Mick Schumacher laughed at his sisters scream and both he and Charles decided to wake her up by pouring cold water on to her body.
The German was staying in the hotel room next to the Monégasque, so he knew about Larissa staying at his, though he also knew that Charles slept on the sofa.
He also knew, that she knew that it was him who had come up with the idea of waking her, rather abruptly with freezing cold water.
It may or may not have been something which he used to do to her when they were children.
Where his helper was always either his dad, or hers.
Larissa squealed as she kicked the white sheets from off her body, making them cover the body of the Leclerc boy who just accepted his fate of being covered by the sheets.
Mick attempted to flee the bedroom, in order to evade capture from her but found himself unable to as Charles stumbled in to him, since the Leclerc boy couldn't see due to the sheets covering his head.
Larissa barrelled in to the Schumacher boy, knocking him off balance as they began to wrestle as if they were sumo wrestlers.
Larissa pulled at the blonde hair of the German, hearing him squeal, before he managed to lift her up and in to the air.
Charles pulled the sheets from off his head as he heard her squeal, worried that she was in danger or injured, though what he saw made a loud laugh erupt from his throat.
He watched as Mick body slammed his sister back on to the bed as if they were professional wrestlers, before he was preparing to jump on top of her to stop her from fleeing.
As Mick jumped, Larissa threw her body back, in to a backwards roll, avoiding the body slam that would have practically crushed her small body.
Charles noticed that as Mick regained his composure, Larissa ran to him, hiding behind him.
"Take Leclerc as a sacrifice, I beg you." Larissa panted as her hands rested on the Monégasque's shoulders.
"I want my sister to admit defeat." Mick grinned at her as the other two laughed, their eyes meeting as they sparkled.
Charles' hand moved to grab hers, with their finger interwined, before he nodded his head at her.
Thankfully, she didn't seem to notice the sleepy look in his eyes, and didn't hear the sleepy sound of his voice, since he hadn't long since been up.
He however, noticed her sprawled and messy hair, which was soaked through with water from their prank, her cheeks flushed pink and lips parted as she breathed.
He also noticed how adorable she looked in his clothes, the fabric almost burying her due to their height difference.
"Never!" Larissa stuck her tongue out at the Schumacher boy, seeing him return the gesture before she ran, closely followed by the Leclerc boy.
The pair ran from the young Schumacher, still holding hands until they got to the door of the hotel room, opening it and fleeing out of the door.
Charles watched on confused as the Brazilian girl pulled a key card out of her pocket, running to the hotel room door beside his to open the door, before fleeing inside of it.
"Did you pickpocket Mick's hotel room key card?"
Charles gasped as he noticed her mischievous smirk, as he followed quickly behind her in to the room as they heard Mick following after them.
Mick ran to his hotel room, opening to grab the door just in time before he was locked out, but found that Larissa had pushed the door closed and therefore shut him out of his own hotel room.
"He still has my hotel key card." Charles admitted to the Brazilian who walked up to him to rest her head on his shoulder.
"Nope, I took that out of his pocket, too." Larissa giggled as she pulled out the second key card.
Larissa took a step back to wink at the Leclerc boy. "I was born and raised in one of the roughest areas of São Paulo, Coração, I'm an expert in pickpocketing."
Charles rose an eyebrow at the woman before him. "Is that so, ma princesse?"
Larissa stepped further away from him, as he noticed something black in her hand.
His mobile phone.
"I'd say so, yeah."
Larissa giggled at the look of surprise on his face, which she found adorable before she stepped against his chest hugging him in an apology.
"I'm sorry, Coração."
Charles released a sigh, pressing a soft kiss to her temple as his arms wrapped around her torso.
Charles didn't even notice that Larissa had placed his phone back in to his pocket, hiding her smile in his chest.
Larissa lifted her face to stare up at the Leclerc boy before she whispered. "Told you that I'm good at it."
Charles furrowed his eyebrows together as she spoke with his hand shooting to his pocket, feeling his phone back inside of his pocket.
A bright smile filled his face at the realisation that she had once again got the better of him, watching her face fill with a proud smile.
"I'm impressed." Charles spoke to the Cohen girl, before he noticed her gaze was elsewhere.
Larissa's soft lips pressed against his, for a matter of seconds, before she pulled back and out of his grasp, stepping towards the door, checking to see if Mick was still outside.
Charles stood dumbfounded in his spot with his eyes wide as he noticed how she didn't even seem bothered by the fact that she had kissed him, whereas his heart was beating so fast that he thought that it would burst out of his chest.
His palms were sweating, his knees were weak, and his arms were becoming heavy, as his thoughts went in to overdrive.
He only had that feeling around her.
He only felt like his life was complete, when he was around her.
He was absolutely and completely in love with Larissa Cohen.
And that didn't scare him, at all.
"Lis, can we talk?"
Zahra Bailey entered the café in Monaco where her best friend was sat in, a cup of coffee in her hand.
Larissa Cohen had moved in to Charles Leclerc's apartment in Monaco, and had been staying with him, there for a few days since she refused to go back to São Paulo, so she was seen in a certain café multiple times a week.
"If you buy me a double espresso, then sure." Larissa spoke, without looking at the Bailey woman.
Zahra nodded, ordering the drink that she knew was her best friends favorite drink, before she placed it down in front of her.
"Do you hate me?" Zahra questioned quietly, wringing her hands together as nerves filled her body.
Zahra's eyes widened, before she thought about something. "Are you sure? Because, you walked off and looked mad at me. Are you sure you don't hate me? I mean, I completely get it if you do, because I didn't tell you what I did, but I just wanted to protect you."
