Are you my Hero?
-Be carefll- she walked away giving me a bottle with red potion.
-Ze-Zelda wait!- she turned around and looked at me worried-Did I tell you that you look beautiful in thosee clothes- she was wearing a red top with a knee long brown skirt with high boots with heels, the end of her brown and golden hair was braid on her back and two long hair strings fell down her shoulders. She just shook her head and said no with a shy smile.- Well, I'm telling you now- I blushed a second after saying that.
-Don't you dare do anything stupid without me!-she shouted
-I won't!- Zelda suddenly started staring at the other entrance of the village with a small gasp she made me a sign to look. I looked and I saw two figures, one black and one brown...
-Epona?!- I said not believing she found her way here
-Corven?!-said Zelda
They came running towards us...they came closer and closer...they were not stopping.
-ZELDA! SIDE JUMP!- she did and also I did. The horses stopped at the spring stomping the water
-They don't recognise us?!- said Zelda really worried. I didn't listen to her and jumped on top of Epona, trying not to fall from her back. I loocked at Zelda, she was trying to take Corven's attention by standing infront of him and waving her hands at him. He finally stopped and let Zelda touch him, he licked her face and she fell to the ground loughing reliefed. I didn't have the same luck with Epona, she kept running in circles trying to get me off her. She finally stopped and turned her head to me, he moved her head playing with me. I stretched my hands, they hurt from grabbing so tight to Epona.
-Link?You okay?-said Zelda peting Corven's head. I closed my eyes and layed down on Epona's back with a huff.
-Yeah, I'm fine don't worry, just...exahusted...ahh...
-Stay here the night, tomorrow you'll go to Ordon. Come with me.
-But*yawn* I'm not tired-She raised and eyebrow- And I'm not stupid Link. Now come with me, knowing you, I'm sure you haven't slept in all this time, right?- I slowly nodded knowing she was right.-I'll prepare you your favourite pumpkin soup before you go to bed okay?-I took her hand and she pulled me to the sanctuary. She told me to get in bed and that she would be preparing the soup.
-Don't sleep until you eat or tomorrow you won't feel good enough to go to Ordon. Now change your clothes- she slowly exited the room and closed the door softly after wincking at me with a small but worried smile. She cared so much about me, sooner or later I'll have to tell her what I feel, but she's a princess now. I'm not at her level, I heard the door opening and I saw Zelda with a bowl full of soup, a glass of water and some bread. She took a chair and sat beside me.
-Are you strong enough to take the spoon or you want me to feed it to you Link?- I glanced at her and then at my hands.
-If you don't mind...
-Of course I don't stupid- she took the spoon and started feeding the soup into my mouth, then bread and then water.
-I'm sorry...-I said looking down
-Sorry for what Link?- she looked at me paniqued because maybe something terribly bad had happened.
-I abandoned you...I broke my promise, the promise of protecting you...
My eyes got fulled of tears.
-Don't say didn't rest until you found me can you even think that?
-I-I didn't want to make you cry...I'm sorry...
-Link, the only thing that I feel right now is happiness...and you didn't break your promise...I'm so happy to see you again, when the monsters took me I...I don't know how to explain it...
-I thought I was gonna not be able to wake you up again...
-And...-I stopped talking and looked at Link, he was sleeping. He started snoring softly. I giggled and covered him so that he didn't get a cold. He looks so cute when he sleeps,those big blue ocean eyes that he has and that blond and golden hair. At first he was a really small and thin kid but when the years passed and with his training he had developed muscles and he had gone taller. He was the guy that every girl could dream of...and he was my best friend. I don't know if I could someday confess him everything...he was too perfect. He said my name in dreams saying he was going to protect me. I smiled really happy to see him see him alive and with me. I grabbed his hand and sang a song for him
~How could I ever know? That the wisdom would leave me to love...and by your side I understand that no star will shine if you are gone. Your courage proves, that you truly are they boy that found my heart. The destiny and the fate might want to tear us apart, but do not fear cause I grabbed your hand and I'm never going to let go. The moon in my night, your smile, the energy that makes me feel free is your musical laugh and your voice brings me so much peace. Do not forget that I'm by your side waiting you to find out...that in the beautifulest night no star would shine...without you~
He moaned and smiled, I smiled back because I knew that the song had reached his dreams.
~Whithout you~ I said and kissed his forehead softly so that I didn't wake him up. I layed my head on his chest and automaticly felled asleep on his chest hearing his heartbeats. That music made me feel alive.
The young girl looked at the boy -Link, we will be best friends for ever right?
The blond boy looked at the girl surprised by her question -Of course Lia!-
The girl giggled and the boy looked away- Ca-can I hug you?- he said shily
The girl nodded- Why couldn't you?
The boy hugged the girl tightly and she laughed while rubbing her head against his cheek.
-You promise?- she said raising her pinky finger
-I promise- he said puting his finger around hers
They both fell asleep, feeling that in that specific night that stars shone more than usual
<End of flasback>
I woke up feeling better than yesterday, I was going to stretch but I felt a warm presence in my hand. I looked at it and I saw that Zelda had fallen asleep siting on the chair grabbing my hand, I smiled and picked her up bridal style. I put her on the bed and covered her with the blanket. She turned to the other side and didn't let go of my hand. When she finally lost grip of my hand I put my tunic back and wrote a note for when she woke up.
Dear Zelda,
You were asleep so I just took you to bed, I'm not here because I'm on my way to Ordon, or back here (depends on how much time you spend sleeping he he) I hope you slept well and thanks for taking care of me yesterday Zel. I took some blue and red potions, I hope that you don't mind.
