::5:: Reputations are Gimmicks
"I swear y'all don't know
The half of this industry
Let's do this dirty laundry
This dirty laundry."
- Dirty Laundry - Kelly Rowland ⏭
"You are a strong and beautiful woman, and not only that, but a magnificent, magnificent role model," News Reporter, Peyton Royce beamed. Stephanie shook her head, at the compliment. "I, thank you, but I'm not," Stephanie played humbled and it worked.
"No, but you truly are, if I were in your shoes, I'd be eating ice cream with my hair all messy," Peyton went on the build Stephanie up who laughed a bit.
"Only at night times," Stephanie joked and the two share chuckles before the seriousness returned.
"But it can't be easy." Stephanie nodded, "You lost a teacher to such a heinous act and one of your best students still haven't been found. And not only that, reports are that, your husband, Paul or better known as Triple H, owner of radio station Hype Hip Humble, is also hospitalized. How are you handling all this?" Peyton looked genuinely concerned and caring.
With an exhale Stephanie started, "Truly I don't know. I think I've just gone into work harder mode?" She stated like a question almost to ask if it made sense. Peyton nodded. "Everything isn't the best. Mickie didn't deserve her death in the slightest, it was traumatizing. She was the best ever, students loved her -when she wasn't mad at them," Stephanie feigned a pleasant but hurting smile. "Oh Brie loved her," she told and Peyton slightly smiled, a sad one. "Now, I don't know what happened. But I do know Brianna, and I know she is the kindest but also strongest-willed person ever. I hope she is safe. We are looking for you, Brie. Truly," Stephanie finished with a sad smile, wiping the 'tears' from her eyes.
Peyton send her a sympathetic smile before looking back down at her cards, with all the questions. "And your husband? Is he okay?"
Stephanie thought by neglecting to answer about her husband the question would be forgotten but it didn't. "Hunter and I, will like to keep all of that private and to ourselves. My is husband is strong," the answer didn't answer Peyton's question, but that was media there for you.
Reaching out her hand, Peyton shook hands with Stephanie. "Thanks you for coming," the reporter told. "It wasn't a problem," Stephanie beamed, still keeping a sadness to her. "And there you have it folks. The latest on what's going on. Please keep safe and an eye out for Brianna as we all search to find the Angel known as Brie. Thanks for watching CNN news, until next time." Peyton and Stephanie both looked into the camera.
When the cameras cut Peyton took off her mic. "You did it, didn't you? You are such a good liar. Honestly, it burned to compliment you," Peyton told Stephanie who looked around the room seeing no eyes on the two. Stephanie smiled, amused but annoyed.
"Then it looks like you are liar too. Maybe I'm a magnificent role model after all," Stephanie darkly told. The two glared each other down, before Stephanie feigned a smile and walked off.
Click, went Roman's tv after watching the interview with Stephanie. He, like he rest of the world had no idea what went down afterwards between Peyton and Stephanie. But knowing the two women he only hoped they didn't shout everything out to to everyone in the room, in a yelling contest.
Looking through his documents, his was furious. Furious with one of his clients. A client who will be up in his office in no time.
"I swear if good guys never win, then that'd mean the bad guys do," Seth burst into, Roman's office smiling like he won the Lotto, folder in hand. "Because baby, we are winning!"
Roman looked at his brother (from another mother) with a raised brow. He was lost as all hell. Seth saw and walked over to his desk, resting the folder down like he scored a slam-dunk. Roman just blinked at him and shook his head at his extra-ness. Seth motioned for Roman to read it. Now.
Roman sighed but picked it, eyeing Seth to see if it was worth the read now, and Seth nodded, very certainly. Roman only hoped Seth was right.
Opening it, his eyes scammed through the pages, reading few bits that was written in red, deeming it important. He couldn't believe what he was reading or how Seth got this information but he was intrigued. Flipping through useless pages, he found what was looking for. No way! He thought looking at Seth to see if it was true and it sure was.
"This is almost a bit too good to be true Seth," Seth knew that, so he agreed, silently. "How? I mean -yeah, how?" To say Roman was flabbergasted would be an understatement.
