The start
No one's POV
Everyone in the room was silent.
Nothing can be heard except natsu's small breathing.
"how dare you leave your father,especially with that woman" acnologia said crossing his muscular arms.
"uhhh, I had this all planned out! why did you have to come" zeref sighed like the angsty teen he is. Everyone in the room was,well, shocked from the events.
"ok,ok,OK wait what the *beep* is happening?!!" erza shouted, eyes wide as plates and gray and lucy nod in agreement. Mostly beacuse they were confused.
" fine i'll say it but in the shortest way possible. he's my father from 400 years ago. natsu has some kind of void curse and yes he's acnologia. any question'sno?yeah?okayimgoingtomyroomandsleep." zeref said as he speed walked, not wanting to explain more of this shennanigan.
As Zeref left all of them just stared at each other.
"I-I'm going to sleep" happy said as he laid down at a fluffy chair next to natsu.
"soooooooo, this is awkward...." acnologia said as he scratched at the back of his head. He still remembered the time he tried to rip them to shreds.
"yes,yes it is" gray said with anger laced in his voice. Then things became awkward again ,lucy, who backed away slowly kept sweating as she tried not to get caught. Erza just glared at acnologia before she left for her room too.
Acnologia who was too awkward to talk, just flew to another room. Gray suprised by the sudden leave just shrugged and went to his room.
so to sum up,everyone is asleep for the night though sting and rouge are still groaning.
a horn which woke everyone up. at first, they thought it was a monster or something so everyone ran out only to see tenrou island.
it was beautiful.
the grass and the flowers were dancing in the wind, the tree which was the symbol of Fairy tail lay in the middle of the island.
Everyone went down the ship. Most especially sting and rouge, sting literally kissed the ground repeatedly and rouge just quietly passed out.
"alright what's first?" Gray asked losing his shirt in the process.
"We find mavis' grave there's a fruit that's seed is useful for a ingredient that may cure natsu" Zeref said as he showed them an illustration of a small fruit that has a pear shape and a weird black color.
"oh okay! lets go then!!" sting shouted with vomit still visible at his mouth.
"YEAHH" everyone shouted and jumped high except acnologia and zeref.
"but where is it?" happy and natsu asked out of now where.
Then everyone fell back to earth with no signs of life except for much twitching.
"well, let's split up! sting, rouge and erza can go to the north. lucy,gray and acnologia can go west. Then happy, me and onii-chan can go east!" natsu said with no effort at all,smiling like a small kitten.
And everyone's mouth dropped to the ground. I mean why didn't they think of that?!
Natsu being natsu ignored them and gave a small wave before dragging zeref and happy to the east. After what seem to be 10 minutes evryone came out of their shock (while taking some sand out of there mouths) everyone split up.
(with acnologia and group)
It was a very awkward silence until lucy spoke up.
"sooo, your natsu's uncle?" lucy asked with nervousness in her voice, she flinched when acnologia slowly stared at her and spoke up.
"no. I am his father" acnologia said as he dodged a flying chipmunk aiming for his face.
"oh okay i thought you were- wait father?!" lucy shouted making her trip and the chipmunk took a dump on her face,making her scream in disgust.
while gray was laughing too hard,then the chimpmunk took a dump in his mouth,making his shout and try to wash his mouth. acnologia continued.
"well kind of"
Silnece filled the area. Gray stopped laughing and lucy finally wiped the dump off her face.
"what do you mean?" gray asked folding his arms of habit.
"well, i'll tell it when I'm ready" acnologia said as he kept walking forward,not really answering his question.
Gray wanted to protest but decided not to and walked as well, lucy walked forward as well but not without the chipmunk taking a dump on her head without her noticing.
(sting,rouge and erza)
the three was walking until erza shouted.
"what's wrong erza- san?" sting asked as he left a hand on erza's shoulder.
She took sting's hand, lifted him and slammed dunked him at the ground.
"what did i do?!!" sting shouted from the ground, screamed as he felt a chipmunk bite him.
"sorry it's a reaction i get when I'm bored" she apologized as she kept hitting tree's with trees
sting rubbed his head,while rouge kept debating if he should just jump to the cliff.
