Chapter 17 ♕ One Big Hug
Tamara walked up to Charles, looking quite troubled like the rest. A red hawk was perched on her shoulder, its sharp, yellow eyes blinking at the fourth-ranker before it flapped its wings and snapped its beak open and close. Tamara, on the other hand merely held out her arm to the bird, and it automatically jumped and curled its claws around her wrist.
"No sign of her." She told him. "Iolani has flown above the entire place and saw nothing." She caressed the bird on the back with her other hand and sighed.
The hawk looked at Tamara intently before it started cawing at her.
"No, girl. It's alright. You did your best." She cooed at it.
Charles eyed the fluttering sails that rolled down from the mast. "It's already time to leave." He sighed and looked at the others. "Any other news from your familiars?"
Elfre shrugged. "I don't have one." She told him. "But I tried searching the area nearby. I came out empty-handed."
"The same goes for me and Alva." Said Raziel, a blue snake with elegant spots of white curling around his neck, arms, and torso. Electricity zinged on its skin and it gave a gentle hiss as it continued to cling to him possessively.
The ship started moving, their direction headed towards north by the guide of the wind and the captain steering the wheel. Tamara gave the fourth-ranker a guilty glance, uneasy by the thought of leaving without Valeriana.
"Can't you ask them to delay it for a few minutes?" The redhead asked.
"I already asked them before, remember? I've managed to talk the captain into letting us have about fifteen minutes. Any further delay is unacceptable since time is important to them as well. The cargos this ship carries will get rotten if it doesn't arrive on schedule."
"That is . . . unfortunate." Raziel muttered. "But we've searched everywhere. It is highly possible that she is still alive somewhere, isn't it? We might've just missed her . . ."
The sound of large, beating wings invaded their ears, causing them to look up towards the sky. Charles and the others saw Corvan arriving, his masculine form mounted upon his familiar's back. They watched Avaro's lissome wings furl comfortably on his sides while Corvan alighted from his ride without even taking into consideration if the beast already landed or not. His feet made a soft thump against the wooden flooring of the ship's deck, his long hair dancing behind him before subtly settling on his shoulders and back.
He didn't seem to bother hiding the fact that he was aggravated—or was unconsciously showing it—since he was showing an unusually hardhearted and indifferent expression on his face as though he didn't care. At times like this, everyone knew deep inside that he was probably trying to keep himself from losing his composure—which, in fact, already happened a lot of times during the time they were trying to find Valeriana.
"You know what?" Tamara clicked her tongue. "I think there's something strange going on between Corvan and Valeriana."
"Strange what?" Said Elfre. "You only noticed it now? Everything's actually been strange ever since Valeriana arrived—even Corvan's strange."
"Ha." She chuckled as Iolani cawed again. "It's not like I haven't noticed. I just bothered pointing out the obvious. Nothing's ever been the same ever since she came, has it?"
"Sure enough," Charles added. "She is quite a good addition to our ranks. I must admit that it felt quite tedious before she arrived. You can somehow consider her as a spice to a bland dish. She makes everything taste better."
The members of the Twelve gazed at him questioningly.
It was then that Tamara voiced out the thoughts inside their heads. "Quite typical of you to use food as an example."
They all nodded in agreement.
Corvan turned his scalding, emerald gaze the other members of the circle and frowned. "Did you find anything?"
They could only exchange glances and shrug in response.
Elfre nudged Tamara on the side, peeking at Corvan on the corner of her eyes as she whispered, "Do you think Corvan likes Valeriana?"
"More like he's in love."
The seventh-ranker elbowed her on the ribs. "What are you saying?"
"It isn't exactly impossible, right?" Tamara winced. "He's in pins and needles, see? I think those two are the only ones who aren't exactly aware of what they actually feel for each other."
Elfre raised her brow and eyed the other girl with her green eyes. "You think so?"
"Of course."
