Sand and hallucinations
So now we have to search for the Mirror of Twilight, it was for the best of Zelda's kingdom.
-Oh sacred that the Master Sword Link?- I nodded proud of myself- Yay! Link I'm so proud of you! Hand it to me for a sec please.
-Huh? Why?-she raised and eyebrow and said one word that explained everything.
I quickly handed the sword, she started marking the edges of the sword with her finger while she sang a melody (Fi's Lament) , she waited a few seconds but nothing happened. She tried again but nothing...
-Hey's not working. You can try later- she put the index finger on her lips making me a sign to hush. She said these words.
- Fi...come on wake have to be sick after sleeping for a thousen years- she left the sword on the floor. She standed back while smiling at the sword. It was for an instance but the sword glowed blue.
-C'mon you can do it Fi...
The sword glowed again more time.
/Master.../ a distorsioned voice said /I have 94% chances that you are not my Master Link/ a blue and metalic girl appeared wearing a short purple dress. /Why did you call me.../
-Fi? We are descendants of her grace and your previous master, I'm friends with him...I met him in the afterlife...
/My calculations are 89% correct that you get surrounded by sadness when you think about my Master/
-Hmmm...You are now in the twilight era, welcome to the surface Fi!- she got closer to me and looked at my face with no feelings at all.
/You are not my Master indeed, but the sword has been pulled away from it's eternal sleep...You are my new Master Link/ I nodded and she went back to the sword.'s her...she is alive! We've been dreaming about this moment since we were kids!- she smiled and took the sword of the floor giving it to me. She walked towards the exit. I grabbed her arm.
-Zelda, you are acting weird...are you ok?- she smiled with a sigh and looked at me.
-In the afterlife...Sky Link...he is in love with me...I just feel bad for him because I don't feel the same...- I made her look at me.
-Zel...if he is like me then he will understand, thought...I don't blame him for falling in love with a girl like you.-that made her blush and give me a kiss on the nose.
-Well guys? We have a new helper huh?- I nodded and Zelda smircked. Midna looked at the sky.- It's geting late and you guys must be tired...go rest tomorrow will search for the mirror.- she went back to the shadow althought now she can walk on light. Zelda took out a big blanket from her bag and she sat down on the grass. I layed down next to her and she made a fire to keep us warm. She soon layed down next to me wrapping her arms around me, she covered us with the blanket and I put a hand over my head and another around her waist. She cleared her throat.
- My goodnight kiss?- I rolled my eyes and kissed her.
-Happy now?-she nodded and used my chest as a pillow, soon I heard her breathe softly. I fell asleep thinking how lucky I was to have her.
~Time skip brought by- Link dancing Caramelldansen~
-Where did wehave to go again?-Zelda said. I looked at the map.
-Auru told us to go to the desert, that he had read about a mirror somewhere in the Gerudo desert...remember?- she started thinking and then opened her eyes.
-If we are going to the desert we better wear this- She took out two long capes with hoodies and we wore them. We entered the desert- know the other name of this desert?- I shook my head- They also call it the desert of Hallucinations...we have to be careful...- she almost whispered that sestence. We started walking with the suns heat, I slowly started feeling dizziness and weakness because of the hot and burning sun. Zelda took the sweat off her forehead and created some water bottles making me sigh of relief, we gently drank the first one. Later I started seeing things so I put my hoodie on, but that didn't block the sounds. I saw Zelda in the distance.
-Zelda! Wait for me!- she looked back and waved at me, I quickly went by her side- Why did you...- but I couldn't finish the sentence cause I saw a blade going through Zelda's belly, she went to the sand and screamed- ZELDA!
-Get away from me you monster!- she yelled at me...did she just said that...? My eyes filled with tears when I saw the blade pierced on her body.
The Master Sword
I didn't know why I killed but I just curled up on a ball while she said "It hurts more mentally than physically" I felt something grab my shoulder,I turned around to see Zelda looking at me with a worried face.
-Link? Are you crying?- I shook my head and hugged her- Link?
-Wha...?- she made me keep silence.
