Shell Cottage
Important!! Must read:
I literally just realized I've forgotten to add the Sword of Gryfindor in the mix! So sorry, but here, I've made the chapter for it. Naturally, because I'm so creative, I named the chapter "Sword of Gryfindor." Great right? Pretty please read it or this chapter won't really make sense.
Percy's POV
To me, the whole escape was a blur. I was simply in too much pain to notice the happenings around me. When we landed at Shell Cottage however, I instantly felt the powerful presence of the sea to my left. Annabeth, who held me tighter still, supported me carefully till I could feel the waves lapping at my ankles. Too tired to even thank her, I flopped out of her arms and let the sea take me home.
I sank to the sandy floor. I briefly registered the sounds of sobs on the surface before I went into unconsciousness.
When I woke again, it was night. I limped out of the surf, meeting Annabeth on the shore. I apologized profusely for almost killing them and shuddered when I recalled the images I'd seen. Blood, a golden cup with an H embossed on the surface, a towering castle, a golden snitch. Annabeth stroked my cheek. "It's alright, Percy. We understand. What Tartarus did to you, it was horrible."
"What happened while I was gone?" I murmured.
"Wormtail's dead. The others are inside. There's good news though! Leo managed to knock Bellatrix's wand out of her hand and now we have it. Hermione reckons it's enough to get us into Gringotts." I smiled widely.
"That's great!" I stood, helping Annabeth up. "How's Hermione?"
"Fleur fixed her up." Annabeth led the way to the cottage, it's dark silhouette ablaze with light pouring from the windows.
"Fleur?" I asked confused.
"Yes, Bill Weasley's wife. Ron's elder brother. We're making a plan to break into Gringotts."
I looked sideways at her, sending Annabeth my signature trouble maker smirk. "Let's join them, shall we?"
After hours of yelling out different plans and ideas, we had finally perfected one. Hermione had found Bellatrix's hair on her clothing and we decided that she'd pose as Bellatrix and show her wand as proof. Ron would be disguised as a foreigner and friend of Bellatrix. Harry, taking Griphook with him, (we'd coerced him to working with us, afterall, he only wanted the Sword of Gryfindor back.) Hazel would use the Mist on us to keep us out of sight. He would be contacting Nico to help with the heist and provide a quick escape.
In one week, we would be attacking the Bank, giving the Polyjuice potion a few days to mature. Bill approached us. "Hey, Harry. While you were gone, Dumbledore's will was read. He's given Hermione the Tales of Beedle the Bard, Ron his deluminator, and you Harry. He's given you the golden snitch you caught in your first quidditch match and the Sword of Gryfindor."
Quiet engulfed us as Hermione and Ron stared at Bill in shock. "Why- why us?" Ron asked. "It's always been Harry..."
"I don't know," Bill shrugged. "I just asked Mum to send the items by Floo. They should be here soon. Harry you can't actually have the Sword, as it technically belongs to the School." The fire in the fire place flared green and on the hearth rested three items, a battered book, a lighter and a small golden ball. Harry knelt and picked them up, distributing the items to the new owners.
Ron tested out his deluminator, flicking the switch. All the lights in the room coalesced into a small ball of light and was sucked into the deluminator. He flicked it again and the light was released, bathing us in the golden glow.
Hermione flicked through the pages of her book. "I've never heard of the Tales of Beedle the Bard." Ron and Luna gasped.
"Hermione, I can't believe you don't know about the Tales! They're are traditional stories told by our parents when we were children!" Ron exclaimed.
"Ron," Hermione said coldly, "I was raised by Muggles, I don't know the stories."
Luna, for the first time, spoke. Her voice was airy and Light, matching her appearance. "There's Babbity Rabbity, the Hoping Pot, and the Deathly Hallows."
Harry was still studying the snitch. "I have no idea why Dumbledore gave me this snitch..."
I've been laying comfortably on this couch for ages, resting. My back was still sore and white scarred lines ran down my back. "What does it do? Does it have any magical properties?"
Harry began, "Well, it has wings and in Quidditch Seekers catch the Snitch to end the game and give their team 150 points-"
Hermione shot straight up. "Percy! You're a genius!" I blinked at her.
"I am?" I repeated, as the other demigods said the same thing.
"He is?"
"Yes!" Hermione exclaimed excited. "Snitches, are enchanted to know the person who first touched the ball. When it was made, the blacksmith would wear gloves so the seeker would be the very first to lay a finger on the gold. That way, referees can perform a simple enchantment on the Snitch in a disagreement on which Seeker caught the ball first. The enchantment would show the person, so maybe if you touched it, something will happen to the Ball." We stared at her.
"Um... How'd you know that?" Frank asked.
"I read about it in Hogwarts a History and decided to do extra research." Hermione shrugged.
Harry was still staring at the ball. "Why isn't it working?" Piper asked.
"Because, my hand wasn't the first that touched this ball..." Ron gasped, mouth opening in a large O.
"Wasn't that when..." In response, Harry pressed his lips to the cold metal. We sat forward, watching for something to happen. Harry lowered the ball.
"Nothing's happening-" Harry started, but stopped. "Wait!" He stared at the gold. "I open at the close," He murmured. "I open at the close." He passed the ball to Hermione, who studied the inscription, passed it to Ron, and passed it to Annabeth. The snitch passed through the group and when it finally stopped with me, I stared at the spidery script scrawled delicately across the metal. I open at the close.
"Wait! Maybe the Snitch cracks open when the Quest is over, the quest is at it's close..." Hazel exclaimed. We mulled over the idea, agreeing that it was an option.
"But wouldn't Dumbledore want to help Harry on his quest? So he'd want whatever is in the Snitch to be able to kill a Horcrux?" Ron continued. Again, we all agreed and came up with indefinite answers to our problem. After hours of deliberation, I got up and hobbled over to the small corner where my sleeping quarters were. Bill and Fleur had only 4 bedrooms and all were full. The demigods would sleep in the sitting room, and me being selfless, decided to take my sleeping bag and sleep on the floor, leaving the couch free.
"You guys figure it out, I'm going to sleep, I've had a long day." My friends nodded sympathetically. They hadn't yet seen the deep grooves cut into my back and already they were acting like i was an invalid? I huffed. I hated when people made my sacrifices a bigger deal than they actually were, i did what I did for the sake and well being of my friends, not because I wanted the attention!
"We should all turn in," Piper said. "It's late and we can talk about this tomorrow." My friends dispersed, retreating into sleeping bags or into their rooms. Annabeth switched off the light after everyone was tucked in and tiptoed her way to me. I drowsily reached an arm toward her and she ducked under it, snuggling into my side. I buried my face in her sweet smelling hair, we'd all taken turns showering.
"I love you, Percy," She murmured against my chest. "I'm so glad you're safe, promise not to do that again?"
I snorted and whispered, "It's not like I plan on being tortured by ancient Primordials in my spare time you know."
Annabeth let loose a watery chuckle. I felt the wetness of tears stain my shirt and she sniffed heavily. "I know, Percy." I kissed her forehead and looked down into her watery grey eyes.
"Remember, Annabeth, my promise at the beginning of our Quest?" She nodded against me. "I won't die," I whispered and bent my head to kiss her lips, pulling her closer.
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