The promening PT 2
The lights turn on in Doll's residence as Doll, Lizzy, and Uzi enter the room with the digital Y/N by her side.
Y/N: Oh this room is....abhorrent.
Lizzy: Ugh Doll do you ever clean?
Doll: Я повесила простынь. Они спят. (I put a sheet up. They're sleeping.)
Uzi refrains from stepping on one of the bugs and glances up to the ceiling.
Uzi: Hey so thanks for having me but now that my dad thinks I'm here I'm actually gonna-
Uzi starts walking towards the door, but it abruptly shuts spooking her and Y/N.
Y/N: What in the!?
Lizzy: You're hilarious. She's hilarious. You should get ready! You're gonna look so cute -in a brave way!
Uzi rolls her eyes and jumps back as Doll appears right behind her. She then notices the trash bin full of the same missing posters.
Doll: Ванная по коридору налево. (Bathroom is down the hall to the left.)
Uzi grimaces, backing away with a thumbs-up gesture as Y/N looks at Doll in suspicion until they hear a knock on the door.
????: Lizzy? It's tyrian. May I come in?
Lizzy: Course you can come on in!
Y/N: (Oh no....)
The door opens and in steps tyrian now in a posh black tuxedo with a purple tie matching his iconic mask greeting the girls with a silent nod. Doll remained calm although hiding a slight twinge of fear while lizzy squealed blushing at the sight before her while uzi was worried but Y/N was horrified and disgusted by the dark reflection in front of him.
Tyrian: Good evening to you all I hope we're ready for the prom.
Lizzy: (Blushes) Oh my gooood! Tyrian you look amazing did you dress like that for little ol me?
Tyrian: Of course i aim to please. (I cannot wait to deactivate you you annoying vile witch.)
Lizzy: Awwww you shouldn't have.
Tyrian: (to doll) Nice to see you aswell.
Doll nods.
Tyrian: (To uzi) And miss doorman soo glad you could attend! You have a dress and evreything.
Y/N: Just play along uzi...
Uzi: Uhhh yeah g-great! Love being here I was just umm...going to get dressed.
Tyrian: Then I won't hold you up.
Uzi takes her chance and backs away into the bathroom closing the door.
Lizzy: Oh wait tyrian could you go outside for quick second? Me and doll need a little girl to girl chat.
Tyrian: Of course lizzy I'll give you some privacy.
Tyrian walks outside smiling behind the mask and listens in behind the door.
The scene then cuts to N and V in the pod with Vos, ravage, Helex and knockout watching them.
N: Uhh V if you're hiding something we can figure it out together. Even if we each only have pieces. Please what do you know-
V Slices N's head off with her tail.
V:What's best for you. Even if you hate me for it...
She turns around to walk out the pod.
Knockout: And where are you going hmmm?
V turns to the other disassembly drones.
V: To break into the bunker and kill all the drones.
Vos: 那我们就来帮助你。(Then we're coming to assist you)
Helex: The rest of you can go I'll keep my eyes on tesarus.
Knockout: About time I needed some action.
V: Fine whatever let's go.
Knockout grins and transforms into his mode of choice being a flashy red sports car.
Evreyone looks at him in disbelief.
Helex: A sports car knockout? Not a tank or helicopter or a weapon? A god damn sports car?
Knockout: I like the way I look in steel-belted radials.
Uzi is in Doll's bathroom getting ready for the prom in front of the mirror when she spots Y/N appearing in the reflection in his suit.
Y/N: Hello uzi.
Uzi notices a distraught look in his eyes.
Uzi: Are you good?
Y/N: No truth be told not really.
Uzi: It's about tarn isn't it?
Uzi: Don't stress it we're gonna get your body back alright?
Y/N: I hope the way you look amazing in that dress.
Uzi looks away embarrassed by the complement and looks in the mirror looking at her dress and then Y/N's smile.
Uzi: I dont look that good.
Y/N: A lot better then tarn or that lizzy girl who sucks up to him. I've always loved the colour purple.
He gestures to his purple suit.
Y/N: I like how it sticks out its more colorful them most suit colours trust me.
Uzi: Yeah you look a lot better then i do.
Y/N: Don't doubt yourself uzi you look beautiful in that dress.
Uzi blushes and crosses her hands.