- We were walking and you suddenly fell to the floor shouting my name...
-But I saw you die!- she smiled while closing her eyes and looking down.
-What did I told? This is the desert of Hallucinations...- I got up sniffing my nose, she grabbed my hand- feel better now?- I nodded and suddenly Zelda pointed at seven tall towers in the distance.-There,that is the Mirror get there we must get through the arbiters grounds...a prision for the most dangerous creatures in Hyrule *gulp*- after more running around we found the entrance of the maze that took to the temple. Monsters were everywere, Zelda took out her bow and pointed at one of the tower guardians, I did the same and fired. We killed some but other ones noticed us and started fiering arrows, soon they were all dead. Zelda made a move with her hand and suddenly a torch appeared on her hand, illuminating her face. She made a move to the next zone and soon we were at the entrance. We stared at the big pitch black hole for some minutes. I got tired of starring and entered, Zelda garbbed my wrist and did not let go, she kept starring at the entrance.
-Zelda, come on, let's go...-she shook her head in disapproval.-Zelda, please...
-Link...this temple...has also another name that is carved in my mind, it scares me...I don't know how, but I know this place.
-Zelda, let's go!- I yelled at her, she looked at me with a shocked face. She looked down and let go of my wrist. She wasn't following me.- So? What are you waiting for?- she kept looking down.
-You yelled at me...for the first hurts...- I widened my eyes as I saw her crying. She turned around and put her hoodie on. -why...- I garbbed her arm and grabbed her chin, making her look at me. With her other hand she put the hoodie covering her eyes, her mouth was trembling because of the crying. I took out the hoodie and to my shock...I saw her eyes...
Eyes with fear on them.
-Why are you so scared Zelda?- she looked at my eyes- you can tell don't have to be afraid, I'm here.- she nodded and spoke with a broken voice.
-Someone that I don't even know, but is in my memory died here Link...and she was powerful...- I raised one eyebrow.- this might be the last time we see the outside Link. This place is, awful memories of this place...
-What are you talking about, this is the first time we see the arbiters grounds...right?- she shook her head.
-Me yes...but deepin my mind...I somehow remember this sure you wanna now?- I nodded.- well...Lady Nabooru...the sage of spirits...died here, on...the temple of spirits...her death was not because of the fact she was old...she died when Ganondorf attacked back.- I gasped and she continued crying- I told you, you didn't wan't to know...I'm scared- I smiled and put one arm around her shoulder and she got closer and burried her face in my chest. She got her arms around my neck and slowly pressed her lips against mines, she did it with passion this time. I looked at her and she gave her approval leting my tongue enter to her mouth, it was the first rime we kissed like that...
-I wanted to try, because maybe we won't make it- she blushed and I also did. We continued walking together disappeared in the darkness. When our eyes got used to darkness we saw a really dark room with two not lighten up torches. Zelda got closer to them and light up the torches. She sighed relieved to see light. I felt something on my leg. I looked at my leg to see a little skeleton warrior stabbing it's little spear to my leg, I got rid of it easily. Zelda screamed as more skeletons started crawling over her. More got on me paralazing me and making fell to the floor, Zelda tried to reach for her pocket knife but her hand didn't even reach to her waist. We tried to reach our hands but it was too late,the spears started piercing into our bodys, making us scream of pain. When all hope was lost a blue glow filled the room. A blue figure was dancing in the middle of the room, killing the stalfos with it's light, when all evil was gone we saw the face of our saviour.
She landed infront of us and spoke.
/Master, you and her majesty are badly injured. I suggest you to heal immediately with a potion or any other solution in your minds/ she disppeared with a melodical sound.
-Zel? You...okay?- she closed one of her hands against the floor into a fist and growl. Zelda opened her mouth and sang.
~Make us heal with no fear
through the morning light.
Day by day until dawn
fear the crying moon~
~Tears strike down my face
waiting for the end.