"But I think it'll be quite hectic for those two if it really does happen." She said. "What I mean to say is that Corvan's 'relationship' status is sort of complicated. It'll be really hard for Valeriana as well considering what's going on with her currently and all."
"Concerned, are you?" Tamara smirked. "I thought you hated Valeriana because she's 'human'—which she is not so one right now."
Elfre looked away. "Shut your mouth." She hissed. "Besides, Valeriana is not that bad as I first thought." She quieted and crossed her arms.
"So even you have managed to come accept and acknowledge her as one us, huh?" The redhead smiled, patting the other ranker on the head as though she was a child.
Elfre backed away from her and swept her hand away, smoothing down her now messy hair. "I already told you."
It was true, though. The seventh-ranker first acted hostile towards the other girl since she didn't acknowledge the fact that she managed to win against Courtney—a mere human like she was. It seemed entirely possible for a mortal to defeat a powerful Valemnian such as Courtney.
But that was before.
Truth was, Valeriana already earned her respect after dueling with Zion. She proved right then that she was capable of defending the position as the fifth, therefore she officially joined their ranks. Although Elfre did not want to say it aloud, she was impressed of the girl's attitude and performance.
Oblivious as Valeriana was, her quickness in absorbing knowledge and skills elevated the thoughts of the people around her about her from being stupid to a prodigy.
"It isn't that hard to like Valeriana. She's very . . . well . . . likeable. She's very fun to be with unlike some people like the one behind me." She jerked her thumb over shoulder and pointed at Charles. "He's right though."
Charles frowned. "Are you talking about me?"
Feeling irked enough that he could kill and since he didn't want to hear another round of bickering between fourth and the third, Corvan opened his mouth again to say something when a bone-chilling roar that came from afar interrupted him. Heads snapped towards the distant silhouette of the serpent hovering just above the water, its mouth open and its long, svelte body curled like a spring.
"Marius." Charles said, his eyes visibly widening at the sight of his familiar. "He might've found something."
"Could it be?"
Everyone waited in silence and anxiety as the serpent continued to linger above the water. As their ship continued to slowly approach the faint figure of what looked like a rock, Marius ducked head first into the water as though he was trying to fish something off, causing it to splash and sprinkle around him.
The serpent then shot off towards the direction of the ship where Charles and the others were in, his body traveling in sylphlike waves while he flew. Some crews screamed at his approach and ran off with their throats ringing while the members of the circle remained calm but somewhat uneasy at the same time.
Elfre gulped.
Tamara blinked.
Corvan frowned.
Charles's expression remained nonchalant.
Raziel, on the other hand, deadpanned. "That serpent of yours is very . . . monstrous as always."
No one answered his statement. They all continued to stare at nearing beast. The ship rocked slightly when it approached, causing a few people on board to stumble and a few other objects got toppled over from the sudden disturbance. It took a while for the ship to regain its proper balance, but the Celestial Circle remained composed.
"Marius, what have you found?" Charles asked it.
Marius simply gazed at his contractor before opening his mouth and spitting out something.
Or someone.
Needless to say, as Valeriana rolled on the deck covered in serpent spit and coughing all the while, everyone could not hide the look of surprise and simply stared at her soaked form. She got on her knees and tried to stand up but lost her balance clumsily because of the slippery floor and fell back down. Her hair was also completely ruined from it all, so she tugged off the ornament decorating her silky, honeyed strands. She was shocked by the strange hairpin decorating her hair, but felt nostalgic as though she was forgetting something.
"I feel like something happened. What happened?" She dumbly inquired, looking around her. Unconsciously, she pocketed the hairpin. "Oh my god! It's you guys!" She attempted to stand once again, only to stumble over for the second time.
The girl sighed and looked at the circle. "Aren't you going to help me?"
This seemed to have snapped them out of their reverie.
Tamara was the first to react. "Valeriana!" She exclaimed and ran towards the girl in excitement.
