V for vendetta
In the dark of the night on copper-9 a lone worker drone is seen running for dear life while someone or something is heard in the distance. Jumping over metal and rocks the drone silently begs to robo-god as the sounds of footsteps rang out and quickly approached. The drone looks back only for a bullet to shred through his leg making him scream and fall to the ground. He whimpers as a shadow looms over him and transforms into a familiar figure who reaches out towards him.
A muffled scream is heard and the camera pans up to show Helex, Vos and Kaon drinking oil from metal made cups while inside Helex's chest in his incinerator the worker drone was slowly getting melted screaming for help.
Helex: Ain't nothing like a good ol cup of oil to warm the core on a chilly night.
Kaon: Amen to that brother I love it better when our victims screams while being boiled alive for our brew.
Worker drone:
Kaon: (Sigh) Simply magnificent.
Vos: 给我的舵机播放音乐 (Music to my servos.)
Helex: So you guys feel like hunting a few more drones tonight?
Kaon: You bet. I heard there's a small shelter nearby filled with tons of worker drones. It's an all you can drink oil buffett.
Helex: Shame tarn and tesarus couldn't join us though.
Kaon: The boss has gone undercover to watch and observe the emo bot. Apparently she's important. Tesarus though is staying round that N chick he doesn't trust her.
Helex: None of us do I know that she'll turn back to that drone honestly I say we should kill her. Drop her when tarn isn't looking.
Kaon: (Smirks) That's a great idea once we get back we'll tell tesarus to get his grinder ready and besides nobodies gonna miss that useless pile of junk anyway.
The three laugh as they approach a small open bunker and ready themselves for the slaughter that's about to occur.
Back at base tesarus was drinking oil straight from a drones decapitated head while V stared at him with disgust. N was sitting on a chair looking at her picture of Y/N remembering all the times she had with him.
N: (Why did it have to be you Y/N? You were so kind and loving. You were one of the only humans that cared for me and the others.)
Tesarus: Hey HIC! You inferior model! HIC! Still looking at that pansy on the photo!?
V tightened her fist looking at tesarus who was tumbling on his feet his face covered in oil.
Yep that's right turns out even murder drones can get pissfaced if they drink enough. They really are not any better then us humans.
Don't believe me?
How about now?
N: No i-i'm not I was just-
Tesarus: Buuuulllshiiiiit! You were eyeing up that little shit while playing with your nasty cunt you disgusting whore BAAAAHAHAHAHA!
Tesarus: (Burp) Da fuck did you just say to me?
V: Shut your mouth talking about Y/N like that! He was more important to us then you are to anyone else. I bet tarn doesn't even give two robo-fucks about you.
Tesarus: Ohhhh tough talk for an inferior model! You want that little meatbag to pummel your worthless ass that badly?! Hahahahaha!
V: You better shut the hell up or so help Jcjenson I'm gonna-
At this point even N was getting pissed at the cocky drunk tesarus and was about to start throwing hands. But V beat her to the punch and flew into him sending him flying out the pod and out into the frozen wasteland.
V: N if you want to be real useful right now then help me teach this punk a lesson.
N: R-right!
Tesarus burps and regains his footing activating the blades within his stomach.
Tesarus: Alright thats it you two ARE SCRAP YOU HEAR ME?! SCRAP!
Meanwhile inside of the bunker "Tyrian" calmly sits himself down in his seat inside the classroom. He had applied to class mainly because it was a way to constantly monitor Uzi who was uncomfortable knowing that there was a genocidal murder drone in tbe room who could kill evreyone if he chooses to do so.
Lizzy: Hey Tyrian~
Tyrian turns back and faces lizzy.
Tyrian: Yes lizzy?
Lizzy: Soooooo I heard the proms coming up soon and I was wondering if you were planning to go with anybody... special.
Tyrian: No not really.
Lizzy: Then maybe you could go with me and the girls? It'll be a good time I promise~
Tyrian: Sounds like a great idea. (If that's what it'll take to shut you up.)
Lizzy: Like that's sooooo great you and me are gonna be prom king and prom queen!
Rebecca: O.M.G lizzy you two are destined for real.
Kelsey: Settle.
To tyrians relief the bell rings out ending the class.
Uzi: (Oh thank robo-god now I can get away from tarn.)
Thad: Yo see you after school tyrian? I got a deck of cards with your name on it.
Lizzy: See you later future hubby!
Tryian breaths a heavy sigh of relief and leaves the class in a quick stride. The things he does for his goals he couldn't understand how other people can contend with school. The mundane lessons were enough to drive him mad.
If he had feelings he would be depressed right now.
Then again that's what school does to you.
He struts down the corridor towards another classroom. He walks into the empty room and sighs reverting back to his usual form.
