CHAPTER FOUR: The living room, Center Street
Looking down at the photo album on the floor, Elena couldn't hide the smile on her face. The memory of the first time she met him made her happy. A part of her hated that happiness. Something that ended so bad, should not make her happy. But another part of her was relieved by the happiness. Maybe she could finally find the courage to forgive herself and move on.
Kay and Emily also wore smiles. While many would say that nothing good could ever come from a broken leg, Elena would have to disagree. It was exactly the reason why she had found her happiness.
Of course, she hadn't enjoyed the excruciating pain, but she had lost consciousness so often, she barely remembered it. Afterward she often jolted in pain. Asher, her new friend, would visit her, giving her candy and chocolates – even flowers – as a way of apologizing.
Thinking back, Elena realized he had been there more often than was needed and gave her more gifts than was needed for an apology. But then, it was always him who made the first step. He was always more confident than her, pushing her out of her comfort zone.
She was too young and too foolishly in love to deny him. Only real fear would stop her, but then she was so easily swayed by him. He really had power over her, making her do everything he wanted.
Kay sighed dreamily. "And a great love was created by an accident."
Elena's smile grew, but she didn't say a word as she thought back to her first date with Asher. She had still been in her cast when he took her out to a bar. She wouldn't choose to go to a bar. Most people would call her too innocent for that. But he had persuaded her. And she had really enjoyed it.
She remembered how he had looked gorgeous in the dim lights, large shadows across his face. They had been seated near a purple, neon lamp which had made his blue eyes shine. His brown hair seemed almost dark, but it still looked good on him. He had talked louder than usual, trying to raise his voice over the music booming through the speakers. His laughter had been louder too, but she doubted that it was because of the music's ear-shattering volume.
Asher must have realized then that he was in love with her. There had been something in his eyes, and it had not just been the purple, neon lamp. She hadn't seen it then, which she found strange, looking back, because she had been constantly gazing into his gorgeous eyes.
Elena had only realized her love for him when they were seated on a bench in town. She had still been wearing her cast, but she had an appointment with the doctor to get it removed. It was a stupid moment in which nothing really happened. They just talked and laughed, and she enjoyed it.
It was that joy while doing nothing that made her realize she loved him. What else could it be if she laughed at words that weren't a joke, or felt the need to touch him and wanted to make him smile all the time?
The bench had eventually become their spot. She still remembered exactly where it was – if it hadn't been removed, of course.
Although Elena had known she loved him, she had still been unsure of his love for her. He probably didn't know about her feelings either. But one day he admitted them. Not with words – that was still too scary – but with a touch.
They had been walking near Bear Lake. Both of them were enjoying the scenic views. Just being near it made them happy. It also held many of their secrets.
Elena had moved closer to him, but not too close to scare him away. It was still light, but the night was starting to fall. In only a few minutes they would have to return home, before they couldn't see their feet anymore.
She had been wearing a top and shorts, but was afraid to touch his bare skin with hers. What if he didn't want it? What if he didn't want to hold her the same way that she wanted to hold him? She had wanted to brush her arm against his, then tell him it was an accident and see how he would react.
But she hadn't found the courage to do so before she felt his warm hand encompass her own.
She had let out a shocked squeal, but it quickly melted into a smile as her eyes met his. His teeth were nervously clenched into his bottom lip but Elena saw his tense muscles relax as she firmly squeezed his hand, never wanting to let go.
Elena's belly had fluttered at the sight of it. He loved her. It had felt like a miracle.
How could a man so perfect fall for her?
And yet he had. He had held her hand at the lake, but also when telling her parents they were in love. He had squeezed it when meeting his and he had pulled it when urging her to enter the bar again. He had moved his thumb across it when they had been watching the stars.
He had held both of them when telling her he loved her.
They had had other milestones. When he had gotten his driver's license, he had driven to her house to tell her. Without much thought, she had hugged him, then felt a sudden urge to kiss him. But she had shrugged it off and smiled at him instead.
The first time he had dropped her off at home after spending the entire day together. He had watched her enter the house from inside his car while the stars were shining down on them. It had felt like a movie. When she had dropped on her bed, she had not been able to stop smiling. And then she had dreamed of him.
Their first fight hadn't been very big. It was an argument of which her mother assured her it happened to everyone. He had wanted to go to the lake by car, she by bike. Neither of them had had their way, since they went home, angry with each other.
The fight hadn't taken long. The entire night, Elena had been unable to sleep, thinking of how she had hurt him. Early in the morning, she had set out to his house and had encountered him midway. Forgiving was easy, but she could never forget.
