The promening PT 1
The scene opens to an outside view of the school. Balloon letters are arranged to spell out prom as the lights continue flickering. The screen changes to show missing posters of female worker drones. A worker drone called kelsey runs down the hall frightened but she is stopped by an unknown force that shatters her glasses. A nearby security camera is surrounded by a red glow and is forcefully turned toward the wall. Doll appears further down the hall her solver energy bursting from her fingertips. With one swipe she yanks Kelsey's arm clean from her body and slowly approaching the worker she conjures a cleaver that multiplies into three and throws them at the camera that turns to black.
The scene shifts into Doll's home where metal robot cockroaches were fighting one another before doll came in and squashed one of them. She opens her book and places holographic books onto a nearby bookshelf as she crosses kelsey's name off of a list.
Doll: Мам Пап я вернулась. (I'm back Mom Dad.)
What... are you things?
Uzi's words to N rang out before it cuts to uzi meeting Y/N in the dark void for the first time. Her eyes were wide she had never seen a human in person she had only heard stories of the human race and of thier horrible deeds towards her kind. Y/N looks at her and bows as a polite way of introducing himself.
Y/N: Uzi doorman it's soo nice to finally meet you face to face.
Uzi: I remember were that guy that monster projected.
Y/N: Yes that is correct. Y/N elliot adopted son of the elliot family and Adopted brother of tessa elliot.
Uzi: Uhhhhhh I'm.....uzi. You wanna tell me where we are, why I'm here and how a human is even alive?
Y/N: Oh that's simple I'm not a human.
Uzi: Huh!?
Y/N: At least not anymore I'm not and to answer your other question your in your mindscape and I'm the reason why your here.
Uzi: So Y/N what do want and why did N cry when she saw your fake hologram?
Y/N sighs sadly.
Y/N: Poor girl.....she still misses me.
Uzi: So you know her?
Y/N: I know this all must be confusing so allow me to add some content.
Y/N clicks his fingers and the void morphs into a room inside the elliot manor where Y/N was seen drinking a glass of wine as J in her maid outfit enters.
Uzi: That's J and-
Y/N: Me? Yes.....who I used to be at least when I was still a human.
J: Master Y/N.
She bows respectfully.
Y/N: Hello J and didn't I say to drop the whole master thing?
J: Oh hehe sorry your father wanted us all to call you that.
Y/N: Of course he did. So what can I do for you twintails?
Uzi laughs as J Blushes.
Uzi: Hahaha twintails?!
Y/N: It's a nickname I gave her for the two tails in her hair.
J: I was wondering if you had any spare time help me learn how to dance.
Y/N: You want me to teach you to dance?
J: Figured I want to know just in case we're ever invited to a dance.....even though we'll probably not.
The past Y/N smiles sweetly and takes J's hands.
Y/N: Of course I'll help you dance J let's start off with slow dancing shall we?
J: (Blushes) Slowdancing? With Y/N.......Yeah that sounds romanti- I mean great!
Y/N takes J's hand and slowly dances with the maid who blushed being soo close to Y/N. Y/N and uzi watched the two dance in harmony with the present Y/N feeling sad and heartbroken knowing what J turned out to become and what had happened to her.
Y/N: Each memory of J,V and N holds a special place in my heart. Sometimes I rewind them over and over again to help me forget what I am now and....what I've done.
Uzi: They must have ment a lot to you.
Y/N: They were my family they mean EVREYTHING to me.
Uzi: Yeeeeah ummm about miss bossy pants-
Y/N: I already know I looked through your memories. You did the right thing Uzi it was either her or the entire colony.
Uzi: You looked through my head!? You didn't peak at anything you shouldn't have pervert!?
Y/N: No! Heavens no I'm not a man who invades a girl's ummmm "private time" like that. Look that's not the main point I'm trying to make. I know what I'm about to say will be alot to take in but you see me and tarn......we....
Uzi: We're what?
Y/N: We're kinda the same person or....drone.
Y/N: I know how this all looks and sounds but before you grow hostile can you please let me explain?
Uzi: (Scowl) Fine you've got one chance.
Y/N: And that's all I'll need...
Y/N changes the mindscape again to when his memory was erased and when he became tarn.
Y/N: I hope this will clarify things.
Uzi watches as Y/N became tarn and when the scientist spilled his drink on the controls erasing any memory he had becoming a soulless killing machine. Uzi gasps and looks at Y/N who couldn't bare to witness the transformation and looks away.
Uzi: Oh my robo-god.....
Y/N: That was my first reaction to. How do you think it feels having all of your personality and charm removed? Having what made you soo special and unique torn away by sheer incompetence only to become.....a monster.....Uzi-
Y/N grabs Uzi's hands gently.
Y/N: I understand why your not fond of humans and why of me giving now that you know who I am.....and what I took from you. But I beg I need you to help me. There is something on this planet far worse then J, N, V or even tarn and the DDJD something I can stop something I need to make right. I need to regain control of my body become who I once was. If you help me uzi then I'll be in your service for as long as you wish for me to.