Tarn: Ugh for spark sake I don't know how much longer I can keep up this little charade.
He looks into a mirror flashing his absolute solver in the reflection.
Tarn: But still I must persist whatever this is doorman also seems to possess it. I need to know what it can do and how big of threat it could make her.
Tarn holds his head in pain as voices ring out.
Tarn: Argh what in the world?
????: Hey N you look wonderful in that dress.
????: Come on J cut the girl a break.
????: It's okay to be nervous V let's take this one step at a time.
????: Your such a little terror tess.
????: Hey cyn....you look beautiful today.
????: Girls I'm......dying.
Tarn groans before slowly regaining composure he was starting to wonder if these voices and images were more then a mere glitch in his system.
????: Итак... у вас тоже есть один. (So......you have one too.)
Tarn: Huh?
Tarn turns around and comes face to face with doll who was blocking the door.
Back with Kaon, Helex and Vos the three murder drones were anxiously approaching a bunker that serves as a safe haven for rebel worker drones. But that won't save them this time because the DDJD were not your everyday murder bots.
Kaon: (Grins) Ohhhh I'm looking forwards to this. The one with the least kills clean the pods.
Helex: I was gonna suggest we take a few shots of oil.
Kaon: We gotta be careful not to drink too much. You know that's what got tesarus addicted.
Vos: 我真的需要向尼姆指出这一点。(We really need to speak to him about that.)
Helex: Yeah he's got serious problems.
The three approach the entrance of the bunker and to thier suprise find the door open and splattered across the walls were traces of oil.
Vos: 小天狼星。(Curious)
Helex: This is a first. You think tarn popped by for a visit?
Kaon: I don't think so.
Kaon spots a drones body in the distance and goes to investigate it. The body was mauled beyond recognition and it had its throat torn off.
Kaon: The wounds aren't his usual MO something else tore through here something else then us or the other disassembly drones.
A worker drone screams somewhere in the shelter.
Vos: 这就是风格。(Something that's still here.)
Helex: Let's go and scooby doo this crap.
The three drones head towards where the scream originated from. Electricity passed through Kaon's hand and flames in Helex's chest flared up. They had to be careful they had no idea what they're going up against.
The three walk into a large meeting room where they find a worker drone who runs towards them as growling echoed nearby.
Kaon: (Looks like our pray is coming to us!)
Two shadows pounce from the darkness and pin the drone down before they tore him to shreds. The three murder drones were taken back and watched as the two animals bit into the workers corpse. They then turn to face kaon who has a small smirk growing on his face.
Kaon: (Laughs) Well, well, well.....
Look what the drones dragged in.
Tesarus glares at V and N and activates his blades making a slit throat gesture towards them.
Tesarus: Miserable traitors I'm gonna grind you both into an oil paste!
V: In your dreams you oversized blender! N stick with me!
The two disassembly drones charge tesarus thrusting thier nanite acid tails at him but they end up deflecting off his armour.
N: Huh!?
Tesarus: Hah nice try!
Tesarus grabs the two by the neck throwing V into a boulder and grabbing N with two smaller pincers by the side of his head.
Tesarus: Advanced armour. Its a hell of a thing.
The rotor blades in tesarus's chest start spinning faster as he slowly pulls N towards them.
Tesarus: Ima tear you up!
N groans and pulls out her hand cannon shooting tesarus in the face forcing him to drop her letting her fly over to V.
Tesarus: Ah what a cheap shot!
N pulls V up from the floor brushing off the rubble.
N: His armour is too thick what do we do!?
V glares at tesarus who groaned holding his left eye that was damaged by N's attack.
Tesarus: Oh that hurt!
V: Go for his eyes or any soft spots in his armour! Those are his weak points!
Tesarus: (Growls) That was a lucky blow I'm not playing around with you defects anymore!
From his back six thick shields attached to beams of metals formed from his back and two compartments opened on his legs allowing him to take two long sharp blades and arm himself.
Tesarus smirks as he takes a metal flask and quickly downs a swig.
Tesarus: Haha you want the big guns? Well now you got em!
Tesarus gathers the shields together and charges towards V and N.
♫ Red sun ♫
V and N flies up and tries to attack from above but tesarus blocks the attacks by using two of his shields.
♫ Red sun over paradise ♫
Tesarus: You gotta HIC do better than that!
♫ Red sun ♫
N uses her saws to deflect a swing from tesarus's blades being pushed to the ground by the sheer force. V avoids a swing but gets grabbed by his two small pincers.
V: Gah!
Tesarus: GOT YA!
♫ Red sun over paradise ♫
Tesarus swings his blade down but V opens her wings throwing Tesarus off of her swopping to the side avoiding the blade which cracks the ground. V tries to strike from the side but once again the shields merely deflect the attack.