With this mask you'll be safe
time goes on~
~Darkness can't reach you
Let the light full fill you
With my last breath
I sing you this song~
~Wait my child don't go
Midnight is not here yet
Let's dance till a new day
Thought that day won't come~
I instantly felt my injuries recover and got back the stenght lost in battle, Zelda was also up wiping off the dust from her tunic. She smiled at the sword and winked.
-Thank you Fi- she said almost singing. My sword glowed blue and Zelda hang to my arm. I was shocked.
-You are not scared anymore?- she shook her head with a big open smile, that made me giggle and we continued walking down the dark corridor. I looked at her rubbing her arm.
-That song...where did you learn it?- Zelda grabbed my hand and smircked.
-Oh! You mean the song of Healing? That song I learned it on the afterlife, little Time Link showed to me with his ocarina. He is adorable and he calls me mama! It reminds me of you when you were a kid...- I laughed and wiped away one of her tears.
-Don't worry Zelda, I'm sure that right now he is happy!- she nodded while we entered on a big room. A long scale of stairs were infront of us, at the end an open gate. Four tourches with blue fire were on the middle, lightning up the surroundings with a creepy look. Suddenly from the gate four lamps appeared floating out of nowhere and stole the light, three of them disappeared but one started circling around us and suddenly stopped infront of my face, Zelda created a ball of light and threw it against the lamp, revealing a blue figure. A poe. The poe opened it's mouth and let out a horrible cry, making Zelda freeze of fear. I took out the sword and pressed it against the chest where the heart should be. The poe screamed and vanished into smoke making a 'puff' sound. The cloths that the poe wore reamined on the floor, the lamp exploded seting free the light. Zelda suddenly jumped and started smiling.
-I know what to do! This has happened before! On the forest temple, era of the Hero of Time. The temple of the sage of the forest, Saria! All we have to do is find the other three and the gate will open. We...we should split up. Midna can come with me and Fi can go with you.
-But Zelda! It's too dangerous! What if something happens?!- she started looking inside her back and threw me a white glowing stone.
-We can comunicate through this rock, it's like telepathy. If something happens you'll hear.- Midna popped out.
-Alrighty! Let's go princess!- Zelda nodded and went through a door, I grabbed her shoulder making her turn around, I kissed her and felt her smirk. She pecked my cheek and disappeared through a door with Midna. I looked at my sword.
-You ready Fi?!- she appeared and I think I saw
/I'm here to serve you Master Link/I thank her and floated next to me, exiting the room by the door oposite to the one that Zelda had exited.
I wasn't sure about spliting up with Link but it was for the best. This room at least wasn't pitch black. There was a huge colum with a switch that you had to pull around...for what porpoise? I noticed that the wall had a space with a small chest. Yay! 20 rupees! The wall looked like it was closed before, so I guess I have figure out the porpoise of the switch...yup the open wall closed and a closed one opened, revealing a normal sized chest. There was a small key inside, when I turned around I saw a stalfos forming around me...that is not stalfos...worse, it's a ReDead. It paralized me with it's scream, I easily teleported behind it, dodging his attack and seting free of the spell. I cut of his legs and arms before piercing my sword against the skull, making the ReDead turn into dust.
This room has something...odd. I was surrounded by blue lamps, but one of them was different, one of them was moving. I tensed my bow and shot an ice arrow against the lamp, making the poe appear. It started floating around, but I didn't take a chance on him. Soon the air came out of it's clothing and the lamp exploded.
/I encourage you to continue for Lady Zelda Master/ Fi was looking at the poe /Lady Zelda is on her way of defeating the third poe, I advice you to find the last of them/ I looked at the white stone and took it out.
-How is it going Zel?- I heard a 'puff' sound at the other side.
"Good! I just freed a light!" She said happily
-Same as me!
"Have you found a ReDead on your way yet Link?" I said no "ReDeads are skeleton living creatures similar to stalfos but they have a secret weapon, they scream and paralize you with it. I recomend you to be careful when you see one!"
-Okay Zelda, I'll be careful. Talk to you later!- the white light vanished. I feeled sad.
/There is a 97% percent chance that Master Link and Lady Zelda will succeed on this mission, basing on my calculations/ I laughed and Fi stared at me, with a serious expression. I exited that room.