Uzi: Soo if I help you I get to have a killer robot with an arm cannon as a slave!?
Y/N: (Tugs collar) If that's how you want to put it.
Uzi: Hmmm fine I'll help you get your freedom back but remember you'll owe me.
Y/N smiles and hugs uzi.
Y/N: Thank you uzi.....this means evreything to me.
Uzi took time to process what was happening a human of all things the species that treated her kind like garbage was hugging her in gratitude for her kindness.
And why does it feel so nice and warm?
For a moment she sank into it before realising what she was doing and pushes Y/N.
Uzi: Eeeeeeew what the hell?! That's too personal seeing that we just met!
Y/N: (Smiles) Odd I thought I saw you melting into it.
Uzi: Bite me!
Y/N: Haha that's just adorable.
Uzi looks away redder then a tomato.
Y/N: Well I say it's time we wake up and do try to apologise to N she's the sweetest little thing I should know.
Uzi: I'll try......
Y/N: That's all I ask...
The world around them distorts and uzi finds herself in complete darkness until she sees text on her face
Uzi wakes up on the floor with piles of papers and books surrounding her. The camera pans to a large wall with an assortment of numerous documents, specifically the apology card N made.
Uzi groans and transitions into a montage being shown throughout the day in her miserable state up to the point Rebecca kicks her as she passes by dropping her books.
Rebecca: Yeah meeting Kaon in an hour. Managed to convince him to sneak out to see me. For a murder drone he's such a sweetheart.
Uzi throws a book towards rebecca which instead hits Braidon in the head by accident.
Rebecca: Can you imagine going to prom alone?
Trevor: Ha I'd be all like, "I don't deserve happiness."
Uzi: (sighs)
Y/N appears from thin air next to Uzi.
Y/N: Bullies. No matter what planet your on you can never get away from them.
Uzi: Y/N!? How are you-
Y/N: I Injected a part of my solver into you remember? Consider me as a construct in your head like Johnny silverhand from cyberpunk or yubel from yugioh GX.
Uzi: watched anime?
Y/N: Yeah when I had spare time. Have you watched edgerunners? It's tragic yet soo good it even revived the game it was based on!
Uzi stares at Y/N with a blush.
Y/N: Uzi?
Uzi:.......I think I'm in love.
Y/N: P-pardon?
The two then spot the aforementioned
board of missing drones.
Y/N: That's concerning.
Cackling uzi grabs them to add to her billboard of murder related documents only to find that the documents had been earlier removed by Khan who shuffles through the papers and gently places them on a shelf sighing looking at the sign.
Khan closes door and walks away whistling until he sees uzi crouched down. She then turns towards Khan enraged.
Uzi: My crazed ramblings! Stay out of my FREAKING ROOM!
Khan: Personal space for a very alarming coping mechanisms isn't covered under a... non-optional family support... structure!
As he read a manual much to Y/N's disbelief.
Y/N: My god he's soo bad of a parent he needs an instruction booklet to take care of his own daughter? Then again my father was no better..
Uzi: I'm sorry for being vulnerable for five seconds okay? You were never there for me. If you wanna help now stay distant.
Khan becomes deflated by his daughters harsh response.
Uzi: (exhales) I'm going to talk to N.
Uzi walks off but nearly trips over a frozen human skeleton.
Uzi: Wwwhaaat is this?
Khan: Prom dress! Child small! You're grounded from seeing those bad influencing murder drones.
Uzi: Eeeaah?
Khan: But I talked to your teacher to find you classmates to go with tonight!
Uzi: Huh?
The door opens revealing Lizzy, Doll and of all other drones tyrian or tarn.
Y/N: (Mortified) Oh my....dear god
Lizzy: Sup freak. Prepare to be popular.
Tyrian: I'm looking forward to enjoying this occasion with you.
The scene switches to V and N inside the pod with two formal dresses while knockout is busy repairing tesarus who now had his eye fixed. Vos, ravage and helex were also present but kaon and the pet were suspiciously absent.
N: Hmm I do want to be dapper but NO! That's why you had me find these? We can't interact with the workers anymore V.
It shows where N reaches for Uzi but she shrinks away from her
N: We're too dangerous...
Helex: Isn't that the point?
V: Uh exactly. We show up fabulous, The sad purple one lets us in cause she has no friends We kill everyone and pop her little head off!
Knockout: If that doesn't work tarn could always let you in seeing he's shall we say behind enemy lines.
N: I'm not freeing you for prom murder V. J went holo spooky snake crab and we maybe grew up in a haunted mansion! Aren't you worried we have no idea what we even are? Or why the only things we can remember is Y/N?
V: Y/N is the ONLY thing I want to remember!
V: Promise me you and that purple thing will stop prying into that stuff. If you free me now I promise we'll only kill what we need to survive. Just you and me N.