♫ Golden rays of the glorious sunshine ♫
N notices the shields have a weakpoint when Tesarus raises them and swoops towards him tricking him into raising one.
♫ setting down such a blood red light ♫
Once the shield was fully raised N used her saws to cut the shields support making it fall to the ground.
Tesarus: How the hell!?
V: Not so invincible now are you!?
♫ Now the animals slowly retreat to the shadows ♫
V ducks a swing from the murder drones slicing off his lower left shield.
Tesarus: No!
♫ out of sight ♫
Tesarus: I've had it with you!
Tesarus kicks V away and enters a sword lock with N who had trouble holding her own.
Tesarus: I'll make you wish you never stepped foot on this damn planet!
♫ Arid winds blow across the mountains ♫
N goes for a strike but tesarus deflects it throwing her hands to the side and impaling N with one of his blades.
V: N!!
Tesarus: Hehe so pathetic.
Tesarus smirks and flicks the drone off his blade licking the oil on the sword as N held her stomach whimpering.
Tesarus: Your a disgrace to the company.
♫ Giving flight to the birds of prey ♫
Seeing N wounded made V's oil boil and she screamed transforming into her disassembly form and went berserk.
♫ in the distance machines come to transform Eden ♫
In her rage full state V clawed through two of the four remaining shields and then melted through the last two with her tail. Tesarus swung his sword but she knocked it back and clawed tesarus in the face.
Tesarus: GAH!!!
♫ Day by day ♫
♫ Only love is with us now ♫
♫ Something warm and pure ♫
♫ Find the peace within ourselves ♫
♫ No need for a cure ♫
V uses her saws and the two go scrap for scrap tesarus uses his combined blade to try and mow down V but she stands her ground and pushes him back.
Tesarus pulls back and unleashes a heavy attack trying to decapitate V but she ducks under it darts forward and jabs her tail into a lightly armoured part in his arm. The nanite acid slowly started to eat away his arm.
Tesarus charges at V rotor blades spinning in a final ditch attempt to kill her but V brings her two arms together and delivers a powerful uppercut and then bites down onto his weakned arm and rips it off leaving him defenceless.
♫ RED SUN! ♫
V then plunges her tail into tesarus's left eye melting it and then flies up and swoops down delivering a powerful heel kick that knocks the drone out cold.
V had done it she had defeated tesarus showing him that if he fucks around he's sure as shit gonna find out.
V: Suck on that.
She spits on him and then runs over to N who squirming on the ground holding the large wound in her stomach.
V: N...
N: (Groans) V......did you....beat him?
V: Yeah I did N but now we gotta get you patched up.
V gentle opened N's coat exposing her stomach.
V: Stay still I'm gonna use my drool to fix you up.
N: (Blushes) O-okay.
V gently licks the wound using her saliva to patch it up and then she turned N around and licked her other side closing the wound on her back all the while N was laughing.
V: There it'll take a while for the scar to go away but you'll.....w-why are you laughing?
N: Hahahahaha sorry I'm just really ticklish hahahaha!
V rolls her eyes around with a small smile the two then walk over to the unconscious tesarus.
N: What should we do with him?
V:......Leave him.
N: But what if he tells tarn what we did?
V: He won't because one he'll be deactivated for a while from the thrashing I gave him and two he was over-energised. Do you think he'll remember anything when he was woozy on oil?
N:.......Good point. Man what a crazy night I think I just wanna get back to the pod.
V: Yeah let's go.
N walks back to the pod V looks up to the night sky and smiled.
V: I hope you were watching Y/N.....that was for you.
She sees an image of Y/N in her head and then slowly returns to the pod.
Doll and tarn stared at one another tension filled the room both drones refusing to leave the others sight.
Doll: Наконец-то я встретил печально известного тарна. Я с нетерпением ждал этой встречи. (At long last i get to meet the infamous tarn. I've been looking forward to this meeting.)
Tarn: Oh is that so? I didn't know I had a fanbase.
Doll: О, так ты меня понял? (Oh so you understand me?)
Tarn: I come with a built in language translator. Comes in real handy when having to understand vos's fluent chinese language.
Doll: Хороший. Этот разговор не будет таким сложным. (Good. This conversation won't be so complicated)
Tarn: Yes let's cut to the chase seeing that you've been pursuing me.
Doll gave Tarn a suprised look.
Tarn: Oh don't give me that look I'm not a complete fool. I knew you saw through my disguise the moment you layed your visor upon me unlike evrey other drone in this bunker. You came to me wanting something didn't you?
Doll: Да. (Yes)
Tarn: And by any chance would it be about your mother?
This made doll stumble back.
Tarn: Hehehe judging by your reaction it is. Yes I know about your mother yeva and her near death encounter with V. Truth be told I was impressed by her skill. Somehow someway V found a way into the bunker which even still wonder the likes of i-
A flashback shows yeva having her leg sliced off by V who was about to put a bullet through her.
