Part 16
Chapter 16
"But why not?!" Hiccup questioned as he, Astrid and the rest of the interns were once more in the conference room, reviewing their tasks. "She's most definitely lying. There is no way Johann came onto her!"
"And you know this for a fact, Mr. Haddock?" Viggo asked and lifted a sceptical brow.
"Yes....... I.... Uhm....... Well......." Hiccup mumbled, blushing and fiddling with his hands.
"Look, if this has anything to do with his alibi, then we can't use it," the Senior lawyer growled in exasperation. "You know Mr Trader's terms." He sat back and steepled his fingers, consciously calming his breathing. "So unless you can magically pop a witness out of thin air that can give our client reasonable doubt, then we have to be ready for the Trial tomorrow."
"A witness....... A witness........" Hiccup muttered.
"Hiccup what are you thinking?" Fishlegs asked with a frown. Even in their short friendship, he had learned to recognise Hiccup's 'thinking' face.
"That's it!" Hiccup suddenly shot up and directed his question at Viggo "We just have to prove Johann wasn't there right? It doesn't matter where he was after?"
There was a pregnant silence as every eye fell on the lean shape, his emerald eyes flashing and face lit with sudden fire. Astrid gave the slightest nod as her Boss thoughtfully rubbed his beard.
"Well......" Viggo considered. "It would be better than going in the deep end. Thor knows we need it. Johann refuses to take the stand."
"If you got anything then you need to file it into evidence before the Trial Hiccup," Astrid warned.
"Right... eh... Snotlout, can you help me out?" Hiccup asked.
"Me?!" Snotlout's brows shot up. "Uh... sure." Then his face filled with suspicion. "What do you actually want me to do?" Hiccup smiled.
"That smile of yours seems dangerous. Just what do you have in mind?" Snotlout gulped.
"You'll see." Hiccup said as he set off to work while leaving several people scratching their heads.
The day of the trial had Hiccup racing up the steps of the courthouse, his suit jacket flapping and hair wilder than usual. People were walking back and forth on the corridor, a human tide that was completely uninterested in the legal battles mere yards from them. Bursting through the doors into the elegant marble-floored building, he dashed along the corridor, then paused, turned round and dashed back and along the opposite corridor, screeching to a stop, out of breath, in front of the courtroom doors where the others were impatiently gathered.
"You're late." Viggo growled, checking his Rolex.
"Sorry... had.....file....." Hiccup was out of breath and just handed the paper over to Viggo. The older man took it and puriused it with a scrutinizing gaze.
"This is........" Viggo demanded sharply.
"Testimony from the guard at Johann's gated community," Hiccup responded. "Thirty minutes before Drago's time of death he heard Johann's helicopter take off from behind his mansion."
"It doesn't prove much," Heather argued. "Who's to say he didn't take the helicopter to Drago's company? That would be the obvious interpretation." But Hiccup shook his head.
"That particular building doesn't have a helipad." he replied. "It's in the Central No-Fly zone. The nearest one is a forty minute drive away."
"It would have been better if he had the pilot's testimony." Viggo told him. "But I know all of Johann's employees sign non-disclosure forms. At least this is something."
"Reasonable doubt?" Hiccup asked but Astrid shook her head apologetically.
"They could argue that the helicopter was being sent away for the night or on another mission and that Johann was already en route to the office," she explained apologetically.
"Hey, I thought you were supposed to be on my side," he mumbled as she patted his shoulder absently.
"I am on your side," she told him. "But it's my job to predict the counter arguments on the part of the Prosecution..." And then she smiled, seeing him looking deflated and hating that she had to puncture his hopes so quickly. So she offered him the hint of triumph. "But it is the merest hint of doubt. And that's a start..."
But Hiccup was still looking downcast at the underwhelming reaction to his work as they all settled in the court, the state shield prominent behind the judge's elevated seat. As they sat down, Hiccup glanced over at the Prosecution's desk, seeing a thin-faced man with deeply tanned skin and a faded scar over his right eye. He had a small beard and a single-breasts black silk suit with white shirt and bronze tie. To Hiccup's right the jury filed in, chattering and settling down...and then the judge walked in.
The man was tall and mean, his cropped grey hair topping a long face with cold pale eyes and a superior expression. The security guard faced the court.
"All rise for the honorable judge Grimmel!" he announced as they rose until the black-robed judge assumed his seat and slammed his gavel down.
"Be seated!" he announced in a smooth, cultured voice. "The Superior Court of Berk is now in session. Case docket number 10592, the State versus Mr. Johann Trader on the count of Murder in the First Degree. The Prosecution may start with its opening statement." Hiccup was aware of Johann rolling his eyes. Despite his incarceration, the man appeared dapper and was elegantly dressed in a silver silk suit with pink shirt and silver tie, a multicoloured pink silk handkerchief poking precisely from his top pocket, his grey calf-skin shoes perfectly polished. Even though they were in a public place and Johann was determined to camouflage his sexuality, Hiccup felt very uncomfortable sitting next to him-but there was no other option. Viggo sat at the other end of the table with Astrid next to him as his associate and he was fortunate in even sitting at the table at all, rather than in the front row of the audience where Heather, Fishlegs and Snotlout were seated.
