Hero of the skies and water temple
<Back in time, 7 years>
"I've always wondered how would it be to live in the sky...with a extense layer of soft white clouds underneath my feet,the sun in the horizon more closer than ever. I have always believed the stories that flow in my mind, I don't how they got there but they make me a more happy person. I have always loved the story of the hero from the sky...it's just amazing. I'm sure is real because deep imside me a voice sings me that song written in the goddess lenguage.
End dajebu no be swutu, tie swutu kewano swa lei...
I don't what it means but I know that is somehow connected to me, the story is about a young boy that lived above the sky, a land that the goddess created for the humans after sealing the reincarnation of evil Demise. This boy had a best friend, a beautiful maid. But the destiny gives them the worst fate...him the hero and her the reincarnation of Hylia, one of the golden sisters that in previous times used to be the only goddess. The peaceful creatures of the sky land, Skyloft are named Loftwings. The voice says that they were beautiful big birds that used to be linked to one of the citizens each. But this hero used to have a strange relationship with a rare red one. Sadly this creatures if they ever exist are nowhere to be found, the libary in my house doesn't have books about that. Neither my friend Link, he has always loved the stories that I go telling as fairytales,but we believe they are something else, we don't have evidence yet...but we will. I don't know what I found more amazing...the hero of time or the hero of skies. Sadly in the story the name of the maid and her hero is not told,that would make things easier. I also find fascinating the fact of the heros sword...
The Master Sword's spirit...
I wish I could meet her, I don't even know if she exists but she wouldn't feel anything because sadly she is a creation of the goddess to help the hero, a robot unable to feel. Thought...the ending of Fi is pretty sad...she gets sealed inside her sword with the last of Demise essence...forever. The stories also say that the statue in skyloft came down after reuniting the pieces of a sacred gift creating the Hylias temple down in the surface. Sometimes when I look at the sky I swear that I can see a big red bird going with a happy cry.
The hero and the maid decide to live down here on the surface. I haven't found them...not yet. But this happened years ago,years and years...I wish...
I wish a new hero was reborn, living his adventure besides me"
That story...I still remember it...my wish of the rencarnated hero,it came true. The hero of the sky now rest in peace because as my wisdom awakened the voice said clearly the parts of the puzzle that were not told in my childhood. The names of the hero and maid...Link and Zelda. This hero...was the first of all. The pieces of the sacred gift...the trifforce.
Maybe...maybe I'm able...to awaken Fi...
And...where are you Hero of Time?
Zelda was weirdly staring at the water of the waterfall,she didn't even notice when I touched her. Hehe, better try another thing...I touched my nose with hers,wait...still nothing? Is like she could see through me...so I just pressed my lips again hers. She suddenly shook her head and looked at me then she closed her eyes,living the moment. When we separated she garbbed my whrist and kissed me more. When she stopped she looked at me with happy eyes.
-Zel...are you okay? You were staring at the water all the time and you went back to normal when I kissed you...-she just shook her head while brushing her long hair with her hands.
-Is just...that I was thinking what happened with the hero of sky and time...I got lost in my thoughts...sorry.-she kept looking at me with a smiley face. I took her hand and we walk together down Zora's River. She put her head in my shoulder and hummed a song. I grabed her hand even tighter. Her voice started going slower until she almost got quiet. Her eyes were almost closing and she was falling asleep on my shoulder.
-Zelda? You wanna go sleep under a tree?-I said while she smiled confused by the tiering.
-Hmm...Why not...-she grabed tighter and falled asleep before we got there. I took her in bridal style and sat under a tree with her on my lap and her head on my chest. I put my arms around her chest and kissed her head, I think I woke her up cause she grabed my hands.
-I..love you sleepyhead...-she said kissing my hand.
-I love you too darling...-I said petting her hand.
We both fell asleep when the sun was hiding on the horizon, with the rivers breeze.
-So this was the place where the zora was right?-I said looking at the sign of the door. Indeed the sign said Telma's bar.
-I think so...-Zelda opened the door with a soft creack.
Rusl and the other three were at the table on the end, ten soldiers were siting on a table hanging out after battle or guarding. They looked at Zelda and whistled with some screams, she looked at me and I looked at them with an angry face puting an arm around her, she sigh relieved of having me and not those...drunk soldiers. They understanded that she was already taken and glanced at me and continued with their talk. When Rusl saw us I think he was about to cry but he just hugged us both and said that he was glad to see us alive. We told him everything without anyone hearing about the princess and hero's things, he slowly nodded.
-I knew that you both were special...somehow.-then he looked at me with my arm around her-did you tell her?-we looked at each other and kissed.
-Yes I have. She also likes me...-she widened her eyes and looked at the zora with worried face.
-Rusl, we will take care of him...-she stoped and made us meet the resistance crew: Auru, Ashei, Shad and Rusl. We warmly said hello and we blushed when they said we made a cute couple. We took Ralis to Kakariko wondering if Renado knew something. Before we exited the lady on the bar made us a sign to come, she stared at us with the hands on her waist and smiled.
-I like you, come here more often. By the way my name is Telma.-we presented ourselves and said bye.
Ralis was not too heavy, but still, to take him to Kakariko...it was a long journey. We end up geting to the village around dawn. All the kids started running around us shouting and hugging. Beth was really jelaous with Zelda's outfit,she wanted to be like her. Renado appeared.
-What's the matter Link?-I gave him Ralis-Oh a zora? It's strange because zoras don't usually get out of their domain. He won't die,you can go without worries.
-Thanks Renado,that's kind of you...-Zelda said opening the door.
Now we have to find the next temple...but I spoke too soon.
