::7:: A Taste of the Real World
"And for what it's worth,
He did save me,"
- Hayley Marshall -The Originals
Driving Roman stared ahead of the road, face plastered with an unpleasant look, his thoughts matched it. He couldn't believe he was actually driving out this hour to grab some period.....equipment like he likes to call it. Brie was looking out the window, seeing scenery she had never seen before. And of course she was fascinated. She didn't even bother looking Roman's way.
Roman glimpse at her and saw the side of her face and he could just tell she was taking it all in. Rolling his eyes he pulled up at a variety store, parking.
"Okay we are here," Roman started, now gaining Brie's attention. She looked at him while he looked at her with a warning look. "You grab what you need, only what you need, and then you wait by the register for me, if you are done before I am." Sounds fair, Brie thought.
"I-I-" Brie started, interrupting Roman from opening his door, he looked at her skeptically hoping she wasn't going to tell him she soiled his seats with blood. "I don't have any money," Brie muttered, she didn't think it through. Only when she heard register, it registered she didn't have money, not on her if anything. Her parents does, though, lots.
Roman rolled his grey eyes, "I know, now hurry, before you ruin my car with your....thing," he instructed opening the door, he missed the smile Brie gave at his reaction towards periods.
Unlike Roman, Brie had on her seatbelt, she tired to tell Roman to put his on but with one look she was shoot down. She unhooked it and got out.
Her eyes going up to the sign blinking a red light, the place doesn't look fancy or well kept but something about the vibe, Brie loved. Brie saw Roman walking in and jogged to catch up, he didn't leave the door open for her, so she had to open it and enter.
"Find, your crap," he told and walked the off. Brie knew she could have ran off and leave him here but many things could go wrong and she just knew he'd catch her and she'd be put in far worse situations. No surprise here, but Brie wasn't a risk taker. And it annoyed her ever since she was but a little girl.
Brie began to walk around not really knowing where to go, she just took it all in while hoping she finds the pads soon because her pain is intensifying. Sighing in relief when she found them she walked quickly over to them and picked up her brand. Noting that that was all she needed, she headed to register and just smiled at the old lady there.
"Ready to cash?" The woman asked, her eyes narrowing a bit at her, almost like she was familiar to Brianna but don't know how and Brie didn't quite know why.
"I'm waiting on someone," Brie honestly told with her signature smile. It wasn't as happy and as gleeful as it was before she was taken but it was there. She still had things to be thankful for, and although she was frightened and kidnapped she still thought everyone deserves a smile. The woman returned it and looked across at the tv that was showing soccer.
Brie looked around for Roman and saw him approaching with two packs of skittles. Roman looked at her and then her hands, he noticed she just had one item. His brows furrowed.
"Don't you need like chocolate or tablet or something else?" He asked confused, he saw girls go through this and usually they have a whole load of other shit.
Brie shook her head, "It'd be nice.... Helpful even, but not needed. You told me only pick up the things I needed so I did," like the obedient puppy she is, she showed him. The woman glanced at Roman a bit confused. Roman exhaled.
"Do you want chocolate and tablets Brie?" He didn't sound nice and caring but more tired and over it all. Brie was about decline because she didn't want to over do it. "Yes, you do. Okay, no need for that speech about how you don't want to overstep your boundaries."
To say Brie was shocked, would be perfect actually, she didn't guess he would know what she was about to say and even more shocked he was willing to buy them for her.
"Uh, thanks but I need to hurry and put theses on," she honestly told not missing the cringe from Roman, she turned to the lady, "Is there a bathroom here I can use?" Brie asked. Roman never seen a girl be so forward about that kind of stuff before and he really likes it when they aren't.
"I'm sorry sweetie but it's under repair but just across the road is Drew's chicken, you can use their bathroom without buying anything," the old lady told her kindly. Brie smiled brightly at her, thankfully.
Her eyes then met Roman, "Can I?" She wasn't exactly sure if she can go all the way across the street alone or what.
"Go ahead, I'll grab the things and meet you," he told her dismissively, Brie nodded and jolted out the door with the pack of pads now in a black plastic bag in her hands.
