::4:: Grey
"All I know is that you said 'hello'
And your eyes had look like coming home
All I know in the simple name
Everything had changed. "
-Everything has changed -Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran
"You didn't touch my stuff, did you?" If the opening and closing of the door wasn't enough to scare Brie, his harsh but yet composed words were.
Jumping back from the window frame, she turned to face him, lips parted, eyes wild, cheeks heated, head shaking. "I -no, sir I have not. I was thought it to be very rude to go through people's things without permission," Brie answered. She was nervous and panicked but still maintained a grace, Roman never witnessed up close before.
He gave her a hard glare, Brie swallowed, hoping he'd believe her. And he did, he just didn't show it nor say it. His grey eyes roaming the room to see if anything had look out of place besides the girl. His eyes landing on the full glass of water and the two tablets, that looked untouched.
"You didn't take your pills," It was a borderline question, but it was a fact. Brie looked sorry instantly. She didn't know if not taking the tablets he, so kindly, left her had hurt his feelings but she hoped not. "I didn't know whether they were mine or not. I don't like to take things that aren't mine." Brie finished with a smile, she was proud of being good. She was proud to represent the school she has on the uniform of.
That'd change, Roman lifted his brows at her.
"It's said 'take these when you wake up.''' He paraphrased, reading Seth's extra ass handwriting.
Brie nodded dotingly, she knew what it said. But sometimes when you are so nice you question everything and doubt everything, even the obvious. It makes you feel quite stupid at times. But Brie didn't want to run the risk of being mistaken and taking it when it was intended for another.
"Sorry. I just wasn't completely sure," Brie muttered, knowing the man, thought her a fool.
"Would it have helped if I had wrote your name?" Roman mocked, annoyed. Stephanie warned him she was innocent and naive, not stupid. It was obvious the water and pills were for her, who else could it have been for?
"Yes. It would have greatly helped." Brie smiled. She knew he was mocking her, but that didn't mean she should lie and say no. It would have greatly helped.
Roman wasn't expecting that so his actions stammered for a bit, before he let out an airy but short chuckle.
"How is your head?" He asked. It wasn't like he care, but it also wasn't like he didn't. He had to care about her health now. She now works for him. And he knows Stephanie can be spiteful, and vindictive, and Brie gave her the perfect opportunity to be just that. He was a bit shocked she even made it alive. It meant his threat worked.
"When I woke up I had to keep my eyes shut for like five minutes or more, to rid the headaches, blurriness, dizziness and nausea, but it feels better. I'm not great yet, my head still hurts and I still feel slightly nauseous, but other than that, I'm fine Doctor," Brie informed with a slight smile.
Roman lifted his brows and began to laugh, Brie looked at him confused. "I'm not a doctor, you're not at a hospital, love."
And Brie should have guessed that. She had been looking out at the perfectly healthy people walking in and out. She spotted no ambulance but yet she figured she must have gone to some fancy doctor's office or something, despite her being send off in an ambulance. But she didn't. Because she trusted.
"I should have figured," Brie admitted her wrong, without malice or ignorance or child like antics, she just admitted it. And Roman liked that. She just believed that maybe they transferred her, that her parents had her transferred to a private doctor, since they love the fancier things in life. "Sorry," she confessed.
And that would have made most melt but Roman wasn't like most, apologies have grown almost useless to him, even sincere ones. But that was ought to happen considering his lifestyle. Brie looked at him and she saw no changes, he didn't wear any real emotion, or real expressions and that was confusing to her.
"Don't make that assumption again," Roman coldly spoke, yet his words still lack expression. Brie nodded, not getting how one could react so unaffected by an apology over a simple mistake, yet she nodded, all the same.
"I won't," Brie uttered. She didn't see why he was not flattered but maybe he had bad memories with doctors, she didn't know and didn't want to assume. So, she obeyed. His eyes looked at her, nodding curtly afterwards. He was weird and she was scared.
Jumping again, when the door open and shut, she saw two men now standing there. Roman only slightly looking over his shoulder.