Knockout: Uhm aaaaand?
V: (Rolls eyes) You guys too.
Knockout: Thank you.
They both glance at a key laying on a nearby edge. Vos and helex look at one another.
Helex: Regardless of what they say I'm killing all of them.
Vos: 然后是 V 和 N。(And then V and N.)
Helex: Right we don't need to deal with no soft inferior models.
Unknown to them V knew what vos was saying and growls.
Inside Rebecca's room Rebecca had just finished getting dressed in a beautiful blue dress twirling around gracefully.
Rebecca: It's so perfect! Kaons gonna love it.
Rebecca then receives a knock on the door and walks over to answer it. The door opens and she finds kaon and the pet standing in front of her with kaon holding a nervous smile.
Kaon: Hey.
Rebecca: Kaon!
She hugs the murder drone who pats her back sheepishly.
Rebecca: I knew you'd show up I just knew it. How did you even get into the bunker?
Kaon: You guys really need to seal off your vents.
Rebecca: And look who else is here!
She pets the pet who wags its tail.
Rebecca: Does your boss know your here?
Kaon: No I told him and the others I was out in the city hunting. Hopefully tarn doesn't decide to attack the bunker now of all nights.
Rebecca: I'm sure it will be fiiiiine what the big evil robot doesn't know won't hurt just enjoy tonight and relax!
Kaon: If you say soo (Just got to avoid Tarn in his disguise)
Rebecca takes his hand and guides him out the room.
Rebecca: Come on the proms gonna start in an hour!
Kaon: Lead the way I hope there's oil.
The two walk with the pet down the hall being greeted by worker drones who were less afraid of kaon after last time futher softening the murder drone. Walking towards the prom Kaon finds Tyrian the last drone he'd want to see who had a less then pleased expression seeing him with Rebecca.
Rebecca: Hey Tyrian!
Tyrian: Rebecca a pleasure as always and.....I see you bought the disassembly drone with you too.
Kaon: Uhhhh hehe hey what a wonderful night we're having. Looking forward to the prom tonight?
Kaon could feel the aura coming from tyrian it was enough to send shivers through his body.
Tyrian: Yes I'm joining lizzy, Doll and uzi for the occasion. Khans requested for our assistance seeing he'd rather have his daughter not mingle with disassembly drones.
Rebecca: The weirdo hanging with lizzy? Am I dreaming right now?
Tyrian: Speaking of disassembly drones I'm curious about your friend here.
Kaon: M-me?
The pet whimpers hiding behind kaon now scared of Tyrian.
Tyrian: Why is it that your not going on a murder spree? You are in the colony after all so the oil would be plenty and most of them are too afraid to even fight back. So how is it that you've gone soft? Could it be that you are going against programming and orders?
Kaon stares at Tyrian and then to Rebecca who was completely oblivious to the danger standing in front of them.
Rebecca: Go on kaon tell us!
Kaon: W-well......
Tyrian: Yes?
Kaon: (You know what? What's the harm? I'm dead after this anyway) I guess worker drones weren't as bad as I was told. When I was booted online I was led to believe worker drones were selfish, greedy and horrible drones that faked any emotion they had and were the cause of all of copper-9's troubles. That they should have stayed in line for the betterment of all. But I'm starting to ask myself if that's really the truth because all I've seen is a bunch of drones just trying to live thier life while we just needlessly kill them. Also think about what company we stand for Jcjenson isn't exactly innocent themselves and if they valued us as disassembly drone why did they send us in pods that can't be sent back? I can't believe I'm saying this but maybe N has a point maybe the worker drones aren't the problem......we are.
Rebecca was touched by the drones confession and holds his hand.
Rebecca: Awwww kaon that's soo honest of you.
Kaon: It is?
Rebecca: Yeah it shows you that your more then just a mindless killing machine. It shows that you are your own drone who can think and choose for himself.
Kaon: I guess your right.
The two felt a warmth holding eachother by the hand and turn to Tyrian. Kaon felt his soul leave his body seeing the look on his face.
Kaon knows he's gotta enjoy evrey moment of tonight because once it's over he's as good as dead.
Tyrian: I see.......a very honest and open minded answer.
Rebecca: He's such a sweet murder drone right?
Tyrian: Indeed....I need to return to lizzy and help miss doorman prepare for the big night I wish you two good day and I hope to see you at the prom.
Rebecca: Buh bye!
Rebecca skips ahead and kaon slowly follows.
Tyrian: Oh kaon?
Kaon stops in his tracks.
Kaon: Yeah?.....
Tyrian: Just one last thing before I go....
Kaon suddenly receives a message in his optics and looks at what it said and his breathing becomes rigid and his heart starts beating rapidly.
Kaon shakes uncontrollably and looks at Tarn who transformed into his real apperance.
He reverts into his disguise and leaves. The pet nuzzles kaons leg who had the fear of god in him knowing that tonight could well and truly be his last.
Kaon:......Oh shhhhhhhit.
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