Harry's POV
After two weeks of being chased by these demonic dogs, all of us were tattered and bloody, bearing scars from the long claws. "Run! Run!" I gasped urging Hermione and Ron up the hill. Even though this Camp was supposed to be only a few miles from Central Park, it took us like, TWO WEEKS! We were exhausted but still, we kept running. I shot stunning and killing curses over my shoulder. Even though we hit them with the Avada Kedavra, they just stumbled and kept going. We had to hit one dog five times with it so it would DIIEEE!! We reached the top of the hill and hit an invisible shield, keeping us out. We were trapped.
Percy's POV
I ran flat out toward Thalia's tree where I could already see three black robed figures shooting green and red jets of light at the oncoming hellhounds. I rushed up the hill taking out Riptide with Annabeth right behind me. Yelling out a battle cry, I leapt into battle with my girlfriend right behind.
Harry's POV
I was astonished at the speed of the two warriors. A girl with honey colored hair ran into battle and started slashing and stabbing at the large dogs with a large bronze knife. I instantly had a crush. (Sorry Ginny) Her hair flew behind her as she fought through the crowd of rabid animals. The boy was even more skilled than the girl. He rolled, slashed, stabbed and kicked the monsters away from us. His dark black hair, even darker than mine, was wavy and looked like it had been blown by the sea wind. His sea green eyes flashed with danger, warning anyone that got close, "Really? You wanna fight me? Go ahead then."
In no time, the dogs had all disintegrated into piles of ash and black fur. Hermione, Ron, and I stood gaping. Suddenly I gasped. I registered a flaring pain in my shoulder and a warm liquid trickling down my arm and into the ground. Everything faded slowly, and my last view was of Ron and Hermione yelling my name, running towards me.
"Harry!! Harry!"
Percy's POV
I turned around with Riptide in hand to see one of the boys being supported by the other two. His robe was ripped at the shoulder showing a long gash which was bleeding. The wound wasn't deep but had a greenish tinge, which meant it was poisoned. I jumped into action.
"Annabeth!" I called as I ripped a length of my shirt. She knelt beside me as I summoned water to clean his wound. The boy's friends were watching anxiously from distance. I could faintly hear the girl sobbing. I washed the wound out then Annabeth bound it to stop the poison spreading further.
I hoisted him up and carried him toward the border but I couldn't get through. The border... Right..
"I, Percy Jackson, allow.... Uhhh.. What's your names?"
The red haired boy answered,"I'm Ron, that's Hermione, and that bloke is Harry." Ron had a thick British accent to his words.
I continued, "Allow Harry, Ron, and Hermione into Camp Half-Blood." The sky rumbled and flashed with lightning. I carried Harry down the hill toward the Big House. Chiron was standing on the porch waiting for us. Annabeth was currently helping the other two down the hill. The campers parted for me, whispering. I handed Harry to Chiron and followed him through the house explaining the situation.
"Hmmm... It's a very ancient kind of hellhound who did this. From Tartarus." Chiron told me quietly. I paled. I'd had enough experiences with the Pit. I said goodbye to Chiron and went outside to where Annabeth, Ron, and Hermione were waiting.
"Will he be alright?!" Hermione cried.
"Of course. Chiron's the best healer we have." I reassured her.
"What, you mean the white horse dude?" Ron asked disbelievingly.
"He's a centaur." Annabeth said defensively.
"C'mon, guys. I'll explain." I said.
Harry's POV
I woke up on a bed in a blue room. "How did I get here?" I thought, confused. I put my glasses on and swung my legs off the bed. I had to find Ron and Hermione. The last thing I remember was a searing pain in my shoulder.... My shoulder! It was completely wrapped in linen bandages. It was stiff and sore, but otherwise fine. I walked out of the farmhouse and met a breathtaking view. The house was on top of a hill and was painted blue. It overlooked strawberry fields and around 25 cabins in a U shape. I could see kids wearing orange shirts running around. I even saw one jumping up a rock face with lava pouring down it!
I walked down the hill toward the cabins, earning strange looks from the kids. I heard a few of them mutter, "wizards. Harry Potter." I didn't know why I was the one earning strange looks. Some of the kids around me were wearing old fashioned armor. Maybe Greek or Roman style. A few if them were holding swords or spears made from a bronze metal. I didn't really care though. I didn't see Ron or Hermione anywhere and I was worried. What if these people had hurt them? Or worse, killed them. I started running around calling their names.
Suddenly, I heard Ron and Hermione yelling.
"Harry, Harry! Over here!" I made my way cautiously toward a group of strange teens and recognized two of them as the kids who saved us.
"Blimey, Harry," Ron said. "You were out for almost a day!" Huh?
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused again.
Hermione and Ron looked down. If it weren't for Percy and Annabeth, you would have died! You were losing so much blood." Hermione finnally said.
"Percy had to carry you up to the Big House." Oh. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment. I had had to rely on a stranger to save me!!
"Well, what were those things that attacked us anyway?" I asked them.
A guy with messy black hair that hung in his eyes said, "Hellhounds. From the Fields of Punishment."
(Nico, and the rest of the Seven don't know the Hellhounds are from Tartarus.) His eyes were the color of obsidian and looked haunted. Almost as if he had seen the depths of hell. "My name is Nico, by the way," he added. One by one the teens around me introduced themselves. Piper had choppy brown hair and color changing eyes. Jason was blonde and had shocking blue eyes. Frank looked like a baby/sumo wrestler and I wasn't really sure of what to make of him. Hazel had golden eyes and caramel colored curls. A Latino kid with curly black hair waved at me and said his name was Leo. For some reason, his hair was on fire. When I pointed it out, Leo yelped, patted his hair trying to put the flames out. I mean seriously, who doesn't notice that their hair is on fire? The boy who saved us just sighed, waving his hand and water flew from the lake and doused his hair, leaving the water dripping into Leo's eyes. I thought, "He must have some kind of magic."
"Thanks," Leo muttered spitting out water sheepishly. After that episode, another girl, stepped up and introduced herself as Thalia. She had short black hair and a silver circlet on her head. She had a black T-shirt with a mutilated barbie and words that said, DEATH TO BARBIE. Like Jason, she had shocking blue eyes, almost electric. I wondered if they could be siblings even though they looked nothing alike. The blonde girl who had saved us was Annabeth. One of the first things I noticed about her was those dark gray eyes. Fierce, and intelligent. And so beautiful. Lastly, the boy who had saved me introduced himself as Percy Jackson. He had an aura of authority and power surrounding him. He had windswept black hair and sea green eyes, that like Nico's, looked as if it had stared into the very depths of hell. After everyone had introduced themselves, there was an awkward silence. Percy finally broke it by saying, "Well, I'd better explain who we really are."
If you are wondering why Annabeth's eyes don't have the same look as Nico's and Percy's, it's because she is stronger and has better control of her emotions. And Percy saw through the mist into what Tartarus really looked liked when he was dying. Nico already saw through the mist and he was alone.
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