"Its been a while since I was lost for words,"
-Fifth Harmony - Scared of happy
"Thank you," Brie started.
Roman rolled his eyes. "You've been thanking me for five minutes now. Stop. If you are really thankful you'd stop thanking me." Really, it was getting on his last nerve.
Brie nodded, smiling, "It is just you didn't have to, and you said you weren't going to." Her eyes then widen in fear and pain, "Did I bully you into buying it?"
Okay, now that had got Roman to laugh while he drove the two. "You can't even bully a fly," he stated through his laughs. Brie bewilderedly looked at him, but she knows he was right.
Nodding, she chewed on her fries, liking them quite a lot actually. Roman brought her a large portion and she was almost done already. It was just too good to her and she had wanted this for years now.
And yes, he knows he had decided he wasn't going to buy her nothing and he was settled on that until he saw the look of absolute amazement and joy when she just saw the sign (which he had found a bit creepy if he was being honest). And a part of him wanted to kick his own ass when that look struck a chord in him, changing his mind instantly. The best thing he could have done then was not ask her what she wanted and ordered what he wanted, doubling it up.
"Can I ask you something?" I hate her. Was his first thought to her question. I hate Dean for making me have to be stuck in a car with her. And hate that I really don't hate her which just makes me hate her more.
"What?" His voice unenthusiastic as he took a bite of his burger, steering the vehicle. He didn't care for her question but at this point what the hell? Right?
"What is a dick?" Brie innocently asked, squirming a bit to ignore her cramps as she stuck a fry in her mouth.
Wanna know what Roman was expecting? Not that. Not that by a long shot. And you know what is a horrible thing to be doing while you hear or see something you weren't expecting? Eating, especially burgers. And you want to know what Roman was doing? Eating..... a burger
Roman double swallowed on his bite of burger and began to cough, eyes watering a bit as he tried to drive through his choking and coughing. Brie looked at him highly worried and highly confused by his reaction. "Are you okay? You can pull over to recover." Brie suggested, fighting her instincts to reach out and rub his back because she just knew he would not appreciate that by a mile. Roman ignored her, grabbing the water he had brought earlier on, opening and finishing it, clearing his throat afterwards.
Feeling almost judged by Brie for his reaction, he pulled a straight and cold face. "Why do you want to know?" Instead of answering he just asked her his own question. Why should he answer someone who tried to kill him by having him choke to death?
"The guy back at the chicken place was asking me if I want his dick," Brie muttered, eyes looking out the window, slightly ashamed she doesn't have a real clue as to what he had truly meant by that.
Roman inhaled and struggled not to shut his eyes tightly, just picturing how clueless she may have reacted in that situation. "Let me guess, you had said yes." Roman just knew she did.
Brie saw the look of absolute tiredness and astonishment on his face due to her and not in a good way. She saw how stupid he had thought she was. "Not at first, I don't like accepting things from strangers but he keep persisting and I didn't want to hurt his feelings and tell him no -plus I had thought it was a book or a movie or something but I'm not so sure any more." She explained wiping the tears that wanted to leave her eyes, her hands playing with each other.
Roman wanted to really bash those two guys heads in and he also wanted to just scream some sense into Brie's head. He was really growing annoyed with her cluelessness. With her niceness. With her.
"Wow, what makes you think it's not a book or movie?" Roman chuckled, blatantly and carelessly mocking her.
Brie felt like utter crap, physically and mentally. She closed the bag with the fries no longer in the mood to eat. This time her tears fell before she could have wiped it, resulting in her quickly looking out the window. She didn't need Roman thinking she was stupid and cry for everything, though she feels she is, though she feels like he feel like that already. "Sorry for wasting your time asking you stupid questions." Brie apologized like she was taught to do when she had wasted other's time which she tried not to do.
Roman ignored her, finishing eating his burger, stacking the wrapper in the now empty bag between the front seats. His intentions was to just let her sit there in her feelings, crying. He had done it quite easily before with others. He wanted to ignore her apology and her existence and for a while he did.
He studied how she tried not to cry too loudly or move at all to avoid possibly harassing him. He couldn't see her face but he just knew she was admiring the cit even in her sad state. Roman shook his head because for the second time or probably the fifth time today he had broken his character for her.