"When you send me to to overdose, King Lawler, last week." Ah, Lawler, the man who died because he 'committed suicide' by overdosing on pills. Roman himself, had send Seth to take him out and make it look, like just that, an overdose suicide.
"So in Amsterdam?" Roman's brows furrowed up some more. "That was quite last week. Why are you only now telling me this?" He asked.
Seth rolled his brown eyes. "Because, I needed to get all the facts. Needed to set all the traps. Our guys, are good, but sometimes they take long with these things. Plus, who could blame them? And, you like to be given information throughly, so that's what I did. I got information, background and research, even plans. So a thank you would be nice," Seth told.
Roman rolled his eyes, Seth and Dean were the few people allowed to even talk to him in that manner.
"Well, we have to pull the trigger on this. This here is perfect. Because we still can't trust Brie to go on national tv yet." He growled afterwards, annoyed with Brianna. She spent her days weeping and praying, that's all.
"I'm already working on that, big dog," Seth grinned wickedly, "You just sit back and watch this mastermind, pull this off. Whoop!" He hollered to the end, earning a funny look from Roman who proceed to crack a smile. A smile which fell when he heard a knock.
"It's me, Dolph," the American pop sensation told from behind the close door. Roman's annoyance with him coming back.
"Enter! Now!" He scolded. Seth looked on as the door opened. In walked Dolph, dressed in an expensive ripped jeans, a white shirt, a black and green jacket, with black Jordan sneakers on his feet.
"How's it goi-" Dolph tried to act like everything was fine but it wasn't. And he knew that. He knew that his lash out in the public, would land him in big trouble with his PR team, and when his agent told him he would be seeing the head of all heads, of celebrity agents and mangers. The big boss Roman, he knew he was in for some deep shit. Especially since it's not his first time in hot waters. "Sit!" Roman barked, treating the global sensation like a dog. He went to shake Seth's hand but Seth just gave him a mean glare, so he swallowed and took a seat in front of Roman.
"The fuck are you doing?" Roman asked but gave the man no room to answer, "You're reputation is already trash." Which you made it, Dolph thought to him but said nothing. "We are trying to fix that, to make you look like the guy who went through wild days and is now calming down! That was your gimmick!"
"I know-" Dolph balled his fist to stop him from possibly loosing his job or worst, by answering back Roman.
"So why the actual Fuck didn't you show up to your charity event!?! Why two day laters you were caught pushing a fan!?! Why a day after that you thought it'd be a good idea to walk out of the interview that was planned to have you speak about you turning over a new leaf in your life?!" Roman was fuming. And Seth was shaking his head. He wasn't exactly hands on to take care of Dolph, that was the others job but he knew of the plans for him.
"I was sick that day," Dolph honestly told.
"I don't give a flying damn! You being sick and being there would have been even more perfect! Are you stupid Dolph? Honestly?" And that was a question Roman honestly wanted to know. Dolph's blue eyes looked directly into Roman's grey ones. He was pissed off. They both were. Seth could partially smell the tension.
"I'm so fucking sorry I ruined your big, genius -totally not overused- plan! I'm so sorry that fan was bitch who tried to touch places her greasy hands weren't supposed too! I'm so sorry that, that interviewer was a bitch and I was tired of your shit!" Dolph now standing, looking back at the big boss, anger burning in his eyes. "So you asked if I am stupid? No. I'm tired!" Dolph finished reeling. Seth looked at Roman after Dolph's outburst and just hoped he didn't have to think of a reason why Dolph was dead, to the media.
Roman clearly pissed, walked from his side of the desk, over to Dolph's, standing so close to him, it made the singer, very uncomfortable. He swallows and tried to look as brave as possible. "Talk to me like that again, the AMA's award show that is coming up, in the next three months would be dedicated to you. We'd call it a drugs and liquor overdose and with your pattern, everyone will believe it," Dolph shut his eyes tightly, to hold back the tears. He knew the power Roman had. "What I want from you, is complete obedience, no excuses and for you to agree with everything I say. Do you understand me?"