Uzi: Stop embarrassing me!
Y/N: I'm just stating the facts.
Uzi feels her heart beat rapidly for a moment before looking back at the mirror when the absolute solver symbol flashes on her eye almost cracking the screen.
Y/N: Huh!?
Uzi: Easy robo Satan. Not this mirror.
Y/N: Uzi was that the-
Uzi slowly removes her hand from her face. The symbol appears again and its shatters the glass.
Uzi: Shhhh!
Y/N: It was.....
Uzi: Y/N was that you?
Y/N: No-
Y/N/Tarns solver flashes in her right eye.
Y/N: That's my solver so that must have been yours.
Uzi: But I didn't do that so what or who did?
Y/N: I may.....have a hunch but I don't want to believe it....
Y/N hears muffled voices coming from the living room.
Y/N: Shhh uzi? You hear that?
Uzi pays attention and she too hears the muffling.
Uzi: Yeah.
She puts her head next to the wall.
Lizzy: (muffled) Dude no one will notice she's missing. Just do your thing and I'll let in V. We'll see you there!
Uzi: (backs away from the wall) Whaat the f-
Y/N: She's plotting to kill you uzi! We need to find a way to get you out of here!
But uzi doesn't respond.
Y/N: Uzi!?
He looks at uzi who had her eyes set on a bathtub. He looks at what's inside the bathtub and gasps in horror.
Back inside the spire N's head finally recovers and she sits up looking at where V once was and starts to panic.
N: Oh! No,no noooo!
She goes to stop V but stops looking at the dress on the skeleton.
N: No N no time.
She goes up the ladder but stops.
N: Dapper N.....
She picks up the dress and heads out while Helex watched. Deciding to let his friends deal with it he marks N for termination and focuses on tesarus who began to stir and reactivate.
Back with Uzi and Y/N they stared in horror at the bodies of the missing drones in the bath.
Y/N: Sweet Jesus on a cross! How could a worker drone do this to another!?
The two then suddenly hear footsteps coming closer.
Y/N: That's probably doll or worse Tarn!
Y/N spots a pile of mirrors that could be used as steps towards an open vent and points uzi towards it.
Y/N: Uzi use those mirror to climb up out of here quickly!
Uzi: Got it!
Uzi climbs into the vents just before doll enters the room and she stares at the mirrors and vents.
Doll: Как они по-русски любят говорить... 'Ой, я должна была предположить, что кто-то сможет убежать через вентиляцию используя выброшенные зеркала как ступеньки.' (As they say in Russian... 'Whoops, I should've predicted that someone could escape out of a ventilation shaft using a discarded mirrors as stairs.)
Outside the residence tyrian heard the commotion and chuckles happy to obtain such incriminating blackmail material until he got a notification. He growls seeing the order of termination for N and summons his cannon.
Tyrian: Looks like I'll have two traitors to destroy tonight.
Uzi climbs though the ventilation failing through an open vent outside the bunker entrance and continues running until she bumps into N.
Uzi: N?!
N: Uzi?
Y/N smiles seeing her face.
Y/N: It's actually her!
Uzi: Why are-
N: You look-
Uzi: How did-
N: I uh-
Uzi: I... think something bad-
N: I could help. But you probably don't want me...
Uzi: N-no! I could use the... help... of you... being there? (blushing) ...with me?
Happy to hear this N hugs Uzi.
N: Dapper buddies!
Uzi elbows her in the side she begins to smile while still blushing. Y/N smiled as memories of her sweet personality flooded into his head.
Y/N: (I'm happy to see you haven't changed a bit N. I just wish you could see me as I can see you...)
Inside the bunker the prom was in full swing. Thad breakdanced on the center floor trying to impress the teacher which didn't work. Other drones were bored while Lizzy hanged next to tyrian who had to hold back the urge to shoot her with his cannon when she wrapped her arm around his. Doll stood next to him waiting for V to make herself known unaware she would be bringing Vos, ravage and knockout with her who had by now received the orders to terminate Kaon and N.
Speaking of kaon he was chatting with Rebecca with the pet by his side having a laugh telling eachother jokes and stories.
Rebecca: And so I said hah date you Chad? I'd rather kiss the bottom of a rusty bucket!
