|Prologue| Run
*beat drop*
Also is anyone as elegant in the picture above whole running in a forest in a dress.
"Lucy! Take her and go!"
As soon as he said those words, chaos was let out. Gunfire. Explosions. Screaming. Not even their beloved king could stop it.
Crumpling of leaves was heard as she ran through the greenery of the forest. Panting as she raced through, not looking behind her or anywhere else but forward. Her blonde hair was blowing in the cold wind behind her, her dress almost tripping her every step she took. She held a bundle in her arms, holding it closely to her chest like her Kingdom depended on it.
Because it did.
"Over here! There's someone there!"
"It's likely the Queen! Bring the child! He doesn't care if it's alive or dead! Go!"
Tears fell down from her chocolate like eyes to her pale cheeks, and onto the bundle she was holding. She started whispering quietly to herself, "Levy... I have to get to her. Keep running..."
She quickly turned her head to see a man in uniform point at her and yelling, "Go south! I found her!"
The woman gasped before turning and running, jumping over logs and large rocks to get away from her predator.
Hiding behind trees and bushes, she finally found a ditch, a hole in the ground, connected to a cave where she hid. It was dark and quiet, the attackers wouldn't think for a queen to hide there.
However, they didn't know how she grew up.
She leaned against a wall, breathing in and out to catch her breath. Holding her bundle in one hand, she used the other to take off her small, elegant crown on the top of her head to look at it. To think about what it meant. What she gave up.
Why she did it.
Why did she do it? Why did she marry this man who had a dark past? Was it for money? Fame? To run away? Love?
No, the real question she was asking was, 'Was it worth it?'
She undid some of the wrap that was holding something in it, and well, there was a beautiful baby girl in it. As the woman kept asking herself the question, she knew what the answer was.
The baby was awake, but unaware of any of the activity going on around her. So, she was calm. Looking at the woman holding her with dark, chocolate eyes just like the lady holding her. Her almost non-existent hair was a rare salmon color, no one had this hair color in the kingdom except for an exceptional being.
Her very own father. The Dragneel bloodline.
The blonde reached into her satchel and took out another object, it was a crown as well. Obviously expensive, smaller than the Queens, and jewels were neatly put together on the front. There was big and small hand carved crystals that decorated the tiara.
The queen's tears fell down quickly onto the infants face, "this was going to be yours... my daughter. You would've loved it..." she smiled weakly, "but I can imagine you being as boisterous as your father." She squinted her eyes and cried a little bit more. Thinking of her husband. His salmon hair, green eyes, and his smile. Oh how she loved the way he smiled. His laugh, the way how he's been treated like royalty his whole life but... still insisted on being a commoner. From the way he slouched to how he ate. From the way he complained to what he did when he was sick. Even the nickname he gave her, even if silly names weren't tolerated in the castle.
They adored each other... and nothing was going to change that. Even this sickening war.
She lifted the child so her forehead would touch her mother's. The two were silent.
Someone was coming towards them, and they needed to move. But there was nowhere to go, the Queen knew that if she went deeper in the cave, her efforts would be all for nothing. But there was nowhere to run once she exited the cave.
She hoped for the best, holding her child to her neck.
The soldier came closer and closer to them, but stopped. He turned around as somebody else yelled, "movement to the west! I saw what looked like a crown! Let's go!"
She recognized the voice immediately. Even more tears ran down her cheeks as she smiled,oh my god... I never thought I'd hear her voice again... Thank you... Erza...
She ran as far as possible, deeper into the forest. Until she hit a village. It was chaotic even here. Guards were surrounding it, interrogating the commoners with more force than anything.
With great difficulty, she managed to maneuver around the crowds to get to the place she needed to be.
She knocked on the old wooden door, kind of hurting her knuckle doing so.
She was greeted with a sweet voice, "Is there anything I can-" she stopped as her eyes widened as she spoke in surprise. "Oh my God... Lucy..." it wasn't because she was glad to see her again.
In fact, she hated to see her at her door.
Lucy sniffed and stared back at her with her kind, and teary eyes, "you know what I told you..." she held out her child to give her to Levy.
The petite bluenette took the bundle with care and held her.
She looked up at her friend with sad eyes, "Lucy... I..."
Lucy embraced her and the child, sobbing, when she let go, she asked, "Can I just..."
Levy nodded and let the Queen see her child one final time.
As Lucy hovered over her baby, the girl grabbed her mother's hair and started pulling it with a smile.
I love you so much...
Lucy smiled sweetly, she didn't know what to do.
She didn't have enough time, she had to go and she knew it.
Before she left though, she pulled out her daughters crown and a white scarf that looked as if there was dragon scales imprinted on it.
"Here... take these..." Lucy said weakly, "don't give her the crown until she's ready." Levy nodded, "and... good luck with yours too."
Levy looked down at her stomach, which looked as if it was going to pop, "I will... thank you Lu."
When she moved her eyes to see her friend, she was gone.
