The adventure starts
I felt the breeze on my face that cause my hair to follow the wind's direction softly. I opened my eyes and found Rusl's small black eyes looking at me.
-Don't forget to deliver the sword tomorrow Link, you know it's a important step for our village to meet the royal family.
-I know Rusl, I won't forget...-I followed with a small lough.
Well now I guess I need to introduce myself... My name is Link and I live in Ordon village somewhere at
the south of Hyrule. If you're asking me how is Hyrule,well I don't know I've never get out of the village and the forest nearby, Faron Woods. I work at the ranch that's on the upper part of Ordon as a goat herder, it's not the best job in the world but the owner pays me well. The only thing I wish is that someday I become a knight for the Hylian army. Um... My hair is blond and I have pointy ears with two blue peircings (characteristic of the Hylians) I have big light blue eyes and a weird triangle shape on my left hand, I was born with it.
-Rusl, it's getting late and I need to work at the ranch by dawn.
-Okay Link... Let's go. But I'm going to get mad if it's one of you're excuses to sleep.
-Not this time I swear!- I made a nervous smile. Rusl smiled me back.
I just standed up from the ground and we both extited Faron's spring. We continued walking on the path of the forest, it might be long but it is a beautiful place if you get to know it well. We finally reached the bridge that would take us to Ordon. Once in Ordon we went pass the Ordon spring and got to were my house was, at the exit of the village.
-See you tomorrow for our sword lessons before you go to the sword delivery. Don't miss this training.
-I won't!
We said goodbye to each other and I went to the space were Epona was. Epona is my horse, she is really nice and we have been mates since I was like seven...I think? I sigh when I saw that Epona was not there, because I knew were she was, always the same story. I walked back to Ordon's Spring and as I expected Lia was with Epona and her black horse Corven, she was carefully pouring water on their backs and heads. She looked really into it so I just stand their seeing her washing the horses, it wasn't a bother for me, in fact I like to see her doing staff. She finally turned around and noticed me, she just slightly blushed and look down with a shy smile.
-Sorry... I thought...
-No need to apologize- I smiled-I am the one that needs to thank you. Come on.
She just looked at me with those aqua and big eyes and smiled.
-Time to go to work-she said with a sigh-let's get going.
Lia is my bestfriend since... I don't know...ever? She is one year smaller than me,16 I'm 17. She has long brown with a golden look hair and big and shiny aqua eyes her skin was porcelain white, well a little bit darker, yeah...she is beautiful. I haven't tell her yet but I kind of... have a crush on her, I fear she doesn't feel the same way. I don't know why but she also has that triangle on the left hand.
-Link? Could you stop staring at me and let's get to work before we get fired?
-Uh? Oh... yeah,yeah let's go- yes, she works with me.
We mount on our horses and headed to the village to finally reach the ranch. The owner made us a signal to come.
-You both finally arrived here, what were you doing?
-Sorry it's just that we got distracted- I said ashamed.
-Okay, now I just need help puting the goats back to it's place, tomorrow you can take a day away of work.
Lia smiled- Really, oh thank you!-the owner nooded and let us work. Our horses were really useful with this kind of staff. We finished in less that an hour, so we just said the owner thanks again and ride back to our houses, that were next to each other. We left the horses on their place. I climbed up the lather and just waved at Lia that was opening the door, she waved me back with that pretty smile of hers. I got inside the house and realized that my heart was pounding really fast, I layed on the bed and put my arm behind my neck. I didn't close my eyes cause I was worried.
"When...-I thought-when am I going to tell her?"- but I couldn't think more because I fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up with a nock at my door, sleepy face when I opened the door for Lia. She just loughed.
-Good morning sleepyhead,sorry I woke you up. You promised me today we would spend the day together remember?
-Yeah*yawn* yeah... I do remember...just let me...get dressed up...
-Okay I'll be waiting outside- and I slowly closed the door. I went to my closet and looked for something... okay. I found my clothes that Lia made for my 16th birthay, a green and white shirt with beise pants and sandals. My hylian ear heard something and I looked out the window I saw Lia sitting down with the harp, she was singing the song that we use to practice on our spare time a lullaby. She sang and played beautifuly, a smiled appeared on my face. Once I got ready I told Lia that I was ready she standed up and put away her harp, forgot to mention it but she knows how to use magic.
-What do you wanna do first!?- she said happily-Oh! I know lets go the ranch,not to work, but it is pretty nice just to sit there and talk while we feel the morning breeze.
-Sounds good to me- she grabbed my hand and we walked together.
I got me by surprised her gesture of grabbing my hand, but I didn't hesitate. Shortly we arrived at the ranch and sat down. We talked and looked at the clouds,surely today was a nice shiny day.
-You know Link? I want to see Hyrule,when I'm older I'm going to see all Hyrule with my horse-she looked at me with her eyes full of hope- Of course I'm going to miss you.