Brie was finished and Roman was in his jeep waiting and looking down at his phone. He didn't usually take his victims out. And when he says didn't usually, he means, never. And if he even had concerned it, it wouldn't have been for their betterment and he damn sure would not let them wander off without him. But Brie, she was just different. She was trusted, and Roman was confused as to why he trusted her with such things. Maybe her innocence, naiveness and niceness shined way too honestly to ever be labeled as an act.
Meanwhile, Brie was smiling tightly at people in the restaurant who looked her way, out of politeness.
"Hey," a voice she never heard came from behind her. Brie turned around and saw a guy who looks two years older than her, standing there. She beamed up at him, but she was a bit cautious, they were taught not to talk to strangers. But then taught to make friends, and that was a memo that confused her. Most friends started off as strangers.
"Hi," she replied kindly, with a kind smile on her face. She showed no rudeness. The boy was a little shocked it seemed like and Brie doesn't know why.
"You're even prettier when you smile," he hit on her, but Brie just saw it as him being nice.
"Thank you," he smiled, "You also got a really lovely smile." And she was being honest, his eyes squinted like a child's would when they smiled and Brie like that a whole lot.
"Why thank you," now if Brianna was use to living life like a regular person and not trapped in the compounds of a school her whole life. She would have noticed how mischievous that sounded, but she didn't. "I'm Jake," he introduced, Brie stretched out her hand to shake his. He was a bit weirded out by her gesture because no teen does that, but hey, she is hot, he thought.
"Brie," she shook his now extended hand.
"So, Brie," he licked his lips suggestively but Brie thought he did because he had chicken flavor left on it or that his lips were dry, so she wasn't scared. If she knew what his gesture really meant, she would have been. "Say, since we are all introduced, and it seems like we like each other." He seems friendly and Brie don't hate him. I guess I like him.... Is that how the normal world works? You decide if you like the person then and there without further communications? Different, but I guess it can be a good thing, Brie taught, smiling. "Say I'd give you something..." His eyes had a glint that made Brie suddenly feel weird but being a sweetheart she didn't want to hurt his feelings.
"It's fine, you don't have too. I mean I can't accept anything just like that, I'm sorry," and she was being truthful, she hated getting things without feeling like she earned it.
But Jake continued, "But I really want to," he told very surely, looking into her eyes. Brie corked her head.
"What is it?" She asked, deciding that turning down the gift he wanted to give her would be very rude of her and being rude wasn't her style.
"My dick," He smirked evilly and Brie was all types of confused as to what he might by that.
"Like a Dick wolf or Dick Moby book or movie, or something?" Brie asked, those were the only dicks she really knew of. She doesn't know why he stated it in that weird way but thought it rude to question his language skills.
Jake was dumbfounded, before he laughed, thinking she was just joking because no chick could be that dumb right? He asked himself. "Or something,"
"Then sure I guess," she responded, confused, curious and slightly doubtful for even agreeing. Jake laughed, amazed by her, he was starting to believe she didn't know what he truly meant but shit she said yes and who was he to refuse the girl....even teach her, he sickly thought.
"Let-" he started but stopped when his named was called from a table, "Stay here, I'll be back in less than a minute," he told almost pleadingly, looking into her eyes. Brie was unsure because she was certain Roman was waiting for her but she didn't know how to say no to someone who looks so desperate for her to stay. Maybe Roman isn't ready yet, she convinced herself. "Sure," Brie agreed, watching him go back to the table.
She felt really weird and really in pain seeing her period came the second she put the pad on.
Brie looked out the window and saw Roman gesturing for her to come on with an angry look on his face. Her lips parted because knows she is really stuck, looking over to the table where Jake is, she caught his attention. "I have to go," Brie mouthed and waved, exiting the establishment. She chose Roman because she wasn't an idiot. Brie knew the people she loved would be hurt, possibly killed, if she didn't. She isn't happy about possibly hurting Jake's feelings but she is certain he'd be fine.
"Wait, where are going?" Jake came rushing out behind her, with his friend on the other side.
"I have to go, sorry," she reiterated, truly sorry but Roman was waiting and she really wanted to get back to the bed and be in pain in peace, honestly.
