flint of Flamen, and visitors, all human," Flint introduced, "We would like an audience with the High Khan." The man paused. "I am Khan Molt of district 16. And I do not think that can happen. I do believe that you must go through the Exams," he told us gravely. "What, why?!" Flint asked. "I do believe you to be slightly suspicious so I am recommending you for Exams. Is this matter time sensitive?" Molt asked. "Maybe. We don't know yet. But we're trying to get there quickly in case it is," Flint told him. Molt nodded. "You are of the tribe, so I will have you skip the physical Exams and go straight to the verbal Exams in order to help you with your task," Molt announced. "Exams?" I asked. "Yes, if a Khan finds a person wishing to speak to the High Khan suspicious, they may recommend them to Exams, which are designed to test whether a person is a threat or not. The physical Exams are several test to see your physical capacity and to get stats, for example, the amount of times your heart beats per minute. The verbal Exams are basically an interrogation. You drink a truth serum that prevents you from lying. Then they ask you questions to determine if you are trustworthy or not," Molt told us. "It isn't done often though. And I'm not sure why we are suspicious," Flint added. "Please follow me," Molt instructed. He led us to a large building. He led each of us to separate rooms. Before we went in he addressed us. "Inside these rooms, you will find a cup with some liquid in it. Once you enter, you will drink it. All of it. Then you will wait till I collect you for the Exams. Flint, as tribe member, you will go first. I will give you 5 minutes for the potion to wear off. After that, you will go in whatever order I see fit. In exactly one hour, I will tell you if you are fit to see the High Khan," Molt told us. We nodded. We went into our separate rooms. I looked at the dark liquid. I was wary of it but I didn't really have a choice in the matter. I took a drink. I got half of it down before I started coughing. It was burning my throat. But quickly, the pain faded until you could almost forget it was there. I swallowed the rest. The pain came again but it didn't last as long. No wonder Molt was giving us 5 minutes. I sat waiting. Before long, Molt's voice came over the intercom (I didn't know they had those here). He said, "Five minutes have passed. The Exams will now begin."
Sorry about short chapter. But I wanted the Exams to have their own chapter. Hope you enjoy.
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