Chief Prosecutor Krogan was precise and dispassionate, his clipped tones clearly audible in the courtroom. Astrid was writing furiously. Viggo was frowning, his intelligent dark eyes thoughtful as he mentally countered the case that his opponent was laying out. Finally, when Krogan had finished. Viggo took the floor and Hiccup was able to observe his Professor close up in full flow. Pacing back and forth, his poised shape economical in his motions, Viggo explained how the Prosecution's case was baseless, without motive and how many people had motive and opportunity. And how the accused did not gain from the crime. Astrid was nodding as they sat down. After the applause his delivery had earned-especially from the three interns sitting behind Hiccup-the court recorder checked the records and nodded. Judge Grimmel gestured to Krogan.
"Prosecution-please begin," he announced. Standing at fastening the button on his suit, Krogan swept his dark gaze over the courtroom.
"The Prosecution calls Mrs. Clarissa Bludvist to the stand," he announced as the widow-fortunately with her hair impeccable and manicure redone-walked forward. She was dressed in a very tight significantly above-knee haute couture silk dress in a style that was designed for a women three decades younger. Her eyelashes had clearly been extended and her make-up was far too heavy for court. Tottering forward on skyscraper heels, she just about collapsed into the witness seat, only for Judge Grimmel to clear his throat pointedly and jerk his head to remind her that a Bailiff was standing by her, holding a Bible. She looked crossly up.
"Yes?" she asked. Grimmel's smile became forced.
"The Oath, Mrs Bludvist," he reminded her in a mildly exasperated voice and she looked annoyed, before stumbling to her feet, grabbing a tissue from her bag and dabbing at her completely dry eyes.
"I'm sorry, Judge," she said in a small voice. "I am just finding all this so hard to bear..." Grimmel pressed his lips together into a thin line and gestured to the Bailiff. Reluctantly, she lifted her hand and rested the other on the Bible as the Bailiff held up the card.
"I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God," Clarissa read ungraciously and then sat down more decorously, crossing her legs in a relaxed manner. Krogan cleared his throat.
"Now Mrs. Bludvist, can you tell us the events leading up to you discovering your husband's body?" he asked calmly. She nodded.
"Well the day started out like any other," she began, her voice clear and calm. "We ate breakfast and he was going to work, just as he always did. Oh, he was such a workaholic, always thinking about his business and the future. We had bagels-his favourite. But we did have a little tiny bit of a row though." Krogan's brow furrowed, 'his eyes concerned.
"What was it about?" he asked as Hiccup frowned. Astrid leaned close.
"Obvious tactic," she whispered quietly. "Owning up to a minor disagreement throws the jury off. She volunteered an argument so they won't believe that she's telling a lie because if she was lying, she wouldn't own up to anything that could cast her in anything other than a perfect light."
"Or they really did have an argument," Hiccup replied, sniffing in the wonderful scent of her shampoo and having to blink to keep his mind of Clarissa rather than Astrid. "She is very irritating." Viggo cleared his throat and they both sat back, listening to the testimony.
"Well I voiced my concerns about Drago wanting to sell the company. He rebuffed them of course and told me that he had gotten a good offer from Mr. Trader. Though I seriously doubt that."
"Why is that?" Krogan asked, standing a yard from the witness box, looking straight into her eyes. She immediately reached for the paper tissue and began to dab her dry eyes again.
"It happened after my husband's funeral..... I'm sorry.... Can I just take a minute. I still can't believe he's gone." Adopting a sympathetic expression, Krogan nodded.
"Of course Mrs. Bludvist. I understand this must be difficult. Take your time." She sniffed obviously and dabbed her eyes for a few seconds.
"Coached," Astrid grumbled under her breath as the witness began to speak again.
"The day went on like any other. I went shopping, got a manicure. And then it got late so I stopped by my husband's work to see if he'd eaten and then I found him slumped over his desk and.... And that man..." She paused and rose to her feet, stabbing a finger dramatically at the dapper shape of Johann. "That man was near him! When he saw me, he ran out of the room, barging me aside and leaving my beloved Drago dead, slumped over his desk!" She covered her face and made loud sobbing noises that Hiccup was entirely convinced were fake.
"Wow. She's actually a terrible actor," he whispered to Astrid but she gestured to the jury, who were sitting forward in rapt attention.
"Unfortunately, they're buying it," she told him grimly. "Because her husband is dead and they're all feeling sorry for her. Even if she looks like she's off on a date with a younger man after she gets out of here..." Clearing his throat and handing her a precisely ironed white cotton handkerchief, Krogan waited until she had composed herself and looked up, her mascara completely undamaged and her eyes not even slightly puffy.