Sinking sands and small stone platforms...just great. A smirck appeared on my face when I saw a clawshot target at the to of the last platform, when I landed. I felt myself more heavy and the platform was sinking, I was moving with heavy movements.
-HuH?!- the sand started reaching my toes, Midna appeared covering her mouth and gasping loudly.
-Zelda! Quick do a spin attack!- I did as she said and felt less heavy. I got to the other side huffing and panting. I looked at my side to see transparent rats disappearing. Midna sighed.
-Those are twili rats, a pest in our world. They get attached to your body with an invisible form, making you be more heavy. When Ganondorf entered, they got here.- I nodded catching my breath. The stone glowed white.
"Hey Zel?"
-Yes Link?
"I freed the last poe, come back to the middle, I'm already here"
-*huff* Mkay...
",...are you ok?"
-Yeah, I'm just...catching my breath...meh
"See ya!"
I slowly stood up and teleported to the room.
"See ya!"
Suddenly Zelda appeared at my side pecking my forehead, I grabbed her hand and looked at the gate that was slowly opening. Zelda rushed inside before I could stop her and disappeared in the darkness. I found her looking at a big black chest in the distance with anger. The chest was surrounded by sincking sand, the boss key was out of reach.
-Hmmm...there are rails at the sides of the corridor, seems like is a way to get to the chest. Maybe that is the weapon of the dungeon, don't you think?
-I guess you are right Link...but first let's find the mitt boss.- I nodded and followed my instict. After some time of creepy fights and dark creatures we found an empy room with a sword on the floor with ropes. I was about to exit when Zelda grabbed my arm, she told me to stay there and she slowly burnt one of the ropes, she backed up and took out her sword. The sword shook and the rest of the ropes burnt, the sword slowly levitated from the floor and attacked us. Making us backflip, the floor cracked while the sword floated. Was the enemy a floating sword? Zelda threw the torch to the sword and a figure appeared doing a horrible cry, it was a poe but it was different. Zelda gasped.
-Deathsword! I thought he had been sealed away!- Zelda had talked to me about him...danger. I took out the bow and fired making him fell to the floor. I took the Master Sword and decapitated Deathsword. He exploded in a lot of little keys that exited the room by the ceiling. A chest appeared and Zelda opened it revealing a spinner, the rails we saw before were spiner rails, the spinner also let's us go through the sand without sinking.
-I'm gonna look for health on the pots, I'll be back- I nodded and sat down. She screamed.
-ZELDA! Wha~ but she just started screaming more.
-EEK!TAKE THIS THING OF BEFORE I KILL IT WITH MY BARE HANDS!- she started shacking her foot and stomping it against the ground.
-Zelda! Stay still so I can see it...- she stopped and didn't move, I saw THE THING- Well fuck...
-Oh! Greetings adventurer! Again trapped on one of the pots! But this time it was the pretty girl who saved me, I thank you from the depest part of my heart. I'll go with you!- she entered in my pouch and Zelda was pointing at me with her mouth open and one eye twitching.
-What in Nayru is that?- I looked down defeated and turned around.
-Don't ask...- she shrug and we continued our path back to the chest. I was the one that tested it first, making sure that Zelda was safe using hers. I got to the other side and took the key, then came back. I saw Zelda on the middle of the room with the spinner spinning around inside a hole. She looked at me while spinning.
-LInk gET Out oF THEre beFORE the WALl tuRNS!!- I runned to the middle before the spinning wall could squish me. A part of the wall that was closed opened, revealing a big sand room with a statue on the middle. She stopped spinning around and got out of the hole, she started walking funny and put her back against a wall- dizzy...-her face turned a bit red and she turned around to puke, boy...she must be really dizzy. After finishing she looked at me realizing that I was still there, she started whisteling innocently and threw a ball of water at the mess- It was like this when I found it...- she blushed ashamed and I crossed my arms smircking. She showed me her tongue and walked to the opened room, she stared at the statue with a sad look. - The desert colossus,I can see evil on his face...oh look! Spiner tracks!-she started spinning up while screaming- I'M GONNA PUKE AGAIN! BUT I LIKE IT!- I widened my eyes.