"A dick is a slang. Yes, it is also a name but not in the way he was using it. It is something some people have." Roman vaguely explained the irration that he was even doing so was clear to her and him.
"Do I have a dick?" Brie asked causing Roman to bite back a laugh and a smile. He answered like that because he knew it would lead to that question. It was almost fun messing with her cluelessness. Roman shook his head and Brie looked at him confused. "Do you have one?" She asked.
He was laughing on the inside but on the outside he had looked rock cold. "Yes. A great one," he deadpanned though he was proud of himself.
Brie wanted to know how he knew whether or not she had one but she started to figure it was something obvious, like a business or a pet. "Do you like dick?" Brie asked.
And for the second time in that car ride Brie had made him choke, he had just recovered quicker this time without the water and now furious. Imagine what Dean and Seth or anyone who really knew him reaction would be if they were in the car right now with them.
And maybe he should accept some of the blame for not telling her directly exactly what it is when she first asked but he wasn't going to. He was going to be mad at her instead for even asking that. "No! I don't!" He had meant to sound really angry and he did but it was masked by him sounding defensive.
From the corner of his eyes he saw Brie pulled back her head, flinching just a tad bit at the loudness of his words. He hummed to himself satisfied with the reaction.
"So you don't like your dick?" She more so muttered highly confused and a bit worried because some where along the line she really started to believe a 'dick' was a pet and him not liking pets or animals but owning one really distressed her and caused her worry.
If he was not driving he would have closed his eyes for a good minute and try to collect himself and stop himself from hitting his head or somebody else's on a wall. But he was driving and honestly he didn't feel like getting in a bad accident. Thus, Roman settled for letting out what seemed to be a minute long sneering sound from his throat, ignoring her eyes on him, gripping the wheel so tight it felt like he may burst it.
"A dick is a penis." In his mind he had sounded really calm. To Brianna and basically anyone who had heard him he had sounded on the edge of driving off a cliff. He had spoke through gritted teeth with a rather stiff face.
For a second he had thought she may not have known what a penis was but the embarrassed, strucken, look on her now red face let him know she did. She had honestly look more gobsmacked then he had ever seen a person look which made him smirk a bit.
"Oh," her words timid and embarrassed. Roman grinned and shook his head at her reaction. It truly was humorous to him. Meanwhile Brie was flabbergasted and ashamed over the fact she had just spend so much of a car ride asking about a man's genitalia. She almost squeezed her eyes shut when she remembered she had ask him if he had like other men genitals. "Sorry." She shyly apologized, too embarrassed to even look at him. Roman bit his bottom lip to keep an unreadable look on his face, suppressing a mocking smile.
It then dawned on her a while after what she had just done and tears started to roll from her eyes as she clasped her hands over her mouth. Roman hearing the sobs glanced at her and was highly confused as to what the hell was going on. He was about to argue with her for crying over nothing. So what she was embarrassed? That was nothing to cry about, not in the situation it happened in. It really ticked him off how she was crying over it and he was about to lose his temper on her but before he had spoke, she did.
"Back there when Jake had asked if I wanted his d- area," she said area really meekly turning red again at the mere mention of it. "I had said sure. Did I agree to be raped?" Brie choked out her words.
Roman stopped the car, his house was in view and no other car was behind him (not that he would care even if there was one). Brie was too busy crying, trying to figure out what exactly she had done and if she was the one who in the wrong truly.
Roman threw his head back on the head rest, shutting his eyes, wiping his hand over his face like that would wipe the stress away. It was one of those time he didn't know what to do. He knew he what he should do and that would be to carry her to his home and lock her away in her room and leave her until she was needed. But for a reason Roman would never even allow his deepest thoughts to admit, it didn't feel right.
He sighed before moving PRNDL stick with his hand making a sharp U-turn that caused body their bodies to shift to the side even with their seatbelts on. The suddenness of it all jumped and shocked Brie who instantly felt scared, seeing him drive away from the place she stays.
He is going to kill me, Brie had thought.
((A\N: OKAY, so I'm really sorry for not updating in what seems to be forever but I was busy and when I wasn't busy I was resting, or babysitting or chilling. But I finally have time to write and so I did!
PRNDL, when I typed that London and Mr.Moseby was in my mind loll.
Hope you enjoy 😍😊)
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