The warmth of the snow
-If you go up that path, you will get to Snowpeack mountain. Lately we have seen a yeti go up the path, be careful.- the zora soldier marked an x on our map and we gratefully said goodbye.
Ashei had clearly told us that lately she had noticed weird staff going on at the bottom of the mountains. Ashei knew a lot about that region of Hyrule, she and her father used to live there when she was young. Sadly her father passed away because of a serious illness, making her a new member of the Resistance. As we got up the path it kept geting colder and colder. When we reached the vast snow extension. Zelda closed her eyes while cold sweat came down her forehead. She suddenly opened her eyes and palms, my clothes were now winter combat clothes. They looked similar to the Hero's clothes but this groves were warmer, I noticed Midna had a black leather jacket that covered part of her body. Zelda cleaned her sweat, her face was pale and she was groaning.
-I' back...wait a minute...- she went back to the path and disappeared.
-So, Mr. Hero...since when have you loved her- I blushed while thinking why should she care. - Come on Link, I know you know the answer...- she smircked and looked down at me.
-Well...when we were 12 I started to really care about her, I wanted to keep her safe and make sure nothing was going to hurt her. When she turned 13 she was a real beauty, at that age is when we started spending more time together and had more confidence on each other. At the age of 14 I realized that I was jealous everytime she talked about a guy that was not 15 I realized everything, my feelings...and- Midna made me a sign to stay quiet, I saw Zelda approaching us. She looked at me with red cheeks because of the cold. She was wearing a white coat with black pants, long leg boots, white gloves and a really cute hairstyle.
-You look stunning- she giggled and pointed up- what?
-I forgot to make you a hat...- she opened her palm and my fabolous hat appeared on my head- now, that is my handsome Link...
-I have looked around a bit, big footprints go up the mountain, that must be the yeti.- Zelda nodded and we started making our way up. The view was blurry because of the wind moving the snow, I heard a hish from my left. Zelda was covering herself with her arms and clutching her teeth, she let out a cold smoke from her lips and continued hissing. I covered her with my arms and she let out a sigh of relief.
-Better now? You looked cold...and huggable.- she laughed and put her arms around mine while we walked up.
-Ah hu! You are always warm...and that good scent of yours that reminds me of Ordon...our sweet home...- I made the grip even tighter as we finally reached the top of the mountain. We were almost at the end of a cliff, the sun was setting and the snow had a gentle orange tone on it.
The view was indeed romantic and I had my hero by my side...I rubbed his hand against my cheek and he answered back kissing the top of my head. A shade was at the top of the cliff. With Link still hugging me we walked towards the figure, a big yeti was holding a big Reekfish while looking at the sun.
-Um...excuse me sir?- the yeti turned at us- we are looking for a mirror, have you seen one? If you have, we would be pleased to know where it is.- the yeti streched and continued staring at us.
-Owie...he shouts- Link nodded massaging his temples. He hit the tree with the sword and two leaves fell. Link gave me his hand, helping me get om the leaf. OMG HE IS SUCH A GENTLEMAN -3- I started sliding down with Link behind me. We started racing, Link of course is a more sport person than me and he won.
-Woho! Made it!- he shouted. I crossed my arms and looked at the house we had infront of us. It was as big as a mansion, but now it looked more like ruins. be a yeti he has a really good house, for his own? Huh, that's sad.- Link got up the stairs and took a peak of the inside. -Is it safe?- He nodded. I got next to him and entered, ishhh...cold. The main room was really big with three chandeliers, armours were at our left and right sides. Two stair cases went up to different platforms with doors. We entered the only door we had access to. An amazing heat fulled our body, we were infront of a warm fireplace. We both got infront of the fire, we realized that someone was siting on one of the couches. A little female yeti was siting there looking at us with a small smile.
-You are the humans uh? Husband told me you both were going to come. You looking for mirror uh? Husband found it three days ago uh, pretty mirror uh. But I have been sick since mirror got here and monsters have appeared. Husband and I don't get out of this room and the kitchen. We locked mirror in our bedroom with key, then we hided key. Here, I mark with X where key is. Oh and my name is Yeta and husband is Yeto uh.
The X wasn't to far away from this room, we soon exited and still it was really cold. A big icy creature was infront of us throwing ice around it. Link noticed a cannon nkt to far away from us, he took a big rock and placed it inside. I took out a lit bomb and put it inside, making the rockk fly towards the icy creature, the ice went everywhere and the creature exploded in small ice particles. Link and I half five and entered he door that the beast was blocking. Inside it was like a pretty nice nice place, it was not ruins. There was a closed and visible room across this room. We were about to open the door when a gate closed infront of the door. Two ice soldiers dropped down with spears.
