"How is it that a five foot two woman can drink more than a six foot man?"
"I'm Brazilian, Al. The British have nothing on us."
Larissa Cohen laughed as the pair that was herself and Alex Albon watched a drunken George Russell stumble around her apartment, since she was visiting her British friends just before the French Grand Prix.
It seemed like the gossiping pair, didn't even notice that the drunken Lando Norris had fallen and had his head stuck in the pot of a plant near her kitchen.
That was until a knock on the door made a drunken Lando trip and fall, his loud yelp signalling to the laughing duo that he had gotten himself stuck and that he was in need of their help.
"You get the door, I'll get the idiot." Alex smiled as his best friend made her way towards the door of the apartment as he grabbed the potted plant that his British friend had managed to fall in to.
"Why is it so dark in here? I thought Lissy paid her electric bill." The drunken Lando spoke, his voice echoing off the inside of the pot. "Hehe, bing bong bing bong."
Alex shook his head with a smile on his face at his friends giggles at the echo that he was causing himself, as he clasped his hands around the pot and tugged it and allowing him to remove the pot from the head of the Norris boy.
Lando stumbled away and drunkenly fell against the somebody, inhaling their scent and hugging them immediately as he recognised it.
"Lissyyyyy, who was at the door?" Lando whined as he wrapped his arms around his best friend as she tried to hide her smile at how cuddly her drunken best friend always seemed to be with her.
"Just my brother, Lando." The Brazilian held back giggles as he tried to make himself comfortable against her chest, treating her as if she was a pillow.
"You have a brother?" George's voice sounded slurred as he approached her from behind and rested his head on her shoulder, his arms shooting to her waist to stable himself.
"I'm right here, have they not noticed?"
"Nope." Alex and Larissa spoke in unison as Alex greeted his best friends brother.
"Gina is on her way, mausi. She's picking Zahra up from Sebby's." Mick Schumacher informed his best friend and sister with a soft smile on his face.
He watched as she nodded her head softly, not wanting to move and disturb her two drunken friends who looked very close to falling asleep on her whilst they were standing up.
She looked surprisingly comfortable, almost as if she didn't mind having the two cling to her as if she was the only thing in the world that was keeping them safe.
Alex held two beers in his hand, offering one to the German and seeing him accept it with a nod and a smile. The two decided to make their way towards the sofa, leaving Larissa stuck in her place with her two drunken friends.
Lando's breathing began to become heavy, as if he was starting to fall asleep on his friend, until her hands shot to his shoulders to push him off her and to the ground, the thud and whine that she heard signalling that she did her job of keeping the boy awake, perfectly.
A soft chuckle left the lips of the Russell boy, the vibrations on her neck sending shivers down her spine, making her body shiver. George lifted his head and pulled the girl towards the sofa, leaving a drunken and whining Lando to push himself off the ground and sulk his way to his friends.
A drunken George pulled his best friend on to his lap, allowing her to place her legs on the lap of Mick, as her head resided in the lap of the Russell boy.
Alex and Mick were socialising together as Larissa tormented both of her drunken friends by flicking at their faces.
"Stop bullying me." George huffed, air leaving his lips as his eyebrows furrowed together in to a scowl at her teasing smirk.
"You shouldn't have agreed to take shots with me then, Georgie. I'm not bullying Al, am I?" Larissa's dark brown eyes sparkled as she watched him huff once more, this time in defeat.
"Yeah, you meanie!" Lando decided to pitch in, giggles and hiccups leaving his throat since he was a lightweight with alcohol and had gotten himself drunk after accidentally drinking from Larissa's glass of straight vodka, since he had thought that it was Lemonade.
"Anthoine has the video of you fainting when you learnt about my dad, don't make me post it." Larissa threatened the drunken Norris boy.
"Yeah George, you shouldn't have done shots with her!" Lando switched teams immediately at the threat, with both boys faces lighting up at the loud laughter erupting from her throat.
"Have you done the impossible and gotten Lis drunk?" Zahra and Gina arrived using Zahra's key to the apartment, to see Larissa practically dying out of laughter.
"Nope, her boys are just idiots, aren't you boys." Alex smirked as he teased his fellow Formula Two drivers.
"We're her boys!" Lando gasped dramatically, hearing the rest of the people in the room laugh at his state.
"Hanna wants you to organise her Hen party." Gina informed her best friend and sister, seeing the Brazilian immediately sit up at the news.
"But it's the same time as Sebby's stag party and I'm organising and going to that!"
"Shit." Gina swore, her eyes widening at the words leaving the Cohen girls lips.
"Shit, indeed." Zahra gulped.
"Oh shitting shit face!" Larissa groaned in annoyance, slapping herself in her face as she facepalmed.
"Shit." Lando drunkenly repeated, before he yelped as a pillow was thrown at his face.
"Shut up, mate." Alex laughed as he high fived the German boy beside him since Mick had been the one to throw the pillow.
"Oh and I forgot to mention, your Grandfather has apparently applied for a job as Kimi's head mechanic at Ferrari." Zahra informed her best friend who immediately froze.
"Isn't that great? Maurizio doesn't know yet, but your Grandfather is going to be working at Ferrari!"
The group didn't know what had caused her to freeze in her place.
All they wanted to know, was where was she going, as she grabbed her phone and immediately fled her apartment without saying a word.
Lewis Hamilton was awoken from his nap in his house by the desperate knocking of the Brazilian, and he took note of her frantic body language.
"Hey, kid, what's wrong?"