See you after your nap,
Sleepyhead (Link)
I left the note on the table next to the bed and hear Zelda say something on her dreams
-I remember the promise, you too right?- then she continued snoring
-I do Zelda,I do.- I trailed her cheek with my finger making her giggle. No one could imagine the feeling of seeing her, everyday grew stronger.
I equiped the sword and the shield in my back and opened the door looking one last time at Zelda, she looked so beautiful when she sleeps. I closed the door behind me.
-Good moring Link-I turned-I saw that Lia is feeling a lot better.
-Ah,Renado you scared me. Yes, it looks like she is better,she's sleeping. Yesterday she was so tired after taking care of me that she fell asleep on the chair.
-Are you heading to Ordon now?-Renado said
-Yes, I'll be back,don't worry.
-Take care, and see you soon.
I lowered my head and said goodbye, no one was awake except me and Renado. I put the pouch with the potions in my belt and got on Epona. We slowly exited the village and strated running at the speed of sound through Hyrule Field. I entered the village, really glad to see that everything was back to normal. All the villagers looked at me and greeted me,I was happy that they were glad to see me. The mayor opened the door of his house for me. I told him everything of the kids and in exchage he was going to teach me sumo.
-Are you ready?
-I am sir.
I streched sad to notice that Link was not there anymore, I had read the note that he left me on the table, but still...
I went down to the kitchen, Malo and Colin were already siting on the table and they looked at me.
-Sorry kids, I'll start with breakfast now...Paancakes?
-Yaaaaaas!- said Colin excited. I laughed and took out the ingredients, I put them on a bowl and started mixing. I decided to make 20 of them, leaving four for Link when he came back. I realized tht Beth and Talo were not here. I looked autside the door and saw them talking and giggling.
-Kids! Breakfast is-I froze when suddenly on the entrance a big bokoblin appeared. The same one that kidnapped me the first time. I screamed the names of the kids, Talo noticed and started running towards me but Beth was in shockand didn't move. With a scream of fear I made a magic spell that changes two persons of positions, so when I opened my eyes I was infromt of the monster that kept running and Beth at the entrance of the sanctuary. I smiled and thought in Link's laugh one more time before my vision went blur and everything went black.
I was sweating after beating the mayor for the second time. I wore my tunic back after taking a long shower. Before geting on Epona he gave me a bag with something heavy.
-This iron boots will give you extra weight, not even a goron will be able to move you-I nooded thanking him one last time and disappeared in the vast field of Hyrule
~Time Skip~
Almost at the entrance of the village I felt a pain in my hand. The left hand to be more soecific.
-Ah! What the...-I looked at the trifforce, courage was glowing gold and wisdom was was glowing red. Does that mean that it's keeper its in danger?-ZELDA! I'm coming!- I entered the village knowing that Zelda was in trouble and I was the only I could save her. I just got inside with Epona and as I feared a big bokoblin was in the middle ridding a big pig. He raised his hand holding a rope, I gasped when I saw the end of the rope.
She was tied up in a rope and with a cloth on her mouth, unable to speak. Soft tears went down her cheek she was at the edge of collapsing. She tried to move when she saw me, I noticed that she had bruises everywhere and a big cut that was bleeding in her cheek. The white cloth was dirty with blood. I can express the anger that I was feeling at that moment, she was really injured and couldn't reach her.
-GODAMMIT LEAVE HER ALONE!-I shouted taking out my sword and rode towards the bokoblin, he also started running towards the exit of the village. He jumped over the gate that took to The great bridge of Eldin, I didn't hesitate and followed him with a loud cry saying Zelda that I was going to save her. I reached the field and the bokoblin was just some meters away from me. A long stick was on the back of his pig, Zelda was tied up in the stick. Her cloth had been removed and she looked at me even more weak than before.
-Link...-then she collapsed.
-Zelda! You bastard!- He just laughed and took out his horn, making it sound. A lot of bokoblins appeared in the distance. I didn't care to fight all of them. I need to save Zelda. The big bokoblin started running aroun taking out his big blade. I started swinging my sword when I was near him and hit him several times. He made a cut in my chest making me moan of pain. He started running towards the bridge and he blocked both exits with wodden planks on fire. We were both inside the bridge, about to start a sword battle against each other. He cracked the stick with Zelda in it and threw it over the wooden planks. She landed safely at the other side. Still unconcious. We ran towards each other when he got near I hit really hard his shield to push him off the bridge but he dodge it and when I got to the side of Zelda I saw that she was awake and she was geting rid of the ropes. I smiled and went back to battle I made him shake this time, he bumped against the end of the bridge and fell off, he tried to find something to grab...
He found Zelda's arm, she gasped and fell after him. I heard her scream.
-LIIIIIIIINK!- I got off Epona and jumped off the bridge, I managed to catch her and shouted at Midna.
-TELEPORT US BACK UP QUICKLY!- she appeared and suddenly we were back up in the bridge. I separated from Zelda that was looking at me breathing heavily. She cried and with some strength she healed my cut. She backed up and looked at me with smile. She gabbed her stomach and moaned.
-Does it hurt there?-she nodded, I couldn't look at it cause she had her top on-Ca-can I fold it a little bit so that I can see your injuries..
-You-u can I-I don't car-are.- I felt my face going red while removing a but her top revealing a big bruise that was bleeding. She had her cheeks in pink. She stared at me while I looked more closely to her injurie. She kept staring at me until she finally spoke.
-You have to tell me your secret...-I was a bit do you do...-she looked down and look even handsomer every day?
I felt my heart skip a beat, did she just say that I was handsome? I continued with the joke
-I learned from the best-I said looking at her. She had a serious expresion like thinking about something...
-Can,can I say something crazy...?-she said shaking.
-I don't see why not...
She closed her eyes and cried.
-I'm scared...
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