-ZELDA! Stay back!- Link shouted while one of the soldiers threw the spear at me, I was fast enough to not permit hit my body, but it made a cut on my shoulder. It was painful and cold at the same time, Link expressed his anger by decapitating the two soldiers. He rushed next to me and touched my cut. He kissed away my cold tears from my cheeks.
-Shh...It's okay, it's just a little cold cut okay? You are going to be just fine- he took out some bandages and wrapped my cut. I was feeling cold but suddenly it felt warm and confy. I saw Link concentrating really hard, his hand was on my shoulder and the trifforce glowing softly, the cut started closing and healing. Link let out a breath and I cleaned his sweat from his cheeks. learned how to use your trifforce...I'm so proud of you...-he smiled while huffing and helped me get up. I slowly opened the door, a chest was inside.-Thanks to you love...we found the key...- he grabbed my hand and gave me a soft kiss on it. I opened the chest, Wow! WTF!?
Zelda was staring the inside of the chest and started sniffing her nose. She slowly took what was inside and showed it to me with a smile and watery eyes.
-Link, it's a freaking pumpking...A PUMPKING FROM ORDON!- she gave it to me and I felt nostalgy remembering our dear home in the woods. She hugged me and cried -I miss our old life...- I nodded agreeing with her.
-Once this is finished, you and I will live happily ok? We will live in the castle and built a family...don't worry...- Zelda's eyes shone when I said 'family'.
-This is beautiful and staff...BUT IF THERE IS NO KEY THERE IS NO MIRROR!- Midna stomped around and pointed is the door. Back to Yeta.
-No key uh? Sorry uh, my memory is bad because of flu. Take pumpking to husband uh, I'll try to thinkagin uh. Husband is in kitchen uh, that door over there uh.- we exited the living room to the kitchen, Yeto was in the middle mixing some kind of soup in a big marmite, he looked at me with his big eyes.
-SMELLS GOOD UH! YOU GOT PUMPKIN, GIVE IT TO ME UH!- he took the pumpkin and threw it inside the soup. -HAVE SOME UH! GOOD FOR HUNGER UH!
-I think we'll have some warm do you want some Zelda?
-If it's not a bother I will be grateful to have some Yeto.- he laughed
-POLITE HUMANS UH! HERE YOU HAVE UH! THIS GIRL IS NICE WARRIOR, DON'T LET HER GO!- Zelda smiled and gently took the bowl of soup and gave it to me then she took hers. The fish and pumpkin flavour danced in my mouth, remembering of the soup that Zelda makes.
-You are a good cooker Yeto!- Yeto scratched his back and tummy, we returned the bowls once we had finished and went back to the living room.
-I remember know uh! Here, X marked on map uh! I hope this time I did it right uh...- we took the map and wnet to the next room.
-Time skip cause running in dungeons is boring-
The door opened with a creak. It was circular but barriers made the room rectangular.
Great the exits just closed with gates and one of the armours was moving, meh. But when he suddenly took out a ball with spikes and chain...shit.
-Zelda! I want you to be out of the battle!- she shook her head and got next to me- Zelda! Please do it!
-No Link! I'm gonna help you!- I sighed, I made a soft punch of a part of her body and she fell to the floor unconcious. Ashei had tought me instant KO techniques for emergencies.
-I'm sorry left me no option- I left her at a corner where the enemy couldn't reach her. The guy threw the ball to me, I dodge it clawshoting to the ceiling, when the guy was pulling back the chain I saw my oportunity to attack. I start piercing the sword in the parts where the guy didn't have armour, he cried of pain before releasing his final blow. The ball went towards me too fast, one of the spikes reached my belly, making a deep injury on it. The armour exploded and disappeared. I went to the floor with my hands on my stomach. It hurted and bleeded like hell, Zelda was going to regain conciousness really soon, she was going to see my injury. I kept crying of pain on the floor went I falt a warm presence behind me. Zelda was opening her eyes and she gasped when she couldn't see me. Then her eyes met mines, she screamed and quickly kneed by my side. She looked at my big cut and grabbed her head while screaming of fear.
-LINK! Oh my goddess! Link! What in Hyrule happened to you!?- I started coughing blood out of my mouth, tears stroke down my face. I knew I wasn't going to survive to this but I made a lying smile to Zelda- Link, please! Be strong for the strong for me...- I felt myself fadding away while Zelda talked heartbroken. I had the streght enough to put my hand on her cheek and whispered some words for her.
