Temple of Time
Zelda took out the harp and played Saria's song with Skullkid, playing with him. Skullkid playfuly laughed and shook her hand.
-I haven't heard that melody since 'he' played it to me when he was a kid. I will open you the path to a secret place! ~Tehehe see ya!~
A wall infront of Zelda disappeared leting a secret path show up. She stood up and put away her harp.
-Wow Zelda, you really know how to treat kids- she kept looking at the path- you would be a great mother.- her hand twiched when I said that, she then smiled and thanked me. The path took us back to the pedestal of time. We walked down the stairs and we on the vast extension where the two stone statues are.
-So? How do we get to the temple from here?- Zelda sighed.
-Link, this is the temple of time- this!? But it was all ruined and there was no sign of life!
-How can this be the temple, there is no enemies!- she pointed to a stone.
-We have to go back in time...to the era of the Hero of Time. That stone over there, by the other side is a door. We will be able to go to the past if we enter that door.
The door had ancient Hylian written on it.
"Gate...of...Time" it said.
I pushed the heavy stone and the door opened, revealing a blurry grey vision. When I entered it was so bright I couldn't see, until my eyes got rid of the light. My jaw dropped.
-The legendary chamber of sages...- Zelda said covering her mouth
-...that helped the hero of time- I finished.
-Link?- I made a huh?ed sound- do you think...we might find Time here?- I pressed my lips against each other.
-Maybe...but he doesn't know us yet...- Zelda thought about it and started walking forward, the pedestal of time didn't have the master sword.
-That means he is here...- I nodded.- There has be a...oh, place the sword in the pedestal on sec Link.- I did as she said and blue stairs appeared infront of us, it lead to the window. Before I could take the sword out a thing went running up the stairs. The window vanished, same as the thing.
-Was that Ooccoo?!- Zelda raised an eyebrow- Oh, Occoo is that creature that we found in the Arbiters Grounds- Zelda clinched and walked up the stairs, she made me a sign to follow her and I ran up the stairs. The window reappeared once we went throught it and a long hallway took us to the actual Temple of Time.
-Time Skip-
The statue that it's missing is at the top of the temple...AT.THE.TOP.
I was making sure that no one was at the other side of the door. I always make sure because of Zelda.
-What...was that?- Zelda looked around
-HEYAAAA!-Zelda raised an eyebrow...
-What was that for Link?- I shook my head
-Hehe...that was not me...- Zelda widened her eyes and started sweating.
-That's Time! He is here!- before Zelda and I could hide a head poped out the wall.- Shit...
-Who are you and what are you doing on the temple of time?!- I got the sword back to the sheath- Is that the Master Sword?! Why do you look like me!?- Time pointed at us with the sword
-Wow wow! Calm down dude...You see we are actually from the future, we are on a quest to save future Hyrule. I'm your rencarnation in the future.- Time dropped his jaw and sat on the floor.
-And I'm princess Zelda's rencarnation- Time looked at Zelda and then at me. He was in the middle of a trauma I guess.
-I don't really trust you...but that explains why you also have the Master Sword...- I nodded and rubbed my chin.
-What are you doing here- He looked up and narrowed his eyes.
-I lost my ocarina, I dropped it somewhere when I got the sword- Zelda shaked and looked at me.
-You mean a blue ocarina- Time smiled with wide eyes.
-Uh hu! Have you seen it?!- Zelda shaked even more.
-Since I was a kid I have had a blue ocarina...Link, can you take it out please?- I nodded and took out the ocarina- is it this one?
-Yas! My ocarina of Time- Zelda almost collapsed, she covered the ocarina with her hands-I'm sorry Time, this is my ocarina...yours has to be somewhere.
-But!- Zelda gave me back the ocarina and Time crossed his arms- Gimme!
-Nuh uh! This is the future ocarina of Time, yours is probably somewhere near the pedestal. If you excuse us, we are going to continue with our quest- she grabbed my hand and literally pulled me to the next room.
-What was that for!?- Zelda stomped around the room with anger and frustation
-All this time I had the freaking ocarina of Time! And no one told me!- she suddenly relaxed- that is why they were after us in Ordon Village- she sat down and rubbed her leg- My bad...
-It's okay...you didn't know.- I noticed something in the middle of the room- Zelda...-Before she could look the thing turned around, a Darknut. He took out his huge blade and came to us, Zelda teleported and I dodge.
-Becareful! Only by the back of his body he has no armour!- the Darknut attacked her but she was able to make a protective barrier. Taking advantage of his distraction I nailed the sword on his back, the only uncovered spot of his body. He pushed me away. His helmet, part of his chest armour was gone. Zelda did the same and the rest of the armour fell, leaving a normal soldier. He threw the blade against the wall and took out a sword. He started a duel with me while Zelda looked at us, waiting for the moment to help me, that moment didn't came because when the Darknut attacked me and I fell to the floor, Zelda wasn't able to reach us.
But a sword did.
I turned at one side to see Time piercing the sword against the Darknuts chest, making him explode. He sighed and then looked at me.