Kaon laughs very nervously trying to hide the nervous look from his face. Turning to face the crowed he spots tyrian looking at him with a ominous stare and by his side was doll who was itching to settle the scores with him. Kaon drinks his oil with a terrified gulp but Rebecca noticed his look and grew concerned.
Rebecca: Hey are you alright kaon? You seem really nervous.
Kaon: No (Laughs) Me? A disassembly drone? Not in a million years.
But Rebecca wasn't buying it and took his hand.
Rebecca: I know your lying it's okay you can tell me anything.
Kaon looks at her he could see the concern in her visor and gives in sighing heavily.
Kaon: I've......I've been marked for termination.
Rebecca: What!?
Rebecca: Tarn knows I'm with you and he's sent out the order to kill me. He's cut me off from all Jcjenson communications and messages so I don't know what he or the others are planning and I think your Russian friends wants to off me too.
Rebecca: What doll? Why would she want to-
Kaon: I killed her mother Rebecca remember?
Rebecca: B-but you can stay with me-
Kaon: No I don't want you getting caught up with this Tarn wants me not you. After tonight I won't be seeing you again because I'll probably be dead.
Rebecca: (Tears up) No I don't want you to die h-how does that monster even know your here?
Kaon: You see tyrian over there?
Rebecca looks at tyrian seeing his killing look and she finally clocks on.
Kaon: He is no worker drone.
Rebecca: Oh my robo-god....all this time he's actually-
Lizzy: All right listen up nerds! We're doing this a little early, but since the entire prom court mysteriously disappeared your queen by forfeit is uh this!
V lands on the stage followed by ravage, Vos and knockout causing a stir in the crowd. V laughs as she wore a red dress that fitted onto her figure perfectly.
Knockout: I looooove making a dramatic entrance!
Worker drone: Murder drones!
Worker drone: WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!
Tyrian: (Whisper) I wasn't expecting them to be with her....
Doll grows enraged seeing Vos and V.
Vos: 毫无价值的工人无人机和叛徒拆卸无人机卡昂,我们来将你们撕成碎片!(Worthless worker drones and traitorous disassembly drone kaon we have come to tear you apart limb from limb!)
Lizzy: Easy judgey bots V is my friend don't know about the other three but they seem chill.
A large screen is lowered and proceeds to show a montage of selfies with V and Lizzy hanging out in various scenes.
Lizzy: She's done with the murder or whatever. We've been hanging!
Vos: 什么?!(You what!?)
V: Yess. Best friends. So easily manipulated... (stops cackling)... Prom queen? (looks to Lizzy)
Lizzy smiles shyly.
V: (Glances at the crown) Eugh.
Doll looks over her list of candidates now having one empty space she clutches it in her fists and cackles.
Lizzy: So forgive and forget or I'll get my dad to DOCK YOUR FREAKING GRADES! And you can't sit with us REBECCA!
Rebecca: Fine.....whatever.
Worker drone: She's kinda cute though.
The crowd starts applauding while Vos and ravage looked mad and knockout more confused.
Lizzy: Clap harder losers!
The crowd then start cheering.
Worker drone: Your dress is really cute.
She places the crown on V's head
Crowd: Speech! Speech! Speech!
V: I uh...
Knockout: Uhhhh Vos aren't we here to you knooow-
Vos: 不,我受够了这些胡言乱语!!(NO I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE!!)
Vos jumps down with ravage jumping down with him and looks towards Kaon.
Khan hears the commotion coming from the prom and tries to get inside but doll's solver blocks his way in.
Khan: No not the doors!
V: I was gonna kill evreyone after the be extra sinister.....what a buzz!
Doll looks at tyrian who nods in a way to say go ahead and she laugh as the symbol appears on her face. She spreads her fingers preparing to launch an attack when uzi barges in with N and Y/N.
Uzi: Unhand them you fieeeennd?... I'm confused.
Knockout: Would you look at that its traitor number two.
Tyrian: N....
Doll fixes her aim on V.
Lizzy: On second thought you're way hotter than Doll RUN idiot!
An explosion is launched at V holding her in place. Other drones attempt to escape the room but are crushed to death by debree.
Doll: Привет, Ви. (Hello, V.)
Doll shows V a flashback of her killing her dad.
Doll: Ладно, тебе всё понятно. (Anyway you get it.)