-Zelda...if I don't make it...I want you to live your life...fell in love again...rule as the queen everybody wants, but remember that I will always love you.- Zelda brushed my dirty blonde hair while she cried amd cried, those big eyes of hers now were red because of the crying. My eyes slowly started to close, I was defeated...
I broke my promise
I saw Link's eyes close and his hand suddenly lost it's grip.
-...Link?- no answer- Link?! LINK! NO PLEASE, I CAN'T LOSE YOU NOW...! I can't lose you too, please, you are the only one I have left.- Link didn't open his eyes. Those beautiful ocean eyes that made me go crazy had lost their light, his dirty and messy blonde hair was now like a piece on golden cloth hanging down his pale and bloody face. -Link...please tell Sky...tell him, tell him that you have done your best protecting me...I will always love you sleepyhead...-I put Link's lifeless body on my lap and sang him a song.
"The river flowing
it's like a mirror
Look at you warrior
tell me what you see
Cause what I do see
is a face of success
But now the water
is bloody red
Your corpse goes down the crystal water
A tear of sadness goes down my face
If that is the fate
I will not take it
I won't give up on you my love"
White emptiness was around me, I heard a deep voice hum a song that I have heard before...
Serenade of Water
A kid was siting on a tree humming a song that Zelda used to sang to me when she was sad. I got infront the little kis and poked him. He looked up with tears down his face...he looked like me when I was a kid.
-S-sir? Are you mamas boyfriend?- that was little Time? That meant...that meant I was dead. I let out a loud cry and put both hands against the floor crying, Zelda was now on her own...I had lost her.- Papa...don't cry...where, where is my mama?- I shook my head.
-I'm sorry*sob* I wasn't able to protect her*sniff* your mama is still alive- he looked down and his ears went down with his look.
-What is all this yelling?!- a boy probably two years older than me appeared from no where.- Who are you...Twilight? Don't tell me...DON'T TELL ME ZELDA WAS LEFT BEHIND!!- he yelled and I just continued crying.
-Hylian! Why are you yelling about Zelda!?- another boy same age as me appeared, his hair was all messy and fluffy. He looked at me with a shocked face- are you...are you Twilight?- he closed his hands into fists and looked at me- ZELDA IS ON HER OWN NOW STUPID! HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN!?- he punched me in the face, I was too defeated to fight back, so I just stayed there with my bleeding lip.- LOOK'S LIKE THE BASTARD DOESN'T TALK HUH?!- he was about to punch me again when a strong arm grabbed his fist. -TIME! LET ME BEAT UP THAT PIECE OF SHIT!- the hero of time said no and got infront of me. are Sky?-I looked to the sky- Zelda has talked to me about you...nice to meet you- he lowered his head trying to keep inside his anger.
-You must know Sky, Twilight died because he was protecting should treat him as the hero he is Sky, not like you should be ashamed of yourself.- Sky sat down defeated but he still looked mad at me.- Twilight come with me...I want to show and tell you something.
I stood up followed him through the white void.
-You-you don't care about me dying? Everybody seemed to care...but you.- he looked at me, he looked 18 but his personality was of an adult, a mature adult.
-All this time I have wanted the best for have been a great suitor for her. I can't thank you enough Link.- I raised my eyebrow until I realized.
-You are something more than just the Hero of Time right?- he let out a tear and nodded- you van tell me...if you want...
-You see Link, I have always cared about every single person in the world...if someone dies I felt guilty and useless. But it's different...-the words that he was about to say shocked me.
It's different when that is about my family... are...
-I'm her father and Time Zelda her mother- Zelda's parents where the legendary Hero of Time and it's Princess?! Holy shit that was shocking. -Please, do not tell's a secret to everybody...(sorry I had to do it :D) Time grabbed my hand and lead me to a big and tall door.
-This is the door of life. To us, the heroes, a second opportunity is always granted to save Hyrule. Everybody has waisted already...everybody but you Twilight...- I smile appeared on my face realising.
-I can go back!? I can see Zelda!- he nodded and opened the door for me- thank's Time...I will tell Zelda you helped me, but the other thing will be our secret...- he smircked and shook my hand.
-Take care of my daughter and yourself...- I nodded and was about to exit when someone grabbed my collar.
-Dude!- Sky was looking at me- I'm sorry...for before I mean, it wasn't fair. Is just...
-I know, Zelda told me everything...- he widened his eyes.
-She-she did?- I nodded- uh...oh...- I pat his shoulder.
-It's okay buddy, I don't blame you. She is a beautiful girl and every guy should fall for her- he looked down ashamed- but...remember that if you dare take her away from me...I'll make you suffer Sky.- he was a little bit surprised about my words but nodded understanding.