Charles merely smiled in obvious relief along with Elfre and Raziel who both broke out laughing. The most amusing reaction came from Corvan, who seem to have not been able to get over the fact that he was seeing the girl he practically thought was already dead.
Nevertheless, he was relieved.
Tamara stopped short before Valeriana. "Um . . . ew."
"I know. I know. It's disgusting." She shook her hands as she struggled to stand and droplets of the serpent's saliva flew off her slimy fingers. "Whose familiar is that, anyway? Make sure to tell him he was quite rude trying to roar at me like that and scaring me off by making me believe he really was gonna freaking eat me. I was scared to death. That was the second time I thought I was fish food." She ranted.
Charles looked displeased. "He's mine."
"Oh . . ." She looked at the fourth-ranker. "Really? I was kinda expecting he was Tamara's."
"He's just playful."
"Yeah. Like Tamara." She said.
"Anyhow, where the heck have you been? We've been worried sick, you know!" Tamara exclaimed, openly showing her worry and concern for her. "Suddenly getting attacked by a demon and falling into the water! You should've been more careful!"
"How did you know?" She asked, a crease appearing her brows as she gazed at the other members of the Twelve inquiringly. "I mean, you weren't there, right?"
"Rowe told us."
"Rowe?" Valeriana felt confused. "How? Does he have a phone?"
"Not . . . exactly." Tamara shook her head, her fiery red hair flying wildly as she did. "Now, that's not the thing we're supposed to be talking about! Fact is you should have been more cautious! Knowing your sensitivity to demonic presence, you should've known what she was from the start!"
"Well, I was cautious of that strange woman." Valeriana answered and looked down at the bracelet she now wore around her hands. "But she had something important to me so I brought my guard down . . . but I was still careless. I'm sorry for making you all worried."
"Something important?"
"This." Valeriana brought her wrist up to show everyone her bracelet.
"What's that?" Elfre walked forward.
"My bracelet. The one I lost before."
"You're bracelet?" Charles paused for a moment as he took a step towards Valeriana but stopped immediately when he got reminded of her current . . . situation. Disgust crossed his features and he muttered, "Ugh. Filthy."
Valeriana gave him an unhappy look and sighed. "Yeah, I know."
"Is that the bracelet you lost in the bath?" He asked.
"Yeah, it is."
"Surprising how we can finally see it." The fourth said.
"Oh right! The invisible jewelry." Raziel chuckled as the idea finally clicked into his head.
Charles held out his hand. "May I?"
Valeriana looked down at his open palms with reluctance. "But I . . ."
"It's in good hands." He reassured her. "I'll be merely going to do a brief study on it while we travel. You'll get it back once we finished."
The girl slid off her father's gift and handed it to Charles, gingerly setting it on his hands with a look of sadness. Charles would've apologized if it weren't for the fact that he was distracted by the slimy mess that came with the little trinket.
"Disgusting." He muttered as he walked off. "Marius, you are dismissed. But never take someone into your mouth ever again. It's utterly inappropriate and disgusting. Once this happens once more, I'll make sure you're punished. Do you understand?"
'I apologize.' He bowed his head, but his tone didn't seem quite apologetic. In fact, it was more on the playful side.
"Riigghhhhhtt." Valeriana rested her hands on both sides of her hips. "By the way, where's Corvan?"
"Hm? He's over there." Tamara pointed at the nonchalantly standing first-ranker just a few steps from where they were standing.
"Somehow, I feel like giving him a hug! So come 'ere!" She began to run towards him with open arms, a playful grin toying with her lips.
Corvan stared at her in horror. "Do not touch me, you stupid witch! You're covered in filth! Absolutely, horribly disgusting!"
"Beggars can't be pickers!" She said and continued advancing.
"You . . . get away!" He began to back off.
The first-ranker broke into a sprint as Valeriana lunged towards him, an evil smirk stretched wide on her face. "Ready or not, here I come! Haha!"
Well, everythingended well—that's what mattered.
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