Levy didn't question it, she simply just closed the door slowly while crying silent tears.
She heard someone coming up the stairs, her husband spoke with his rough voice, "Levy, I heard that voice."
The woman nodded, "yes. She dropped the baby off..." her voice cracked in the middle of her sentence.
"What's the story?" He asked, folding his arms.
Levy sighed, "we were close friends to her parents before they died in war. In search of her parents, we found her. And we never found their bodies."
Gajeel nodded and said, "well, can I have a look at her?"
"Yeah," Levy replied before handing her to her spouse.
Gajeel took the baby in his arms and took a good look at her, he kinda thought she was cute. He sighed, "that idiot... he got himself in more trouble than needed."
Then out of nowhere, Levy grabbed the counter top closest to her and tried to keep herself standing.
"Levy, what's wrong?" Gajeel asked, baby still in his hands.
She held her stomach and started panting, "our baby... i-its coming,"
Gajeel looked at the baby currently in his hands and looked back at Levy, "Are you joking? Now?"
"Yes, now! You idiot why would I joke?!" Levy yelled angrily.
His breathing was heavy, he wasn't about to give up now. He had his hand on a tree, holding him up with a sword in the other hand. Lucy, I hope you made it.
About 10 guards were surrounding him, he took out over half of them, he was at his breaking point.
"C'mon! What are you?! Cowards?! Too afraid to face your own death?!" He yelled.
The king's robes were stained with mud and blood, his salmon hair now red due to this war. His shoes, worn out from all the running. His hands were red and sore from the sword fighting, even with the leather gloves he had on.
He let go of the trunk and held his sword tightly with both hands, "I will not stain this kingdom with blood, you hear that Zeref?!" He yelled to the sky, the guards coming towards him slowly, "the day this kingdom is yours is the day I love another woman!" He glared at all of his opponents with his green eyes and smirked, "what are you waiting for? An invitation? Take me on."
When he said that, the guards all came towards him, he started backing away slowly but held his sword up with both hands. Blood was running down his right cheek, dripping on the leafy ground. There ain't no way I'm backing down.
All of a sudden, the guards started falling to the ground, the king felt the temperature drop the slightest bit. His eyes widened, knowing who it was.
"Hey flamebrain, I didn't know you gave up this easily," a male voice called out.
He came out from the shadows, a sword across his shoulders behind his head, and what looked like steam or mist was coming from it. He looked at the king with deep, dark eyes. His raven hair was almost invisible in the darkness.
"G-Gray..." He stuttered his name.
Gray smirked, showing his white teeth, "What a king eh Natsu? Letting your kingdom go down in ashes. The irony." He chuckled. "But hey, I'll be here to help you build back from the ground up." He swung his sword and put it in its sheath. "You know that right?"
"Gray, you jester," Natsu laughed, "for a while there I thought you'd actually ditched us." He knew that this... this was the genuine Gray he knew all those years ago.
Gray just smirked back at him, placing his hand on the handle of his sword, "Alright Pyro, why don't we beat that so called brother of yours?"
Natsu nodded, however, once he was starting to pick up his feet, he collapsed on the leaves that covered the ground, he gasped in surprise when he felt arms catch him.
"I said I'd help you," Gray pointed out next to him, "I can't lose you now."
Gray started dragging Natsu next to him when he said, "Ice brain. You've got a son right? I can't ask you to help me in this bloody war."
"The hell did you even know about him?" Gray asked.
Natsu shrugged, "I've been keeping tabs on you since you've left. I had to make sure you didn't completely turned traitor. You... married a girl that was with Gajeel back then."
Gray sighed, "Listen. Whether I have a wife or son or whatever, I ain't leavin' you. I told you when we met didn't I? I swore that whatever happened, I'd stick with you, no matter what."
Natsu smiled widely, "Yeah yeah, now stop talking. We gotta beat you know who."
A new voice was heard, the brother-like figures turned their head towards it, "That'll never happen, and you know it."
Gray snarled, "Briar."
Natsu looked up at him, confused.
"Gray..." she took out her amulet that was glowing a bright red, "I'm not alone this time."
When that was said, a man came out of the trees. "The target is the king. Zeref wants his head on a stick, remember. Don't get distracted Briar."
Gray looked down at his sword, he then stabbed the ground with both of his hands on the hilt of the sword. Then it was as if it was a type of ceremony when he knelt down and started muttering something.
Natsu was confused, "Gray what are you..."
The man turned toward Briar, "He's getting help! Stop him."
Briar ran towards Gray, and almost got to him before Natsu stepped in her way, "Not today."
Gray was quick, he cut his hand with his sword. The blood dripping down, and another woman appeared from the shadows. Natsu turned around.
"Erza..." He whispered.
Her hair was a blood red, "My name is Erza Scarlet. I'm the protector of the Cold Excalibur. If I am summoned, then you must die."
"The famous trio is here..." The man whispered, then said louder. "Well, if I am to die, the king shall go with me."
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