-Take this- he handed me a bottle with a fairy- it will help you heal, please Twilight, don't you dare die on her again...- I took the fairy and put a hand on his shoulder.
-We will be back someday, she is going to be a great queen Sky...don't worry.- He sniffed and walked away.
-Papa?- I looked down to see little Time grabbing my tunic, I clunched infront of me- You are going to keep mama safe right?- I pet his hair and he giggled- You promise?- he raised his pinky finger, I interwine mine with his and he ran off playing his ocarina. The door was infront of me and I was prepared to live again.
I felt a cough on my head, it came out from Link's chest. I looked up to his face, he was smiling and looking on his pouch.
-Link! Link! You are alive! I thought I lost you...- I cried and hugged him while he opened a bottle with a fairy, healing his wound and making his strength come back.
-I was dead but guessed who helped me- I opened my eyes and nodded while smiling
-Sky!- he shook his head
-Actually he beat me up a bit for leaving you alone, Time was the one that helped me..heh
-SKY DID WHAT!?- I opened my mouth not beliving that Sky could have done that to my Link!
-It's okay, he apologized- I relaxed but I was still on my nerves because of Sky. Link reached for my head and softly kissed me. I thought I was never going to feel his lips against mines again. That made me cry of happiness, Link gabbed my face with his hands and contiuned kissing. Hen he stopped he looked at me.
-I love you...
-I love you even more...
I helped him get up and we exted the door.
-Zelda wait!- I made a huh? sound and he pointed to the ball and chain the armour had left- We should take it!- I thought about it a bit but then agreed with him and took it. The next room had a big barrier of ice, Link took the ball and chain and the looked at the barrier,then at the ball and the at the barrier. A smirk appeared on his face while he started spinning the ball in the air, he suddenly threw it and the barrier broke in pieces. I was amazed.
-Wow Link, you are strong- he put the ball and chain away and blushed while moving his hand up and down taking off importance from the talk.
-Heh...nothing,nothing- I giggled and went to the chest. I squealed.-What is it Zel? What is it!
-Look!- I showed him the comtent of the chest and he smiled- it's Ordon Cheese...ORDON CHEESE THAT WE MAKE!- Link nodded and Midna looked at the cheese.
-WHERE THE HELL IS THE KEY!?!?!-we both shrug while we ate the cheese.
-wesh shoulds gosh back *gulp* to Yeta.- I nodded agreeing with Link and went back to the living room.
-Time skip to key getting-
-Ah! Finally!- Midna danced around while exited the room with the key. Yeta was waiting outside
-You got key uh? Sorry for trouble uh, flu and headache made me confused. Husband made me pumpkin soup and I felt better uh. Come, I show you bedroom.- She started walking like a penguin up the ramp, we finally reached a big door that had a blue heart lock. I opened it with the key and entered. Their room was big and warm, Zelda and I took off our coats. Yeta went towards a piece of mirror on the wall, she started looking at herself.
-This is the mirror uh. It's a pretty one uh!...Pretty mirror uh!- her head started twiching and I felt and evil and dark aura around her.- Pretty...mirror...uh...uh.- she turned around with a completely different face. Her eyes were bloody red and she had two long fangs. The surprise made us fell to the floor.
-NOT TAKE MIRROR!- she started floating up and created like an icy egg that was covering her. The egg fell to the ground with a loud bump. Zelda narrowed her eyes.
-Is that Blizzeta? I didn't she was hiding under the pacific Yeta- I stood up prepared to attack...guess what? Ball and chain. We started hiting the egg with the new weapong and the egg started geting smaller. We finally broke the last layer and Blizzeta smashed against the wall, she was even mire angry niw and she created a capsule around her with floating spikes. The spikes got in a line, I grabbed Zelda's arma and pulled her away from there. The spikes started falling down and nailed to the floor for a few seconds, Zelda and I smashed the ball against the ice breaking some of the spikes. When the spikes came down again, this time around Blizzeta there were empty spaces, leting the ball and chain hit the capsule. Blizzeta fell to the floor with a roar and fell unconscious. Thankfuly she didn't explode like the rest of the bosses did, this time the mirror got out of her body and landed on my hands. The door opened really loud.
-NOOOOO!-Yeto rushed towards Yeta and took her in his arms
-Uh...what happened uh?-Yeta looked at the wall- The mirror!-Yeto shook his head
-NO NEED FOR MIRROR UH! LOOK INTO YETO'S EYES...I CAN SEE TRUE BEAUTY!-Yeta smiled and they both hugged, creating a heart container. I took it and gave it to Zelda with a red face.
-You are my last piece- she put her hands on her chest and let an awwww to me before taking the container, she jumped into my arms and kissed me.
Only two pieces left.
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