Illeandir and Ellowyne expressed interest in this.
It's very short.
These are the final paragraphs of an intended one-shot describing the death of Jedediah Crayes' closest friend in life (and no, it's not Mordred). It'll be a lot sadder when it's written in full and you know all the background, but I still love it as is and it shows Jeddy at his ultimate best.
Takes place 30+ years after Sorrow and Song concludes; Jeddy is over a century old and the friend is in his 90's.
"You have been wandering your whole life, Finath, an lar ceth. It is time for you to rest."
"You too... were a wanderer."
"That is different." Jedediah Crayes put his hand over the restlessly groping one. "I was born to wander."
"Iededia Craes..." He had slipped back into his birth accent, and the language of Enydwhyn. "Say it again, I cannot understand... the world darkens."
He reached for his small store of Enydhwyn, fumbling with limited grasp. "Fyn wyryth, loch... efyn. Finath, llreda, lynad ha ebhralyn."
The pain, the life, was flowing out of Finath's eyes, and a half-smile touched his lips. "Llreda." His hand tightened imperceptibly on Jedediah Crayes' own, and Finath son of Myrc passed from the world.
Jedediah Crayes bowed his head and pressed Finath's still hands against his brow. "All your life you wandered," he said again, softly, his voice husky with the tears yet unshed. "It is time for you to rest."
an lar ceth: Thiredanian. "My sword brother."
Fyn wyryth, loch... efyn. Finath, llreda, lynad ha ebhralyn: Enydhwyn. "Nay, it is over... rest. Finath, brother in arms, go in peace."
(this is a polished translation; Jeddy's Enydhwyn is horrible)
llreda: brother, or more specifically, brother-in-arms
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