-DON'T YOU DARE! I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU AND THIS TUNIC IS CLEAN!- she continued screaming like if she was on a rollercoaster and we finally got up. She took out her water bottle and drank, relieved of not puking this time. I pat her back and she just glared, Midna laughed.
-Zelda, puke again please, that face was hilarious!- she raised and eyebrow and Mina laughed innoncently- Fine...- Zelda took out the key and opened the lock to the boss. The door open skywars and we entered. The room was full of sand in the middle, and there was a big broken skeleton in the middle. I made a sign to slowly avoid it.
-Link, that's Stallord, his dead...- I made her hush, she hesitated but followed me. A figure appeared on top of the skull. - ZANT!- He glared at Zelda making her start sweating of fear for the things that happened last time. I put my sword infront of Zelda.
-What do you want now?!- He kept staring and opened his mouth, still wearing the mask.
- Looks like the princess escaped...and you are both alive...interesting. Midna you are alive and with some of the princesses light am I right? Again, I'm to busy to deal with annoying brats like you, with pleasure I will send someone to kill you...but the princess needs to be alive. Deal with this oh corageous hero!- he took out a black sword and nailed the sword on the skull, with a laugh he disappeared.
-LINK! BACK UP QUICK!- I didn't hesitate and went by her side some meters away from the creature. The skeleton got attached to the skull with eyes glowing with the color of blood. He looked at us and trew a poison attack by the mouth. On the edges there were spinner tracks so we just did that. When the attacked finished I jumped off the track and aimed for his bones. Zelda continued spinning around like a freak. The spinner bumped against the bone geting out of the sand, making it brake. Zelda was out grabbing her head trying not to hit the ground. She looked at me doing a thumbs up, when she was recovered she jumped off with the spinner and did the same thing, making the whole skeleton brake (except the skull), the sand disappeared sinking somewhere. We where on the platform in the middle, now the only thing is a bridge.
Link was examining the edges of the platform trying to look for a bridge when I sensed magic behind us. I looked behind and to my horror I saw Stallord's skull floating in the air, before I could do anything he pushed Link off the platform. He screamed as he got near the floor.
-LINK!- I saw how awesome skills he had when he landed on his feet on the ground, he put a pain expression and grabbed his foot hissing. I sighed relieved, I turned around to face Stallord and took out my sword.
"Drop the sword" he said in my mind, I shook my head "Drop the sword" this time my body moved on his own droping the sword off the platform, I heard Link shout.
-IGNORE HIM! HE IS TRYING TO TAKE CONTROL OVER YOU!- I continued looking at him.
"Don't move and stand still"- I tried to move but I couldn't-"Good"- I heard a spinner coming.
-Link! I can't move!- He shouted.
-I'M ALMOST THERE! HOLD ON!- Stallord opened his mouth with a electric ball forming inside it. I started panicking and breathing like there was no tomorrow. The magic attack was almost done, tears of fear stroke down my face. I closed my eyes, waiting for the end...that never came. A male and loud cry filled the room, I looked up see Link jumping over me and with an inhuman streght cut off the head in two parts. Stallord exploded making the sword pierced on his forehead disappear in twilight particles. I fell to the floor catching breath,Link turned to me and went by my side.
-Did he hurt you? - I smiled and gasped.
-No, I'm fine. How did you do that? It was unhuman...-he realized and shrug.
-I guess...the fact of seing you in danger made me stronger...the fact of protecting you.- I nodded and gave him a kiss thanking him, he entwine his fingers with mines and smiled while rubbing his nose against mine. We stood up and luckily a bridge had formed leting us cross to the other side. I couldn't believe it! We actually survived inside the Arbiter's Grounds! I looked at Link, and with a 'cool' pose raised my hand.
-High Five Dude!-he laughed really hard and did it.
-Hell yeah!- Midna floated ahead of us and soon we heard her scream.
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