Luiz Cohen was a loveable idiot.
Sebastian Vettel knew that much about his best friend and mentor, with the young German man struggling to contain his laughter at how the twenty five year old Luiz Cohen had somehow managed to steal or borrow as he called it, a donkey from a nearby shelter.
The man wasn't riding on it, of course, but he was happily walking alongside it, and even occasionally running alongside the animal with excitement that could only be described by the word childlike.
He was a massive kid, it was hilarious.
The two men and their pet donkey were on their way to meet their other friends, Kimi Raikonnen and Michael Schumacher, and they both couldn't actually wait to introduce the animal to them.
Mainly because Luiz had been determined to name the donkey after one of them, risking being punched in the face by the man so lucky to have a donkey named after him.
He had always wanted a pet growing up, but unfortunately with him having grown up in favelas for most of his childhood until his parents were able to move in to a house with two bedrooms, there was never a chance for him to own one.
He still wasn't allowed one even in adulthood, his wife Sara having refused him to bring any animal back in case that it attacked their young daughter, even though his daughter herself had also been begging for an animal to have as a pet.
He was tempted to make a stable in the garden of their family home to make their newest friend comfortable, and to make both his daughter and himself very happy, but he knew that Sara would kill him if he did so.
"Nice donkey, you've got there."
Michael Schumacher laughed as both Kimi and himself met up with the other two drivers, seeing the donkey tilting its head slightly as if it was trying to understand what he said, which of course, it wouldn't.
Because it was a donkey, and probably didn't speak English.
"Strange, it reminds me of somebody."
Kimi Raikonnen smirked as he made sure to stay away from the donkey, who looked incredibly muddy, his mouth staying shut as to who it reminded him of in case that it offended his best friend.
He didn't want to insult the Cohen's man wife to his face, after all.
Since Sara was not a nice person, Kimi always took it amongst himself to make the jokes whenever they would spot some ugly creature, joking that it had the same personality of the woman.
Luiz just rolled his eyes at the words leaving his best friends lips, figuring out that he was thinking about his wife, knowing that he had never liked her.
Not many people did.
"He's only gone and named it."
Sebastian Vettel laughed amongst his best friends, seeing their eyes widening slightly as his words fully registered inside of their heads, which quickly snapped to the Brazilian who was beaming with pride.
"Go on, what idiot did you name it after?" Kimi chuckled, whilst Michael had walked towards the donkey, stroking its fur with his hand, which the animal did actually seem to enjoy it.
"And now I would like to present to you, an idiot who doesn't talk, otherwise known as Kimi Raikonnen the second."
"ME?? You named that thing after me?!!" The Raikonnen man practically screamed as the other three men began to laugh loudly, the sounds echoing in the air around them, making it sound like the whole world was laughing at him.
"You should be honored." Michael laughed, tears leaving his crystal blue eyes from how hard that he was laughing, his chest tightening and aching from how little oxygen was going in to his lungs as he wheezed at the unimpressed look on the face of the Finnish man.
"Yeah! I want to try and take it home so that Larissa has a pet, I might need your help to smuggle it in without Sara noticing." Luiz smiled sheepishly.
"Sara notices everything." Sebastian released a scoff, knowing from first hand experience that the woman the Cohen man was married to, did in fact notice everything.
Like when he was on babysitting duty with Larissa and he had tried to give her an extra ice cream secretly. Sara had rushed from the house next door from doing work or something to stop him giving it to her.
By doing so, she had made her daughter cry, because Larissa didn't like it when her mother would raise her voice at people, especially her cool uncle Sebby who always gave her extra treats.
Especially at races.
"Well Michael can distract her and you two can help me sneak it in."
"Not happening."
Kimi shook his head from side to side a couple of times, his arms folded in front of his chest. One of his eyebrows was raised at the Brazilian man in annoyance, who eventually relented.
"Fine. I'll try and bribe Pete to let him keep Kimi Raikonnen the second in his back garden."
"What the actual fuck are you on?"
Zahra Bailey screamed at her best friend as she ran to congratulate her for yet another race win, her heels echoing loudly on the asphalt as she did so, the brightest of smiles plastered all over her face.
"An intense workout that is killing me, that's what!"
Larissa Cohen grinned as her best friend collided with her body, the two women hugging as tightly as they could since they couldn't quite believe what had gone on in the race that had just finished.
The Cohen girl had started from the pit lane after being ordered to start there by the FIA due to engine changes, and somehow had managed to climb her way all the way up the field until she came out on top, winning the race with a four second lead.
Which was incredibly difficult, considering that it was the Monaco Grand Prix and a city circuit where overtakes were very hard to do and also very dangerous.