"Y-yes sir," Dolph stuttered. Roman loved the fear he invoked in people. Chuckling, he tapped Dolph's back very harshly, causing the superstars to hiss but say nothing. Roman looked at Seth who looked at him, causally. He was use to this.
"Now sit back down," Roman ordered and the singer obeyed, without hesitation. "We are cleaning up your image. And to do so, we decided to make you, look like the biggest hero ever. Like your love in the most powerful thing."
Dolph furrowed his brows. "You are getting me a fake girlfriend, aren't you?" He couldn't help himself from sounding like an asshole, it was in his nature.
Roman chuckled and nodded. Seth was confused, they didn't discuss a fake girlfriend for him. At least not to his knowledge.
"Who? Mandy Rose, the wild child with daddy issues? Or Summer Rae, flopping artist who needs me to boost her career?" He dully asked. He was aware, Roman controlled both of them and much more. Roman controls mostly all of Hollywood's artist.
Roman laughed at Dolph guesses. "Neither. You will be dating Brianna Colace in two months,"
And Seth's eyes opened so hugely, they looked ready to jump out of his eye sockets. Seth wasn't expecting that. He shook his head not getting it. Seth knew Roman's plan for Brie was to have her deliver drugs to powerful men in the business and get them to spill all their secrets. Hell, he even expected him to make her an assistant or something, but not someone's girlfriend.
And Dolph was just as shocked when he heard the news. "Wait, the kidnapped girl? I thought she was dead! You have her? And why me? How would that make me look good and not like I kidnapped her?" Dolph had spree of questions. And usually Seth would have asked him to stop with questions but he, himself, wanted to know the answers.
It made no sense. Putting Brie back in the public eye. He thought, they were to make it look like she got kidnapped, escaped and then went to live her life far away from humanity. Thus, making her a much more powerful, secret agent to their business. Brie was suppose to stay lowkey, not dating a famous singer. Especially a dick, when the media already painted her as an angel.
Roman meant to keep those plans, he really did. But he figured this way would work more. It was more interesting and Dolph needed Brie desperately for his image to change. He knew there are some kinks to be worked out but he'll work them out, just like he always do.
All eyes on him, waiting for a explanation he started. "First, don't question me either," Roman told, Dolph's jaw clenched like his fist but he nodded all the same. "Second, leave. You don't need to know why or how I do things, you just need to go along with it," Roman belittled the man, who got up instantly, giving him a shake of his head before storming past Seth. Seth looked at him closing the door, then back to Roman.
"What the hell?" Seth asked.
Roman sighed and walked over to the glass wall he had, looking out at the city from his the top of his high building. 50 floors.
Seth walked over to him, looking at him and not at the view. "Dude," Seth slurred out, drunk with confusion to Roman's decisions.
"It's for the best. Trust me. Grab Ambrose and Paige and we'd discuss this, in the boardroom after lunch. I'm starved," Roman told, walking pass Seth to take his jacket off the back of his chair, putting it on. He was going to buy lunch. Which he can afford to do in peace without being harassed. Because even though Roman controls so much of Hollywood, regular people and even some people who work for him have not a clue how he looks like, which he intended it to be. He was a name without a face. Making him super powerful.
Leaving Seth in his office he used his thumb print to open his elevator, an elevator, originally only he was supposed to use, that was until Seth, Dean and Paige, named it theirs as well.
[[A/N: Okay so, like I don't know if the title matches with the chapter itself. I tried.
And I know it's lacking Brie, but I want everything to make sense for later on in the story. I don't want much plot holes, or whatever. So yeah.
Brie will be in the next chapter. The focal point actually, like she should be. And it shall have her and Roman in it, together. So, yeah.
Thoughts on Dolph? Okay like I know he may remind you guys of a certain celeb, but I swear I wasn't basing it off said person, it was only after I wrote it. I noticed. Opps 😳😫😂
I hope you are enjoying. Any guesses of what information Seth could possibly have found that seems way too good to be true (and maybe it is 👀)? ]] -Stay great 💞
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