Doll tilts her head forcing a pole through V's midsection. V breaks one hand free firing at Doll but she creates a shield and blocks the attack.
Uzi: What is she doing?!
N: I don't know!
Y/N: Ask questions later uzi let's focus on saving V first!
Uzi: (Groan) Fine!
Kaon pushes Rebecca away as knockout charges towards him ramming kaon into the wall.
Koan: Agh! Grrrr.
Knockout: You know I was envious of that red shine your paint made.
Knockout turns his hand into a saw.
Knockout: And I'll always lament a finish flashier then mine.
As the saw nears his face kaon shocks knockout and kicks him into a table spilling fruit punch over his paint job. Ravage roars and runs towards Rebecca who ran towards the door but the pet pounced on him and engaged into a fight with claws and fangs gnawing at each others throat.
Kaon: Autta boy! Sic em!
Knockout groans getting up from the table. He looks at his chest and notices the scratches on his paint job along with the juice.
Knockout: (Dramatic gasp) I.JUST.BUFFED THAT! (To kaon) PREPARE FOR SURGERY!
Vos sees N trying to help V following orders he charges towards her ready to impale her but tyrian teleports in front of him kicking vos back. He fires his triple shot cannon intentionally missing and puts vos into an armlock.
Tyrian: (Whispers) Play along.
Understanding his leaders intentions he turns his arm into the barrel of his sniper mode and open fires making his leader jump over firing his cannon at minimum power sending him across the room.
Uzi: (Y/N what is tarn?-)
Y/N: Nevermind him we can deal with that tarn later!
Uzi groans as Doll tosses the ceiling fan in V's direction an attack that is blocked as N jumps in. Uzi follows quickly behind her with a knife to throw straight at Doll's face. The knife bounces right off and doll releases the lock from the door and all the surviving worker drones storm out including Rebecca except Khan who is hesitant.
Kaon: (Thank god Rebecca's gonna be safe.)
Knockout: Hey focus on me not her!
Kaon looks at knockout who takes a poker like device from his pockets and turns it on covering the tip in electricity.
Knockout: Get ready for a shocking good time!
Knockout swings at kaon who catches the weapon getting tased but is unaffected and smirks at knockout.
Knockout: Wait what!?
Kaon: Yeah use a electric weapon on a drone who can use and is immune to electricity.
Kaon zaps knockout in the head and grabs his legs swinging him towards the door and smacks into it right next to khan.
Knockout: My faaaace.
The pet jumps over a table while ravage fires a missle towards kaon but tyrian catches it with his solver and sends it at ravage blasting him unconscious before resuming his fight with Vos. Uzi, N and Y/N stand off against doll.
Doll: Узи, ты правда на стороне Дронов-Убийц? Я не единственная, кто потеряла из-за них семью. (Uzi, you would really side with the murder drones? I'm not the only one who's lost family to them.)
Uzi: Bite me! Whoever started this wants us to fight! I'm not dealing with anything well but I'm done dealing with everything alone. We move forward together or not at all.
Y/N: Well said!
Doll: Как мило... Но мне твоя помощь не нужна. (Cute... but I don't need help.)
Doll summons another pole that goes straight through N's leg. Two unidentified objects fly straight towards them but N pushes Uzi out of the way. Doll notices Khan trying to re-enter the room once he sees that Uzi is in danger so she shuts the door from behind her pushing knockout to the side. Another blade is thrown at Uzi that goes straight through her hand. Uzi pulls it out and arms herself. Y/N assists by using his solver to heal uzi his symbol flashing in her eyes much to doll's shock. Dolls point of view shows a red flashing screen that starts beeping as Uzi approaches. She attempts to throw another blade but Uzi swipes it away.
V's arm is seen pulling itself along the ground before N picks it up.
N: Is this...?
V: Mine!
V grabs it with her mouth.
Lizzy: Ew. You look like garbage.
V: You fricking traitor.
Lizzy: As if you weren't using me to try and kill everyone Ms petty. Where does this freaking go?
N: Thank you Lizzy!
Lizzy: Shut up loser.
V: Shut up loser!
Vos: 不!(N!)
Vos aims his gun at N!
Vos: 死!(DIE!)
V steps in pushing N out the way just as tyrian kick Vos away.