(With Zeref, natsu and happy)
"uahh, I 'm hungryyyy" natsu rumbled as he dragged his feet to the floor.
Zeref then just picked up,threw him to his shoulder the whining puppy and proceeded to walk.Then happy flew up to get a better view,and to get away from a whining natsu.
As zeref walked and ignored the whining and remebered some times with his little brother before he-you know-that.
-little dragneel bro time!-
(BTW Zeref's 5 and natsu's three)
"Onii-chan!!" little natsu shouted as he ran up to is brother and tackled him,making zeref tumble a bit.
"natsu I'm studying,what do you want?" zeref said as he proceeded to read more.
"let's play Onii chan!" natsu shouted merrily while bouncing up and down.
"natsu sorry but i'm busy,I have a lot of uhh.. tests tomorrow,next time,okay?" zeref lied as he brought the book to his face so he wouldn't see natsu's puppy face,continuing his novel book.
"But onii-chan! I'm bored!!" natsu said while trying to get his brother's attention.
Natsu wouldn't stop shouting at his brother to play with him,as time went on natsu kept shouting to play with him. Zeref got so annoyed with natsu he slammed his book on the desk and held natsu's shoulder firmly.
"Natsu I cannot play with you right now,okay?" Zeref stiffly said,really getting annoyed by natsu.
"Please onii-san mommy and daddy said they were busy and they seem to be fighting again" natsu said with a frown on his face.
"Natsu-" Zeref warned,he loves his little brother to the heart but this was getting annoying,he just wants to finfish his book.
"Pleaaaaasssseee" natsu said kinda getting angry as well.
It was quiet. Natsu whose head was looking at the other side thanks to Zeref's harsh slap.
Natsu held his swollen cheek and looked at his big brother with pure sadness as tears ran down his cheeks.
Zeref,who noticed what he did tried to speak but was cut off by natsu's shout.
"Fine! Your just like mommy and daddy anyways!!" Natsu shouted and ran off somewhere,slamming Zeref's door in the process.
As natsu left Zeref held his hair in frustration and stood to look for his brother.
By the time he went out of his room,he heard his parents shouting at each other. Again.
He looked around the house,except for the place where his parents were, he couldn't find natsu.
And by the time he was starting to give up,he heard small sobbing in his parents room.
Thinking,it was natsu he ran and opened the door only to see the saddest memory he'll ever have.
Natsu was the laying down with their family picture being held by His tiny hands as he sobbed while he slept.
Zeref who sighed in sadness,layed down next to his brother and hugged him. Flinching when he felt natsu tighten around the picture more.
"I'm so sorry natsu"
-end of dragneel time-
He frowned at the memory,he frowned even more when he hit a tree and dropped natsu.
While he was rubbing his face in pain,natsu kept laughing at his big brothers fault.
Before zeref could say anything,happy came down and said he found it.
They all went inside a hidden forest sanctuary,with Mavis' grave in the middle untouched by the trees.
Beside it was a yellow leafed tree with red and purple fruit hanging by it.
Happy and natsu cheered in delight and danced like maniacs.
Zeref smiled as he walked up to the fruit and took one he opened it and saw the seeds that are needed and placed it in his pocket.
He signalled natsu and happy that he got it. Natsu nodded and went outside to signal the others.
Natsu's POV
I looked for a perfect spot to signal the others when I encoutered a man with a black cloak.
I skidded to a stop when I felt a bad aura around him.
"Who are you?" I asked not really expecting an answer but I readied my flames just in case.
"Your new master" he grinned as he shot black tail like textures at me.
I dodged and breathed my fire at him,he dodged and suddenly disappeared. I looked aroundto find him only to fail.
"Over here"
I heard suddenlyi tried to attack but he shot the black tail like textures at me.
At first I thought it was going to stab me but instead it surrounded me,shooting tiny needles at me as I felt something familiar enter me.
Dark magic.
I updated finally!!!!
So I left a small cliff hanger right there and there's nothing you can do about it.
heh sorry for the rant bye guys!😁😁😁😁
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