The child
Zeref's POV
I looked into all the guild member's faces as they looked at natsu in suprised.
"who's the kid?" elfman said dumbly earning a smack from evergreen. I sighed and gave the sleeping natsu to gray.
"yes this is natsu and,yes this is acnologia,yes natsu is a baby any other questions?no?okay" I said before anyone could raiase their hands.
Then we all heard natsu wake up with a small groan. He opened his eyes and looked at all of us before he tried to reach out for me.
The guild 'awwed' at his cuteness. gray gave natsu to me while he grabbed my hair.
"ow natsu stop!" I said getting his little hands off of me. I placed him down and he started to cry, while reaching for me.
lucy tried to calm him down but he took one glance at her and cried even more. The guild started to calm him down with a few things.
Mirajane with her changing her face, it calmed him down a bit until she turned into a really creepy monster which mad him cry hard.
Next was elfman by throwing him up and down it kinda worked but his head got hit on the ceiling which gave him a large bruise and a very high pitched scream.
gray and erza tried calming him down with a few tricks but gray slipped and hit erza on the head which resulted to her bonking him in the head.
the guild almost gave up until I had a great idea, I just hope it isn't as torn though.
Gray's POV--
we tried everything already and nothing's working! until I saw zeref reaching something in his robe and kneeled next to natsu.
he brought out a dusty, old, and tattered dragon plush. Natsu's eyes immediately shone and reached for the small toy with his small grabby hands.
Zeref gave it to him and when he got it he released a small and cute baby laugh and hugged it with all his might.
The guild awwed at the adorable scene especially when he roared a bit at it.
"Let's make a bet on who can make him talk!" Cana shouted with a jug of beer on her hand.
"Aye! How bout the first name of the person he says wins!!"
"I bet 100 jewels!!"
"Ha! I bet 1,000!!"
"Haha!! I bet 2,000!!"
"I like turtles"
"Eh? Who are you?"
The bets keep going on and on! I was about to stop it until Zeref beat me too it.
" you do know you are betting on my brother" he said with a low tone. Giving everyone shivers.
"But I shall allow it, first one who says the name of the person shall win" Zeref said with his kingly authority.
At first everyone jaw dropped but decided To against it,not wanting to anger an emperor.
"Let's begin!!"
"you know what I like cats better"
"Seriously who are you"
No ones POV
Everyone started on repeating their names on natsu. Which made him cry due to the amount of noises around him.
Cana started on letting natsu drink beer to trigger a memory but the big bad brother didn't let her.
Erza threatened natsu by pointing a sword to his neck but that just made him laugh.
Gray made snow and threw it at natsu straight on the face, but that just made a small cute sneeze from natsu.
Lucy tried summoning her spirits to show him who they are but that didn't work. In fact, when like picked the baby natsu up,natsu, being natsu saw an opportunity and grabbed his ears.
Elfman tried by doing some flexes and shouting man, but after that he notices natsu fell asleep.
Mirajane tried to give her special cooking but natsu just ate it all.
Everyone started to give up. They'll all whine if one of them wins the bet but they doubt it a lot.
But this time Zeref tried.
He went to natsu placed him on his lap and gave natsu the warmest smile he could muster.
Everyone was surprised on how the dark mage can make a warm smile like that, he was a dark mage for petesake!
"Natsu! Say Zeref!" Everyone sweat dropped at what his conclusion on how to make natsu talk.
"Z-ze, zeze?" Natsu muttered looking up to his big brother. It was actually working?!!
"No natsu,zeref, Zeref" Zeref repeated. Natsu face scrunched up in focus.
"Ze-zer, Zewef?" Natsu finally said with small glee. Zeref's face lighted up and hugged his little Brother gently.
"Yey! Natsu is very good!!" Zeref encouraged while giving natsu a small smile.
Natsu's fave lighted up before relating the words he said before wanting more praise.
"Zewef! Zewef!zewef!" Natsu said smiling warmly.
Everyone was sweating bullets. That actually worked?!!!
There goes their money.
After the fiasco, everyone went home with empty pockets and tiredness.
Zeref and natsu plus happy stayed at a diy house aka mansion.
Zeref brought the sleepy ,tired natsu to his crib And tucked him in he let happy stay with natsu for a while before going to his own room. He opened a small locket around his neck and looked deeply into the picture before smiling warmly again and then fell asleep.As they fell asleep, they didn't see the small bird with a camera in its eye.
Zeref woke up with good sleep. He went to natsu's room and checked on him. He was still sleeping with happy in his arms.
He smiled before going down stairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
Obviously he heard Happy's cry and Zeref ran to the room to see natsu pulling his tail and crying a bit.I went over and took natsu's hand off before picking him up and setting him on the baby chair.
"natsu, say ahhhh" i said giving him s small spoonful of pancakes, he quickly noticed this and took the spoon away from me, eating the whole spoon full.
I quickly reacted and patted his back a bit hard but wouldn't budge.
"NATSU LOOK!!" i reacted and made him look. I quickly hit him at the back making him spit out. sighed in relief but then I started to hear natsu cry I picked him up and patted his back.
"shh,shh I'm sorry natsu, big brother never meant to hurt you" I said and waited for him to calm down.
after a while I heard small snores and saw natsu sucking his thumb while sleeping. I smiled and went upstairs and placed him back to the crib and saw him slightly hugging his little plush.
I smiled again. "i will always protect you natsu" I said before going to the guild.
done and dooone
made another chapter for you guys! hope you liked the little natsu moment!!
and it might take me a while to update again so;;;
bye bye!!
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