"Oh, you're up," he looked around, "And you haven't taken your pills. You must either be superhuman and recover miraculously, or you're a tough cookie," Dean announced and Roman inhaled, eyes back on the girl he plucked from Stephanie.
Brie smiled at Dean, something about his energy she liked. It's almost like he lightened up the room, which wasn't very hard, granting Roman made it seem like a storm waiting to happened. "No, actually. I wasn't sure if they were mine," Brie informed him and Seth who stood besides Dean.
Seth's brows knitted. "It said for you..... Is my handwriting that bad?" He trailed off, going over to the red sofa to pick up the note.
Brie smiled and walked back over to sofa, leaving the window. "It's quite beautiful actually," Brie complimented, looking at the note with his handwriting. Seth was shocked but he loved a good compliment so he took it in stride. "I can see why it can come across as a tad too much, but, if that's you, then it's perfect."
And with that Seth beamed causing Dean to smack his head in his hand and Roman to deeply inhale. "I like you," Seth told the young girl, dressed in her uniform (or old uniform, depends how you look at it). "Though you don't know me, I hope you actually will if you do get to know me," Dean and Seth both looked at each other before looking back at her with weird smiles. They weren't use to people like Brie.
"Yeah," was all Seth had left to say.
Brie smiled and Roman walked over to his extravagant desk, sitting behind the table. Seth sat down on the sofa, one time, whilst Dean stayed put in his spot. Brie had no clue what was going on, who they were, and that threw her off a bit, but she trusted that miss James would be here soon, to take her. And Brie hated questioning her adults. She was thought that it was rude.
Brie sat. The room was filled with silence no one really knowing what to say or do, something Dean hated. He hated awkwardness. It was just so basic and boring to him. Walking over to Brie he stretched out his hand, Brie stood up to shake it (she thought standing up makes it more formal and professional).
"Hey, I'm Dean, Dean Ambrose, I'm twenty five, I like sandwiches and lots of other stuff. Nice to meet you," he introduced in a way that Brie found funny so she laughed. It was just so carefree, the way he done it.
"Brianna Colace, seventeen. I like soccer, tennis, swimming, ruby, music and food. I also like lots of other stuff that I won't bore you by telling you," Dean smiled and let go of her hand. "I like your eyes. They are beautiful shade of blue," she honestly started to say, Dean giving a confused but supposedly thankful smile. "Most people might say it looks like the sky or ocean and they aren't wrong. But too me it reminds me more of the blue of a marble, there is something playful about you. I bet children gravitates to you."
Wow, all the men thought, especially Seth and Dean. Dean was taken about. "Are you human?" He asked her almost seriously. Brie giggled and nodded. "Wow. I wondered why children loved me, even though I tried my hardest to keep those snot rags away from me," Dean grumbled, walking over to sit on the single seat.
He doesn't like children. Brie noted, and she didn't feel badly towards him for that. She understands why. She likes children, yes, but she can clearly see why lots don't.
Seth got excited and stood up, turning to face Brie. "Hey I'm Seth Rollins, I'm twenty two, I love football -and hate it-, I like food too. And I like for you to read my eyes." Roman rolled his eyes at Seth. He was literally tired of both of his friends.
Brie was amused by Seth. "Okay, well I like yours too. They are really nice shade of brown, which I think would look even better with sunlight hitting it. You have puppy eyes, like a small cute puppy," Brie shrugged going out on a limp, "Maybe you like small dogs more than big dogs." And Seth lost his shit mentally, because the girl was right.
Dean and Seth looked at each other, like they had just witnessed the greatest thing, Brie didn't get it, but people's amazement makes her happy. She was happy she was able to make them happy. Yes, she is that corny girl.
"Read him," Seth said child like, almost a bit too glad. He was referring to Roman, Brie turned to him but something about him, unlike the other two was so much colder. It scared her, honestly. Roman looked straight at her, unimpressed and unmoved. He didn't look like he wanted it done.