Larissa leant back in her seat as she nodded her head. "You've said all that and still not got it, have you?"
Zahra frowned. "What?"
"You did it to protect me. Why would I hate you? Why would I be mad at you?" Larissa watched the woman in confusion, seeing Zahra's face fill with surprise.
"I thought that you hated me, for what I did."
Larissa shrugged her shoulders nonchantly. "Eh, you said that he was trying to kill me in the hospital, so you saved my life. I just needed time to think things through and come to terms with what he admitted but I could never hate you, Z."
Zahra jumped abruptly up from her seat, making the Cohen girl jump as she ran to her beat friends side, wrapping her arms around the Cohen girl in happiness.
"I love you so much, lis."
Larissa stared at the ground as she struggled to hold back a smile.
"I love you too, Z."
"Hey boys."
Lando Norris screamed in happiness at the sight of his best friend, running towards her as she held her arms out open for him.
Lando barrelled in to the Brazilian, hugging her as tightly as he could since he had been so worried about her since he had seen her crash.
Larissa giggled as Lando squeezed her, whilst making sure that he was careful in not harming her where she was in pain, which was mainly her wrists, ankles and the backs of her hands due to the flames.
"Hey, lissy. I was so worried about you!" Lando spoke, his voice muffled as he buried his face in to her long dark hair.
"I'm the terminator, what can I say?" Larissa giggled, before she was pulled in to another hug, one that was much more gentle than that of the Norris boy.
"Maybe you can say, 'I'll be back' in a dodgy German accent?" Alex Albon winked at his best friend, hugging her as gently as he possibly could.
"Albono, my German accent is not dodgy! It's better than Mick's!" Larissa wrapped her arms around the torso of the Albon boy, relishing I'm his hugs that were always super gentle.
"Oh sure." George Russell teased the girl, a soft look on his face that he always held for her. "If that's the case, then my Brazilian accent is better than yours."
"And mine!" Nicholas Latifi laughed at his former team mate, seeing her mock the both of them by intimating them.
George wrapped his arms around the Brazilian as he lifted her up in the air, spinning her around, before he placed her down on the ground, kissing the top of her head affectionately.
Nicholas held his hand out in a fist for her, grinning as she gave him a fist bump before they did their usual handshake, one that included kicking each others feet and jumping in to each others sides.
The group laughed as it was as if Larissa had never left Formula Two, as if she was still competing against them, and it made every single one of them look forward to being able to race against her once more.
Though, they all knew that she would completely destroy all of them on the track, and they all knew that she could do it blindfolded.
It was the pros and cons of being best friends with a Cohen.
Larissa Cohen, in fact.
Lewis Hamilton had just left a meeting with his team principal at Mercedes.
And as he left, he found his little sister stood outside, stood in Mercedes merch.
"Toto isn't here, you can take the merch off now." Lewis laughed, shaking his head as he pulled the girl in to his side, with the pair leaving the Mercedes garage together.
"Oh, fucking finally." Larissa groaned in happiness as she pulled the cap that held the badge of Mercedes on, off of her head, before placing it back in to her bag.
"Considering you're most likely joining Mercedes, you don't seem to like to wear our merch." Lewis laughed as Larissa climbed in to his car.
"It's not Nico Rosberg merch, so of course I don't." Larissa noticed the look that she was recieving from her brother, and sent him a wink.
"Don't be such a sour wolf, Lew. Nico is my friend too." Larissa gave him a sad look, noticing how the man's face fell as soon as the words left her mouth.
Lewis sighed as he drove, with one of his hands on the wheel, whilst the other held the hand of his sister.
"I'm sorry, lis." Lewis apologised to the girl, squeezing her hand. "I know that he's your friend, and I can't stop you from hanging out with him, but you know that we don't like each other."
Larissa nodded her head. "Yeah, but you used to! Why can't you go back to that time? Why do I always have to watch when I say when I'm around the two of you? It's not fair! I care about the both of you, and when I'm with you, I have to pretend like he's not my friend."
"And then, when I'm with him I have to pretend that you're not my friend, or my brother. It's not fair."
Lewis pulled up on the side of the road, to comfort her, seeing that she was getting emotional.
The Hamilton man cupped her cheeks with his hands, using his thumbs to wipe the tears that leaked out of her eyes away, before he leant forwards and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head.
"I'm so sorry, Lis. I am so so sorry."
"I'm hiding from Lucy, stop talking to your rear wing."
Max Verstappen couldn't help but laugh as he noticed the young girl that he cared deeply for, crouched behind his car.
"Are you training again already after your crash?" Max questioned the girl as he moved slightly further away, so it didn't look like he was talking to his car.
"No, of course not." Larissa rolled her eyes. "We just like playing hide and seek. Of course I'm training again, maxie."
Max chuckled at the sarcasm in her tone, before his eyes caught the advancing figure of Lucy Appleton.
"Lucy! My favorite person!"
Max ran up to the trainer, pulling her in to a hug and turning her body around slightly as he lifted her up, which allowed Larissa to flee from her hiding spot.
Larissa fled from the Red Bull garage, narrowly avoiding her trainer who was being held up by the Dutch boy.
She was not doing Lucy's workouts, which were practically murder.
She owed Max her life.
Once again, no idea what this is, so it's once again being called....
🌠Ruby's mind vibes🌠
Enjoy whatever the hell this is.
And if you got the references that I added as I listening to music and watching a TV show, then you're awesome
Love you all
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