"And the thing that happened after the funeral?" he prompted her in a sympathetic tone. "Why didn't you immediately tell the police that you saw Mr. Trader at the scene of the crime?" She gulped.
"I didn't want to believe it at first," she said hesitantly, dabbing again. "I-I was in denial. I mean, they've been business partners for more than ten years. They spent so much time together. Drago counted Johann as one of his closest friends. But then after the funeral Johann found me in the parlor." She gave a brave smile. "He-he sat next to me...and then he slid his hand up my thigh."
The jury gasped and Astrid rolled her eyes-as did Johann.
"Please," he murmured so only Hiccup could hear him. "Even if I was into females, she is completely repulsive." Hiccup inched closer to Astrid.
"And then what happened?" Krogan asked. Clarissa sniffed.
"He told me he wanted to buy the company shares off of me and I said that now was not a good time." She gave a small choked sob. "And then he inferred that he knows how to please women like me so that I would give him what he wanted." The jury was gasping again and most of them were scribbling on their pads. Most of the men were looking disgusted and the women were looking furious.
"And Mrs. Bludvist, was there anyone around at that time that can corroborate your story?" Krogan asked. She nodded.
"The pool boy and my lover, Enrique," she revealed without hesitation. "He came in as Mr. Trader had his hand on my knee and was sliding it up."
"Yakdung," Johann said in the form of a cough.
"Excuse me..... Your lover?" Krogan asked in a shocked voice. Clarissa nodded.
"Drago and I had an....... Open relationship. He had his thing and I had mine. We made it work." There was a pause and everyone in the Jury-and audience-all longed to ask 'what exactly was his thing?' All Krogan could manage was a weak:
"I see...." Then he turned to the judge. "Your Honour, I have no further questions for this witness." Judge Grimmel nodded.
"The Defense may now cross examine," he announced. Composing himself, Viggo rose as Astrid was still furiously writing down notes. Hiccup could see her underlining, circling and linking but he glanced over at the woman and saw she was smiling with what was definitely triumph.
"Mrs. Bludvist," he began firmly, "are you sure it was Mr. Trader you saw at the scene of the crime?"
"I am," Clarissa replied smugly. "I could recognise him at a hundred paces." Viggo cleared his throat.
"And you are aware that perjury is a crime punishable by a custodial sentence, Mrs Bludvist?" he asked in a cold voice. Krogan was instantly on his feet.
"Objection!" he announced.
"Sustained!" Judge Grimmel replied immediately. "Mr Grimborn, I will handle points of law in this court."
"As you wish, your Honour-I merely wished to check this witness was fully aware of any potential consequences should it turn out that she was not certain at what she saw and was, in fact framing an innocent man." And then he brandished the folder that Hiccup had brought. "Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen, the Defence would like to introduce exhibit F, a signed testimony by Mr. Trader's guard at the gated community stating that Mr. Trader's helicopter left thirty minutes before the time of the murder. Now the nearest Helipad is over half an hour drive from Mr. Bludvist's company. Mr. Trader getting there in time to murder someone at the time stated categorically by the witness is completely impossible."
"Objection your honor!" Krogan protested, leaping to his feet. "This is new evidence! The Prosecution has not been made aware of this before!" But Viggo gave a small smile.
"Notwithstanding the inefficiencies of your own investigations, I must point out that you have been made aware. This was delivered to your offices yesterday well before closing." Krogan's face darkened with rage as Grimmel sighed.
"I'll allow it," he said. Viggo paced closer to the witness stand and stared into the woman's eyes. She was no longer acting and her eyes were filled with concern-and hatred. "Now Mrs. Bludvist, can you say without a reasonable doubt that it was Mr. Trader that you saw?" She leaned forward.
"I know what I saw!" she announced dramatically. "He.....He can't have been on the helicopter! If he is as shrewd as a man I know he is, then he might be the one misleading you!"
"As opposed to you misleading us, Mrs Bludvist?" he asked. He looked into her face and she glared back. Judge Grimmel frowned.
"Mrs. Bludvist control yourself!" he ordered her as she sighed.
"Your Honour-this is just so hard..." she protested. Viggo gave a small nod.
"I am sure," he said ambiguously. "Now just a couple of final questions. How much were you set to inherit should your husband die before selling out the company shares to my client? And how much would you have gotten after the sale had gone through?" He picked up a piece of paper. "I know your husband had the monies from the sale already allocated to a joint venture which would have protected them from being included in an estate..."
"A hundred million dollars," Clarissa mumbled. "The difference was a hundred million dollars." Then she looked up dramatically. "But money was no object. Drago was still filthy rich and he had more money than I could spend in a lifetime. And I loved him with all my heart..." Viggo glanced over to the jury and saw the faintest flickers of doubt there.
"I'm sure," he commented. "No further questions-but I reserve the right to recall this witness, your Honour."
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