"He doesn't look like he wants me too, I don't want to cause him any possible displeasure by doing so," Brie spoke like an innocent angel, which most people saw her as truly.
Dean groaned and send a look to Roman, along with Seth. Roman looked at his two brothers, at first he didn't budge but eventually caved in when their looks didn't ease, only intensified.
"Fine, you can read my eyes," Roman sounded sarcastic, tired, cold and over it. Brie was a distance away from him, so she carefully walked to him. Inhaling, she stood at the opposite side of the desk. Roman lifted his eyes and stared right into her eyes which caused her to swallow down the uneasy feeling. She wanted to be brave.
Her head tilted as she looked into his eyes. "Your eyes are grey," Roman rolled his eyes, it was obvious. What else does she have to say about them. He was hoping she was wrong. "Just grey. That's all I can see, that's all I get from them. Grey," Brie finished, almost sorry she didn't have a cool fact or even a guess about him like she did for the other two.
Seth and Dean looked at each other, lips slightly parted, they didn't know how to feel or what to think. Roman exhaled through his nose. He would never admit it but Brie's words kind of got to him. It felt like she saw nothing there, and usually he would have been happy with people not seeing past his eyes. But no one ever said they saw nothing, it was almost always anger or a storm or even sorrow for those who were a bit off in the head, but never nothing.
"I'm Roman Reigns and you now live under me. You no longer attend Stephanie's school and your precious little teacher, miss James was shot in the head and died." His words hit her like a train, she instantly fell to the ground in front of his desk, no longer seeing the man that sat in front of her. She couldn't believe miss James was dead. It hurt her even more than her kidnapping.
Roman rolled his eyes and stood up, he walked to the side of his desk, seeing Brie crying into her hands, on her knees. He didn't break. He didn't much care. He expected it. "Men will soon come to take you to where you'll be staying. Please comply with them only, and no one else you love will die." And with that Roman marched to the door. Seth and Dean just watching on, wordless.
"How could you?" Brie muttered, her back facing them. She couldn't even stand the thought of looking at them now, much less to actually look at them. "Miss James didn't deserve to get k-k-il -oh my," she couldn't even say the word. Brie got way too choked up on her attempt too. She was aching. She couldn't. Brie just couldn't.
Roman spare her a look, looking at her white shirt with blue vertical strips, the sole of her black dress shoes and blue pleated shirt that now circled around her and the floor. Pulling open the door, he left.
"Our guys didn't kill her," Dean cleared their names but Brie didn't much care. She just wanted Miss James to be alive still.
Seth noticed she was still shaking and thought maybe she didn't hear or understood Dean correctly. "We only killed the ambulance drivers. Killing your teacher wasn't even in the plan, our guys said that when they left she was alive and fleeing," Seth made it clear before tapping Dean's arm, motioning him to leave with him. And they left, closing the door behind them.
Brie gasped for air but leaned forward, now on her knees but her head on the floor as she now cried loudly. She had never experienced such trauma before. Trauma she couldn't believe the guys didn't seem to care much about, other than clearing their names.
They killed the Emt just to get to me. Miss James died because of me.
And thoughts like that, drove her over edge. Her head ached more than before, she felt like she couldn't breathe and worst of all; she felt like it was all her fault.
(A/n: I really don't know what to say, except sorry for the long wait. Again my device acts up and my internet was bugging. This chapter was suppose to be a bit different but with all the problems this was the turn out.
Hint, remember Brie telling Roman all she saw was grey (his eyes color -too me and in this story at least lol) in his eyes. That she only saw their colors and nothing beyond that. Because I'll mention it again. It's play a small but significant roll in the book.
Oh and I wanna change the name of the book to Innocence Lost but I'm not sure and I'm lazy so.
Question: who shall I make Brie become closer too, Seth or Dean?
Plus I want to start adding quotes and pics/gifs to the top of the chapters, to be fancy 💅👄 ha. But anyway, hope you lovely people enjoy this chapter.
Ps, eat pizza, watch a movie or show, listen to music, pet some animals if you like animals. Yeah, life has some good in it still.)
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