Tyrian: Allow me to handle this murderer.
Lizzy: Yeah go Tyrian beat him baby!
V: (To lizzy) Simp.
N: I'll go help uzi.
Vos stumbles back onto his feet and faced tyrian only to met by a cannon blast to the face knocking his face plate off making him scramble towards it.
Doll and Uzi continue their fight a knife is thrown into the stereo which Doll then takes to toss at Uzi again. Uzi with the help of Y/N and his solver jumps over it and arms herself with the microphone stand which she kicks towards Doll. Doll stops the stand in mid air and uzi picks up the knife and starts racing towards her but the stand is thrown back at her causing her to fall to the ground. The knife slides away and is gained by Doll once again who multiplies it and charges them towards Uzi but is blocked by N and a few were teleported away by Y/N as N offers Uzi a hand.
Uzi: (groans) Quit saving me!
N grabs her hand and twirls her around to avoid an attack from another unidentified object. Uzi catches the knife in her hand as it's thrown at her again but N pulls her in and she tosses it back to Doll. N shoots a missile in the same direction the knife barely misses doll's face and instead slides through a single strand of hair. An explosion occurs causing Doll to fall back.
Uzi clutches onto N's waist blushing.
Uzi: Seriously don't... do that again.
She also looked at Y/N who smiled.
N picks up Uzi and throws her forward right before she's hit by an entire table.
Doll is lifting both the remaining tables and Uzi into the air. Uzi jumps from table to table in an attempt to get closer to Doll. Doll twirls more blades her way but with a single kick Uzi is able to counterattack and snap Doll's wristband. Uzi jumps from the table and does a power kick straight to Doll's head. Y/N assist by shocking her systems damaging her circuits. As Doll prepares to attack she is suddenly shot in the head from behind by V.
Y/N: Jesus christ!
Uzi: V! We needed her for answers!
V: What? She's fine-uh eaahh...A little tuckered out.
Tyrian looks at Doll and sighs.
Tyrian: ( Shame....she would have been such a useful tool.)
N: V did that on purpose! She's hiding mystery stuff and being over dramatic about it!
V: N! You SUCK!
She punches N while Y/N looks at her in shock.
Y/N: (V......what happened to you?)
Vos picks up his faceplate and stumbles back onto his feet.
Kaon: Your beaten Vos give up!
Tyrian: Your outpowered and out numbered.
Seeing the state of his comrades and knowing he was against Tyrian, N,V kaon, the pet and uzi vos decides to do the smart thing and fall back.
Vos: 撤退并返回基地!但是记住我的话,叛徒们,我们会回来并消灭你们所有人!(Fall back and return to base! But mark my words traitors we will come back and we will exterminate you all!)
Knockout: Oh tarn gonna kill us!
Knockout grabs ravage who was still unconscious and follows Vos back up the vents leading back out of the bunker.
Uzi: YOU!
Uzi shouts and V and N both point at eachother as uzi picks up Doll's wristband from the ground.
Uzi: Lucky for you we're not done yet.
Y/N: We still need to get to the bottom of this.
Kaon: I could help you search around.
Kaon appraoches the team making uzi grow hostile.
Kaon: Woah easy I'm not gonna try anything.
Uzi: Yeah right coming from one of Tarns henchmen.
Y/N: Uzi.
Uzi looks at Y/N.
Y/N: Give him a chance.
Uzi: What? But he-
Y/N: Just trust me uzi.....
Uzi groans.
Uzi: Fine.
V: Who are you talking to?
Uzi looks at V and N.
N: Are you okay?
Y/N: Oh....right....(Frowns) They can't see me....
Uzi: Doesn't matter....(To kaon) Fine but no funny business.
Tyrian: I'm coming too.
Kaon: No your not......TARN.
Khan: WHAT!?
Tyrians eyes widened as all the drones inside the room heard what he had said including lizzy, thad, Rebecca, v and N.
Worker drone: Did he just say tarn!?
Kaon: Yes I did! He is right here in front of us!
Tyrian: Silence.....
Y/N: Uzi if we're gonna expose tarn it's now!
Kaon: He's been in disguise as Tyrian to get behind the bunker doors.
Uzi: He also broke into my room, kidnapped me and threatened to kill my dad if I told anyone!
Thad: Dude is this true?