They never fought much after that. Both had been too hurt to ever do it again. And knowing he was hurt because of her was something she had wanted to avoid ever since.
And of course, their biggest milestone was their first kiss. Most people remembered the exact date that it happened, some even knew the hour. But Elena didn't. She didn't care when he had kissed her, or where. It was the 'why' that she found important.
And she still believed it was because he loved her.
"You are baking," Asher said surprised.
Elena turned around, startled by his words. She hadn't heard him enter the house, let alone enter the room. He was smiling at her from the doorway.
Her heart skipped a beat.
She smiled at him, suddenly feeling ridiculous for wearing an apron. There was a big chance he hadn't even noticed, because his gaze went from her eyes to the cake batter on the table.
"It is for aunt Tina's birthday," she explained.
He walked closer and looked at the bowl that contained the batter.
"It looks good."
"I hope it tastes better."
He grinned.
Her heart skipped again. "Want to help?"
Asher simply shrugged. "Not sure if I will be much help, but sure. I can try."
Now it was Elena who grinned. "That makes two of us."
They spend the next five minutes laughing at Elena's apron. The five minutes after that were spent laughing at Asher's.
Whatever was so funny, she didn't understand. But everything seemed funny and great whenever Asher was around. He made her smile with just a look.
When finally they were able to stop laughing, they turned to the cake batter and deciphered the recipe.
Cracking two eggs was not Elena's specialty. It was not Asher's either. If they both cracked one, they might be able to have a decent cake...
In her enthusiasm, Elena agreed to go first. That was a big mistake, because the egg didn't crack like it was supposed to. Asher burst out laughing, looking at the slime on Elena's hands.
She didn't hate him for laughing. She just liked pretending that she did so that she had a good excuse to tease him. And with slime on her hands, it was not difficult to find a way to do that.
She cleaned her hands on his cheeks, his hair and his neck. Much to Asher's annoyance, he couldn't tease her back, because touching her meant being slimed.
But once her hands were almost perfectly clean, he took his chance and wrapped his arms around her so that she couldn't move. She kicked and struggled when he started tickling her, laughing the whole time.
They lost their balance, falling against the nearest wall. Asher pushed her against it, then silenced her with his look. Not a look of fear, but one of love and mirth. One she really loved.
She bit her lip, trying not to laugh. But then she pointed at his face and said: "you have a little something on your face."
Realizing she referred to a typical movie scene in which one of the couple would wipe the other person's face, he grinned and said: "maybe you should wipe it off.
But it seemed they skipped that part of the movie and jumped right to the next one. His egg covered face moved closer to Elena. Her eyes involuntary moved to his lips. She swallowed.
Her heart skipped again.
And again.
And again.
And faster with every inch his face moved closer to her.
It seemed to have stopped completely when there was only a breath of air in between their lips. Before she could make it kick to life, he crossed the distance and pressed his lips onto hers.
Her heart was back, beating faster than ever before.
She moved her hands to touch his, then found them moving up to his shoulders. While her belly fluttered, she pushed him closer. His entire torso was now touching hers. She felt his heart beat as fast as hers.
Her legs were growing weak. But before she could fall down on the ground like a melted ice cube, he released her lips and opened his eyes. Bright blue eyes were looking deep into hers.
He looked expectant. He looked nervous.
An involuntary smile spread her lips, and then she softly laughed. That was amazing.
His lips curled up at the sight of her happy face. He let out a relieved sigh before resting his forehead against hers and moving his hands up and down her arms.
She couldn't help but grin as she saw his lips again.
"Could we do it again?"
"And from there on, things went fast," Emily said.
They were sitting on the coach of their parents' living room, Elena had just finished telling the story. The three of them had needed a break from the attic. Not because of the work they had done – because they hadn't really done anything yet – but because the memories were too strong for their emotions to hold.
"Fast?" Kay said surprised as if he was an expert in Elena and Asher's relationship. "They didn't have sex until their first anniversary!"
"No, that is when you knew we had sex," Elena remarked.
Kay's eyes widened. "So you had had a lot of sex before that?!"
Her face fell. "No."
Emily chuckled while shaking her head. It was not their business what Elena did and when she did it. Some things were too private and intimate to tell, especially after everything that had happened. It was best to leave some things in the past.
"And then you became legends," were Emily's dreamy words.
"Legends?" Where did her sister get those words from?
Emily smiled a suspicious smile. "Everyone knew your names, all over town."
Elena's face fell and she sighed while she stared into the space before her.
"But the thing about legends is that you don't know if they are real or not."
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