-You ok bud?- I nodded, then he looked at Zelda- and you princess?- she nodded and came to my aid.
-Link? Did he hurt you?- I shook my head and stood up but almost fell when I landed on my right foot- great, you are injured.- Zelda looked at Time, he was staring at Zelda.- Time? Do you have any red potions or fairies- he snap out of it and took out a bottled fairy. She handed it to Zelda- Thanks Time.- he smiled stupidly. Oh not him too.
-Here- she finished healing me and I got up pecking her cheeck, Time looked down.- Are you feeling better?- I nodded and went towards the chest at the end of the room. A large and heavy rod was inside, Zelda looked at it and suddenly at the top of the rod a green ball. There was a ledge at the top of the room, of you looked close enough you could see a replica of the statue downstairs. She shaked the rod and the light ball went inside the statue. Zelda slowly move to one side, the statue copied her movements.
-A dominion rod...neat- she looked at both.- could you go infront of me making sure there are no enemies please?- Time nodded and pulled me towards the next room.
-Are you happy time?- he whisteled down stairs- why?- I already knew the answer but either ways
-Uh..-he blushed
-you know? You shouldn't fell in love with her, nu uh.- he glared at me and we got face to face.
-Oh...Are you jelous hero?- I groaned -Don't get mad, she might prefer me over you.- I kept my temptation of punching him on the balls.- she is too pretty for you...
-You don't why I am telling you this right?- I crossed my arms- so you wanna know hero of Time? Well you know, you actually are someone to her in the future.- he raised one eyebrow-you are her father stupid, you get married to your Zelda...now you get it?
-I would never marry Zelda!- we heard Zelda scream upstairs. We both run and saw Zelda droping the rod to the floor while she shacked.
She was disappearing
-ZELDA!-her hands were going from transparent to invisible- What is going on?!- Time panicked andd looked around Zelda, trying to find clues. I realized.
-TIME! THIS IS YOUR FAULT- Zelda and Time looked at me surprised.
-ARE YOU STUPID LINK?! HOW COULD THIS BE TIME'S FAULT?!- Zelda started yelling at me.
-TIME IS YOUR FATHER, HE JUST SAID HE WILL NEVER MARRY HIS ZELDA! HIS ZELDA IS YOUR MOTHER AND IF THEY NEVER GOT MARRIED!...you won't be born and you won't exist.- Zelda almost collapsed but she hold on to me.
- The hero and princess of Time are my parents?-she opened her eyes-that is amazing...- she started screaming when her legs started disappearing.- Dad! Do something!- Time was running around grabbing his hair and muttering.
-You have to say something that can make Zelda live!- he stopped.
-Fine! I will marry my Zelda!- Zelda fell with a gasp to the floor, she was reapearing. I sigh and smiled, then glared at Time.
-Be careful with what you say Time...- he raised both of his hands and shook them.
-Okay,Okay! I'm going to the pedestal for no more problems...- then he looked at Zelda and hugged her, she hugged back- bye my dear daughter.
-Bye Daddy!- she waved whike she saw Time dissaperar down the stairs- Link...how did you know he was my father?- I looked down, Time told me to keep in secret.
-Time told me on the afterlife,meh.- Zelda just standed there, her mind procesing all what just happened.- Let's take the statue back to it's place Zel.
Well, I just figured out who my parents are...that is shoking. The statue came in handy because it had a big hammer to brake gates,walls,doors...the way down was easy because in our way up half of the monsters were killed. The statue got back to it's original position and the door to the boss opened, closing with a gate behind us. Rays of light came from the ceiling, but suddenly some started closing. I looked up and turned pale while muttering.
-A...Aspider!-I said really fast, I hate spiders...especialy Gohma.-Gohma!- I shook and hided behind of Link. He took out the sword and Gohma opened her big and disgusting eye.
-Link! The bow! The bow!- He understood and shot and arrow to her eye, making Gohma scream and close the eye. She suddenly turned around and...pooped some larvas.
-Ughn...-I was turning pale and covering my mouth trying not to puke. Link was also kind of disgusted and started making weird sounds. After he killed all the larvas Gohma opened her eye again, leting Link shoot an arrow, this time Gohma felled to the ground looking up. I didn't think it twice and with the help of the dominion rod and a big stone statue with a big fist I smashed the fist aginst Gohma's chest. She died in the act, exploded into a mirror. I sat on the floor, trying not to collapse of disgust.
-Are you sure you are ok?- I nodded and held Link's hand while Midna created a portal.
-Great job!- she put away the mirror- Only one left guys! We are almost there!- she got inside the portal and waited for us. I walked slowly to the portal, but stoppedone inch away.
-Are you ok?- I looked down
-I wanted to see my Dad one more time...-Link pat my shoulder and we said goodbye to the temple of time.
(Sorry for this short chap, but the Temple of Time is kind of short. I added Time here because if not this would be a REALLY short chap, either ways, hoped you liked it! :D )
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