-I don't think so- I said looking at the sky
-Why? I thought that...
- Cause I will be with you- I said looking at her with a smile.
She just smiled with her mouth wide open- Oh! Thank you...I really apreci-
-LIA! WATCH OUT!- one of the goats had got angry ,sometimes happens,and it was running towards us. I throw myself to Lia making a shield with my body so that she didn't get hurt. I sigh in a relief.
-Well, that was...- I shut up and look down, I was on top of Lia really close to each other with an uncorfortable pose. She was looking at me with her eyes wide open and she was blushing a lot also me, I was blushing.
-Um... Thank you...
I got of Lia and she just looked away so that I didn't notice she was nervously blushing. I was going to say something but someone shouted my name.
-Link!- I looked at the entrance of the ranch, I saw Talo,Malo,Beth and Colin the only kids of the village- You told us you would show us sword tecniques! Come on!
-uh..- Lia looked at me and nooded- I'm coming!- I grabbed Lia's hand to help her get up, we followed the kids back to our houses because I had a thick wooden stick to train. Lia sat down on a tree branch and waited for the training to start.
-Wait a sec... I need to get the sword from my house... Just wait a moment.
I climbed up the lader and entered, I went down to the basement and took my wooden training sword because my training sword had been taken by Rusl. I went outside and placed myself infront of the wood.
-So...? What do you want me to do?-I said looking at them
-Hey Link! Do that spin circle thingy!please!-said Talo with excitement
-The...spin circle thingy?uh...-I don't know what the heck he was talking about.
-Link-I looked up at Lia that was sitting on the branch with her arms crossed- I think... he means the spin attack- that followed with a small lough of hers.
-Oh! Just take the sword with one of your hands,stand by one side and with force *HYAAAH* and spin around.- Lia clapped and loughed, I looked up and made a reverence with a lough.
-WOW! That was sooooo cool!- said Colin- when I grow I'm going to be just like you!
-yeah sure Colin-said Malo with his really low voice-why don't you try to do the jump attack, see if you're capable...
-Okay, grab the sword with both hands, jump as high as you can and aim fir the head *CHEAA*
-Link, now that we know some tecniques we are going to go and practice, thank you!- Beth was the oldest and so the most calm of the three. They went back to the village to practice I guess and Lia jumped down from the branch.
-Sorry, the kids I mean...-she puted a finger on my lips and raised one of her eye brows
-It's okay sleepyhead-she said with a smile- I understand, it's almost time for you to go. I'll help you get prepared- her voice ton had a bit of sadness in it. God I hate to hurt her like that.
-Okay, thank you. You can go with the horse to Ordon spring, I'm just going to take the sword and the shield and some food and water. I'll be there shortly.
-See ya!Come on Epona, I'm going to say goodbye to you...-and she disapeared towards the spring.
I felt really bad for leaving her for two days, we were such close friends and this was the first time we were going to be so far away from each other. I understand she was so sad and worried for me. I took the iron sword that Rusl gave me before going to the castle. The Ordon shield made of wood with a picture of an ordon goat. I closed the door slowly and carefully, I had no worries about the house because Lia had made sure she was going to clean my house and take care of it. With a sad expression I head to the spring. Lia was already there and she was singing a song to calm down Epona, the song that I used to call her when she was far away.She finished the song and looked at me with a sad but lovely smile, she was trying really hard not to cry. I went by her side.
-Link-her voice was broken- I want you to be careful, lately the forest had changed, more monsters have appeared and... I don't want nothing to hurt you. Hyrule field is also a dangerous place, you don't know if someone or something is going to attack you... be polite if you end up meeting the king and the queen, I'll be okay...just take care of yourself. I want you to take this...please,is a gift.
She handed me a little object, I gave it back.
-Come on Lia, I can't not accept this- she gave it back- but...
-Take this ocarina and think of me when you play it, it will help you relax.
I looked at the blue ocarina, Lia has had it since a baby when she was abandoned here it was something her mother left, she really like it and it was her most precious treasure. I couldn't beleave she gave it to me.
-Thank you Lia-I noticed she was crying bearly unnoticeable, I wiped out one of her tears and smiled- Hey, I don't want to see you like that, come on.
I brought her towards me and hugged her with all the love that I had, she cried on my shoulder and hugged me back.
-Better now?- I looked down to see her and she looked up and smiled
-Yes...*sniff* Now I'm better- she looked down and blushed nervously- Link, I...
But the floor started rumbeling and monster broke through the gate of the spring, Lia gasped and I took out the sword to protect her, I would give my life for her. But the monsters were faster and they shot an arrow to Lia's back and she fell to the ground with a cry.
-No!-I turned to the monsters-You...-but one of them hit me in the neck really hard and I fell to the ground.-Lia...
The last thing I saw before passing away was Lia taken away by the monsters.
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