Tarn: It seemed to be over for her right? There V was ready to put a bullet in her but then.....your father made the ultimate sacrifice.
Doll's father sees what was about to happen and stands in front of V taking the fatal shot.
Doll: ПАПА! (DAD!)
Yeva: НЕТ! (NO!)
Tarn: In a bid to make sure his sacrifice was not in vain your mother "teleported" you and herself out of the bunker and into an old long forgotten factory.
Yeva screams and the room glitches out and the mother and daughter are teleported away into a room inside a factory. Yeva groans in pain and doll helps her sit down on a crate tending to her missing leg.
Tarn: Sounds like a miracle doesn't it? Saved by your heroic father at the very last second. V did give up on finding you but she did tell a few....drones about her experience.
The flashback skips ahead to when the DDJD arrived. Few days pass and V is seen chatting with Vos and Kaon who look at eachother and head out.
Tarn: Those two didn't need my permission.....they what needed to be done.
The scene changes to Yeva getting electrocuted by Kaon who then kicks her into a wall.
Tarn: And even with her power in her crippled state she was no match for the two's ruthless onslaught.
Doll teleports to the entrance and hears her mothers scream and immediately runs to her aid.
Tarn: You ran, ran and ran hoping to save her.
Kaon: Hah not so tough are you worker drone?
Vos: 你的奇特伎俩现在救不了你了。(Your fancy tricks won't save you now.)
Kaon circled round behind her. Yeva Panics and launches a red digital bomb at vos who jumps back from the explosion. The blast causes rubble to fall on Kaon who is then trapped off screen.
Tarn: With kaon out the way it was only Vos she had to contend with. But she was weak, wounded so in a desperate attempt to save herself-
Vos charges and Yeva screams out holding out her two hands making a barrier around her separating her and Vos.
Tarn: She created a force field saving her from my comrade.
The flashback stops and tarn walks over to doll who had backed into a courner and he kneeled down to her eye level.
Tarn: But she made one crucial mistake didn't she?
The flashback resumes and Yeva walks to vos who watched from the other side of the field.
Yeva: Вот... теперь ты ни черта не можешь делать. Ваша внезапная атака оказалась напрасной. (There......now you can't do shit. Your surprise attack was in vain.)
Vos however did not react to the taunt in anger. He merely placed his hand on his visor and pointed out his fingers and said-
Vos: 二。(Two.)
Yeva: И что это значит? (And what does that mean?)
Vos: 二。(Two.)
Yeva: Два? Два чего? (Two? Two what?)
Vos then points to himself.
Vos: Vos.
He then points to behind Yeva.
Vos: Kaon.
Yeva looks behind her and sees a pile of junk move and then sees something that makes her oil run cold.
Tarn: While Yeva was safe from Vos she was now trapped inside of her little bubble........With Kaon.
One of the most sadistic drones in my squad.
Doll runs through the halls of the factory when she hears her mothers blood curdling scream and runs towards the source.
Tarn: Now you didn't see what they did to her only the aftermath of thier handiwork.
Doll sees the light coming from the forcefield and runs into the room where vos was waiting for her.
Tarn: But from what those two told me-
Doll's eyes widen and a look of horror falls upon her face.
Doll: (Tears up) Н-н-нет.....(N-n-no....)
Tarn: The things they did were....Well......let's just say-
Were not pleasant.
Doll screams seeing her mothers decapitated head and the flashback ends where doll is seen falling to the floor screaming.
Tarn: Oh I am awfully sorry have I triggered some form of PTSD? I do apologise.
Tarn looks down on Doll who was shaking violently her solver glitching in her eye.
Tarn: So that's why I assume you came to me? You hoped I would lead you to those who murdered your family? That you wanted my consent for you to hunt for them? Well I say this.
Tarn flashes his solver at doll.
Tarn: Go right ahead. I mean Kaon and Vos didn't need my permission to kill your mother so why should you need mine to kill them? By all means do proceed I'm interested to see how you could overcome those two. I will not intervene it is a kill or be killed world after all.....survival of the fittest. I am already preoccupied with matters here but I do request you keep this little meeting between us a secret. I don't wish for you to ruin my plan because if you do then I'll have no choice but to terminate you myself and if you thought those two were bad you should see how I deal with my prey.
Tarn laughs and transforms into his drone worker form.
Tyrian: I hoped you enjoyed this talk as much as I did. I must attend with this new found power of mine and find out just what it's capable of.
Tyrian opens the classroom door and looks back at the traumatised drone.
Tyrian: До свидания. (Bye now.)
Tyrian closes the door behind him leaving doll the sit on the floor rocking back and forth crying and repeating her mothers name.
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