Since she had won in Bahrain, she had won every single race of the season after that, which had been the Chinese grand prix, the Azerbaijan grand prix and the Spanish grand prix.
It also meant that Larissa Kimi Cohen was leading the championship and at the top of the standings with points.
"Well whatever torture Lucy is putting you through, I'm telling ya, it's working! You're unstoppable Lis!" Zahra beamed with pride, having supported her best friend throughout the whole journey.
Their uncle Sebby had come second in his ferrari at Monaco, her current team mate finishing third, Max finishing fourth and her old team mate Pierre Gasly finishing in fifth.
Her boyfriend Charles, however, did not finish the race, which she knew that she would have to console him about, prepared to have him crying to her about how he felt like he had let his country down.
Which he hadn't.
"Of course I am! I'm a Cohen!" Larissa teased her best friend, before she took notice of a figure standing a little distance away with a large smile on their face.
Larissa squealed as she ran over to see her best friend, who was still happily dating Zahra, hugging him tightly as he lifted her up in to air and spinning the Brazilian around since he was so proud of what she had become.
"I'm in the presence of a Cohen! I am blessed!"
Esteban Ocon grinned happily at his two favorite girls, both of whom sidled their way in to his side and hugged him tightly.
Since he had not had a seat for the 2019 season, he was a test driver, but he didn't mind it so much. It meant that he could spend more time with his girlfriend, who now lived with him, and watch his best friend win every single race and kick ass.
The French man placed a soft kiss on to the tops of both girls heads, making Zahra lift her head to press her lips softly to his, kissing the man that she was so lucky to have in her life.
Larissa, on the other hand, starting making gagging noises in the background, rolling the brown of her eyes as her face scrunched up with disgust.
The two lovebirds pulled back to turn their heads to face her, the pair of them lifting their hands to each flip her off, laughing as she immediately returned the gesture to the both of them.
"Fuck the both of you, lovebirds." The Brazilian laughed, her smile infectious and bright, appearing to be almost blinding. "I'm off to find Pierre and Charles."
Zahra and Esteban waved teasingly goodbye to the Mercedes driver as she ran away from them, still loudly making gagging noises which only earned weird looks from the people around her.
As soon as she noticed the French and the Monégasque, she ran as fast as she could towards them, too fast as she skidded to a stop when she collided with the side of her former team mate, sending the both of them to the ground.
They both shouted in pain before the laughter erupted, eyes closed for a couple of moments as they both bellowed in laughter, with the Monégasque watching on, his sad smile changing in to a happy one purely at the sight and sound of his love.
Larissa was the first of the two to stand back to her feet, offering both of her hands to the new Red Bull driver who accepted them, using them to pull himself to his feet.
Once he was back on her feet, he lightly shoved her in her arm, making her laugh and stumble away from him, though she soon hugged him tightly.
"P5 is great, docinho." Larissa pressed a soft kiss to his cheeks, with him returning the gesture instantly.
"As is a win, ma cheri." Pierre nudged her cheek with his hand teasingly, giggling and laughing as she tried to squirm away from him.
"And you-" The Cohen girl abruptly turned to face her boyfriend, seeing a smile fill his face now that he could properly see her full face. "Don't worry about it. I know that it's a home race and stuff, but you do your country proud just by racing with their flag."
Charles immediately surged forwards to cup her cheeks with the both of his hands, pressing a soft and gentle kiss to her plump lips, pulling back after a minute or so.
"If you're going to kiss me like that whenever you crash out and hit walls, I'll make you crash out more." Larissa laughed, pressing a soft and brief kiss to his lips, watching as his cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink.
"As long as it's not my home race again, sure." Charles laughed as he admired the beauty of the woman in front of him, his heart full with all of the love that she gave him.
"You know that things like that happen during a race, so you can't let it beat you down. You learn from mistakes and you be better." Larissa reassured him, soundly strangley wise.
"Who taught you that?"
"That would be Valtteri."
"Of course." The Leclerc boy laughed, wrinkles forming around his eyes as he did so, since she was always making him laugh.
Since she had won her first few races, she would always bring up a motivational quote or speech at times, and he knew that it was always one of the team at Mercedes who would teach her them.
It was yet another thing that he whole heartedly loved about her. To him, she was the most perfect human being to have ever walked the earth and so desperately wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
The two of them were so in their own little world that they didn't even see the proud smile on the face of the Galsy man, his phone in his hand as he repeatedly snapped photos of the adorable couple.
He was so taking credit for them getting together.
Skipped races, but Larissa is winning in the standings so far!! As she should!
What do you think?
By the way, because now we all know that I am the most forgetful person ever, is there any plot holes/unanswered questions in the book that haven't been brought up and mentioned yet?
Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all soon for the next one,
I'm so proud of all of you, my loves
Love you all,
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