Full name: Leia (Lea) Ketsuki Nagamine
Age: 12
Kekkei Genkai: Both her mother and father's
Team: team Kakashi
Level: Could be an S-rank criminal because of her power but is still a genin
Full name: Liza Nagamine
Kekkei Genkai: Unending chakra and a special swords summoning
Rank: Jonin -was ANBU before having Leia-
Full name: Hiroaki Ketsuki
Kekkei Genkai: Instant self healing and can heal others
Rank: Jonin -medical-
Full name: Grey Akabane
Kekkei Genkai: Shape shifting
Rank: Jonin
Full name: Karma Akabane -yes as in Karma Akabane from Assassination classroom-
Kekkei Genkai: Shape shifting
Rank: ANBU Captain
Ok so mini info on their clans and what they are most known for and a few other things of the story. The Ketsuki are known for their healing power and the fact that thir body's do it automatically without them even using a ninjutsu to heal themselves but they do need ninjutsu to heal others, they learn things really fast and are very good in strategies. The Nagamine are known for their never ending chakra and their beauty along with their wired but beautiful eyes that can hypnotize anyone they also have a special summoning that you will later find out about that not much people know about. As for the Akabane well their known for their very short temper but good memory. Grey, Hiroaki and Akira were a team and are the best jonin team Konoha has to offer. They get along very well and if you need to know Karma's mother died on a mission a few month before this story starts and her name was Miyazaki Akabane also part of Leia's parents team. Karma and Leia are best friends how can they not be when they grew up together? And yes they do have feelings for each other and everyone that know's the both of them knows about their feelings but they themselves don't know. Yeah a little later in the story there's gonna be someone even stronger than the sannin themselves that was also trained by the third and was his best student. Also I'm trying to mix things up a little here in this story and skip most of the things you guy's already know happened on the anime or just sum it all up and wright little details about it to not make it boring. As you may figure out the pics up top are taken out of the internet they are not mine and nether is Naruto but this story and new characters personality and names I came up with -except for Karma Akabane he's character and the original I'm gonna try and keep the same as the original sense I love Karma also he is from Assassination Classroom awesome anime I really recommend it-. Now the story's gonna begin.
"Team 7. Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno..." Iruka sensei said as Naruto cheered and Sakura sunk in her seat as I laughed a bit
"Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka continued as they changed positions poor Sasuke he's gonna be on a team with a knuckle head and a fan girl... well he is a antisocial duck butt so hm.
"And because of an uneven number Leia Ketsuki." My eye's got wide
"Noooo!" I said anime crying on my seat as Akamaru came and rubbed his face with mine
"I wanted to be with Kiba, Hinata or Shikamaru." I said still crying as almost all guys got around and tried to make me smile as Sakura glared at me
"What's wrong with being on a team with us?!" She said I cried even more and all the guys glared at her even Sasuke.
As Iruka finished with all the names he told us to go to lunch and then come back to wait for our sensei. So we all did as told and I went to eat with Kiba, Hinata, Shikamaru, Ino and Choji
"Man Leia you get to be with Sasuke!" Ino said I looked at her annoyed
"I don't care. I didn't wanna be with him, I didn't wanna be with any of them. Man I can't wait to become ANBU already." I said taking a piece of my food and eating it
"Why do you wanna be ANBU so bad anyway?" Asked Kiba
"Well I don't know I guess sense both my parents were ANBU I want to be one also, ANBU protect this village and the people in it and I'd like to be that... and most importantly I wanna fight along side someone that's in the ANBU." I said remembering Karma I've always wanted to fight along side him be with him. But that's just out of my reach for now at least. I need to train hard to be like him.
"What do you mean by fight along side some one that's in the ANBU?" Choji asked
"Just that there is someone in there that I want to fight along side with." I said
"Who?" Asked Ino
"Can't tell you that sorry but it's a secret." I said putting my finger on my lips making like a 'shh' signal closing one of my eyes. Then the bell rang and we all went to class to wait for are sensei's.
I. Am. So. Bored! Who the hell does he think he is being so late?! I bet everyone is maybe even done with this and already at home! And we are still here waiting for our sensei! I was so mad I didn't here Sakura scolding Naruto and someone coming in.
"My first impression of you all. You're all a bunch of idiots, meet me on the roof top." He said puffing away as I got red with anger and did the hand signs puffing to the rooftop as well and looking at him as he looked at me surprise.
"If you could do that jutsu you could have gotten here on time!" I said pointing an accusing finger at him and he gave me a close eye smile as the others came and we all took a seat me next to Sasuke.
"Good you're all here why don't you introduce yourselves?" He asked
"You mean like are names, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams?" I asked he nodded
"Why don't you go first?" Naruto said
"Me? Well my name Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes I don't feel like telling you, as for hobbies I have lots of hobbies and dream for the future never really thought about it." He said I sweat dropped is he for real?
"Ok now you go." He said pointing at Naruto.
"My name is Naruto Uzumaki I like instant ramen but I dislike the 3 minute wait for it, my hobby is to compare ramen and see which one taste better and my dream is to become Hokage for everyone to start looking up to me!" He said I sighted.
"Ok now you." He said pointing at Sakura
"My name is Sakura Haruno I like.. I mean the person I like *looks at Sasuke giggles* My hobby is to *looks at Sasuke giggles* and my dream is *Looks at Sasuke blushes and squeal*" I looked at her in disbelieve.
"Umm ok and your dislikes?" Said Kakashi.
"Naruto and Leia!" She screamed.
"What did I do?!" I said looking at her.
"Ok next one." Said Kakashi once again.
"My name is Sasuke Uchiha I don't particularly like anything and I dislike almost everything, I don't have much hobbies and what I have is not a dream I will make it come true I want to restore my clan and kill a certain someone." He said I was now in a dark corner pocking mushrooms with a stick while anime crying. So my team consist of a ramen addict, a stalker fan girl and a horny emo, just great! -note the sarcasm-
"Alright last one." Kakashi said looking at me eyeing me curious I sighted as I got back to normal.
"My name is Leia Ketsuki, I like my family a certain someone that you may or may not know and training along with fighting, I dislike fan girls, emo's and anything that's green and eatable along with the color orange or too much pink. My hobby is to train and as for a dream I guess that would be to become an ANBU and follow his foot steps." I said.
"Good you're all different. Your first test will be a survival test be at training ground 7 at 5 am and don't eat breakfast." He said and puffed away.
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