N: Uh huh we saw it didn't we V? We were there when tarn bought uzi to our place!
V slowly nodded yes.
Lizzy: No way my hubby isn't that freak your just jealous!
Tyrian: And what form of evidence do you have of what your accusing me of?
Uzi: Helloooooo evreyone!? Deep voice? The purple getup? The massive cannon on his arm!? THE MASK THAT LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE TARNS!?
Khan and thad looked convinced while others didn't.
Y/N: (I can't believe they all don't believe her. Well I can give them just the evidence they need!)
Using his part of his solver Y/N's taps into Tarns systems and switches his drone form into his main form and his body begins to transform in front of all to see.
Kaon: You want solid proof? Well here he is.
The drones all gasp as Tyrian's true identity is revealed as none other then tarn which to any person with a basic IQ was painfully obvious. His giant figure stood out as the crowd screamed in horror.
Lizzy: (Gasp)
Kaon: Tarn leader of the DDJD in the metal.
Worker drone: Oh my robo-god it is him!
Khan: Uzi get away from him!
Tarn slowly starts to clap.
Tarn: Well played miss doorman well played. Exposing me in front of all to see. I should have figured the cat would come out of the bag eventually. But what I wouldn't have expected was help provided to you by a band of traitors.
Kaon: At least I won't be a mindless killing machine anymore!
V: I never liked you anyway! You were always soo cold and boring.
Lizzy: weren't hanging out with me to be super cool?
Tarn: Tch no and in fact out of all the drones in this bunker I found your personality to be the most insufferable. Your entitlement and pardon my foul language your out right bitchy personality made me want to just tear the heart from your chest!
Lizzy sniffed feeling and looking genuinely hurt.
Tarn: But now seeing as I have been exposed its time i fulfilled my promise to miss doorman-
Tarn transforms into his insect mode and pins Khan to the wall and arms his stinger.
Tarn: And kill off the bunker starting with her father!
Uzi: DAD!!
Uzi tries to run to her father but Tarns stinger turns round and shoots her in the leg forcing her to the floor.
N: Uzi!
Tarn: Goodbye Khan and tell your wife I said hello.
Y/N: NO!
Y/N takes action to protect Khan and invades Tarns body fighting for control sending electricity throughout his body.
Tarn let's Khan go who is dragged to safety by the pet as Tarns form changes back to his normal form.
But for a few brief moments Y/N overcomes the programing taking control and changes Tarns body to his.
V and N felt thier hearts stop seeing Y/N trying to fight tarn as uzi cheered for him.
Tarn: Who a-are........g-get out of my-
Y/N: I....will not...let you....hurt anyone......
Uzi: Fight him Y/N! Come on you can do it!
Y/N gave it a good go but Tarns systems proved too much and overpowered him. Y/N was forced back into Uzi's mind heavily weakened as Tarns chest exploded in electricity badly damaging his T-cog disabling his modes and weapons.
Y/N: Oh.....sweet Jesus....
Uzi: Y/N are you okay!?
Y/N: I'm fine.....ju.....just weak. I'm gonna be out of commission for a while I need to recover.
Kaon shocks tarn causing a surge of courage in thad, the pet, Khan and other worker drones who attack the now powerless tarn.
Khan: This is for my wife!
Wiping out his wrench he channels years of pent up anger and slams the wrench full force shattering Tarns mask showing his face which had a part of it ripped off with the mask.
Thad: Not soo tough now are ya!
Tarn screams and runs away from the prom holding his face as drones from across the bunker throw rock, chairs, metal, spanners anything they could throw at him. Even the guards threw thier chairs and cards at tarn as they opened the doors allowing the disgraced drone to leave causing the colony to cheer.
Humiliated by worker drones. Tarn will not forget that.
Khan smiled as he spun his wrench around.
Khan: Take that murder bot! Wow being brave for once feels amazing!
Kaon: And without his T-cog Tarns defenceless and those are quite hard to come by in a place like this.
V and N walk toward uzi with V looking enraged.
V: How do you Y/N?
Uzi: What?-
N: V-
N puts her hand on V calming her down.
N: We can ask her questions later we still need to deal with our other problem.
V:......Fine. but tomorrow comes she's explaining to us how she knows Y/N and.....why he showed up like that.
