First Year,
Dirty Quidditch
Rhea waited patiently for Ethan to come downstairs, he had his first quidditch game after successfully making the Gryffindor team. Her ankle was healing nicely, even if it was still a little sore she didn't let anyone think she was hurt.
She took a quick glance around the common room Gryffindor house were dressed to show their support for the quidditch team. Truth be said they needed to win, Rhea had docked them many points she couldn't take all the blame, the youngest Weasley brothers were proving to be very rebellious and nothing like their older brothers.
"Prongs and Padfoot keep giving us hints, we just need to keep trying," she overheard one of the twins say,
"Did you say Prongs?" she questioned
"Yeah," Fred said
"You know who it is?" she assumed George said, she had worked out that Fred was slightly shorter than George.
"I've heard it before," she said,
"What about Moony, Wormtail or Padfoot?" Fred asked
"Moony, Wormtail yes, Padfoot, that one I haven't heard before, I best get going, my cousin has a game to play," she walked away, listening to their conversation.
"Damn it, it's Padfoot's heir that can help us," she creased her brows wondering what they could be up to.
She left her common room, hoping that Phoebe would go to Ethan's game. She had been avoiding Rhea for a week now, wouldn't sit with her in class, how could she apologise when Phoebe wouldn't entertain being anywhere near her. She spotted Laura she hurried to hug her as they headed up the stands to find their seats.
"Laura! Rhea!" they heard some shouting them. They looked all around them smiling as they saw her mother and father.
"What are you doing here?" she asked
"Supporting Ethan's first game of course," her father said,
"Oh Sirius, I feel like a teenager again," Aimee said, waving down to Ethan.
"We've had a few good times on the pitch," he said, kissing his wife's cheek.
"I thought aunt Aimee only played one year," Laura questioned
"Yeah, I meant playing a game of quidditch,"
"Gross," Rhea muttered, knowing what her father meant, "Dad, do you know your names, Padfoot, Moony and Prongs,"
"How did you get them names?" she asked,
"Well, we were kids, where do nicknames come from really, I called you my lion cub, before you were a Gryffindor." she chuckled, "why'd you ask?"
"Nothing, just curious," she said, he didn't seem too convinced
"Why didn't Phoebe come," her mother asked
"We sort of had a fight, she saw something and didn't tell me about it,"
"Sweetie, she not a walking crystal ball, she doesn't have to tell you everything, I never told my brothers everything,"
"She saw something though, I could have used the heads up,"
"Don't you think I'd like to know everything she sees but it's an invasion of privacy, would you like anyone lurking around in your mind,"
"My girls, can we watch the game peacefully," Sirius said, wrapping his arms over his wife and daughter's shoulders.
"GO CHARLIE!" Fred and George chanted, she glanced over at them,
"GO ETHAN!" she shouted, distracting him, one of the Slytherin Chaser barged their way into him,
"Sirius!" her mother warned, "it's a kid's game,"
"Yeah well, nothing changed, Slytherin still play dirty,"
As the game came to a close end with Slytherin winning by only 10 points. Sirius insisted on having a word with Madam Hooch, about the injustice to the Gryffindor team. Though Aimee managed to keep him from making a scene, they congratulated Ethan on his first game before they left.
"By mum," Rhea waved her parents off, George noticed who her parents were,
"Hey, I never knew you're mum with Aimee Black," she judged his height against his brother.
"Yeah, how'd you know her," she asked,
"Our mum read her articles,"
"Oh well, she's written many of them," she walked away from him,
"How's your ankle?" he asked, sounding genuinely concerned,
"It's fine, George,"
"How do you know I'm George,"
"I pick up on things, you are slightly taller and you're more sympathetic, I lost count of how many times I've slapped your brother,"
"Truthfully, he doesn't know what to do with you,"
"You're not an easy target, and certainly I worthy competitor, he doesn't know whether to befriend you or make you his enemy," she laughed,
"I must admit you're keeping me from being homesick,"
"How so?"
"My partners in crime are my little brothers, I do most of my pranks with them," he nodded,
"Well, we could be worthy partners,"
"In your dreams, I don't work with people who have plotted against me," he held his hands up in surrender,
"Okay, if I can keep Fred from pranking you until the new year, what do you say we team up?"
"I don't know Weasley, I'd be lowering myself to your level,"
"Alright, don't say the offer wasn't there,"
She smiled as he walked off with his brother, she liked George, he was nice to her. Whereas Fred was irritating, getting under her skin every time he'd flash that arrogant smirk her way. Though there was something Fred achieved that nobody had ever achieved with her before.
He made her cautious, of her surroundings, if he happened to be too close to her, she would question what prank might be waiting around the corner. No one made her cautious when it came to pranks because she had mastered every kind of prank, but Fred was her equal their pranks were so similar in planning.
It was just a matter of who planned theirs first.
"Hey, Ri we're trading homework want to join," Angelina asked as she entered the common room
"You're doing what?"
"Trading homework, Alicia is doing Herbology, I'm doing Charms, Lee is doing Potions, there's only Transfiguration left if you want to do that,"
"Okay but why?"
"After we've finished, we'll rewrite the others in our own words makes homework a little easier," Alicia explained
"Sure, I'll get started,"
Sat at the otherside of the common room, George and Fred were still trying to work out the secret to their parchment. They might have had their biggest clue yet, 'so close but so far, one of our own was on the grounds today, - Prongs'
"You think she could be their daughter," George said, though Fred was too busy analysing Rhea. "Oi!" he clicked his fingers in his face
"We're you even listening," George accused
"Yes, maybe we could get her to reveal something about them,"
"How when she won't talk to you,"
"I have an idea about that," he smirked in her direction, this was for sure going to win her trust.
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