"Drive me to the track, right now."
Lewis Hamilton didn't even bother to question her, as he immediately grabbed his keys and ran towards his car with her jumping in to the passenger seat immediately.
He raced as quick as he could to the race track that the French Grand Prix was to be held at from the next day, and frowned as she barrelled out of the car without even hesitating or waiting for him.
For the first time since Larissa Kimi Cohen was eight years old, her small feet entered the Ferrari garage, causing all of the staff in the garage to freeze in shock.
Luiz Cohen's daughter who notoriously hated Ferrari, was in their garage.
"MAURIZIO! MAURIZIO, WHERE ARE YOU!" She screamed in desperation, before noticing the office of the team principal and how the door was closed.
Her small body was rammed in to the door of the Ferrari Team Principals office, forcing it open, surprising all of the occupants, but no where near as much as who they saw.
She was in Ferrari.
"You're about to hire a murderer!"
Larissa's frantic breaths didn't level out, as she noticed how all of the men were working for Ferrari, but weren't the team principal, except one man, whose face immediately drained of color at the words spoken by the young girl.
"Anjo, what is the matter?" André Santos, her grandfather spoke, trying to pretend like the words never left his granddaughters lips.
"Don't you dare call me that!" Larissa scowled at her grandpa. "That name has only ever been used by my father, remember him?"
"Of course, he was my son in law. I loved the man." André eyed his granddaughter carefully, before side glancing at the other Ferrari staff as he waited for Maurizio to arrive.
"You've got a funny way of showing it since you killed him." Larissa didn't notice the doubting looks that she was recieving from other workers at Ferrari.
Maurizio soon arrived and immediately froze in his spot. Not only because of the presence of the man that had killed one of Ferrari's best ever drivers, but also the girl that absolutely despised Ferrari and always refused to even enter the garage.
"What the-"
"Boss, he's applied for the job as Kimi's head mechanic. He's got a great record and is available to take the position straight away." One of Ferrari's workers spoke up for the man who couldn't hide his smirk.
"Get him out of here, and make sure he never gets a job anywhere in motorsport, or I will end Ferrari as a company." Larissa warned the Ferrari team principal.
She meant it.
"This, is André Santos?"
"Yes sir." André greeted the man with a large smile.
"Get him out of my garage."
Larissa breathed a sigh of relief at the team principal of Ferrari, who made eye contact with the girl and nodded his head.
"Actually, keep him here." Maurizio changed his mind, horrifying the Cohen girl.
"I've got evidence to prove that he murdered Luiz Cohen at Monza in 2007, so I'm going to call the police. Keep him in here, I'll be outside."
Larissa almost collapsed at the flood of feelings that invaded her small body. Her knees were seconds away from wobbling and giving away, her throat felt like it was closing up, her hands were violently shaking, and her stomach was doing somersaults over and over again.
Was she finally about to get justice for her father?
Larissa Cohen was horrified to discover that her grandfather had been released until the police had more evidence, because according to them, the documents that Maurizio had discovered were not enough for the charges to stick.
Maurizio was worried for the girl, upon discovering that her grandfather had been released for the meantime, and became even more worried for her, when she didn't turn up for any of the free practise sessions.
Her uncles had tried to contact her, since nobody else had been told of the incident that happened, but to no avail.
She was missing.
Her friends had tried to contact her, but found her phone going straight to voicemail.
Her apartment was empty, as was her driver trailer. She was nowhere to be seen.
That was until, the Brazilian formula one driver turned up wearing her father's old drivers suit.
Most people had forgotten how Luiz Cohen had previously driven for Toro Rosso.
Bfore he died, he drove for Ferrari for five years and won five championships, moved to Toro Rosso for a year because he was unsure as to whether he wanted to continue in Formula One and then went back to Ferrari for his final year, and that he had been a friend of her team principal Franz Tost, whilst the man worked at Williams.
So to see her in a Toro Rosso driver suit that was last worn by her father, was a shock to everyone. Her face was void and emotionless, and Sebastian Vettel knew that it could only mean one thing.
His niece was mentally, not in a good place. Especially if she was wearing her father's suit for qualifying.
"Larissa, you aren't allowed to wear that suit, the FIA will give you a fine, if you race in it." Toto Wolff warned the girl, since he had noticed her emotionless state.
"Let them, I don't care." Lariisa shrugged her shoulders as she walked away from the man, and made her way to the car that she was going to be driving, just as her team mate Pierre Gasly was exiting the vehicle.
"Mon Cherie, you are worrying me. You have not answered my calls, or my texts or my voicemails. What is the matter?" Pierre placed his hands on his team mates shoulders as he stared softly in to her dark brown eyes.
"I'm getting pole in qualifying and nobody can stop me." Larissa stared in to the abyss, before she quickly zoned out, forgetting that her team mate was standing in front of her.
"Papa, when you win at Monza, can I keep the trophy?"
Luiz Cohen smiled at his beloved daughter, removing his helmet so that his daughter could see his face just before he got in to the car.
"Anjo, you keep everything that I win, that's the rule I made when you were born. I've got to race now, Chuchuzinho, but I'll be sure to have you with me on the podium at your favorite race."
"Yayyy, thank you, papa! Eu te amo!"
"Mon Cherie. Lis, are you okay? Are you fit to drive?" Pierre asked concerned, since he had seen her eyes glaze over as he was talking to her.
"I've got this." Larissa gulped thickly. "I've got this."
"I'm getting pole."
Ending it here, enjoy the wait! ;)
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