I smiled as I watched Atty and No sleep peacefully beside me. This lion would always protect his follow cat and cub. Although I had to admit my cat and the pups at Atty's feet were cute, too.
Most saw twenty-one as a special birthday, but if you asked me, twenty-two was better. I'd get to hear my twin brother talk. After not getting to hear his voice for two and a half years, it was like music to my ears.
Noah go up and waved to say good morning.
Atty was still slept, but No and I were happy to leave him as long as he wanted.
Honey and Syrup pawed at the door to ask to be let out, so Noah got up to open it for them.
No and I signed back and forth at this point in an attempt to keep quiet.
"I'll shower after Atty gets up." He rubbed his eyes. "Oh, and happy birthday."
I held back a laugh. "You could have waited. What do you want to do?"
Another shrug. "I'm just happy we're together."
Momo meowed for me to pick her up then licked my nose in greeting. She then meowed to be fed.
"I'll feed her." No then grabbed my cat.
I sighed. They won't let me work, so I might as well enjoy the break.
No immediately went back to his spot next to Atty who woke up soon after.
Atty waved. "Waffles."
I sighed. " I'm sure they have waffles waiting for us." I took a breath. "Happy birthday, Atty."
He signed it back. "En."
Hannah and the twins were in the kitchen when we came in.
The dogs wagged their tails, tongues out, at Atty who patted their heads.
Atty ran to wash his hands when he saw the waffles waiting at the table.
No laughed behind his hand. There were few things Atty loved like waffles.
"Where are the Monkeys?" I asked.
"Ran made them omelets this morning. He's outside with them right now, trying to burn off some of their excess energy."
Atty had finished three waffles by the time I sat down.
"Slow down!" Len shoved a glass of orange juice in Atty's face. "You're going to choke!"
Hannah rubbed Atty's back and spoke in a gentle voice. "Just be careful, alright?"
Len rubbed her forehead. "Now that I think about it, Randel and the Monkeys probably going to come in to eat lunch soon."
Arthur; Isa, who was carrying a sleeping Noiry; and Ray came in.
"Happy birthday, son," Arthur said.
Ray gave Atty a bat on the back. "Happy birthday."
"Happy birthday, honey."
Atty made the sign for cake at Isa.
Isa laughed. "Yes, honey. We're going to have cake after dinner."
I wanted to sigh. Should I tell Atty he was being rude or was he just excited? Isa was kind enough to make our birthday cake last year and the one before, so she probably would this year, too. She didn't seem mad, so maybe it wasn't rude?
Hannah took Noiry out of Isa's arms, winking at the twins on the way out.
"Are you done, Atty?" No asked.
He signed for No and me to follow him.
Atty got out a puzzle with a nature scene on it. This one had five thousand pieces.
No smiled. "Did you want us to put that together with you?"
I smiled. Atty normally wanted to do it by himself. He didn't spontaneously ask even me and No to help that often. Of course, I would say yes.
No and I searched for all the edges. Since Atty had already done this puzzle a few times, that seemed like the best thing for us to do.
Honey come in and sat in the corner with a wagging tail to watch us work.
Once No and I found the edges, it only took Atty a couple minutes to put the borders together.
"Why don't you take the right half and En and I will do the left?" Noah asked.
Ray popped his head in. "That's coming along nicely. Do you mind if I watch TV in your room?"
"You can watch TV in my room," No said. "I think the twins will be busy for a while."
"Thanks, kiddo."
Atty had finished his side not long after. Since No and I had a handful of pieces left between us, we let Atty finish the puzzle.
The front door opened to reveal Cole and Ryna.
"Happy birthday, you two," Cole said.
Ryna gave Atty a hug before asking, "Where's Noiry?"
No smiled. "He's taking a nap. You can play with him later." He patted her head. "Len and Ivy are in the kitchen with Auntie Isa."
Ryna then ran out of the room.
I got up. "I'll be right back, okay? I'm going to get water."
"I'll go with you." No got up. "I'd like to stretch my legs."
Cole followed us.
"Can I help?" Ryna asked with the biggest smile on her face.
"Of course, you can, sweetie," Isa said.
Cole scooped up his daughter and carried her over to the sink. "You need to wash your hands first."
Noah whispered in my ear, "Len and Ivy look sad..."
They did... And I didn't need to ask them why. This was the four-year anniversary of Atty's kidnapping. If that hadn't happened, Ryna's mom could have survived her birth. And Atty wouldn't have been robbed of his voice for a second time...
I turned around when I got poked in the back.
"Atty, I know you wanted my attention, but there are better ways to get it."
"I want to play charades," Atty said.
"Did you want something, or do you just want to play?" No asked.
"Just cuz."
Ran came in. He was covered in sweat. "Can I join you?"
No looked at Ran out of the corner of his eye. "You look tired..."
"How long have you been entertaining the monkeys?" I asked.
"Since they got up at eight this morning."
My jaw dropped. "Please tell me you've eaten lunch."
He laughed. "I was gonna wait."
Len scowled. "What are you? A glutton for punishment?"
"With you guys getting ready for tonight, it's a little too cramped to be cooking."
Cole sighed. "I guess it's a good thing I thought to grab food on my way here." He held a cup and spoon up to Atty. "Would you like to have some chili?"
Atty smiled before turning to me. "Tuna Casserole."
"Yes, Atty, we're having that for dinner like we do every year."
Hannah said, "It might be more comfortable for you to eat in the living room."
I grabbed Ran by the wrist. "Thanks, Hannah."
Atty ended up winning most of our games of charades after we had the lunch Cole was kind enough to bring us. Because sign language was Atty's primary form of communication, he was especially good at it. Ran knew better than to say so in front of Atty, but he got frustrated at points.
Soon enough, Isa came to get us. "Dinnertime."
Atty jumped up and ran into the kitchen.
Atty and I sat together at the end of the table. Hannah gave us our servings of tuna casserole first.
Hannah and the others talked about their days as they ate, but Atty and I only had eyes for the tuna casserole we had in front of us.
Once everyone had eaten their fill, it was time for cake. Most people got sung to first, but Hannah and the others didn't bother since Atty and I didn't like it.
Ryna watched as Isa cut into the marble cake. "I wanna pass out the cake!"
"Be careful with it, okay?" Isa motioned for her to give Atty the first piece.
Atty had the biggest grin on his face as he dug into it.
I smiled as the toddler held out mine. "Thanks, kiddo."
She went around the table and gave everyone cake. Everyone smiled as she ate her own cake. She might have had a chocolate mustache, but that was cute on a two-year-old.
Her dad laughed as he wiped her face. "Was it good?"
"It was the best, Daddy!"
I had the best day ever. I got to spend time Noah and Atty and have our favorite dinner with the rest of our family. Atty got new puzzles, some money, and I made him new music. Hannah got me a new keyboard and Ran replaced my desk chair since it was getting old. The others gave me money and gift cards.
By the end of the night, I was exhausted. Even a lot of fun could be exhausting. Since Atty and I were on the verge of passing out, Ran picked us up to bring us into my room. Atty and I smiled at each other as we fell asleep in his arms.
Thoughts? Theories?
~Shino out!
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