Uzi: Sure relax don't know what got you soo worked up. (To kaon) Hey live wire come on!
Kaon: A unique nickname but I've heard worse.
After that exposure Uzi, N, V and Kaon use doll's keys to unlock her house and walk inside.
Uzi: Urgh god!
The four find the place scattered with drone remains.
V: Hehe nice.
Kaon: I've seen and done a lot worse then this.
Uzi: It doesn't make sense though. Why would a worker drone be killing other worker drones? Was she....eating them?
Kaon: But I thought disassembly drones like us are the only ones who need oil.
Uzi starts staring at the oil on her fingers in a weird manor as N finds a blanket and pulls it up.
N: Urgh guys? I think we found her parents?
They look at N and kaons face darkens.
Kaon: Yeva.....
There layed the bodies of Yeva and her husband. Her husband had his body sliced in half while the only thing left of yeva was her head and the processor dangling from a wire......the fatal wounds that kaon himself had inflicted.
Uzi: She was doll's mom before you killed her.
Kaon: Mhmmm. There was once a time I would laugh and admire my kills like this but now when I look at what's left of her.....I can't help but feel guilty....horrible...that's its my fault her daughter wound up in the way she did.
Uzi removed the oil from her fingers as N looked at her and took a badge reading yevas name with a code from the corpse. But as the four looked at the remains doll who miraculously recovered from the gunshots had the bullet once lodged in her head and aimed it with her solver at the four.
Doll: Как раз к ужину... (Just in time for dinner...)
They all gasp as they see her and the screen fades black for a moment along with the sound of a shot firing. The solver appears in purple but it wasn't Y/N's it was Uzi's which had blocked the bullet much to evreyones shock especially doll's.
Doll: Мне... мне тебя... жаль... (I... I'm sorry for you.)
Uzi throws away the bullet as the camera focuses on something on her neck.
Doll: Если я найду то, что ищу, то и тебе помогу. (If I find what I'm looking for, I'll help you too.)
Uzi: What?
Doll: Извини. (I am sorry.)
Doll starts to back away.
Uzi: Wait! Oh don't you dare!
V jumps up and shoots Doll causing an explosion but doll manages to escape as uzi growls.
Kaon: Uhmmm quick question!
Uzi looks at kaon with the pet walking towards him.
Kaon: Seeing that me, my pet, V and N are marked for death and we can't return to the spire because tarn will be there with the others where exactly are we meant to stay?
V groans and flies over to lizzy who was still sulking dragging her to her own room and Rebecca holds kaons hand answering his question making him smile. N looks at uzi with a growing smile and cheers.
N: Yaaaay we're bunk buddies!
Uzi:......Kill me.
Somewhere outside the bunker a lone worker drone was wondering around seemingly looking for something when he spots a pair of glasses in the snow.
Worker drone: Ah my glasses!
He happily picks them up.
Worker drone: There's my excuse to be outside!
He was about to return back home when something slams into the ground next to him. It was a set of pods with one opening and someone stepping out.
It was tessa elliot Y/N's beloved sister now a few years older but still rocking her bow that she wore with a white spacesuit with a hat wearing a Jcjenson logo.
The drone backed away seeing the girl appraoch with a sword but she sighed and sheated the sword.
Tessa: Go on run ya little munter.
Wasting no time the drone did just that.
Tessa: (Sigh) Righty-o! Work to do eh J?
Out from the second pod came J back from the dead looking at her boss in confusion.
Tessa: Maintenance work.
J: Boss why did let that worker drone go? Why didn't you kill it?
Tessa: Because that's not what Y/N would have wanted.
Tessa takes a small picture of her with Y/N together as children. J's usually demeanor softens and she hugs tessa who was on the verge of tears.
J: I miss him too Tessa.....I miss him too.
Tessa: I know....its also not to give HER satisfaction!
As tessa points at a third and final pod which remained locked tight. Tessa and J start to venture away from the pods.
Tessa: Now let's find this.....uhhh what's this mates name?
J: T or as we all call him Tarn.
Tessa: Right! Right! Tarn not a bad name if I say so myself!
Once they were far enough inside the third pod an audible giggle was heard and the pod doors gets blasted off by a yellow symbol and two yellow eyes appear from inside the pitch black pod causing the screen to glitch out.
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