"But I didn't give it to you yet!" Jake shouted gripping her wrist tightly, tone threatening and eyes dark, looks she became use to from Roman and his gang. Her eyes widened, she didn't know what was going on or why Jake was acting this way.
Maybe he isn't the nice person I thought him to be, earlier? Brie taught, scared.
"I have to go," she struggled to free her wrist but he held on tighter, shaking his head, his friend laughing besides him.
"You aren't going anywhere until I give you my dick. You agreed to get it, remember?" He darkly asked. Feeling fueled with power, no on in the building seemed to see what's going on due to them being behind surrounded by cars and sort of hidden by the brick wall of the building. Brie did remember but also remembered Roman's threat and honestly her family and friends and possibly even teachers came way before what ever this dick was he wanted to give her.
"It can't be that good anyway, I have to go," Brie struggled and she didn't know where that attitude came from, maybe hormones, maybe being fed up of everyone bossing her around. Maybe fear, maybe honesty.
Jake's friend laughed and Jake didn't appreciate that, so he twisted her arm quite painfully. Brie winced, feeling tears fall from her eyes. But she did learn, she learned from Stephanie's school what do if being attacked physically.
She kicked his ankle, then karate chopped his arm, causing him to release his grip, then she kicked him in his private area about to run but Jake's friend held her and she felt helpless, struggling and panicking.
And that's when Roman finally decided to stop watching and waiting to see what Brie would do and what the boys were about to do. He stormed over to them, pulling Brie away from the boy dressed in a white shirt.
"What the fuck man?!" Jake's friend angrily asked, while Jake slowly regained himself, now standing back up semi straightly.
Brie was breathing loudly, weirdly feeling safer now that Roman was there, defending her.......seemingly.
"No hard feelings man, I just saw what was going on and figured I want piece of the action," Roman responded with. Brie stiffened with wide eyes, she couldn't believe Roman had just said that. She wanted to cry but instead she just looked at him in absolute shock, knowing there was no way of getting out now with Roman on their side.
Jake and his friend both looked at each other confused and wary. "We aren't stupid, are you the police?" Roman laughed genuinely at the question. He is the thing police hates the most because they have no power over him....at all. He makes police his, well, bitches.
Roman still holding Brie, used his free hand to dig in his hand and pulled out a large stack of money. Brie looked at the money confused but gulping. "No, I'm not. But I am loaded and willing to pay to be apart," Roman told holding the money out to the teenage boys.
The boys send looks between each other, nodding. "We agree," they both said. And that was when Brie began to cry. She didn't know what they planned to do with her but she knows now it's horrible.
"What's you guys' name?" Roman asked the two causally.
"I'm Jake and that's Kyle, we are cousins," Jake told, Kyle nodding besides them. Roman smiled and handed them the money which they happily took.
"So where are we taking her, to you guys' college dorm or?" Roman dug for information, looking at the two boys who were trying not to freak out over the amount of money in their possessions.
"Nah, we go to Columbus, it is out for now and we decided to come back here, I'm visiting my mother," Kyle spoke up, Jake nodding besides him.
"First year in college?" Roman asked ignoring the shivering, crying Brie in his hold.
"Second,'" both told in sync.
Roman processed the information, nodding. "Idiots," he then told punching the shit out of Kyle. Jake's eyes widened in shock. Roman let go of Brie to punch Jake down to the ground as well. "Thanks for the information guys, you'd wish I was the police after I'm finish with you guys," Roman grabbed the fallen money. "Come Brie let's go," he ordered, pissed off.
Brie was too stunned to even try to think of what Roman just did or even meant, she couldn't even move. "Brie!" Roman called out for her again and she ,took off, pacing behind Roman not willing to get him even more angry.
||A/N; Honestly I have no reason to now be updating this, since this was written some time way before Christmas -Hope you had a wonderful holiday season by the way- and all I had to so was proof read it. Which I barely did even now, so I'm sorry. But I hope you enjoy.
Ps. I know the song doesn't really match but who cares?
Plus I'm super excited to write the next chapter because I know exactly where it will be heading.
Anyway stay epic 💞💕🎄💞💕||
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