Howdy fellas, this is my first book and I hope I can get some good feedback on this so I can make better chapters in the future, enjoy the story
Third Person POV
"We're almost there." a watchman called out. Mikkel put a hand through his wavy brown hair as the sea breeze blew towards his crimson red eyes. He was very excited. They were almost at their goal, Thatchwood Cove, the cove had many treasures there, and an acceptable amount of supplies. But they were getting paid to raid the cove so they didn't care about the money much. But there was one problem, it was in human territory.
Humans, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, and Dwarves had been at war until the legendary warriors appeared. There was Black Thorne, the master of the battleaxe, Elderwood, the master of the bow, and Aridox, the master of magic. They led armies of humans, elves, and dwarves against the evil dragon, Behemoth the destroyer.The mighty warriors slew the dragon and the goblin and orc armies retreated. It has been a millennium after the legendary warriors have vanished from time itself. But it's been a new age, one of gunpowder and sails, one where magic was becoming rare, and elves, humans, orcs, dwarves, and goblins are enemies again.
Mikkel's POV
"Hey!" I call out to a man next to the weapons rack. "Those are my swords you have there!" he called out. "Sorry, here!" tossing my cutlasses over to me. "Great, thank you!" as I sheaththem into my scabbards on my belt. "Land ho!" the watchman yelled out. "Let's do this!" I shout as the boat reaches the shore and I hop out, straighten out my coat, and do what I do best, combat.
As three guards charged at me, I draw a spear and I hurl it at the first guard's chest while using the second one as a human shield as the third shot his bow at me, as the archer aims his bow at me again, I pick up my spear and hurl it at the archer as the archer barely hits me, leaving only a scratch. The archer crumbles down as the spear hits him square in the chest. As the other pirates joined me, they complimented me on my skill. Just then, arrows rained down on us. But only I was able to get under the roof of a warehouse in time as arrows go through the other warriors. He looks and sees that he is alone, until I hear a voice, "You have been a real problem for us, Mikkel Dragonson." I turn only to have a dart hit me on the shoulder and I black out as the last thing I see is a cloaked figure lower a blowpipe and grin.
Yeah, sorry this one is short but I'm still somewhat new at this, but let me know what you think in the comments below.
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