When we exited Rutelas spirit greeted us and started floating towards a place I've never been before. Zelda and I looked at each other understanding that Rutela wanted to take us somewhere. We end up in the cementery,but that's not where she wanted to tmae us. At the end of the graveyard a rock disappeared,it had Lanayru's sign carved in it. We crawled inside a little tunel to a beautiful spring surrounded by tall trees. At the end there was a big graveyard with the zoras shield on it. Rutela waited until we got out the water.
"This is a resting place for the zora people,you did good bringing my child to this village. This grave is at my husbands name and soon I'll be with him in a better place. When we saw darkness aproaching the monsters decapitated me as a sign of war,leaving my son heartbroken. He is the only one left with royal blood, I'm sure he will do good as a king. In this grave there are two zora tunics that my husband made to the future hero and princess, take them and look for our temple at the botom of Lake Hylia...tell my son that his mother loves him with all her might ...tell him..."
-Farewell princess Ruto, may we meet again in another life...-said Zelda reaching for her hand while she disappeared on the morning light.
Zelda and I pushed the upper part of the grave to reveal two zora tunics, we took one each on and Zelda looked at me with a smile.
-Don't look while I change over there...okay?
-I wasn't going to...-I said rolling my eyes.
The zora tunic was blue with golden decorations, it was comfortable but a bit heavy. I liked it.
-Zeldaaa! Are you ready?!-I said shouting at the rock.
-Yes! But don't laugh I look ridicolous...-she said while she appeared behind the rock, again I felt my nose bleed but a lot more these time. The tunic was showing more than she wanted to, and it was perfectly fiting with her body. I covered my nose with the hand so that she didn't notice but the blood continued going down my hand. She did notice and she was going red. She also looked at me with a good look, the tunic marked my muscles. I looked at her and smiled.
-You look amazing...wow...-she cleaned the nose bleed with a nervous smile.
-You also look great Link...-I grabed her hand and swam down to Lake Hylia.
We shortly arrived and it was true that the tunic let's us breath under water. The temple was at the botom of the lake, so to get faster I grabed Zelda and put the iron boots. We sank until we reached the entrance and entered. The temple was dark but we could still see. We got out to a big closed room under water and we rested a bit there.
-Link take out all of your weapons and leave them on the floor please-she looked like she knew what she was doing so I did what she said. She slowly touched each one of them with her eyes closed and a copy of each of them created on her other hand.- Done
-WOW! That's amazing!-I said clapping she just laughed and put away her weapons, I did the same. There was a door closed with a gate. A switch was at the ceiling. I jumped and grabed it and with my weight the door opened. Zelda opened the door and we searched for enemies, nope we were save. Suddenly a piece of ceiling fell to the ground.
-You have to be carefull guys, that looks dangerous you know?-Midna said. We nodded and she wet to my shadow. The next door took us to a big room with the bridge in the middle, at the botom there was a big door, the boss door, but again...no key. Zelda managed to move the bridge so that the water entered in a door allowing a watermill move allowing us to get to the next room. The next room was a big water room with hanging platforms. We jumped from platform to platform and reached a closed door that looked different from the rest. The room inside was closed with a gate, unable for us to enter. We saw another entrance underwater. I exited and walked to a pool of water,Zelda followed me and jumped to the water with a loud splash. Underwater her hair was floating around her like a golden waterfal and her eyes shone with a golden light,she turned around and swam to a hidden path that we saw earlier. We didn't notice that a rock was blocking a hidden path and with the help of a water bomb we blew up the rock and we followed the path. A big electrified jellyfish was bloking our way, I made Zelda a sign to stand back and I attacked I killed it but he electrified me before killing it. Zelda came with a small gasp and saw that my sidechest was burnt,she pulled me to the surface and draged me on the floor while I groaned. She quickly removed the part where I had the burn and put her hands on it healing it. She looked at me worried and I just pet her head and her head fell to my chest.
-Zel! Are you okay!?-she nodded and grabed my hand.
-Just...dizziness,don't worry...eek!-something fell to her head making her put a face of disgust. They were like little disgusting frogs that attacked us and with a move of our swords we killed it. Zelda looked up and she screamed while pointing me the direction, before I could look a big Deku Toad fell from the ceiling screaming at us. Zelda was more disgusted with the creature than scared. I noticed that it was always hiding it's tongue so that must be it's weak point. When it roared I threw a bomb at it's mouth making it fell to the ground with the tong out. Zelda burnt it with her fire and the deku toad died. The most disgusting part was when it puked a chest covered in disgusting shit.
-Oh my god...-said Zelda looking away covering her nose
-Ow...smells awful...-I slowly opened the chest with the wierdest face I've ever put and took out a clawshot,pretty neat (It didn't smell at least). Zelda made a copy and we exited the room. We found the boss key by using the clawshot. And we got back to the main room to open the door. A hole was in the middle before we could do anything I tripped and fell. I heard Zelda shout my name and jump after me, it was a long and deep room full of water. When we got down a tentacle was showing out of the sand an eye was inside and then disappeared under the sand. A big mouth appeared from under the mouth followed by it's 7 tentacles. Zelda shouted.
-Morpha! No...Morpheel!-the creature grabed her by the waist and lift her up, she kicked and strugeled and I panicked when he covered her mouth unable to breath. I cut off the tentacle with a loud cry and Zelda was free coughing water. I managed to take off the eye and cut it but Morpheel showed it's second face...a giant seagull that had an eye on her back. Zelda took off her iron boots and swam really fast towards the back of Morpheel and clawshot to it's eye. She hold on tight and with a really loud cry she stabbed the sword into the eye making the creature smash against the wall, the water slowly disappeared and finally the last fused shadow showed up and Zelda fell into her knees, I kneed my her side and hugged her while we both cried of joy.
It's over,it's finally all over.
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